105 research outputs found

    A Case Study of the Architecture Business Cycle for an In-Vehicle Software Architecture

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    This paper presents the theoretical and practical benefits from a case study using a the Architecture Business Cycle to understand the management of software architecture at an automotive manufacturer. The study was done to prepare for architectural changes driven by new technology and in the automotive business environment. Our results show that the architecture business cycle worked well in defining the theoretical context for the study after some modifications; the architecture had to be precisely defined in the interview situation to gain more useful data rather than broad generalisations. Further contributions of the study were a deeper understanding of role of the architecture and it's position among other artefacts in the organisation, and an increased focus on architectural issues in management meetings. The study also indirectly affected a subsequent re-organisation

    Bevattning av lagrat virke vid svensk skogsindustri

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    Most of the saw and pulp industries have stored wood nearby their production, the main reason is to have a continuous wood flow to the production. Wet storage of wood is of great importance to keep the wood quality. Without water sprinkling the risk of drying outand decomposition through biological activity increases significantly and will result in a negative effect on future production and quality. One drawback of wet storage of wood is the leaching of chemical substances into the surrounding recipient. The log yard run-off contains phosphorus, nitrogen, phenols and organic substances. These substances can cause problems for the surrounding environment. The main objective of this project is to gain an understanding of the wet storage used by the Swedish wood industry and estimate the environmental consequences that run-off water will have on the recipient. To describe the leaching four different cases were constructed to show the risk of wet storage and run-off water. The cases reflect two different sprinkling systems. The first system is an open sprinkling system which sprinkles fresh water on the wood and the second system uses recycled water. The calculations for the leaching are based upon estimated argument association e.g. the leaching from a recycled sprinkling system is assumed to be an overflow of run-off water. The amount of water for an overflow can be equivalent to the precipitation during one storage season (5 months). Another estimate is the substance leaching from 1 m3 of wood which is based on storing 15000 m3 of wood on one hectare. The open system without sedimentation is calculated to leak 2.5g of phosphorus and 7.3g of nitrogen per m3 of wood during one storage season. For the recycled system the leaching per m3 of wood is 0.13g phosphorus and 1.6g nitrogen per m3 of wood. Expressed per hectare of storage area the leaching for the open system for phosphorus is 38,5kg per hectare and for nitrogen is 110kg per hectare. The corresponding value for a recycled system is 1,9kg of phosphorous and 23,5kg of nitrogen per hectare of storage area. The leaching of phenols and organic substances has not formed part of the analysis due to the lack of available information. However, estimates for levels of BOD7, COD and phenols present in leaching per hectare storage area are as follows. For a recycled system without sedimentation the leakage for BOD7 is 123 kg/season and 2950 kg/season for an open system. The value for COD in a recycled system is 654 kg/season and 14400 kg/season in an open system. For phenols the leaching is estimated at 0.17 kg/season in a open system and 22.0 kg/season in a closed system.Idag har de flesta sÄgverk och massabruk stora virkeslager i sin nÀrhet, dels med anledning av de senaste stormarna och dels med anledning av att sÀkra den kontinuerliga virkestillförseln inom industrin. Bevattning av lagrat virke Àr en viktig ÄtgÀrd för att bibehÄlla virkets kvalité. Utan bevattning Àr risken stor för att virket torkar ut eller bryts ned genom biologisk aktivitet och försÀmringar av dessa slag pÄverkar kommande virkesförÀdling negativt. Nackdelen med bevattning av virke Àr de kemiska substanser som utlakas frÄn virkestravarna. Lakvattnet innerhÄller bland annat fosfor, kvÀve, fenoler och organiska Àmnen. DÄ lakvattnet nÄr recipienten Àr risken stor att syreförhÄllandena för de vattenlevande organismerna pÄverkas negativt. Syftet med examensarbetet var att fÄ en allmÀn bild av bevattning av lagrat virke vid svensk skogsindustri samt bedöma vilka miljökonsekvenser utslÀpp av lakvatten till recipient kan förorsaka. För att kunna beskriva utlakningens följder diskuteras fyra olika tÀnkta fall med belastningen frÄn ett bevattnat virkeslager. Dessa speglar tvÄ olika bevattningssystem. Det ena systemet Àr öppet och sprider kontinuerligt nytt vatten pÄ virket. Det andra systemet Àr recirkulerande och sprider uppsamlat vatten pÄ virket. Vid berÀkningarna har flera parametrar för belastningen pÄ recipienten uppskattas, som t.ex. utlakningen frÄn ett recirkulerande system vilket förutsÀtter att det sker en brÀddning d.v.s. den vattenvolym som bevattningsanlÀggningen inte klarar av att behÄlla utan brÀddar till recipient. Vattenvolymen antas motsvara den nederbörd som faller under en bevattningssÀsong. En uppskattning av virkesvolymen ingÄr Àven vid berÀkningen av belastningsmÀngden per m3 virke, i detta fall lagras det 15000 m3 virke pÄ ett hektar. I det icke sedimenterande öppna systemet berÀknades det utlaka 2,5 g fosfor och 7,3 g kvÀve per m3 virke under en bevattningssÀsong. Motsvarande siffror för det recirkulerande systemet angivet per m3 virke Àr för fosfor 0,13 g och för kvÀve 1,6 g. LÀkaget per hektar lagringsyta i ett öppet system utan sedimentering berÀknades till 38,5 kg/ha fosfor och för kvÀve 110 kg/ha per sÀsong. Motsvarande siffror för det recirkulerande systemet berÀknades lÀcka 1,9 kg/ha fosfor och 23,5 kg/ha kvÀve per hektar lagringsyta. LÀckaget av fenoler och organiskt material har inte ingÄtt i berÀkningarna för de fyra scenarierna p.g.a. att data för recipienterna inte fanns tillgÀnglig. DÀremot har data för BOD7, COD och fenoler redovisats uttryckt per hektar lagringsyta. För ett recirkulerande system utan sedimentering motsvarade lÀckaget för BOD7 123 kg/sÀsong och för ett öppet system 2950 kg/sÀsong. Motsvarande siffror för COD i ett recirkulerande system var 654 kg/sÀsong och 14400 kg/sÀsong i ett öppet system. För fenol var motsvarande vÀrden 0,17 kg/sÀsong och 22,0 kg/sÀsong

