261 research outputs found

    Fruit, vegetable consumption and blood pressure in healthy adolescents: A longitudinal analysis from the LabMed study

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    Background and aims: The associations between fruit and vegetable consumption and high blood pressure among adults are well studied. Nonetheless, data on the influence of a low consumption of fruit and vegetables on cardiovascular disease risk, particularly blood pressure, among healthy adolescents are scarce. Therefore, we aim to analyse the associations between fruit and/or vegetable intake and blood pressure over a two-year period in healthy adolescents.Methods and results: As part of a cohort, 606 adolescents from the LabMed Physical Activity study were evaluated in 2011 (baseline) and 2013 (follow-up). Blood pressure was measured according to standardized procedures and fruit and vegetable consumption was assessed with a food frequency questionnaire. Anthropometric variables, socioeconomic status, pubertal stage and lifestyle determinants were gathered and used as confounders. Prospective associations between fruit and/or vegetable intake and blood pressure were examined using generalized linear models. Girls who consumed more fruit at baseline had a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure at follow-up [unstandardized beta: -0.005 mmHg (95% CI: -0.01; -0.0002) (p = 0.038)].Conclusion: In apparently healthy adolescents, fruit intake may already start to have an effect in blood pressure. Girls who consumed more fruit exhibited lower levels of diastolic blood pressure. (C) 2018 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This study was supported by the Research Centre on Physical Activity Health and Leisure (CIAFEL) of the Faculty of Sport, University of Porto and by FCT grant BD88984/2012 (J. Oliveira-Santos); The Research Centre on Physical Activity Health and Leisure (CIAFEL) is supported by UID/DTP/00617/2013 (FCT); the author C. Agostinis-Sobrinho was given Doctoral scholarship from the Brazilian government by CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) (Proc: 9588-13-2).The authors gratefully acknowledged the participation of all adolescents and their parents, teachers and schools of the LabMed Study. They also acknowledge the cooperation of volunteer's subjects and the Research Centre in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure (University of Porto) for the sponsoring the LabMed Study

    Dengue Infection Increases the Locomotor Activity of Aedes aegypti Females

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    BACKGROUND: Aedes aegypti is the main vector of the virus causing Dengue fever, a disease that has increased dramatically in importance in recent decades, affecting many tropical and sub-tropical areas of the globe. It is known that viruses and other parasites can potentially alter vector behavior. We investigated whether infection with Dengue virus modifies the behavior of Aedes aegypti females with respect to their activity level. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We carried out intrathoracic Dengue 2 virus (DENV-2) infections in Aedes aegypti females and recorded their locomotor activity behavior. We observed an increase of up to ∼50% in the activity of infected mosquitoes compared to the uninfected controls. CONCLUSIONS: Dengue infection alters mosquito locomotor activity behavior. We speculate that the higher levels of activity observed in infected Aedes aegypti females might involve the circadian clock. Further studies are needed to assess whether this behavioral change could have implications for the dynamics of Dengue virus transmission

    Agentes de mudança na biodiversidade e serviços ecossistêmicos na APA Sistema Cantareira: Uma análise prospectiva da implementação de políticas públicas

