164 research outputs found

    Conditional independence ideals with hidden variables

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    We study a class of determinantal ideals that are related to conditional independence (CI) statements with hidden variables. Such CI statements correspond to determinantal conditions on a matrix whose entries are probabilities of events involving the observed random variables. We focus on an example that generalizes the CI ideals of the intersection axiom. In this example, the minimal primes are again determinantal ideals, which is not true in general.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 4 table

    Impact of surface structure and feed gas composition on Bacillus subtilis endospore inactivation during direct plasma treatment

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    This study investigated the inactivation efficiency of cold atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on Bacillus subtilis endospores dependent on the used feed gas composition and on the surface, the endospores were attached on. Glass petri-dishes, glass beads, and peppercorns were inoculated with the same endospore density and treated with a radio frequency plasma jet. Generated reactive species were detected using optical emission spectroscopy. A quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) based ratio detection system was established to monitor the DNA damage during the plasma treatment. Argon + 0.135% vol. oxygen + 0.2% vol. nitrogen as feed gas emitted the highest amounts of UV-C photons and considerable amount of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Plasma generated with argon + 0.135% vol. oxygen was characterized by the highest emission of reactive oxygen species (ROS), whereas the UV-C emission was negligible. The use of pure argon showed a negligible emission of UV photons and atomic oxygen, however, the emission of vacuum (V)UV photons was assumed. Similar maximum inactivation results were achieved for the three feed gas compositions. The surface structure had a significant impact on the inactivation efficiency of the plasma treatment. The maximum inactivation achieved was between 2.4 and 2.8 log10 on glass petri-dishes and 3.9 to 4.6 log10 on glass beads. The treatment of peppercorns resulted in an inactivation lower than 1.0 log10. qPCR results showed a significant DNA damage for all gas compositions. Pure argon showed the highest results for the DNA damage ratio values, followed by argon + 0.135% vol. oxygen + 0.2% vol. nitrogen. In case of argon + 0.135% vol. oxygen the inactivation seems to be dominated by the action of ROS. These findings indicate the significant role of VUV and UV photons in the inactivation process of B. subtilis endospores

    Impact of different water activities (aw) adjusted by solutes on high pressure high temperature inactivation of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens spores

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    Much research has been conducted to comprehend the mechanisms of high pressure (HP) inactivation of spores in aqueous systems but for food model systems these information are scarce. In these systems spores can interact with ingredients which then could possibly lead to retarded or reduced inactivation, which can cause a problem for the sterilization process. The protective mechanism of a reduced aw-value is still unclear. HP processing might prove valuable to overcome protective effects of solutes and achieve shorter process times for sterilization under HP. To gain insight into the underlying mechanisms five aw-values (0.9, 0.92, 0.94, 0.96, 1) were adjusted with two different solutes (NaCl, sucrose). Solutions were inoculated with spores of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and treated at 105, 110, and 115°C at 600 MPa. Further a thermal inactivation was conducted at the same temperatures for a comparison with the HP data. Afterward, the influence of HP high temperature treatment on the inactivation, the dipicolinic acid (DPA)-release and membrane constitution was assessed by plate count, HPLC and flow cytometry (FCM). The results show that during HP treatments sucrose and salt both have a protective effect, in which the influence of sucrose on the retarded inactivation is higher. The threshold water activities (aw), which is 0.94, here salt and sucrose have a significant influence on the inactivation. The comparison of thermal (105–115°C) and HP and high temperature (600 MPa, 105–115°C) treated samples showed that the time needed to achieve a 4–5 log10 inactivation is reduced from 45 (aw = 1) to 75 (aw = 0.9) min at 105°C to 3 (aw = 1) to 15 (aw = 0.9) minutes at 600 MPa and 105°C. The release of DPA is the rate limiting step of the inactivation and therefore monitoring the release is of great interest. The DPA-release is slowed down in high concentrated solutions (e.g., sucrose, salt) in comparison to aw 1. Since there is a difference in the way the solutes protect the spore it could be seen as an inner spore membrane effect. Maybe as shown for vegetative microorganism the solutes can interact with membranes, e.g., the inner spore membrane. Flow cytometry (FCM) measurement data show a similar trend

