1,966 research outputs found

    Securities against Misrule. Juries, Assemblies, Elections

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    En un contexto en el que aumenta el cuestionamiento del papel de las instituciones políticas y en el que proliferan los partidos de carácter xenófobo en el conjunto de Europa y España, Jon Elster desarrolla en esta obra la propuesta de diseñar unas instituciones democráticas en las que se reduzca al máximo el impacto del propio interés

    The significance of affective social relationships in preventing gender-based violence

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    Violence against women (VAW) is a reality affecting many young women and girls today in Europe and across the world. The Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) survey on VAW distributed among 42000 women found that 33% have experienced physical or sexual violence before they turn 15 (FRA, 2014). Consistently, UNICEF (2014) reports that more than 120 million girls worldwide (more than 1 in 10) have experienced forced intercourse or other sexual acts at some point in their lives. In 14 of the surveyed countries, at least 1 in 5 girls who reported at least one incident of sexual violence said it occurred for the first time between the ages of 10 and 14. These figures unveil an alarming reality: victims of VAW are increasingly younger, and the spaces where these violent acts occur are widespread, surrounding many girls’ lives. The creation of communities free of gender violence is urgent and necessary in order to guarantee the proper fulfilment of basic rights. Previous studies have already shown that a preventive socialization model based on zero violence from zero years (0 from 0) - which rejects any sort of violence (Mayes and Cohen, 2002) from the very early years - is evidencing promising effects to reduce violence rates during children’s whole life, and therefore improving quality of education (Rios-Gonzalez, Puigvert, Sanvicen and Aubert, 2019; European Commission, 2011)

    Adult education as a means of democratization

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    Recent international trends in Adult Education (AE) mirror the diverse realities this field is experiencing around the world. This article discusses the trend towards democratiza­tion through a revision of existing knowledge in three main domains: theory, research, and practice. First, a theoretical framework of democratization as applied in AE will be outlined. Second, recent research developments will be reviewed as they inform the process of democratization through Adult Education which is occurring in different contexts. Third, an analysis of a specific process of democratization in the AE practice will be carried out, based on the situation in Spain

    Community Currencies (CCs) in Spain: An empirical study of their social effects

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    Despite its sudden proliferation along the economic crisis period, no previous study has investigated the social effects of the community currency (CCs) experiences in Spain. Previous research on CCs experiences from different countries provided evidences about social capital improvement, introducing CCs as sustainability tools. This research uses the theoretical frameworks of social capital and complex adaptive systems to approach concepts like sustainability, networks, trust, norms, participation and cooperation. Statistical analysis of the data collected in June 2013 through online survey explores social capital and resilience indicators among the Spanish exchange community users, concluding that Spanish CCs systems improve community social capital through the proposed dimensions, although they are in an early stage and several weakness need to be corrected. The values, motivations, attitude and positive perception of their members suggest that CCs could be appropriate tools for sustainability due its potential to improve social capital and resilience. Detected weakness may affect the interests and commitment of their members. Therefore experience from senior currency systems may help them to face adversities and fully develop their potential for sustainability.Despite its sudden proliferation along the economic crisis period, no previous study has investigated the social effects of the community currency (CCs) experiences in Spain. Previous research on CCs experiences from different countries provided evidences about social capital improvement, introducing CCs as sustainability tools. This research uses the theoretical frameworks of social capital and complex adaptive systems to approach concepts like sustainability, networks, trust, norms, participation and cooperation. Statistical analysis of the data collected in June 2013 through online survey explores social capital and resilience indicators among the Spanish exchange community users, concluding that Spanish CCs systems improve community social capital through the proposed dimensions, although they are in an early stage and several weakness need to be corrected. The values, motivations, attitude and positive perception of their members suggest that CCs could be appropriate tools for sustainability due its potential to improve social capital and resilience. Detected weakness may affect the interests and commitment of their members. Therefore experience from senior currency systems may help them to face adversities and fully develop their potential for sustainability

