78 research outputs found

    Keynote Reflections: The Public Governance Duty

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    Firms must take ever greater risks to try to innovate and create value in our increasingly competitive and complex global economy. Corporate governance law generally delegates control over excessive risk-taking to the firm’s investors, principally its risk-seeking shareholders. But this does not cover the type of risk-taking that led to the global financial crisis and that is becoming ever more common - risk-taking that could have systemic consequences to the financial system. I argue for a “public governance duty,” requiring managers of systemically important firms to assess the impact of risk-taking on the public as well as on investors, and to balance the costs and benefits using a precautionary principle to protect the public. I also analyze the extent to which managers performing this public governance duty should be protected by a business judgment rule

    MĂ„ngbruk i ett landskapsperspektiv

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    De senaste Ären har allt fler blickar riktats mot landskapsplanering, som ett verktyg att uppehÄlla/öka den biologiska mÄngfalden i skogsbruket. Denna mÄngbruksplanering i landskapsperspektiv som beskrivs i detta arbete utfördes pÄ uppdrag av MoDo Skog AB, som ett led i deras strÀvan att följa den utveckling som sker inom omrÄdet. Arbetet bestÄr av tre delar: -litteraturgenomgÄng - planering av ett omrÄde -undersökning av allmÀnhetens Äsikter I arbetets litteraturgenomgÄng ges en orientering av kunskapslÀget pÄ landskapsplanerings­ fronten. I planeringsdelen redovisas tre olika mÄngbruksinriktningar vilka ger upphov till fyra tÀnkbara handlingsalternativ. Dessa alternativ utarbetades efter en fÄltinventering av landskapet. De i mÄngbruksplaneringen ingÄende nyttigheterna Àr virkesproduktion, biologisk mÄngfald och rekreation. Virkesproduktionsalternativet representerar den typ av skogsutnyttjande som blir resultatet nÀr endast skogsvÄrdslagens minimikrav uppfylls. De tvÄ naturvÄrdsprogramm en tar extra hÀnsyn till den biologiska mÄngfalden (större naturhÀnsyn Àn lagen krÀver). I dessa bÄda alternativ utnyttjas sjÀlvföryngring och skÀrmstÀllning i högre grad Àn i det föregÄende alternativet. NaturvÄrdsbrÀnning införs pÄ en procent av landskapets areal per femÄrsperiod för att skapa livsbetingelser Ät brandberoende organismer. Dessutom undantas en del av arealen helt frÄn skogsbruk, och ytterligare en del överhÄlls under 50 Är för att gynna organismer vilka Àr beroende av död ved och gammal skog. Beroende pÄ vilket naturvÄrdsprogram som avses, anvÀnds tvÄ olika metoder för att höja andelen grova lövtrÀd i landskapet. I det ena alternativet minskas gallringsuttaget av löv med 50 % under en 50- Ärsperiod, dÀr frÀmst de grova lövtrÀden sparas. I det andra naturvÄrdsalternativet sjÀlvföryngras 12,6 ha med lövtrÀd (1,7% av naturvÄrdsprogramm ens figurlagda areal). I rekreationsalternativet vÀger möjligheterna till rekreation tyngst av de tre ingÄende nyttigheterna. Detta pÄverkar skötseln genom att skÀrmstÀllningar utnyttjas i större skala Àn i övriga alternativ, samt att mindre delar undantas frÄn skogsbruk. Den undanhÄllna ytan motsvarar tvÄ procent av den figurlagda arealen. För varje alternativ redovisas ekonomiskt utfall och prognoser av virkesförrÄdets utveckling 150 Är framÄt i tiden. Studien visar att skillnaden i nuvÀrde Àr liten mellan de olika alternativen. AllmÀnhetens Äsikter redovisas genom en mindre "opinionsundersökning" vilken genomfördes genom enkÀtutfrÄgning under sommaren 1995. Denna del av arbetet visar att en klar majoritet av befolkningen i nÀromrÄdet Àr för ett mer extensivt brukande av skogen. Detta arbete visar att det Àr ekonomiskt möjligt med en viss förÀndring av brukningssÀttet nÀrmare ett mÄngbruk dÀr rekreation, virkesproduktion och biologisk mÄngfald vÀgs samman. NÀr allmÀnhetens Äsikt beaktas Àr detta t.o.m. önskvÀrt