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    The lack of implementation of well-designed public policies aimed at the conservation of natural ecosystems has resulted, at a global level, in the decline of ecosystem functioning and, consequently, of the contributions they make to people. The poor enforcement of important environmental legislation in Brazil-for instance, the “Atlantic Forest Law” (Law n.11.428/2006) and the “Forest Code” (Law n.12.651/2012)-could compromise the overall maintenance of ecosystems and the services they provide. To explore the implications of different levels of federal laws’ enforcement within the Cantareira System Protected Area (PA)-a PA in southeastern Brazil that provides fresh water for 47% of the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area-, we developed a conceptual framework to identify indirect and direct drives of biodiversity and ecosystem changes. We also projected four land-use scenarios to 2050 to test the effects of deforestation control and forest restoration practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services maintenance: the “business-as-usual” scenario (BAU), which assumes that all trends in land-use cover changes observed in the past will continue in the future, and three alternative exploratory scenarios considering the Atlantic Forest Law implementation, the partial implementation of the Forest Code and the full implementation of the Forest Code. Using the land-use maps generated for each scenario, we assessed the impacts of land-use changes on biodiversity conservation and soil retention. Our results revealed all alternative scenarios could increase biodiversity conservation (by 7%; 12%; and 12%, respectively), reduce soil loss (by 24.70%; 34.70%; and 38.12%, respectively) and sediment exportation to water (by 27.47%; 55.06%; and 59.28%, respectively), when compared to the BAU scenario. Our findings highlight the importance of restoring and conserving native vegetation for the maintenance and improvement of biodiversity conservation and for the provision of ecosystem services.A falta de implementação de políticas públicas voltadas para a conservação ambiental, tem resultado, em nível global, em impactos sobre a biodiversidade e o funcionamento dos ecossistemas e, consequentemente, na contribuição da natureza para as pessoas. A aplicação inadequada de importantes de leis ambientais no Brasil, como por exemplo, a “Lei da Mata Atlântica” (Lei nº 11.428 / 2006) e o “Código Florestal” (Lei nº 12.651 / 2012), podem comprometer a manutenção dos ecossistemas e dos serviços que eles fornecem. Neste estudo, nós desenvolvemos um mapa conceitual que busca identificar causas diretas e indiretas de mudanças – agentes de mudança – na biodiversidade e na provisão de serviços ecossistêmicos relacionados ao solo e à água, na Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Sistema Cantareira. A APA Sistema Cantareira, localizada no sudeste do Brasil, fornece água potável para 47% da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Além da abordagem conceitual, nós projetamos quatro cenários de mudança no uso da terra para o ano de 2050, a fim de analisar o impacto de diferentes níveis de aplicação de leis federais: o cenário “business-as-usual” (BAU), que pressupõe que as tendências na mudança de uso da terra observadas no passado continuarão no futuro, e três cenários alternativos, considerando a implementação da Lei da Mata Atlântica, a implementação parcial do Código Florestal e a implementação completa do Código Florestal. A partir dos mapas de uso da terra gerados, avaliamos os impactos de cada cenário na conservação da biodiversidade, na retenção de solos e na exportação de sedimentos para os corpos d’água. Nossos resultados mostraram que os três cenários alternativos podem aumentar a conservação da biodiversidade (em 7%; 12%; e 12%, respectivamente), reduzir a perda de solo (em 24,70%; 34,70%; e 38,12%, respectivamente) e reduzir a exportação de sedimentos para a água (em 27,47 %; 55,06%; e 59,28%, respectivamente), quando comparados ao cenário BAU. Este estudo destaca a importância da restauração e conservação da vegetação nativa para a manutenção da biodiversidade e melhoria na provisão de serviços ecossistêmicos relacionados ao solo e à água, em uma região estratégica para o abastecimento de água no Brasil.Fil: Dib, Viviane. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Nalon, Marco Aurélio. Estado de São Paulo. Secretaria de Infraestrutura e Meio ambiente. Instituto Florestal; BrasilFil: Amazonas, Nino Tavares. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Vidal, Cristina Yuri. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz; BrasilFil: Ortiz Rodríguez, Iván A.. Scuola Normale Superiore. Classe di Scienze; ItaliaFil: Danek, Jan. Czech Academy of Sciences; República ChecaFil: Oliveira, Maíra Formis de. Estado de São Paulo. Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento; BrasilFil: Alberti, Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical; ArgentinaFil: Silva, Rafaela Aparecida da. Universidade Federal de Goiás; BrasilFil: Precinoto, Raíza Salomão. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Gomes, Taciana Figueiredo. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Use of recycled material for the construction of didactic material in the teaching of mathematics.

