19,407 research outputs found

    Immigrants’ Entrepreneurial Opportunities: The Case of the Chinese in Portugal

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    Why do some foreign nationalities seem to have entrepreneurial initiatives and others don’t? Why do certain foreign communities tend to build an ethnic economy, and others melt in the economy of the reception country? The analysis made so far of the modes of incorporation of the different Chinese immigrant communities in Portugal allowed to evidence that, unlike what some authors defend, it is not only the cultural factors that channel immigrants into certain segments of the labour market. Several structural factors associated to these immigrants’ arrival should be considered: the immigration policy of the host society; the reasons that generated the migratory flow; the existence of a co-ethnic community in the country and its economic incorporation; the operation of social networks; the possibility to acquire capital among the community (informal resources); and the potential market of the host society. Furthermore, in Portugal, as in Southern Europe, the informal economy can be an opportunity to self-employment - not so easy in North European countries where institutional control is stronger and competition is higher.Immigrants, Entrepreneurship, Structural opportunities, Ethnic resources

    Roughness exponents and grain shapes

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    In surfaces with grainy features, the local roughness ww shows a crossover at a characteristic length rcr_c, with roughness exponent changing from α1≈1\alpha_1\approx 1 to a smaller α2\alpha_2. The grain shape, the choice of ww or height-height correlation function (HHCF) CC, and the procedure to calculate root mean-square averages are shown to have remarkable effects on α1\alpha_1. With grains of pyramidal shape, α1\alpha_1 can be as low as 0.71, which is much lower than the previous prediction 0.85 for rounded grains. The same crossover is observed in the HHCF, but with initial exponent χ1≈0.5\chi_1\approx 0.5 for flat grains, while for some conical grains it may increase to χ1≈0.7\chi_1\approx 0.7. The universality class of the growth process determines the exponents α2=χ2\alpha_2=\chi_2 after the crossover, but has no effect on the initial exponents α1\alpha_1 and χ1\chi_1, supporting the geometric interpretation of their values. For all grain shapes and different definitions of surface roughness or HHCF, we still observe that the crossover length rcr_c is an accurate estimate of the grain size. The exponents obtained in several recent experimental works on different materials are explained by those models, with some surface images qualitatively similar to our model films.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures and 2 table

    Phase diagram of a 2D Ising model within a nonextensive approach

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    In this work we report Monte Carlo simulations of a 2D Ising model, in which the statistics of the Metropolis algorithm is replaced by the nonextensive one. We compute the magnetization and show that phase transitions are present for q≠1q\neq 1. A q−q - phase diagram (critical temperature vs. the entropic parameter qq) is built and exhibits some interesting features, such as phases which are governed by the value of the entropic index qq. It is shown that such phases favors some energy levels of magnetization states. It is also showed that the contribution of the Tsallis cutoff is essential to the existence of phase transitions

    Contributos para a implementação do sistema de gestão de energia numa unidade industrial de transformação e embalamento de arroz

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    Este documento apresenta os resultados obtidos atravĂ©s do contributo da implementação de um sistema de gestĂŁo da energia segundo os critĂ©rios e requisitos normativos da ISO 50001:2011, numa unidade industrial de transformação e embalamento de arroz. A aplicação deste referencial normativo deve ter como objetivos apoiar no planeamento das açÔes decorrentes da gestĂŁo de energia, pela monitorização e controlo dos consumos energĂ©ticos, bem como, identificar medidas de eficiĂȘncia energĂ©tica. Na necessidade da empresa fazer face Ă  previsĂŁo do aumento da capacidade produtiva e da redução dos custos associados aos consumos de energia, foi designada uma equipa de gestĂŁo de energia que teve como objetivos, a certificação do sistema gestĂŁo da energia na empresa e consequentemente, reduzir os custos atravĂ©s de medidas para melhoria da eficiĂȘncia energĂ©tica. Os resultados desta implementação foram francamente positivos. Conseguiu-se uma melhoria do desempenho energĂ©tico em 2015 de 28% face aos valores da primeira medida de gestĂŁo da energia, realizada em 2012, ao abrigo da legislação nacional em vigor. O sistema de gestĂŁo conseguiu nos primeiros dois anos de execução nĂŁo sĂł a certificação de conformidade por uma entidade externa, como tambĂ©m, proporcionou Ă  empresa uma redução de 15 % dos valores de consumo especĂ­fico face aos valores do ano de referĂȘncia. De um modo geral, a empresa com a implementação deste sistema reduziu os custos energĂ©ticos. Esta redução permite aumentar a competitividade no mercado. Assim assegura-se um crescimento da empresa sustentado na gestĂŁo de recursos e numa maior diversidade de clientes

    Treatment of surface water inoculated with Aspergillus species using ultraviolet radiation and photocatalytic membrane reactors

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    "Limited attention has been given to the presence of fungi in the aquatic environment when compared to other microorganisms such as bacteria and virus. Our previous research showed that fungi occur widely in drinking water sources and described many fungi species that have not been previously reported in the aquatic environment. Moreover, many filamentous fungi species present in water were found to be able to grow at high temperatures and have conidia measurements lower than 5 ”m, being therefore considered as potential pathogenic species to humans and animals. (...)

    El sud tranquil: el cas de Portugal

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    A Portugal nomĂ©s un de cada vint-i-cinc habitants Ă©s estranger. PolĂ­tiques força estrictes i centralitzades han marcat l’estabilitat del paĂ­s. Destaca una marcada voluntat d’integrar als immigrants