    Design criteria for structural design of silage silo walls

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    Existing Swedish design guidelines (JBR) cover silo wall heights up to about 3 m. These guidelines presumably overestimate the forces and pressures exerted by silage juice when silo walls are more than 3 m high, which could result in over-sizing, material waste and increased capital costs. This study determined silage physical properties in terms of horizontal wall pressure and evaluated silage juice levels in silos with a wall height of 3 m or more.Wall pressure was measured by transducers mounted on a steel ladder rack placed vertically along the internal silo wall. The ladder rack also permitted measurement of silage juice levels in slotted steel pipes. The pressure on the transducers was recorded by a data acquisition system displaying static and total loads (pressures imposed by silage material without and with the compaction machine, respectively).The static pressure at the bottom of the silo wall (4 m) was 16 kPa during filling and compaction, and 22 kPa 1-4 months after filling. The silage juice did not interact with compaction. The wall pressure increased by 30% after filling, but the increase was only significant at 1 m from the silo bottom. The dynamic load was 17 kPa when the compaction machine passed 0.1 m from the silo wall.New guidelines are proposed based on the results and on the Eurocode for ultimate limit states (ULS) for two stages; filling and the utility period. The design bending moment for ULS was 21% lower than specified in JBR. (C) 2014 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Toxicity and health effects of ultrafine particles: Towards an understanding of the relative impacts of different transport modes

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    Exposure to particulate matter (PM) has been associated with a wide range of adverse health effects, but it is still unclear how particles from various transport modes differ in terms of toxicity and associations with different human health outcomes. This literature review aims to summarize toxicological and epidemiological studies of the effect of ultrafine particles (UFPs), also called nanoparticles (NPs, <100 nm), from different transport modes with a focus on vehicle exhaust (particularly comparing diesel and biodiesel) and non-exhaust as well as particles from shipping (harbor), aviation (airport) and rail (mainly subway/underground). The review includes both particles collected in laboratory tests and the field (intense traffic environments or collected close to harbor, airport, and in subway). In addition, epidemiological studies on UFPs are reviewed with special attention to studies aimed at distinguishing the effects of different transport modes. Results from toxicological studies indicate that both fossil and biodiesel NPs show toxic effects. Several in vivo studies show that inhalation of NPs collected in traffic environments not only impacts the lung, but also triggers cardiovascular effects as well as negative impacts on the brain, although few studies compared NPs from different sources. Few studies were found on aviation (airport) NPs, but the available results suggest similar toxic effects as traffic-related particles. There is still little data related to the toxic effects linked to several sources (shipping, road and tire wear, subway NPs), but in vitro results highlighted the role of metals in the toxicity of subway and brake wear particles. Finally, the epidemiological studies emphasized the current limited knowledge of the health impacts of source-specific UFPs related to different transport modes. This review discusses the necessity of future research for a better understanding of the relative potencies of NPs from different transport modes and their use in health risk assessment.This research was supported by the European Commision's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme: nPETS (grant agreement No 954377, https://www.npets-project. eu/) aimed at studying the sub 100 nm particles emitted from transport.Peer reviewe

    Marginal Eyespots on Butterfly Wings Deflect Bird Attacks Under Low Light Intensities with UV Wavelengths

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    Predators preferentially attack vital body parts to avoid prey escape. Consequently, prey adaptations that make predators attack less crucial body parts are expected to evolve. Marginal eyespots on butterfly wings have long been thought to have this deflective, but hitherto undemonstrated function.Here we report that a butterfly, Lopinga achine, with broad-spectrum reflective white scales in its marginal eyespot pupils deceives a generalist avian predator, the blue tit, to attack the marginal eyespots, but only under particular conditions-in our experiments, low light intensities with a prominent UV component. Under high light intensity conditions with a similar UV component, and at low light intensities without UV, blue tits directed attacks towards the butterfly head.In nature, birds typically forage intensively at early dawn, when the light environment shifts to shorter wavelengths, and the contrast between the eyespot pupils and the background increases. Among butterflies, deflecting attacks is likely to be particularly important at dawn when low ambient temperatures make escape by flight impossible, and when insectivorous birds typically initiate another day's search for food. Our finding that the deflective function of eyespots is highly dependent on the ambient light environment helps explain why previous attempts have provided little support for the deflective role of marginal eyespots, and we hypothesize that the mechanism that we have discovered in our experiments in a laboratory setting may function also in nature when birds forage on resting butterflies under low light intensities

