96 research outputs found

    Ritmo auricular bajo

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    Presentamos el hallazgo casual de una alteración electrocardiográfica compatible con ritmo auricular bajo en un reconocimiento médico para la aptitud deportiva de un paciente varón de 9 años. El ritmo auricular bajo es un ritmo ectópico que se puede encontrar en pacientes en edad pediátrica o deportistas. Se considera una variante de la normalidad pero debe realizarse un buen diagnóstico diferencial de patologías potencialmente graves

    Diseño de un cuestionario para evaluar conocimientos didáctico-matemáticos sobre razonamiento algebraico elemental

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    La promoció del pensament algebraic en alumnes de primària requereix implementar accions formatives específiques per als professors, la qual cosa al seu torn implica elaborar instruments d'avaluació de l'estat dels seus coneixements didàctic - matemàtics sobre el tema. En aquest treball presentem resultats de l'estudi realitzat per a la construcció d'un qüestionari d'avaluació dels coneixements didàctic - matemàtics d'estudiants de magisteri sobre raonament algebraic elemental. Descrivim les categories de coneixements algebraics tingudes en compte (estructures, funcions i modelització) i les categories de coneixements didàctics (facetes epistèmica, cognitiva, instruccional i ecològica). Així mateix es descriuen i analitzen les tasques incloses en el qüestionari informant de la validesa de contingut del mateix.Promoting algebraic thinking in elementary school pupils requires implementing specific training activities for teachers, which in turn involves developing tools to assess their didactic-mathematical knowledge about this subject. In this paper we present results of a study aimed to build a questionnaire for assessing the didactic-mathematic knowledge of prospective primary teachers on elementary algebraic reasoning. We describe the categories of algebraic knowledge (structures, functions and modeling), as well as the categories of didactical knowledge (epistemic, cognitive, instructional and ecological facets) taken into account. We also describe and analyze the tasks included in the questionnaire reporting its content validity.La promoción del pensamiento algebraico en alumnos de primaria requiere implementar acciones formativas específicas para los profesores, lo que a su vez implica elaborar instrumentos de evaluación del estado de sus conocimientos didáctico - matemáticos sobre el tema. En este trabajo presentamos resultados del estudio realizado para la construcción de un cuestionario de evaluación de los conocimientos didáctico - matemáticos de estudiantes de magisterio sobre razonamiento algebraico elemental. Describimos las categorías de conocimientos algebraicos tenidas en cuenta (estructuras, funciones y modelización) y las categorías de conocimientos didácticos (facetas epistémica, cognitiva, instruccional y ecológica). Así mismo se describen y analizan las tareas incluidas en el cuestionario informando de la validez de contenido del mismo

    The increase in phosphorylation levels of serine residues of protein HSP70 during holding at 17ºC is concomitant with a higher cryotolerance of boar spermatozoa

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    Boar-sperm cryopreservation is not usually performed immediately after semen collection, but rather a holding time (HT) of 4 h-30 h at 17 u C is spent before starting this procedure. Taking this into account, the aim of this study was to go further in- depth into the mechanisms underlying the improving effects of HT at 17 u C on boar-sperm cryotolerance by evaluating the effects of two different HTs (3 h and 24 h) on overall boar-sperm function and survival before and after cryopreservation. Given that phospho/dephosphorylation mechanisms are of utmost importance in the overall regulation of sperm function, the phosphorylation levels of serine residues (pSer) in 30 different sperm proteins after a 3 h- or 24 h-HT period were also assessed. We found that a HT of 24 h contributed to a higher sperm resistance to freeze-thawing procedures, whereas mini-array protein analyses showed that a HT of 24 h induced a significant (P,0.05) increase in pSer (from 100.06 1.8 arbitrary units in HT 3 h to 150.2 65.1 arbitrary units in HT 24 h) of HSP70 and, to a lesser extent, in protein kinases GSK3 and total TRK and in the cell-cycle regulatory protein CDC2/CDK1. In the case of HSP70, this increase was confirmed through immunoprecipation analyses. Principal component and multiple regression analyses indicated that a component explaining a percentage of variance higher than 50% in sperm cryotolerance was significantly correlated with pSer levels in HSP70. In addition, from all the parameters evaluated before freeze-thawing, only pSer levels in HSP70 resulted to be able to predict sperm cryotolerance. In conclusion, our results suggest that boar spermatozoa modulate its function during HT, at least partially, by changes in pSer levels of proteins like HSP70, and this is related to a higher cryotoleranc

