5,396 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of the County of Santa Clara’s Reentry Alcohol and Drug Studies Peer Mentor Program

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    In the United States, incarceration rates have increased dramatically over the last three decades, soaring above any other country. Significant factors contributing to the increase include changes in sentencing laws and policies that target drug-related offenders and prioritize punishment over rehabilitation. Strict sentencing laws have led to mass incarceration, which has caused severe prison overcrowding and led to the infringement of fundamental human rights in prisons (Gottesdiener, 2011). According to the U.S. Department of Labor, approximately 600,000 individuals are released from federal and state prisons each year (Carson, 2018). In California, an estimated one in three adults has an arrest record (Practicing Law Institute, 2021). In addition, recidivism rates are high in the state, with 46% of offenders reconvicted within three years of release and even more arrested (Jensen, 2021). In Santa Clara County, the recidivism rate is 45%, slightly lower than the state average (County of Santa Clara, 2019b). The County of Santa Clara (SCC) defines recidivism as any reconviction for a new misdemeanor or felony violation within five years after release from a correctional facility (County of Santa Clara, 2017a). According to Carson (2018), approximately 95% of U.S. prison inmates are ultimately released and reenter society. Reentry is commonly defined as the transition of an individual from a corrective setting back into the community. There are currently thousands of ex-offenders returning to California communities each year; in 2018, the figure was approximately 38,400 (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, 2020). The growing number of recently released individuals, coupled with high incarceration costs from recidivism--approximately $80k to house an inmate annually (Legislative Analyst’s Office, 2019)--has prompted urgent attention to reentry issues. As such, reentry programming and reducing the rate of recidivism are a critical focus of the SCC’s criminal justice policy and reform efforts (County of Santa Clara, 2019b). In addition to the need to reduce recidivism through evidence-based reentry programming, SCC recognizes a growing demand in the workforce for peer mentors—also known as peer support providers, peer specialists, peer advocates, and peer counselors. As many local jurisdictions move away from straight incarceration to treatment strategies for those afflicted with substance and alcohol addictions, there is a growing need for qualified professionals in the field of treatment and recovery (County of Santa Clara, 2019a). Supervisor Susan Ellenberg, Chair of the County Board of Supervisors’ Public Safety and Justice Committee, stated, “Since this approach will depend heavily on evidence-based programs, it is important for recovery and treatment programs to have counselors who are certified. The work and contribution they offer to mentees will be invaluable” (County of Santa Clara, 2019a, para. 2). SCC has developed a multi-faceted Reentry Resource Center (RRC) with programming to promote successful reentry and prevent recidivism. This study posed the following research question for one of the programs under the RRC: How is the Alcohol and Drug Studies (ADS) Peer Mentor Program fulfilling its program goals

    From Zn to Mn: the study of novel manganese-binding groups in the search for new drugs against tuberculosis.

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    In most eubacteria, apicomplexans, and most plants, including the causal agents for diseases such as malaria, leprosy, and tuberculosis, the methylerythritol phosphate pathway is the route for the biosynthesis of the C(5) precursors to the essential isoprenoid class of compounds. Owing to their absence in humans, the enzymes of the methylerythritol phosphate pathway have become attractive targets for drug discovery. This work investigates a new class of inhibitors against the second enzyme of the pathway, 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase. Inhibition of this enzyme may involve the chelation of a crucial active site Mn ion, and the metal-chelating moieties studied here have previously been shown to be successful in application to the zinc-dependent metalloproteinases. Quantum mechanics and docking calculations presented in this work suggest the transferability of these metal-chelating compounds to Mn-containing 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase enzyme, as a promising starting point to the development of potent inhibitors

    Practicum Student Counselor Identity Development Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The process of developing a counselor identity is a complex task, and it starts as early as when a student first enrolls in a Master’s program. Within the events surrounding COVID-19, limited information is known about how that experience might have affected counseling students\u27 professional identity development. Through Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, we explored the counselor identity development process of Master’s-level counseling practicum students (n=6) during the events of the COVID-19 pandemic. Emerging themes indicated that students\u27 experiences throughout the pandemic had a unique influence on their conceptualization of the practicum experience. Findings illustrated that these events slowed some aspects of counselor identity development (e.g., perceptions of counselor roles, systemic identity integration) while expediting other aspects (e.g., self-reliance). Implications for counselor educators, supervisors, and counseling programs are discussed

    Allelopathic effect of Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil. leaves on the germination and growth of Sesamum indicum L. (Pedaliaceae) under different temperatures