    Personalizing Applications to Influence Health-Related Behaviour: An Exploration of Differences in Motivation (31)

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    To support health-related behaviour changes, consumers may use technologies such as smartphones, smartbands, sensors and other devices connected to the Internet of Things. Research has shown that personalising the interaction, including the interface, data, and feedback, can result in more effective outcomes in terms of the desired changes in behaviour. This paper reports on a pilot study that tested a smartphone step challenge application that was personalised based on the user’s motivational style using the Behavioural Inhibition System/Behavioural Approach System (BIS/BAS) scales of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory. The results indicated that participation in the step challenge did change the behaviour of the participants. For half the days of the challenge, the application delivered pep talks tailored to the two motivational styles and to the participant’s behaviour (taking more or fewer steps than on the previous day). While the study found that participants with different motivational styles responded differently to the motivational cues (pep talks), their responses did not appear to be influenced by the personalisation of the pep talks

    Long-Haul (3465 km) Transmission of a 10 GBd QPSK Signal with Low Noise Phase-Sensitive In-Line Amplification

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    We report the first use of low noise in-line phase-sensitive amplifiers in a long-haul circulating loop experiment. A reach extension of 200% compared to using EDFAs is observed with a 10 GBd QPSK signal

    Interference cancellation detectors in a hardware implementation perspective

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    To combat interference between users in a DS/CDMA system, several multiuser detection schemes have been proposed. This paper presents a prestudy for a custom DSP implementation of a multi-user detector scheme based on non-decision directed interference cancellation. Two architectural implementation methods for asynchronous detection are suggested and mutually compared. Each of the architectures is shown to have its particular advantages and therefore, a design combining the methods described in this paper is worth future studies

    Phase-Sensitive Optical Pre-Amplifier Implemented in an 80km DQPSK Link

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    We present the first demonstration of a phase-sensitive fiber optic parametric amplifier successfully implemented over an 80 km dispersion managed link. We measure 1.3 dB higher sensitivity with this amplifier system against a comparable conventional EDFA-based link

    Challenges in Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems: Results from the 1st ARDUOUS Workshop

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    Labelling user data is a central part of the design and evaluation of pervasive systems that aim to support the user through situation-aware reasoning. It is essential both in designing and training the system to recognise and reason about the situation, either through the definition of a suitable situation model in knowledge-driven applications, or through the preparation of training data for learning tasks in data-driven models. Hence, the quality of annotations can have a significant impact on the performance of the derived systems. Labelling is also vital for validating and quantifying the performance of applications. In particular, comparative evaluations require the production of benchmark datasets based on high-quality and consistent annotations. With pervasive systems relying increasingly on large datasets for designing and testing models of users' activities, the process of data labelling is becoming a major concern for the community. In this work we present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the challenges associated with annotation of user data and possible strategies towards addressing these challenges. The analysis was based on the data gathered during the 1st International Workshop on Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems (ARDUOUS) and consisted of brainstorming as well as annotation and questionnaire data gathered during the talks, poster session, live annotation session, and discussion session

    Quadrature demultiplexing using a degenerate vector parametric amplifier

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    We report on quadrature demultiplexing of a quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) signal into two cross-polarized binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) signals with negligible penalty at bit-error rate (BER) equal to 10−9. The all-optical quadrature demultiplexing is achieved using a degenerate vector parametric amplifier operating in phase-insensitive mode. We also propose and demonstrate the use of a novel and simple phase-locked loop (PLL) scheme based on detecting the envelope of one of the signals after demultiplexing in order to achieve stable quadrature decomposition

    Guiding coral reef futures in the Anthropocene

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    Anthropogenic changes to the Earth now rival those caused by the forces of nature and have shepherded us into a new planetary epoch – the Anthropocene. Such changes include profound and often unexpected alterations to coral reef ecosystems and the services they provide to human societies. Ensuring that reefs and their services endure during the Anthropocene will require that key drivers of coral reef change – fishing, water quality, and anthropogenic climate change – stay within acceptable levels or “safe operating spaces”. The capacity to remain within these safe boundaries hinges on understanding the local, but also the increasingly global and cross-scale, socioeconomic causes of these human drivers of change. Consequently, local and regional management efforts that are successful in the short term may ultimately fail if current decision making and institution-building around coral reef systems remains fragmented, poorly coordinated, and unable to keep pace with the escalating speed of social, technological, and ecological change