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    Ao refletir sobre o ensino de Matem?tica, por muito tempo se pensou nas f?rmulas e conceitos. Dado o car?ter abstrato e a forma mec?nica com que era aplicado aos alunos em tempos atr?s, distanciava-os da pr?tica. Atualmente, os alunos apresentam uma fragilidade no aprendizado da matem?tica contextualizado ?s situa??es concretas relacionadas com o mundo real, isso porque ainda existe um ensino que prioriza a mecaniza??o e a memoriza??o. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a participa??o das atividades l?dicas no processo de ensino aprendizagem da matem?tica agregada a educa??o ambiental aproximando o concreto do abstrato, colaborando na cria??o de novos recursos did?ticos que vinculem a interdisciplinaridade e o pensamento matem?tico presentes na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educa??o 9394/96. Em um primeiro momento foram feitas an?lises de jogos matem?ticos constru?dos com materiais recicl?veis vinculados ao eixo Num?rico e Alg?brico; eixo de Geometria; eixo de Grandezas e Medidas. Posteriormente, foram propostos jogos matem?ticos vinculados a geometria plana que foram aplicados aos alunos das s?ries iniciais do ensino fundamental. O estudo apontou que os alunos puderam identificar e reconhecer figuras geom?tricas, desenvolver e identificar habilidades l?gicas e conceituais, ampliando a curiosidade, criatividade, autoconfian?a e a percep??o da geometria como um desafio que possam vencer. Concluiu-se que no transcorrer dos jogos que os erros estimularam os alunos a novas tentativas, com planejamento de melhores jogadas a partir do conhecimento adquirido anteriormente.Ao refletir sobre o ensino de Matem?tica, por muito tempo se pensou nas f?rmulas e conceitos. Dado o car?ter abstrato e a forma mec?nica com que era aplicado aos alunos em tempos atr?s, distanciava-os da pr?tica. Atualmente, os alunos apresentam uma fragilidade no aprendizado da matem?tica contextualizado ?s situa??es concretas relacionadas com o mundo real, isso porque ainda existe um ensino que prioriza a mecaniza??o e a memoriza??o. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a participa??o das atividades l?dicas no processo de ensino aprendizagem da matem?tica agregada a educa??o ambiental aproximando o concreto do abstrato, colaborando na cria??o de novos recursos did?ticos que vinculem a interdisciplinaridade e o pensamento matem?tico presentes na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educa??o 9394/96. Em um primeiro momento foram feitas an?lises de jogos matem?ticos constru?dos com materiais recicl?veis vinculados ao eixo Num?rico e Alg?brico; eixo de Geometria; eixo de Grandezas e Medidas. Posteriormente, foram propostos jogos matem?ticos vinculados a geometria plana que foram aplicados aos alunos das s?ries iniciais do ensino fundamental. O estudo apontou que os alunos puderam identificar e reconhecer figuras geom?tricas, desenvolver e identificar habilidades l?gicas e conceituais, ampliando a curiosidade, criatividade, autoconfian?a e a percep??o da geometria como um desafio que possam vencer. Concluiu-se que no transcorrer dos jogos que os erros estimularam os alunos a novas tentativas, com planejamento de melhores jogadas a partir do conhecimento adquirido anteriormente

    Wild dogs at stake: deforestation threatens the only Amazon endemic canid, the short-eared dog (Atelocynus microtis)

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    The persistent high deforestation rate and fragmentation of the Amazon forests are the main threats to their biodiversity. To anticipate and mitigate these threats, it is important to understand and predict how species respond to the rapidly changing landscape. The short-eared dog Atelocynus microtis is the only Amazon-endemic canid and one of the most understudied wild dogs worldwide. We investigated short-eared dog habitat associations on two spatial scales. First, we used the largest record database ever compiled for short-eared dogs in combination with species distribution models to map species habitat suitability, estimate its distribution range and predict shifts in species distribution in response to predicted deforestation across the entire Amazon (regional scale). Second, we used systematic camera trap surveys and occupancy models to investigate how forest cover and forest fragmentation affect the space use of this species in the Southern Brazilian Amazon (local scale). Species distribution models suggested that the short-eared dog potentially occurs over an extensive and continuous area, through most of the Amazon region south of the Amazon River. However, approximately 30% of the short-eared dog's current distribution is expected to be lost or suffer sharp declines in habitat suitability by 2027 (within three generations) due to forest loss. This proportion might reach 40% of the species distribution in unprotected areas and exceed 60% in some interfluves (i.e. portions of land separated by large rivers) of the Amazon basin. Our local-scale analysis indicated that the presence of forest positively affected short-eared dog space use, while the density of forest edges had a negative effect. Beyond shedding light on the ecology of the short-eared dog and refining its distribution range, our results stress that forest loss poses a serious threat to the conservation of the species in a short time frame. Hence, we propose a re-assessment of the short-eared dog's current IUCN Red List status (Near Threatened) based on findings presented here. Our study exemplifies how data can be integrated across sources and modelling procedures to improve our knowledge of relatively understudied species

