409 research outputs found

    Nutritional divergence in genotypes of forage peanut.

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    Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional divergence between ten genotypes of forage peanut, based on chemical composition as well as fermentation and in vitro degradation kinetic characteristics. Treatments consisted of ten genotypes of Arachis pintoi, namely eight accessions (31135, 30333, 15121, 31828, 15598, 31534, 13251 and 31496) and two cultivars (cv. Belmonte and cv. Amarillo). The genotypes were harvested in each plot at a height of 3 cm from the ground, in 42-day intervals, during the time of heaviest rainfall. For the multivariate analysis the following variables, the following were used: crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, potential degradation in 48 hours, degradation rate of insoluble potentially degradable fraction and degradation rate of non-fibrous carbohydrate. The application of the hierarchical clustering analysis, using the Euclidian distances matrix of standardized averages allowed for the identification of five homogeneous groups. Among them, the accessions 31828, 31534, 15121 and cv. Belmonte stood out nutritionally among the remaining genotypes evaluated, depicting as promising for the utilization in ruminant feeding

    Effect of zinc insertion and hydrophobicity on the membrane interactions and PDT activity of porphyrin photosensitizers

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    A series of photosensitizers (PS), which are meso-substituted tetra-cationic porphyrins, was synthesized in order to study the role of amphiphilicity and zinc insertion in photodynamic therapy (PDT) efficacy. Several properties of the PS were evaluated and compared within the series including photophysical properties (absorption spectra, fluorescence quantum yield U f , and singlet oxygen quantum yield U D ), uptake by vesicles, mitochondria and HeLa cells, dark and phototoxicity in HeLa cells. The photophysical properties of all compounds are quite similar (U f ≤ 0.02; U D~0 .8). An increase in lipophilicity and the presence of zinc in the porphyrin ring result in higher vesicle and cell uptake. Binding in mitochondria is dependent on the PS lipophilicity and on the electrochemical membrane potential, i.e., in uncoupled mitochondria PS binding decreases by up to 53%. The porphyrin substituted with octyl groups (TC8PyP) is the compound that is most enriched in mitochondria, and its zinc derivative (ZnTC8PyP) has the highest global uptake. The stronger membrane interaction of the zinc-substituted porphyrins is attributed to a complexing effect with phosphate groups of the phospholipids. Zinc insertion was also shown to decrease the interaction with isolated mitochondria and with the mitochondria of HeLa cells, an effect that has been explained by the particular characteristics of the mitochondrial internal membrane. Phototoxicity was shown to increase proportionally with membrane binding efficiency, which is attributed to favorable membrane interactions which allow more efficient membrane photooxidation. For this series of compounds, photodynamic efficiency is directly proportional to the membrane binding and cell uptake, but it is not totally related to mitochondrial targeting

    Morfometria das lâminas epidérmicas primárias e secundárias do casco de equinos

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    Foi estudado o comprimento das lâminas epidérmicas primárias e secundárias da pinça e dos quartos lateral e medial, distribuídas nos terços proximal, médio e distal dos cascos de equinos. Utilizaram-se os membros de oitos cavalos adultos utilizados para tração de carroças, que não apresentavam afecções podais, sendo quatro fêmeas e quatro machos, sem raça definida. Fragmentos foram retirados das diferentes regiões dos cascos e submetidos à técnica histológica convencional. As amostras foram coradas com H&E e analisadas em microscópio óptico. As lâminas epidérmicas primárias apresentaram-se maiores nos cascos dos membros torácicos em relação aos membros pélvicos nos terços proximal e médio e nas regiões do quarto medial e na pinça. As lâminas secundárias foram maiores também no membro torácico no terço médio e no quarto medial. Comparando-se o comprimento das lâminas epidérmicas entre as regiões do casco, observou-se que as lâminas primárias são menores no terço proximal e maiores na pinça, enquanto as menores lâminas secundárias estão no terço proximal e no quarto medial. Os resultados sugerem que a morfologia das lâminas nas diversas regiões do casco sofra influência do trabalho realizado pelo animal, assim como, das diferentes distribuições de força existentes no mesmo.We studied the length of primary and secondary epidermal laminae of the toe and the lateral and medial quarters of horses, distributed into proximal, middle and distal thirds of the hooves. Eight limbs from adult crossbred horses, four females and four males, used to pull carts without pedal conditions. Fragments were taken from different regions of the hooves and subjected to conventional histological techniques. The samples were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and analyzed by light microscopy. The primary epidermal laminae were higher in the hooves of forelimbs compared to hindlimbs in the proximal and middle thirds and the regions of the medial quarter and toe. The secondary laminae were higher in forelimb of the middle third and medial quarter. Comparing the length of the epidermal laminae between hoof parts, it was seen that the primary laminae are lower in the proximal third and higher in the toe, while the secondary laminae are lower in the proximal third and medial quarter. The results suggested that the morphology of the laminae in the different regions of the hooves is influenced through the work performed by the animal, as well as through the different distribution of forces

    Manual do extensionista.