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    Alelopatia pode ser definida como o efeito maléfico ou benéfico que uma planta exerce sobre a outra por meio de compostos químicos liberados no ambiente. Diversas espécies do gênero Solanum apresentam evidências de propriedades alelopáticas. S. lycocarpum A. St.-Hil (lobeira) é espécie de ampla distribuição em ambientes perturbados do Cerrado. No presente trabalho foram investigados efeitos alelopáticos de extratos de folhas de lobeira na germinação e no crescimento do gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.). Extratos aquosos das folhas foram preparados nas concentrações de 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% e 5% (p/v). A osmolaridade dos extratos foi medida e soluções de polietileno glicol (PEG 6000), de osmolaridade similar, foram preparadas para avaliar possíveis efeitos osmóticos dos extratos aquosos. Nos testes de germinação, as sementes de gergelim foram colocadas em placas de Petri forradas com papel de filtro com a solução a ser testada e observadas a cada 8h. Para os experimemtos de crescimento, sementes de gergelim foram germinadas em água e posteriormente dispostas para crescimento nos extratos. Após 5 dias, foram medidos os comprimentos da parte aérea e radicular das plântulas. Todos os experimentos foram conduzidos a 22ºC, 30ºC e 38ºC. Observou-se que os extratos de folhas não afetaram a germinabilidade, mas aumentaram o tempo médio de germinação em uma relação próxima à dose-dependente, nas três temperaturas. Quanto ao crescimento, a parte radicular foi a mais afetada pelos extratos aquosos, apresentando redução no tamanho, necroses, ausência de pêlos absorventes e formação de raízes laterais. Os efeitos dos extratos no crescimento das plântulas foram mais evidentes a 38ºC. Os experimentos conduzidos com soluções de PEG 6000 mostraram que os efeitos observados na presença dos extratos não são de natureza osmótica. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAllelopathy should be defined as any stimulatory or inhibitory effect by one plant on another through production of chemical compounds released into the environment. Several Solanum species have shown some allelopathic property. S. lycocarpum is largely distributed on disturbed areas of the Brazilian Cerrado. In the present study the effects of aqueous extracts of S. lycocarpum leaves on the germination and growth of Sesanum indicum L. (sesame) were investigated. Aqueous leaf extracts at concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% (w/v) were prepared. The osmolarity of the extracts were measured and solutions of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) of similar osmolarity were prepared to evaluate osmotic effects of the extracts on sesame germination and growth. The experiments were carried out on petri dishes lined by two layers of filter paper plus the solutions to be tested. For the germination experiments the number of germinated seeds was checked every 8h. For the growth experiments sesame seeds were previously germinated in water and disposed to grow in the extracts. After five days of incubation the root and shoot length of the seedlings was measured. All the experiments were performed at 22ºC, 30ºC and 38ºC. The extracts did not affect the germinability but increased the average germination time in a dose-dependent manner at the three temperatures. The root growth was more affected by the extracts, showing tip-necrosis, absence of root hairs, and formation of secondary roots. These effects were more evident at 38ºC. Using PEG 6000 it was shown that the observed effects were not due to osmotic properties of the leaf extracts

    COVID-19 time series prediction

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    The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a computer technique that uses a mathematical model to represent a simpler form of the biologic neural structure. It is formed by many processing units and its intelligent behavior comes from the iterations between these units. One application of the ANN is for time series prediction algorithms, where the network learns the behavior of time dependent data and it is able to predict future values. In this work, the ANN is applied in predicting the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths and also the future seven days for the time series of Brazil, Portugal and the United States. From the simulations it is possible to conclude that the prediction of confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19 have been successfully made by the ANN. Overall, the ANN with a specific test set had a Mean Squared Error (MSE) 50% higher than the ANN with a random test set. The combination of the sigmoidal and linear activation functions and the Levenberg-Marquardt training function had the lowest MSE for all casesThis work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Catalogue of Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) types housed in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

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    Following a recommendation of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, this paper provides a catalogue of the type specimens of Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) held in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (MZUSP). Label data and the condition of 21 type specimens (two holotypes and 19 paratypes) of two Neotropical species is provided. Photographs of the male terminalia of the holotypes are also presented

    Catalogue of Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) types housed in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

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    Following a recommendation of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, this paper provides a catalogue of the type specimens of Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) held in the collection of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (MZUSP). Label data and the condition of 21 type specimens (two holotypes and 19 paratypes) of two Neotropical species is provided. Photographs of the male terminalia of the holotypes are also presented

    Conservação a bordo de sardinha verdadeira (Sardinella brasiliensis) por imersão em salmoura refrigerada e absorção de sódio