    Nonparametric Bayesian inference for meta-stable conformational dynamics

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    Analyses of structural dynamics of biomolecules hold great promise to deepen the understanding of and ability to construct complex molecular systems. To this end, both experimental and computational means are available, such as fluorescence quenching experiments or molecular dynamics simulations, respectively. We argue that while seemingly disparate, both fields of study have to deal with the same type of data about the same underlying phenomenon of conformational switching. Two central challenges typically arise in both contexts: (i) the amount of obtained data is large, and (ii) it is often unknown how many distinct molecular states underlie these data. In this study, we build on the established idea of Markov state modeling and propose a generative, Bayesian nonparametric hidden Markov state model that addresses these challenges. Utilizing hierarchical Dirichlet processes, we treat different meta-stable molecule conformations as distinct Markov states, the number of which we then do not have to set a priori. In contrast to existing approaches to both experimental as well as simulation data that are based on the same idea, we leverage a mean-field variational inference approach, enabling scalable inference on large amounts of data. Furthermore, we specify the model also for the important case of angular data, which however proves to be computationally intractable. Addressing this issue, we propose a computationally tractable approximation to the angular model. We demonstrate the method on synthetic ground truth data and apply it to known benchmark problems as well as electrophysiological experimental data from a conformation-switching ion channel to highlight its practical utility

    The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1997-10-16

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    This edition of the College of Wooster student run newspaper was published on October 16 of 1997 and it is twelve pages long. Jilted surgeon general calls for more health education, Dr. Jocelyn Elders presents during the Wooster Forum series about health care and education. Ebert to be dedicated this weekend, the Ebert Art Center is going to be formally dedicated. Renowned musical trio combines classical with new, the Cleveland Duo and saxophonist James Umble perform at the Gault Recital Hall. Athletic updates for the past week are highlighted on pages ten to twelve.https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1991-2000/1177/thumbnail.jp

    A small viral potassium ion channel with an inherent inward rectification

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    Some algal viruses have coding sequences for proteins with structural and functional characteristics of pore modules of complex K+ channels. Here we exploit the structural diversity among these channel orthologs to discover new basic principles of structure/function correlates in K+ channels. The analysis of three similar K+ channels with ≤ 86 amino acids (AA) shows that one channel (Kmpv1) generates an ohmic conductance in HEK293 cells while the other two (KmpvSP1, KmpvPL1) exhibit typical features of canonical Kir channels. Like Kir channels, the rectification of the viral channels is a function of the K+ driving force. Reconstitution of KmpvSP1 and KmpvPL1 in planar lipid bilayers showed rapid channel fluctuations only at voltages negative of the K+ reversal voltage. This rectification was maintained in KCl buffer with 1 mM EDTA, which excludes blocking cations as the source of rectification. This means that rectification of the viral channels must be an inherent property of the channel. The structural basis for rectification was investigated by a chimera between rectifying and non-rectifying channels as well as point mutations making the rectifier similar to the ohmic conducting channel. The results of these experiments exclude the pore with pore helix and selectivity filter as playing a role in rectification. The insensitivity of the rectifier to point mutations suggests that tertiary or quaternary structural interactions between the transmembrane domains are responsible for this type of gating

    Asymmetric Interplay Between K+ and Blocker and Atomistic Parameters From Physiological Experiments Quantify K+ Channel Blocker Release

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    Modulating the activity of ion channels by blockers yields information on both the mode of drug action and on the biophysics of ion transport. Here we investigate the interplay between ions in the selectivity filter (SF) of K+ channels and the release kinetics of the blocker tetrapropylammonium in the model channel KcvNTS. A quantitative expression calculates blocker release rate constants directly from voltage-dependent ion occupation probabilities in the SF. The latter are obtained by a kinetic model of single-channel currents recorded in the absence of the blocker. The resulting model contains only two adjustable parameters of ion-blocker interaction and holds for both symmetric and asymmetric ionic conditions. This data-derived model is corroborated by 3D reference interaction site model (3D RISM) calculations on several model systems, which show that the K+ occupation probability is unaffected by the blocker, a direct consequence of the strength of the ion-carbonyl attraction in the SF, independent of the specific protein background. Hence, KcvNTS channel blocker release kinetics can be reduced to a small number of system-specific parameters. The pore-independent asymmetric interplay between K+ and blocker ions potentially allows for generalizing these results to similar potassium channels