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    Densidade das lâminas epidérmicas primárias e secundárias nos cascos de equinos

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    Diferenças na morfologia microscópica dos cascos dos membros pélvicos e torácicos dos equinos têm sido pouco relatadas na literatura, principalmente no tocante a distribuição de lâminas epidérmicas primárias e secundárias nas diversas regiões. O propósito deste estudo foi quantificar a densidade de lâminas epidérmicas primárias e secundárias no casco de equinos. Foram utilizados membros torácicos e pélvicos de oito equinos adultos e sem raça definida. Em uma secção transversal de aproximadamente 0,5cm de altura da sola dos cascos foi quantificada a densidade das lâminas epidérmicas primárias tanto na região da pinça quanto dos quartos lateral e medial. Fragmentos com aproximadamente 1cm³ foram retirados dos terços proximal, médio e distal do casco, nas diferentes regiões e submetidos a técnica histológica convencional, a densidade de lâminas epidérmicas secundárias foi quantificada com auxilio de microscópio óptico. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente em relação aos membros torácicos e pélvicos e entre suas diversas regiões. A densidade de lâminas epidérmicas primárias varia ao redor da circunferência do casco, sendo maior na região da pinça do casco e diminui gradualmente em direção ao bulbo do casco, não existindo diferença entre membros pélvicos e torácicos. A densidade média de lâminas epidérmicas secundárias por lâmina epidérmica primária não varia em torno da circunferência dos cascos, assim como, quando comparada entre os membros torácicos e pélvicos. A variação da densidade das lâminas epidérmicas primárias em torno do casco parece fazer parte de uma resposta adaptativa às diferentes tensões existentes em cada região. O melhor entendimento da morfologia das estruturas do casco contribui na melhor compreensão do diagnóstico, fisiopatologia e tratamento das afecções que as acometem.Differences in the microscopic morphology of the hoof in forelimbs and hindlimbs of horses have been scarcely reported in the literature, especially concerning the distribution of primary and secondary epidermal laminae in the different regions. This study aimed to determine the density of primary and secondary epidermal laminae in the hoof of horses. For this, it was used fore and hindlimbs of 16 adult mixed breed horses. With a cross section 0.5 cm above the sole, it was quantified the primary epidermal laminae in the regions of the toe, and of lateral and medial quarters. Fragments with about 1cm ³ were taken from the proximal, middle and distal thirds of the hooves, in the different regions, subjected to conventional histological techniques and examined with an optical microscope. Data were statistically analyzed in relation to the fore and hindlimbs and between their various regions. The density of primary epidermal laminae varied around the hoof circumference, with greater values in the hoof toe, which gradually decreased towards the bulb of the hoof, without difference between thoracic and pelvic limbs. The average density of the secondary epidermal laminae per primary epidermal lamina does not change around the circumference of the hoof. Our findings indicated that the density of epidermal laminae is not different between fore and hindlimbs. The variation in the density of primary epidermal laminae around the hoof seems to be part of an adaptive response to different stresses in each region. A better understanding of the structural morphology contributes to a better understanding of the diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment of disorders that affect the hoof

    Silage quality of six sorghum cultivars for sheep.

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the silage quality, fermentation profile, intake, and digestibility of six sorghum cultivars for sheep feeding. 'SF 15', 'IPA 2502', 'BRS 655', 'BR 601', 'BRS 506', and 'Sudão' were cultivated in randomized complete block designs with five replicates, harvested, and ensiled when plants reached the soft-dough grain stage. Silage quality was determined in laboratory silos. Intake and apparent digestibility were determined during 22 days, using 24 Santa Inês lambs (35.5±2.21 kg) randomly distributed in the treatments. Silage from 'IPA 2502' had the lowest contents of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber; the highest nonfibrous carbohydrate and total digestible nutrient contents; and the greatest dry matter degradability. Silages from 'BR 601' and 'BRS 506' showed the highest values of crude protein, whereas those of 'SF 15' and 'Sudão' had the highest levels of fibrous fractions. Lambs fed silage from 'IPA 2502' consumed more dry matter and nonfibrous carbohydrates, and their crude protein digestibility was also greater than that from the consumption of other cultivar silages. 'IPA 2502' stands out for its nutritional characteristics, which resulted in better animal performance.Título em português: Qualidade das silagens de seis cultivares de sorgo para ovinos

