2,328 research outputs found

    Implications of Habitat Choice for Protected Polymorphysms

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    In this paper we reexamine how heterogeneous heterogeneous environments can enable protected polymorphisms. Building on the classical models by Levene and Dempster of dispersal and selection in two habitats, we systematically investigate how the maintenance of polymorphisms is affected by (i) local versus global density regulation and (ii) constant versus variable output from habitats to the next generation. We show that, for populations capable of habitat choice, a third independent and fundamental class of models needs to be considered. It is characterized by local density regulation (like Levene's model) and variable habitat output (like Dempster's model). Our results indicate that the conditions determining whether a system allows for protected polymorphisms qualitatively differ in the presence and absence of matching habitat choice (which occurs when individuals prefer the habitat to which they are best adapted). Without such habitat choice, the salient distinction is not between local or global density regulation but rather between constant or variable habitat output. With matching habitat choice this situation is reversed. Analysis of the third class of models introduced here suggests that the joint evolution of matching habitat choice and local- adaptation polymorphism is easier than was previously understood

    Rejection of randomly coinciding events in ZnMoO4_4 scintillating bolometers

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    Random coincidence of events (particularly from two neutrino double beta decay) could be one of the main sources of background in the search for neutrinoless double beta decay with cryogenic bolometers due to their poor time resolution. Pulse-shape discrimination by using front edge analysis, mean-time and χ2\chi^2 methods was applied to discriminate randomly coinciding events in ZnMoO4_4 cryogenic scintillating bolometers. These events can be effectively rejected at the level of 99% by the analysis of the heat signals with rise-time of about 14 ms and signal-to-noise ratio of 900, and at the level of 92% by the analysis of the light signals with rise-time of about 3 ms and signal-to-noise ratio of 30, under the requirement to detect 95% of single events. These rejection efficiencies are compatible with extremely low background levels in the region of interest of neutrinoless double beta decay of 100^{100}Mo for enriched ZnMoO4_4 detectors, of the order of 10410^{-4} counts/(y keV kg). Pulse-shape parameters have been chosen on the basis of the performance of a real massive ZnMoO4_4 scintillating bolometer. Importance of the signal-to-noise ratio, correct finding of the signal start and choice of an appropriate sampling frequency are discussed

    Selective interactions between short-distance pollen and seed dispersal in self-compatible species.

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    In plants, genes may disperse through both pollen and seeds. Here we provide a first theoretical study of the mechanisms and consequences of the joint evolution of pollen and seed dispersal. We focus on hermaphroditic self-compatible species distributed in structured populations, assuming island dispersal of pollen and seeds among small patches of plants within large populations. Three traits are studied: the rate of among-patch seed dispersal, the rate of among-patch pollen dispersal, and the rate of within-patch pollen movement. We first analytically derive the evolutionary equilibrium state of each trait, dissect the pairwise selective interactions, and describe the joint three-trait evolutionary equilibrium under the cost of dispersal and kin competition. These results are then analytically and numerically extended to the case when selfed seeds suffer from depressed competitiveness (inbreeding depression, no heterosis). Finally individual-based simulations are used to account for a more realistic model of inbreeding load. Pollen movement is shown to generate opposite selection pressures on seed dispersal depending on spatial scale: within-patch pollen movement favors seed dispersal, whereas among-patch pollen dispersal inhibits seed dispersal. Seed dispersal selects for short-distance movements of pollen and it selects against long-distance dispersal. These interactions shape the joint evolution of these traits. Kin competition favors among-patch seed dispersal over among-patch pollen dispersal for low costs of within-patch pollen movement (and vice versa for significant costs of within-patch pollen movement). Inbreeding depression favors allogamy through high rates of within- and among-patch pollen movement. Surprisingly, it may select either for or against seed dispersal depending on the cost of among-patch pollen dispersal. Heterosis favors increased among-patch dispersal through pollen and seeds. But because these two stages inhibit each other, their joint evolution might lead to decreased seed dispersal in the presence of heterosis. Of crucial importance are the costs of dispersal


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    Rigorous clinical evaluation of the physiological performance is currently performed with complex and long procedures which need expensive technology and skilled operators. In a wide range of situations (frail patients, daily clinical practice, etc.), these approaches are difficult to be applied and simpler tests, with a lack of scientific background, are mandatory. To avoid these problems, we propose a test (test of physiological performance (TOPP)) to evaluate the physiological behavior of a subject, in a really easy and safe clinical setting, measuring only the heart rate. The subject is submitted to an active standing-up test and then two submaximal exercises (with a low power load) on a cycle-ergometer. The heart rate modifications due to each submaximal step are analyzed by exponential interpolation to calculate the ascending and descending time constants and evaluate the way each subject adapts his heart rate to work. The standard deviation of the RR for each stationary phase (warm-up, load, recovery) was calculated as an index of short-term variability. Then a standard Fourier analysis of the stationary periods of the standing-up procedures allows to quickly and easily evaluate the autonomic nervous activation. We tested the protocol on five healthy subjects to verify the feasibility and the acceptance of the procedure. The five subjects demonstrated a good tolerance of the entire procedure. The standing-up showed a behavior of the autonomic system consistent with the physiology (with an increase in sympathetic activation in the passage to standing position). The analysis of the two submaximal steps highlights how younger and trained subjects present lower heart rates (both in the ascending phase and in the recovery) with a quicker adaptation ability (smaller time constants) consistent with what is expected. The short-term variability of heart rate is greater in young and trained subjects, thus confirming how the sympatho-vagal balance, in these subjects, is more dynamic. The proposed test is well tolerated by the subjects and the results, albeit in a small cohort of healthy volunteers, are consistent with what is expected from physiology and is already present in the literature. Our work aims to be a proposal with a feasibility check of a method for evaluating performance. The work to be done for the clinical validation of the TOPP is still long, but we are aware that it can give important results and that the TOPP can become an effective tool for the assessment of the physiological performance even of fragile subjects