    Identification of Intrahelical Bifurcated H‑Bonds as a New Type of Gate in K+ Channels

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    Gating of ion channels is based on structural transitions between open and closed states. To uncover the chemical basis of individual gates, we performed a comparative experimental and computational analysis between two K+ channels, KcvS and KcvNTS. These small viral encoded K+ channel proteins, with a monomer size of only 82 amino acids, resemble the pore module of all complex K+ channels in terms of structure and function. Even though both proteins share about 90% amino acid sequence identity, they exhibit different open probabilities with ca. 90% in KcvNTS and 40% in KcvS. Single channel analysis, mutational studies and molecular dynamics simulations show that the difference in open probability is caused by one long closed state in KcvS. This state is structurally created in the tetrameric channel by a transient, Ser mediated, intrahelical hydrogen bond. The resulting kink in the inner transmembrane domain swings the aromatic rings from downstream Phes in the cavity of the channel, which blocks ion flux. The frequent occurrence of Ser or Thr based helical kinks in membrane proteins suggests that a similar mechanism could also occur in the gating of other ion channels. Includes Supporting Informatio

    Identification of Intrahelical Bifurcated H‑Bonds as a New Type of Gate in K+ Channels

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    Gating of ion channels is based on structural transitions between open and closed states. To uncover the chemical basis of individual gates, we performed a comparative experimental and computational analysis between two K+ channels, KcvS and KcvNTS. These small viral encoded K+ channel proteins, with a monomer size of only 82 amino acids, resemble the pore module of all complex K+ channels in terms of structure and function. Even though both proteins share about 90% amino acid sequence identity, they exhibit different open probabilities with ca. 90% in KcvNTS and 40% in KcvS. Single channel analysis, mutational studies and molecular dynamics simulations show that the difference in open probability is caused by one long closed state in KcvS. This state is structurally created in the tetrameric channel by a transient, Ser mediated, intrahelical hydrogen bond. The resulting kink in the inner transmembrane domain swings the aromatic rings from downstream Phes in the cavity of the channel, which blocks ion flux. The frequent occurrence of Ser or Thr based helical kinks in membrane proteins suggests that a similar mechanism could also occur in the gating of other ion channels. Includes Supporting Informatio

    Genetic Diversity of Potassium Ion Channel Proteins Encoded by Chloroviruses That Infect Chlorella heliozoae

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    Chloroviruses are large, plaque-forming, dsDNA viruses that infect chlorella-like green algae that live in a symbiotic relationship with protists. Chloroviruses have genomes from 290 to 370 kb, and they encode as many as 400 proteins. One interesting feature of chloroviruses is that they encode a potassium ion (K+) channel protein named Kcv. The Kcv protein encoded by SAG chlorovirus ATCV-1 is one of the smallest known functional K+ channel proteins consisting of 82 amino acids. The KcvATCV-1 protein has similarities to the family of two transmembrane domain K+ channel proteins; it consists of two transmembrane -helixes with a pore region in the middle, making it an ideal model for studying K+ channels. To assess their genetic diversity, kcv genes were sequenced from 103 geographically distinct SAG chlorovirus isolates. Of the 103 kcv genes, there were 42 unique DNA sequences that translated into 26 new Kcv channels. The new predicted Kcv proteins differed from KcvATCV-1 by 1 to 55 amino acids. The most conserved region of the Kcv protein was the filter, the turret and the pore helix were fairly well conserved, and the outer and the inner transmembrane domains of the protein were the most variable. Two of the new predicted channels were shown to be functional K+ channels
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