    Evidencias en el ADN mitocondrial reflejan una incipiente estructuración poblacional en el mero guasa del Atlántico (Epinephelus itajara, Epinephelidae) en Brasil

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    The Atlantic goliath grouper is a critically endangered species that inhabits estuarine and reef environments and is threatened primarily by fishing activities and habitat destruction. Despite the urgent need for protection, its genetic conservation status remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the gene flow among the populations of the species along the coast of Brazil based on the control region of the mitochondrial DNA. The results indicate low haplotype diversity (0.40-0.86) and very low nucleotide diversity (0.1-0.5%). They also show that the genetic diversity of the species varies considerably along the coast and that this finding may be especially important for the identification of priority areas for its conservation. The population analyses indicate a low but significant degree of genetic structuring (ΦST =0.111), probably due to the occurrence of rare haplotypes at some locations, although the genetic differentiation between sites was not correlated with geographic distance (r=0.0501; p=0.7719), and the shared haplotypes indicate that gene flow occurs among all locations along the Brazilian coast. The results of the pairwise FST indicate a high degree of genetic differentiation between locations. The incipient population structuring detected in the present study is not related systematically to the geological or physical features of the Brazilian coast. The complex interaction of fluctuations in sea level, marine currents, and the reproductive characteristics of the species hampers the identification of the specific role of each of these processes in the gene flow dynamics of the population units of the Atlantic goliath grouper. The low overall levels of genetic diversity, the pairwise FST values and the significant population structuring among groups (ΦCT) identified in the present study all reinforce the critically endangered status of the species and are inconsistent with the presence of a single, panmictic population of groupers on the Brazilian coast. The results of this study suggest that, though it may be incipient, the observed genetic structuring must be taken into account in order to prevent potential problems, such as outbreeding depression, in the management of wild stocks.El mero guasa del Atlántico está críticamente en peligro, habita en ambientes estuarinos y arrecifes, los cuáles están amenazados principalmente por las actividades de pesca y la destrucción de su hábitat. A pesar de la necesidad urgente de protección, su estado de conservación genética aún es desconocido. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el flujo génico entre las poblaciones de esta especie a lo largo de la costa de Brasil analizando la variabilidad genética de la región control del ADN mitocondrial. Los resultados indican baja diversidad haplotípica (0.40-0.86), y una muy baja diversidad nucleotídica (0.1-0.5%). Además se observa que la diversidad genética de la especie varía considerablemente a lo largo de la costa y este resultado puede ser especialmente relevante para la identificación de áreas prioritarias de conservación. Los análisis poblacionales indican un bajo, pero significativo grado de estructuración genética (ΦST =0.111), lo cual es probablemente debido a la ocurrencia de haplótipos raros en algunas localidades, aunque la diferenciación genética entre sitios no está correlacionada con la distancia geográfica (r=0.0501; p=0.7719), y los haplotipos compartidos indican que el flujo génico ocurre entre todas las localidades a lo largo de la costa brasileña. Los resultados de la distancia dos a dos indican un FST de alto grado de diferenciación genética entre las localidades. La incipiente estructuración poblacional detectada en este estudio no está relacionada sistemáticamente con las características biogeográficas de la costa brasileña. La compleja interacción de las fluctuaciones en el nivel del mar, las corrientes marinas, y las características reproductivas de la especie dificultan la identificación del rol específico de cada uno de estos procesos en la dinámica del flujo genético de las diferentes unidades poblacionales del mero guasa del Atlántico. Los bajos niveles generales de la diversidad genética, los valores de FST dos a dos, y la significante estructuración poblacional entre los grupos (ΦCT) identificada en el presente estudio, todo refuerza el estado de peligro crítico de la especie y son inconsistentes con la existencia de una simple, población panmíctica de meros guasa de la costa brasileña. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que, a pesar de que puede ser incipiente, la estructuración genética observada debe ser tenida en cuenta con el fin de evitar problemas potenciales, tales como la depresión exogámica, cuando se maneja poblaciones silvestres

    Ciências da natureza e interdisciplinaridade: a percepção dos estudantes sobre questões de avaliações de larga escala

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    Buscando fornecer subsídios para o entendimento a respeito da construção e utilização do conhecimento químico e reflexões sobre a forma como ele é ensinado, este trabalho investiga um grupo de dez doutorandos em química de uma Universidade pública do Brasil. A investigação se baseou em dois grupos de entrevistas, analisadas de forma qualitativa, criando-se categorias para codificação das concepções dos químicos em diversos temas. Neste trabalho, são expostos e discutidos os conteúdos das falas deste grupo de pós-graduandos a respeito de suas concepções realistas. A partir desses dados, e dialogando com referenciais da filosofia e do ensino de química, apresentamos apontamentos sobre aspectos peculiares ao fazer e ensinar química