    Análisis de Ciclo de Vida para el ecodiseño del sistema Intemper TF de cubierta ecológica aljibe

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    The construction industry is one of the less sustainable activities on the planet: with a consumption of 40% of the materials entering the global economy and the generation of 40–50% of the global output of greenhouse gases. The biggest environmental impact caused by buildings is generated during their use phase due to the energy consumption for thermal conditioning. Addition of green elements to buildings is used to improve energy efficiency of buildings. In this study Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology has been applied to quantify the environmental impact of the green roofs materials to analyze its environmental profile. The identification of hot spots of the system permits an ecodesign strategy that effectively reduces environmental burdens associated with roof construction, optimizing the environmental performance. The results identify the high environmental impact associated to the structure, the important contribution of the felt wick irrigation system and the extruded polystyrene thermal insulation.El sector de la construcción representa una de las actividades menos sostenibles del planeta: consume el 40% de los materiales de la economía global y genera el 40-50% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. El mayor impacto ambiental de los edificios se genera durante su fase de uso, debido al gasto energético de su acondicionamiento térmico. El uso de elementos vegetales es una de las estrategias empleadas para aumentar la eficiencia energética. En este trabajo se ha empleado la metodología de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) para cuantificar el impacto ambiental de los materiales de la cubierta vegetal. Se han identificado los puntos críticos del sistema para establecer una estrategia de ecodiseño y reducir eficazmente las cargas ambientales. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la importancia del impacto ambiental del soporte estructural, la elevada contribución de la mecha de riego de fieltro y del aislamiento de poliestireno extrudido

    Metastability and small eigenvalues in Markov chains

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    In this letter we announce rigorous results that elucidate the relation between metastable states and low-lying eigenvalues in Markov chains in a much more general setting and with considerable greater precision as was so far available. This includes a sharp uncertainty principle relating all low-lying eigenvalues to mean times of metastable transitions, a relation between the support of eigenfunctions and the attractor of a metastable state, and sharp estimates on the convergence of probability distribution of the metastable transition times to the exponential distribution.Comment: 5pp, AMSTe

    Metastability in Interacting Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations II: Large-N Behaviour

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    We consider the dynamics of a periodic chain of N coupled overdamped particles under the influence of noise, in the limit of large N. Each particle is subjected to a bistable local potential, to a linear coupling with its nearest neighbours, and to an independent source of white noise. For strong coupling (of the order N^2), the system synchronises, in the sense that all oscillators assume almost the same position in their respective local potential most of the time. In a previous paper, we showed that the transition from strong to weak coupling involves a sequence of symmetry-breaking bifurcations of the system's stationary configurations, and analysed in particular the behaviour for coupling intensities slightly below the synchronisation threshold, for arbitrary N. Here we describe the behaviour for any positive coupling intensity \gamma of order N^2, provided the particle number N is sufficiently large (as a function of \gamma/N^2). In particular, we determine the transition time between synchronised states, as well as the shape of the "critical droplet", to leading order in 1/N. Our techniques involve the control of the exact number of periodic orbits of a near-integrable twist map, allowing us to give a detailed description of the system's potential landscape, in which the metastable behaviour is encoded

    Rejection of randomly coinciding events in Li2_2100^{100}MoO4_4 scintillating bolometers using light detectors based on the Neganov-Luke effect

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    Random coincidences of nuclear events can be one of the main background sources in low-temperature calorimetric experiments looking for neutrinoless double-beta decay, especially in those searches based on scintillating bolometers embedding the promising double-beta candidate 100^{100}Mo, because of the relatively short half-life of the two-neutrino double-beta decay of this nucleus. We show in this work that randomly coinciding events of the two-neutrino double decay of 100^{100}Mo in enriched Li2_2100^{100}MoO4_4 detectors can be effectively discriminated by pulse-shape analysis in the light channel if the scintillating bolometer is provided with a Neganov-Luke light detector, which can improve the signal-to-noise ratio by a large factor, assumed here at the level of 750\sim 750 on the basis of preliminary experimental results obtained with these devices. The achieved pile-up rejection efficiency results in a very low contribution, of the order of 6×105\sim 6\times10^{-5} counts/(keV\cdotkg\cdoty), to the background counting rate in the region of interest for a large volume (90\sim 90 cm3^3) Li2_2100^{100}MoO4_4 detector. This background level is very encouraging in view of a possible use of the Li2_2100^{100}MoO4_4 solution for a bolometric tonne-scale next-generation experiment as that proposed in the CUPID project