    Nanoparticle emissions from the transport sector: health and policy impacts - the nPETS concept

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    Road, rail, air, and sea transport generate a major fraction of outdoor ultrafine particles. However, there is no common methodology for comparable sub 100 nm particle emissions measurement. This paper presents the nPETS (grant agreement No 954377) concept to understand and mitigate the effects of emerging non-regulated nanoparticle emissions. This paper presents the concept and selected results. For example, nucleation and condensation mechanisms occur more frequently in the urban background site, leading to new particle formation, while mostly fresh emissions are measured in the traffic site.This work is part of nPETS, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 954377Peer reviewe

    Smallness, newness, and regional development

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    The purpose of this paper is to present empirical findings and interpretations concerning the role of small and new firms for job creation and economic well-being from a regional perspective. More specifically, we will deal with the following questions:‱Are small firms over-represented as creators of new jobs?‱What characteristics of regions contribute to high levels of new firm formation?‱Is a large and/or dynamic small firm sector a prerequisite for favorable development of various aspects of regional economic well-being?The analyses concern business dynamics in Sweden during the 1985-9 period, using a data set that was compiled for this particular research project. Importantly, the studied period was one of increasing GNP, rapid employment growth in the private service sector, and very low levels of unemployment in most regions. While many results from the project have been presented and discussed before (Davidsson, Lindmark &amp; Olofsson, 1993a; 1993b; 1994a; 1994b; 1995a; 1995b; Davidsson, 1995a) some analyses were carried out specifically for this paper.<br/

    Children of parents who have mood disorders - experiences, consequences and interventions

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    Bakgrund: Barn till förĂ€ldrar med psykisk sjukdom har kallats “de osynliga barnen” eftersom dessa barn lĂ€tt missas nĂ€r det Ă€r förĂ€ldern som anses sjuk och i behov av vĂ„rd. Dessa barn fĂ„r inte det stöd de önskar och behöver. Barnets behov, förmĂ„gor och potential förĂ€ndras under uppvĂ€xten och blir pĂ„verkade av den situation de lever i. Att leva som nĂ€rstĂ„ende till en psykiskt sjuk förĂ€lder Ă€r förknippat med oro, rĂ€dsla, skam och ansvar men Ă€ven med förhoppning om förbĂ€ttring och normalitet. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att beskriva hur barn till förĂ€ldrar med förstĂ€mningssyndrom upplever och hanterar sin situation samt vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder som sjuksköterskan kan vidta för att underlĂ€tta och stödja barnet i dess livssituation. Metod: En litteraturstudie gjordes med sökningar i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus och PsychInfo. Artiklarna granskades utifrĂ„n en omarbetad mall av Fribergs (2006a) analysmodell och kategorier formades. Resultat: Barn upplevde att förĂ€ldern var frĂ„nvarande vilket gjorde att barnet tog pĂ„ sig rollen som vĂ„rdgivare, bĂ„de Ă„t förĂ€ldern och eventuella syskon. Brist pĂ„ kunskap och information skapade Ă„ngest, rĂ€dsla, frustration, ensamhet och hjĂ€lplöshet. För att övervinna och hantera dessa kĂ€nslor krĂ€vdes att sjukvĂ„rden uppmĂ€rksammade barnen. Det saknades tydliga organisatoriska riktlinjer och utbildning för att barnen skulle bli uppmĂ€rksammade. Stöd i form av olika interventioner och behandlingsmetoder ska vara tillgĂ€ngliga och erbjudas barnen. De hade utvecklat copingstrategier för att hantera sin situation. Diskussion: För att ge barnet en chans att hantera sin situation och förhindra psykisk ohĂ€lsa krĂ€vs det att barnet uppmĂ€rksammas i ett tidigt skede och ges adekvat stöd och intervention. Genom konstaterandet att det existerar ett barn i den psykiskt sjuke förĂ€lderns liv Ă€r det ett första steg och bra grund för riskbedömning, som tyvĂ€rr skrĂ€mmande sĂ€llan görs. Sjuksköterskor har goda möjligheter att uppmĂ€rksamma dessa barn och dĂ€rmed förbĂ€ttra deras hĂ€lsa idag och förbĂ€ttra chanser att bibehĂ„lla sin hĂ€lsa hela livet