    Ritme auricular baix

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    Presentem la troballa casual d’una alteració electrocardiogràfica compatible amb ritme auricular baix en un reconeixement mèdic de l’aptitud esportiva d’un pacient home de 9 anys. El ritme auricular baix és un ritme ectòpic que es pot trobar en pacients d’edat pediàtrica o esportistes. Es considera una variant de la normalitat però cal fer un bon diagnòstic diferencial de patologies potencialment greus

    In vitro maturation in the presence of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor modulates gene and miRNA expression in bovine oocytes and embryos

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    Altres ajuts: OECD Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management for Sustainable Agricultural Systems ; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaMembers of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) family of cytokines are important for reproductive function that are mediated through changes in gene and miRNA expression. Herein, we characterized the expression of miR-21, miR-155, miR-34c and miR-146a in bovine oocytes and cumulus cells during in vitro maturation (IVM) with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), IL-6 and IL-11 or unsupplemented controls. LIF-exposed COCs showed higher expression of miR-21 and miR-155 in oocytes, whereas miR-146a expression was increased in oocytes matured with IL-6 and IL-11. In cumulus cells, miR-155 expression was elevated by all treatments while only LIF increased miR-21 expression. Based on these results, we next examined how LIF exposure during IVM affected oocyte competence, through IVF and the expression of specific genes in GV- and MII-oocytes, in 2- and 8-cell embryos, and in Day 8-blastocysts. LIF supplementation did not affect cleavage rate, blastocyst yield or several other developmental parameters, but did increase hatching rate. LIF suppressed DPPA3, ZAR1 and NPM2 expression in 2 cell- and/or 8-cell embryos. LIF increased the expression of KAT2A and HSPA1A in MII-oocytes, and that of HDAC1, KAT2A and HSP90AA1 and the BAX:BCL2L1 ratio in 2-cell embryos. In contrast, HDAC1, KAT2A and HSP90AA1 expression and BAX:BCL2L1 ratio was lower in 8-cell embryos derived from LIF oocytes. IVM with LIF also increased the expression of DNMT3A, HSPA1A and HSP90AA1 in blastocysts. In conclusion, supplementation with LIF during IVM was consistently associated with changes in the relative abundance of transcripts in mature bovine oocytes and in specific embryo developmental stages

    Cryoprotectant role of exopolysaccharide ID1 in the vitrification/in-straw warming of in vitro-produced bovine embryos

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICThe cold-adapted bacterium Pseudomonas sp. ID1 produces the extracellular exopolysaccharide ID1 (EPS ID1) with cryoprotective activity. This study was designed to optimize the vitrification/in-straw warming protocol of in vitro-produced (IVP) blastocysts by adding EPS ID1 to the vitrification media. Day 7-expanded blastocysts were vitrified/warmed using the VitTrans device after the addition of 0 or 100 μg/mL EPS ID1 to the vitrification media. Blastocysts vitrified by the Cryotop method and fresh non-vitrified blastocysts served as controls. Outcomes were assessed in the warmed embryos in terms of survival rates and mRNA relative abundances of BAX, BCL2, GPX1, and CDX2 genes. No differences in survival rates were observed at 3 h post-warming between vitrification treatments. At 24 h post-warming, the addition of EPS prior to vitrification with the VitTrans device produced similar survival rates to Cryotop-vitrified embryos and similar hatching rates to fresh non-vitrified or Cryotop-vitrified embryos. No differences emerged in BCL2 gene expression. Lower BAX (p <.05) and higher GPX1 (p <.05) and CDX2 (p <.1) gene expression were observed in expanded and/or hatched blastocysts derived from VitTrans-EPS-vitrified embryos when compared to those from the non-supplemented group. In conclusion, addition of EPS not only promoted blastocyst survival and hatching after VitTrans vitrification/warming but also modified the expression of genes associated with better embryo quality

    Designing a questionnaire for assessing the didactic-mathematical knowledge on elementary algebraic reasoning

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    La promoción del pensamiento algebraico en alumnos de primaria requiere implementar acciones formativas específicas para los profesores, lo que a su vez implica elaborar instrumentos de evaluación del estado de sus conocimientos didáctico-matemáticos sobre el tema. En este trabajo presentamos resultados del estudio realizado para la construcción de un cuestionario de evaluación de los conocimientos didáctico-matemáticos de estudiantes de magisterio sobre razonamiento algebraico elemental. Describimos las categorías de conocimientos algebraicos tenidas en cuenta (estructuras, funciones y modelización) y las categorías de conocimientos didácticos (facetas epistémica, cognitiva, instruccional y ecológica). Así mismo se describen y analizan las tareas incluidas en el cuestionario informando de su validez de contenido.Promoting algebraic thinking in elementary school pupils requires implementing specific training activities for teachers, which in turn involves developing tools to assess their didactic-mathematical knowledge about this subject. In this paper we present results of a study aimed to build a questionnaire for assessing the didactic-mathematic knowledge of prospective primary teachers on elementary algebraic reasoning. We describe the categories of algebraic knowledge (structures, functions and modeling), as well as the categories of didactical knowledge (epistemic, cognitive, instructional and ecological facets) taken into account. We also describe and analyze the tasks included in the questionnaire reporting its content validity