    It Takes Two to Tango, Part II : Synthesis of A-Ring Functionalised Quinones Containing Two Redox-Active Centres with Antitumour Activities

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    In 2021, our research group published the prominent anticancer activity achieved through the successful combination of two redox centres (ortho-quinone/para-quinone or quinone/seleniumcontaining triazole) through a copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction. The combination of two naphthoquinoidal substrates towards a synergetic product was indicated, but not fully explored. Herein, we report the synthesis of 15 new quinone-based derivatives prepared from click chemistry reactions and their subsequent evaluation against nine cancer cell lines and the murine fibroblast line L929. Our strategy was based on the modification of the A-ring of paranaphthoquinones and subsequent conjugation with different ortho-quinoidal moieties. As anticipated, our study identified several compounds with IC50 values below 0.5 µM in tumour cell lines. Some of the compounds described here also exhibited an excellent selectivity index and low cytotoxicity on L929, the control cell line. The antitumour evaluation of the compounds separately and in their conjugated form proved that the activity is strongly enhanced in the derivatives containing two redox centres. Thus, our study confirms the efficiency of using A-ring functionalized para-quinones coupled with ortho-quinones to obtain a diverse range of two redox centre compounds with potential applications against cancer cell lines. Here as well, it literally takes two for an efficient tango

    Identification of an alternative triglyceride biosynthesis pathway

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    Triacylglycerols (TAGs) are the main source of stored energy in the body, providing an important substrate pool for mitochondrial beta-oxidation. Imbalances in the amount of TAGs are associated with obesity, cardiac disease and various other pathologies 1,2. In humans, TAGs are synthesized from excess, coenzyme A-conjugated fatty acids by diacylglycerol O-acyltransferases (DGAT1 and DGAT2) 3. In other organisms, this activity is complemented by additional enzymes 4, but whether such alternative pathways exist in humans remains unknown. Here we disrupt the DGAT pathway in haploid human cells and use iterative genetics to reveal an unrelated TAG-synthesizing system composed of a protein we called DIESL (also known as TMEM68, an acyltransferase of previously unknown function) and its regulator TMX1. Mechanistically, TMX1 binds to and controls DIESL at the endoplasmic reticulum, and loss of TMX1 leads to the unconstrained formation of DIESL-dependent lipid droplets. DIESL is an autonomous TAG synthase, and expression of human DIESL in Escherichia coli endows this organism with the ability to synthesize TAG. Although both DIESL and the DGATs function as diacylglycerol acyltransferases, they contribute to the cellular TAG pool under specific conditions. Functionally, DIESL synthesizes TAG at the expense of membrane phospholipids and maintains mitochondrial function during periods of extracellular lipid starvation. In mice, DIESL deficiency impedes rapid postnatal growth and affects energy homeostasis during changes in nutrient availability. We have therefore identified an alternative TAG biosynthetic pathway driven by DIESL under potent control by TMX1. </p

    Uloga prirodnih spojeva kod raka mliječnih žlijezda u štakora; blagotvorni učinci vodenog ekstrakta Santolina chamaecyparissus L.

