5,062 research outputs found

    Partner selection in international joint ventures : factors for the selection of partners in IJVs

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    The growing trend for companies to focus on geographical diversification implies a decisional process of how to face the opening of new markets and how to make the entry. The International Joint Ventures (IJV) are one of the major form of market entry mode selected by companies for this internationalization process, connecting with a local partner and using his resources to achieve successful entry. The partner selection is a primary factor for achieving success in establishing a JV, since that the high degree of failure and termination of relationships between companies come from an inappropriate choice of partner with lack of a proper due diligence and potential relationship problems. For this reason we seek to understand the most important factors for the selection of a partner in an IJV, based on a case study conducted in Sá Machado SA firm especially in its process of internationalization for the Angolan market. The factors encountered in the study are in agreement with other studies subjugated to the same theme, which define the knowledge and market access as primary factors, as well as financial / logistical support and a strong operational network. Regarding the factors focused on the relationship with the partner: trust, commitment and congruent goals are the major points highlighted as important in creating an IJV and essential factors for the success of the relationship.A crescente tendência para o enfoque das empresas na diversificação geográfica implica um processo decisional de como encarar a abertura de novos mercados e a melhor forma de proceder a essa entrada. As Internacional Joint Ventures (IJV) são uma das principais formas de entrada selecionadas pelas empresas para esse processo de internacionalização, estabelecendo uma ligação com um parceiro local e angariado dessa forma recursos que permitam atingir uma entrada com êxito. A seleção do parceiro é um dos fatores primordiais para a obtenção de sucesso no estabelecimento de uma JV uma vez que, o elevado grau de insucesso e término das relações entre empresas provêm, não só mas também, de uma escolha desadequada do parceiro, da ausência de uma correta due dilligence e potenciais problemas de relacionamento. Por essa razão procuramos perceber quais os fatores mais importantes na seleção de um parceiro numa IJV partindo de um estudo de caso efetuado na Sá Machado S.A. e do seu processo de internacionalização para o mercado Angolano. Os fatores encontram-se em concordância com outros estudos subjugados ao mesmo tema, em que definem o conhecimento e acesso ao mercado como fatores primordiais, assim como, apoio financeiro/ logístico e uma forte network operacional. No que concerne ao fatores mais focados na relação com o parceiro a confiança, o comprometimento e a congruência de objetivos são os principais pontos apontados como importantes na criação de uma IJV e os fatores essenciais para o sucesso da relação com o parceiro

    In-season training load quantification of one-, two- and three-game week schedules in a top European professional soccer team

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    Top European soccer teams that play in UEFA competitions often participate in one, two- or three-games per week. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure optimal match-day performance and full recovery. The aim of this study was to quantify internal and external training load (TL) within five microcycles: M1 and M2 - one-game weeks; M3 and M4 - two-game weeks; M5 - three-game week). Thirteen elite soccer players participated in this study. A global positioning system (GPS) was used to measure the total distance covered and distances of different exercise training zones (1-5), the session ratings of perceived exertion (s-RPE) scores and the amount of creatine kinase (CK) created during daily training sessions for the 2015-2016 in-season period. The data were analysed with respect to the number of days prior to a given match. The main results indicate that there was a significant difference in training intensity for zone 1 between M2 and M4 (4010.2 ± 103.5 and 4507.6 ± 133.0 m, respectively); a significant difference in training intensity for zone 3 between M1 and M5 (686.1 ± 42.8 and 801.2 ± 61.2 m, respectively); a significant difference in the duration of the training sessions and matches between M2 and M5 (69.2 ± 2.1 and 79.6 ± 2.3) and M3 and M5 (69.7 ± 1.0 and 79.6 ± 2.3); and finally, there was a significant difference in CK between M3 and M2 (325.5 ± 155.0 and 194.4 ± 48.9). Moreover, there was a significant decrease in TL in the last day prior to a match, for all microcycles and all variables. There was no significant difference with respect to s-RPE. This study provides the first report of daily external and internal TLs and weekly accumulated load (training sessions and match demands) during one, two, and three-game week schedules in a group of elite soccer players. Expected significant differences are found in daily and accumulated loads for within- and between-game schedules. A similar pattern is exhibited for one- and two-game week microcycles regarding the day before the match, which exhibits a decrease in all variables. Despite the different number of games played per week, TL remain similar between microcycles for zone 2 and 5, plus s-RPE.This project was supported by the National Funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UID/DTP/04045/2013) and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) allocated by European Union through the COMPETE 2020 Programme (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006969)—competitiveness and internationalization (POCI). The authors disclose funding received for this work from any of the following organizations: National Institutes of Health (NIH); Welcome Trust; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI); and other(s).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Critical metrics and massive gravity solutions on three-dimensional Brinkmann waves

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    Accepted manuscript[Abstract] Three-dimensional Brinkmann waves which are critical for quadratic curvature functionals are determined. Generically, if the metric is critical for some functional then it is critical for all of them. In contrast, there are four special functionals that do not share critical metrics with any other quadratic functional. It is also shown that these metrics provide explicit solutions for different massive gravity models.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2019/10Xunta de Galicia; ED431F 2020/04Supported by projects PID2019-105138GB-C21(AEI/FEDER, Spain) and ED431C 2019/10, ED431F 2020/04 (Xunta de Galicia, Spain