    Exopolysaccharide ID1 Improves Post-Warming Outcomes after Vitrification of In Vitro-Produced Bovine Embryos

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    This study aimed to assess the cryoprotectant role of exopolysaccharide (EPS) ID1, produced by Antarctic Pseudomonas sp., in the vitrification of in vitro-produced (IVP) bovine embryos. IVP day 7 (D7) and day 8 (D8) expanded blastocysts derived from cow or calf oocytes were vitrified without supplementation (EPS0) or supplemented with 10 µg/mL (EPS10) or 100 µg/mL (EPS100) EPS ID1. The effect of EPS ID1 was assessed in post-warming re-expansion and hatching rates, differential cell count, apoptosis rate, and gene expression. EPS100 re-expansion rates were significantly higher than those observed for the EPS0 and EPS10 treatments, regardless of culture length or oocyte source. EPS100 hatching rate was similar to the one of the fresh blastocysts except for those D7 blastocysts derived from calf oocytes. No differences were observed among EPS ID1 treatments when the inner cell mass, trophectoderm, and total cell number were assessed. Although apoptosis rates were higher (p ≤ 0.05) in vitrified groups compared to fresh embryos, EPS100 blastocysts had a lower number (p ≤ 0.05) of apoptotic nuclei than the EPS0 or EPS10 groups. No differences in the expression of BCL2, AQP3, CX43, and SOD1 genes between treatments were observed. Vitrification without EPS ID1 supplementation produced blastocysts with significantly higher BAX gene expression, whereas treatment with 100 µg/mL EPS ID1 returned BAX levels to those observed in non-vitrified blastocysts. Our results suggest that 100 µg/mL EPS ID1 added to the vitrification media is beneficial for embryo cryopreservation because it results in higher re-expansion and hatching ability and it positively modulates apoptosis

    "An'n panse ansanm pou Mayard" : diagnostic socio-urbain du quartier de Mayard, Jacmel (Haïti)

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    L'estudi recull els resultats del projecte que l'ACUP, la Fundació Obra Social "La Caixa" i l'Ajuntament de Barcelona realitzen conjuntament amb l'Ajuntament de Jacmel i la Université Publique du Sud-est à Jacmel (UPSEJ). El Diagnòstic s'ha elaborat a partir de més de 300 enquestes fetes per tècnics del projecte i els propis habitants -després de una formació impartida per l'ACUP i l'Agence Technique Locale (ATL) de l'Ajuntament de Jacmel- al barri de Mayard. Els autors de l'estudi són Teresa Tapada, professora d'antropologia de l'UAB, Ramon Canal de l'IGOP-UAB, Yraida Romano i Alejandro Maraimbo de la UPC i la tècnica de projectes de l'ACUP, Celia Esquerra. L'interès del treball rau en la documentació del projecte de cooperació, la participació de la pròpia comunitat i la descripció d'un cens i unes característiques socials i urbanes del quarter fins aquest moment inexistent. D'aquesta manera, el document és útil per a les organitzacions no governamentals, però també per la pròpia comunitat que el podrà utilitzar per explicar quines necessitats té

    Evaluation of the Probiotic In Vitro Potential of Lactic Acid-Producing Bacteria from Canine Vagina : possible Role in Vaginal Health

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    Lactic acid-producing bacteria (LAB) are being widely studied due to their probiotic potential. The aim of the present study was to determine and identify the presence of LAB from canine vaginal samples, as well as to evaluate their probiotic in vitro potential. Ninety-four bitches were included in the study. Vaginal samples were obtained by means of a sterile swab and streaked on Man Rogosa Sharpe agar plates. A total of 100 LAB strains were obtained and submitted to Gram stains and basic biochemical tests, which included catalase, oxidase and haemolysis tests. Thirteen strains belonging to the genera Lactobacillus (n = 10), Lactococcus (n = 2) and Pediococcus (n = 1) were selected as potential probiotics and further subjected to evaluation of resistance to gastrointestinal conditions (pH, lysozyme, bile salts and hydrogen peroxide) and safety and efficacy in vitro (resistance to antibiotics and antimicrobial capacity). Only three strains, one Lactobacillus lactis and two Lactobacillus plantarum, accomplished the requirements for being considered as potential in vitro probiotics