    De los actos comunicativos de poder a los actos comunicativos dialogicos en las aulas organizadas en grupos interactivos

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    Interactive groups is the form of classroom organization that is quite successful in Europe in terms of overcoming school failure and coexistence problems. The analysis carried out in the INCLuD-ED project identified that one of the keys to this success was the continuous replacement of power-related communicative acts, which are typical of traditional classrooms, with dialogic communicative acts. The power-related communicative acts, which affect students or excluded from ordinary classrooms or placed in compensatory education classes or removed from mainstream areas of other forms of educational segregation, are transformed into dialogic communicative acts in groups based on egalitarian dialogue (which involves the conditions Of sincerity and consensus). This article develops the provious argument through an in-depth analysis of educational actions linked to school failure and based on power-related communicative acts, in which there is a predominance of power-related interaction. Special attention paid to power-related communicative acts in segregationist practices that affect students belonging to vulnerable groups. Moreover, interactive groups are studied as a successful educational action in which dialogic interaction predominates, based on egalitarian dialogue. Consequently, the greater impact on an improvement in educational outcomes can be achieved using this form of organization. As a result of our analysis, the main elements which explain the link between power-related communicative acts and school failure,peer-reviewe

    La escuela desde las utopias reales de O. Wright

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    La sociología actual se sitúa ante el reto actual de contribuir con nuevas formulaciones y alternativas emancipadoras a las desigualdades y opresiones que emergen de las instituciones y organizaciones sociales. Diferentes autores de las Ciencias Sociales reconocen el dualismo de las sociedades: Habermas (1999) diferencia entre sistema y mundo de la vida, Giddens (1984) entre estructura y agencia humana, Beck (1998) analiza la emergencia de la subpolítica en la sociedad del riesgo, Touraine (1997) discute el rol de la subjetividad. Sus contribuciones destacan la capacidad de los agentes sociales no sólo de reproducir las estructuras sociales, sino de transformarlas en contextos en los que nos encontramos

    Socialización preventiva ante el ciberacoso

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    El ciberacoso ha aumentado en los últimos años, sobre todo entre el colectivo adolescente. Más del 40% de los menores en el mundo se ha sentido en algún momento de su vida acosado a través de las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información (TIC). Esta situación se agrava en España, ya que el 86% de los menores entre 8 y 12 años tienen este mismo sentimiento. Este articulo analiza, a través de la literatura científica, el ciberacoso que se produce a través de algunas aplicaciones y plataformas online. Además de estudiar las actuaciones que ayudan a superarlo y a erradicarlo

    De Botton, L.; Puigvert, L.; Sánchez-Aroca, M. 2005. The Inclusion of Other Women. Breaking the Silence through Dialogic Learning. Dordrecht: Springer

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    Se hace un resumen del libro "The Inclusion of Other Women. Breaking the Silence through Dialogic Learning"

    Grassroots community actors leading the way in the prevention of youth violent radicalization.

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    Violence-free family ties, non-violent peers or attachment to society have been pointed out as protective factors against different types of extremism and violent radicalization by international literature. However, more detail needs to be provided about which specific aspects within these realms (friendship/family/community) are effective in challenging violence and how they operate in practice. Recent research conducted under the framework of the PROTON project (Horizon 2020) has analyzed the social and ethical impacts of counter-terrorism and organized crime policies in six European countries. In this article we discuss some identified common features among practices that, developed by organized actors operating at the local level (e.g.: grassroots-based associations, educational institutions, other type of organized networks for prevention, NGOs), are contributing to preventing youth violent radicalization, a phenomenon of growing concern in Europe and beyond. Standing on a solid rejection to violence, these shared features are the following: a bottom-up approach in setting allies with key stakeholders from the community or/and family members to intervene; the promotion of trustworthy and healthy friendship relationships; debunking the lure surrounding violent subjects ("false heroes") and violence in the different contexts, especially in the socioeducational one