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    Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among women, and a leading cause of death worldwide. Santolina chamaecyparissus L. is a plant with multiple health benefits, including anticancer and anti-diabetic properties. This study aimed to assess the chemopreventive effects of S. chamaecyparissus aqueous extract (SCE) in an animal model of mammary cancer. A total of 28 four-week-old female Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control, MNU-induced (IND), SCE-supplemented (SCE), and SCE+IND. SCE was added to drinking water (12.72 mg/kg body weight) ad libitum. MNU was administered via the intraperitoneal route at 50 days of age. Weekly monitoring of body weight, food/drink intake, humane endpoints, and number of mammary tumours were recorded. Twenty weeks after MNU administration, animals were sacrificed by anaesthetic overdose and a necropsy was performed. Blood samples were used to determine blood count and serum biochemistry analysis, while kidney and liver samples were analysed for oxidative stress. Tumour samples were collected for gene expression and histology studies. SCE chemical composition was analysed by LC-MS and contained 19 phenolic compounds, with the most abundant being myricetin-O-glucuronide and 1,3-O-dicaffeoylquinic acid. Two animals in the IND group were sacrificed due to exceeding the humane endpoint limits. SCE supplementation delayed mammary tumour development, reducing its volume and weight. SCE had a positive impact on haematological parameters, particularly the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (P=0.026). No significant differences were observed in serum biochemistry, except for creatinine kinase MB, or in oxidative stress markers. Gene expression analysis showed significantly reduced VEGF expression levels (P=0.0158) in tumours from SCE+IND. These findings suggest that SCE is deserving of further study to identify the individual compounds and to understand its influence on animal models during cancer development.Rak dojke najčešće je dijagnosticiran rak u žena i vodeći uzrok smrti na svijetu. Santolina chamaecyparissus L. je biljka s višestrukim blagotvornim učincima za zdravlje, uključujući antitumorska i antidijabetička svojstva. Cilj je ove studije bio procijeniti kemopreventivne učinke vodenog ekstrakta S. chamaecyparissus (SCE) na životinjama obeljelim od raka mliječnih žlijezda. Dvadeset i osam četiri ženki starih tjedna wistar štakora podijeljeno je u četiri skupine: kontrolnu, MNU-inducirano (IND), s dodatkom SCE (SCE) i SCE+IND. Skupini SCE je dodan vodi za piće (12,72 mg/kg tjelesne mase) ad libitum; MNU je primijenjen intraperitonealnim putem u 50. danu života. Tjedno je bilježeno praćenje tjelesne mase, unosa hrane/tekućine, humano usmrćivanje i broj tumora mliječnih žlijezda. Dvadeset tjedana nakon primjene MNU, životinje su žrtvovane predoziranjem anestetikom i obavljena je razudba. Uzorci krvi su rabljeni za određivanje krvne slike i analizu biokemije seruma, dok su uzeti uzorci bubrega i pluća rabljeni za analize oksidativnog stresa. Uzorci tumora su prikupljeni za studije ekspresije gena i histološke studije. Analiziran je kemijski sastav skupine SCE pomoću LC-MS i otkriveno je da sadrži 19 fenolnih spojeva od kojih su najobilniji bili miricetin-O-glukuronid i 1,3-O-dikafeoilkina kiselina. Dvije životinje iz IND skupini žrtvovane su zbog prekoračenja ograničenja za humano usmrćivanje. Skupini SCE dodatak je odgodio razvoj tumora mliječnih žlijezda, smanjujući njegov volumen i masu. Skupina SCE je imala pozitivni učinak na hematološke parametre, posebice na omjer neutrofila i limfocita (P=0,026). Nikakve značajne razlike nisu otkrivene u biokemiji seruma, osim kreatinin kinaze MB, niti u markerima oksidativnog stresa. Analiza ekspresije gena pokazala je značajno smanjene razina ekspresije VEGF (P=0,0158) u tumora iz skupine SCE+IND. Ovi nalazi ukazuju da bi skupinu SCE trebalo dodatno ispitati da bi se identificirali pojedinačni spojevi i razumio njegov utjecaj na životinjama oboljelih od raka mliječnih žlijezda