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências dos Alimentos, Florianópolis, 2015.O pescado considerado importante fonte de proteína e outros nutrientes destaca-se na geração de alimento e renda para milhões de pessoas, desempenhando um papel social e econômico fundamental. No Brasil a maior contribuição na produção de pescado está baseada na pesca extrativa marinha, onde o Estado de Santa Catarina é considerado o maior produtor nacional quando consideradaa produção por unidades da Federação, sendo responsável por 22% da produção nacional. Embora a produção pesqueira catarinense seja realizada por uma frota bastante diversificada que emprega diferentes petrechos de pesca, a modalidade de cerco é a mais significativa em termos de tonelagem desembarcada, tendo como espécie alvo a sardinha verdadeira (Sardinella brasiliensis), espécie de pequeno pelágico abundante em águas brasileiras. O sistema de conservação a bordo nesta modalidade de captura é baseado no resfriamento em gelo, porém nos últimos anos alguns barcos pesqueiros, vem aplicando a imersão em salmoura refrigerada como sistema de conservação a bordo, a qual consiste na coleta de água do mar adicionada de sal marinho e resfriada mecanicamente. Considerando a necessidade de padronização desta metodologia, que não se encontra regulamentada, e a consequente falta de padronização da matéria prima (Sardinella brasiliensis) ?salmourada?, o presente estudo acompanhou a execução do método na embarcação Mtanos Seif com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência do sistema aplicado na qualidade físico-química (sensorial, BVT, pH, histamina, umidade) da matéria prima e absorção de cátions (Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++), com foco principal no sódio. Foram coletados a bordo dados referentes às variáveis (tempo total de estocagem, temperatura ao longo do tempo, massa de pescado capturado por lance, capacidade de carga em uso e disponível) como subsídios para avaliar a eficiência e viabilidade do sistema na manutenção na qualidade final da matéria prima destinada a elaboração de conserva. Os resultados obtidos no estudo permitiram concluir que o sistema de conservação é eficiente na manutenção da qualidade físico-química do pescado considerando que as amostras analisadas atendem aos padrões de qualidade exigidos pela legislação vigente. Quando avaliados os dados de absorção de sódio o método de conservação conferiu elevados teores à matéria prima, sendo fortemente influenciado pelo tempo de imersão, evidenciando a necessidade de padronização e regulamentação do método considerando os riscos associados ao consumo de alimentos com altos teores de sódio.Abstract : Seafood is considered an important source of protein and other nutrients and stands out as food source and income generator for millions of people, playing a fundamental social and economic role. In Brazil, the largest contribution to seafood production is based on marine extractive fishery, where the state of Santa Catarina is the largest domestic producer when considering the output per unit of the Federation, accounting for 22% of the national production. Although Santa Catarina fish production is carried out by a diversified fleet employing different fishing supplies, the siege mode is the most significant in terms of landed tonnage, targeting sardine (Sardinellabr¬asiliensis), a small pelagicfish species abundant in Brazilian waters. On-board fish conservation system is based on cooling in ice, but in recent years fishing boats has been applying immersion in chilled brine as a storage system on board, which consists in mechanically cooled seawater added with sea salt. Considering the need for standardization of this methodology, which is not regulated, and the consequent lack of standardization of raw material "brined" (Sardinella brasiliensis), this study monitored the execution of the method in Mtanos Seif vessel in order to evaluate the system efficiency concerning physical and chemical quality (sensory, TVB, pH, histamine, moisture) of the raw material and absorption of cations (Na +, K +, Ca ++, Mg ++), with main focus on sodium. Off shore (on board) data were collected and variables (total storage time, over time temperature, fish mass captured by bid, load capacity in use and available) used as subsidies to assess the efficiency and viability of the system to maintain final fish quality intended for canned fish. The results obtained in the study showed that the preservative system is effective in maintaining the physical and chemical quality of the fish whereas the samples meet the quality standards required by law. Regarding sodium absorption this research data shows high levels of sodium in fish muscle which is strongly influenced by the immersion time, suggesting the need for standardization and regulation of the method considering the risks associated with consumptionof foods with high levels of sodium

    Controlo de viscosidade num estágio de branqueamento de pasta celulósica com peróxido de hidrogénio

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    O relatório de estágio que agora se apresenta resultou de um trabalho prático elaborado na Caima- Indústria de Celulose S.A, que teve como objetivo o estudo do controlo da viscosidade no estágio do peróxido. No decorrer do trabalho, foram realizados vários ensaios tendo como objetivo branquear uma pasta recolhida na produção, após uma etapa de lavagem. Estes ensaios foram diferindo nas concentrações (ou “carga” na terminologia fabril) de reagentes adicionados para determinar quais seriam as quantidades mais satisfatórias para produção de pasta solúvel. Para estes ensaios foram determinados alguns parâmetros de qualidade como o índice kappa, a viscosidade intrínseca, a resistência alcalina a 10 e 18%, o grau de alfacelulose bem como o grau de brancura. Outra fase deste relatório foi o estudo do controlo de qualidade da pasta Caima, na qual foram analisados o ano de 2012 bem como o de 2013, tendo em atenção as alturas em que a perda de viscosidade entre as prensas Sund 5 e Sund 4 foi mais elevada, sendo selecionadas para estudo as condições de processo nesses dias. Com o decorrer dos ensaios, conclui-se que a carga de peróxido era bastante relevante no controlo da viscosidade bem como do grau de brancura, pois os ensaios com maior carga de peróxido apresentavam resultados mais satisfatórios