    De Eisenstein a Bressane: genealogias de um gesto experimental

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    The art of acting occupies the center of expressive concerns that are the main pillar of researches within what is conventionally called experimental cinema. Countless filmmakers and actors used a vast palette of figurative processes to express a theme that permeates almost the entire history of experimental cinema: the act of seeing through the cinematographic device and by human vision (character / viewer). This article describes how actors and directors promoted this figurative investigation into the motif of the eye mutilation and its variables (enucleation, haemolacria, interferences and ophthalmologic surgeries) in productins outside the theoretical framework of classic cinemas.O trabalho do ator ocupa o centro de preocupações expressivas que são o front de pesquisas dentro do que se convencionou chamar de cinema experimental. Inúmeros realizadores e atores utilizaram uma vasta paleta de processos figurativos para expressar uma preocupação que perpassa quase toda a história do cinema experimental: o ato da visão pelo dispositivo cinematográfico e pela visão humana (personagem/ espectador). Este artigo descreve como atores e realizadores promoveram essa investigação figurativa sobre o motivo da mutilação ocular e suas variantes (enucleação, hemolacria, interferências sobre a película e cirurgias oftalmológicas) em filmes fora do enquadre teórico dos cinemas clássicos

    A utopia matriarcal (re)encenada no tríptico brechtiano de Helena Ignez

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    Desde sua passagem pelas hostes do cinema marginal e pelo teatro experimental no Brasil, Helena Ignez flerta com os primados oswaldianos do Matriarcado de Pindorama. Na sua carreira como atriz – e agora também como realizadora –, revitaliza e subverte os princípios do matriarcado, trazendo à baila outros temas próximos a discussões mais amplas dos direitos humanos: reforma agrária, sexualidade liberta, ócio ligado à criatividade. Discute-se, então, como o tema do  matriarcado de Oswald de Andrade chegou a esses filmes aqui nomeados de “tríptico brechtiano”, em que uma subversão temática é levada à tela através de experimentalidade formal do jogo do ator no cinema. Em sua obra, Ignez propõe uma contraposição criativa e confrontadora aos conceitos e protocolos de boas maneiras, na união formal de Brecht com o matriarcado de Oswald de Andrade.Since her passage through the marginal cinema groups and the experimental theater in Brazil, Helena Ignez has flirted with the Oswaldian tenets of Pindorama Matriarchy. Throughout her career as an actress – and now also as a film director –, she has revitalized and subverted the principles of matriarchy, bringing up other issues close to broader human rights discussions: agrarian reform, free sexuality, leisure linked to creativity. We discuss, then, how Oswald de Andrade came to these films here named “Brechtian triptych”, in which a thematic subversion is brought to the big screen by means of formal experimentality of film acting. In her work, Ignez proposes a creative and confrontational contraposition to the concepts and protocols of good manners, in the formal union of Brecht with Oswald de Andrade’s matriarchy

    Homogeneous and curvature homogeneous Lorentzian critical metrics

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    We determine all three-dimensional homogeneous and 1 -curvature homogeneous Lorentzian metrics which are critical for a quadratic curvature functional. As a result, we show that any quadratic curvature functional admits different non-Einstein homogeneous critical metrics and that there exist homogeneous metrics which are critical for all quadratic curvature functionals without being EinsteinSupported by projects PID2019-105138GB-C21(AEI/FEDER, Spain) and ED431C 2019/10, ED431F 2020/04 (Xunta de Galicia, Spain)S

    Métricas críticas para funcionais cuadráticos da curvatura

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    Un problema central en xeometría pseudo-riemanniana é a busca de métricas óptimas con respecto a unha certa propiedade xeométrica, o que a miúdo se formaliza na procura de métricas críticas para un determinado funcional. Nesta Tese de Doutoramento clasifícanse as variedades homoxéneas riemannianas que son críticas para calquera funcional cuadrático da curvatura en dimensións tres e catro. Ademais constrúense métricas con curvatura escalar non constante que son críticas simultaneamente para todos os funcionais anteriores. No ámbito lorentziano clasifícanse todas as métricas críticas de dimensión tres, tanto no contexto homoxéneo como na situación máis xeral dada pola condición de que a curvatura estea modelada nun espazo simétrico. A análise de métricas críticas sobre ondas de Brinkmann permitiu construír novas solucións a distintos modelos de gravitación masiva

    Curvature homogeneous critical metrics in dimension three

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    Accepted manuscript[Abstract] We study curvature homogeneous three-manifolds modeled on a symmetric space which are critical for some quadratic curvature functional. If the Ricci operator is diagonalizable, critical metrics are 1-curvature homogeneous Brinkmann waves and are critical for one specific functional. Otherwise, critical metrics are modeled on Cahen-Wallach symmetric spaces and they are Kundt spacetimes which are critical for all quadratic curvature functionals.The authors have been supported by the projects PID2019-105138GB-C21 / AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033 (Spain) and ED431C 2019/10, ED431F 2020/04 (Xunta de Galicia, Spain).Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2019/10Xunta de Galicia; ED431F 2020/0