457 research outputs found

    Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine research - how can it contribute to fight future pandemics?

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    Understanding the pathogenesis of viral infection is of paramount importance for the development of better therapies. In the particular case of COVID-19, the mechanism of infection is highly complex and involves a critical cascade of events, which can lead to the death of the patient. Intense research is currently being performed to gain mechanistic insights about the virus etiology and to evaluate new therapeutic approaches. The development of point-of-care diagnostic tools, predictive drug screening platforms, and biomimetic models of the disease could play a key role in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanism of viral infection and its response to drugs. In this regard, specific tissue engineering and regenerative medicine approaches, such as microfluidics and organ-on-a-chip technologies, as well as bioprinted in vitro disease models, could be used to develop a technological platform to fight COVID-19, and other virus pandemics yet to come. Herein, we briefly discuss about how such approaches can contribute to address current and future viral pandemics by highlighting recent successful examples.D. Caballero acknowledges the financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the program CEEC Individual 2017 (CEECIND/00352/2017) and the project 2MATCH (02/SAICT/2017 - nº 028070) funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte supported by FEDER. M. Carvalho would like to acknowledge IET Harvey Research Prize 2017. The authors also acknowledge the financial support from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 on Forefront Research in 3D Disease Cancer Models as in vitro Screening Technologies (FoReCaST- no. 668983), the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) distinction attributed to J. M. Oliveira (IF/00423/2012, IF/01285/2015) and FCT, Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) and Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) for funding the projects B-Liver (PTDC/EMD-EMD/29139/2017), Hierarchitech (M-ERA-NET/0001/2014) and 3BioMeD (JICAM/0001/2017)

    Early impact of abdominal compartment syndrome on liver, kidney and lung damage in a rodent model

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    Background: Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) sometimes occurs in critically ill patients following damage control surgery. The purpose of the present study was to develop a model of ACS and to evaluate its pathologic impact on liver, kidney, and lung morphology. Methods: Twenty Wistar rats (mass 300\u2013350 g) were randomly divided into four groups: 1) intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH): a laparotomy was performed and the abdomen packed with cotton until an intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) of 15 mm Hg was reached; 2) hypovolemia (HYPO): blood was withdrawn until a mean arterial pressure ~60 mm Hg was reached; 3) IAH + HYPO (to resemble clinical ACS); and 4) sham surgery. After 3 hours of protective mechanical ventilation, the animals were euthanized and the liver, kidney and lungs removed to examine the degree of tissue damage. Results: IAH resulted in the following: oedema and neutrophil infiltration in the kidney; necrosis, congestion, and microsteatosis in the liver; and alveolar collapse, haemorrhage, interstitial oedema, and neutrophil infiltration in the lungs. Furthermore, IAH was associated with greater cell apoptosis in the kidney, liver and lungs compared to sham surgery. HYPO led to oedema and neutrophil infiltration in the kidney. The combination of IAH and HYPO resulted in all the aforementioned changes in lung, kidney and liver tissue, as well as exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the kidney and liver and kidney cell necrosis and apoptosis. Conclusions: Intra-abdominal hypertension by itself is associated with kidney, liver and lung damage; when combined with hypovolemia, it leads to further impairment and organ damage

    Intravenous glutamine decreases lung and distal organ injury in an experimental model of abdominal sepsis

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    Introduction The protective effect of glutamine, as a pharmacological agent against lung injury, has been reported in experimental sepsis; however, its efficacy at improving oxygenation and lung mechanics, attenuating diaphragm and distal organ injury has to be better elucidated. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that a single early intravenous dose of glutamine was associated not only with the improvement of lung morpho-function, but also the reduction of the inflammatory process and epithelial cell apoptosis in kidney, liver, and intestine villi. Methods Seventy-two Wistar rats were randomly assigned into four groups. Sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture surgery (CLP), while a sham operated group was used as control (C). One hour after surgery, C and CLP groups were further randomized into subgroups receiving intravenous saline (1 ml, SAL) or glutamine (0.75 g/kg, Gln). At 48 hours, animals were anesthetized, and the following parameters were measured: arterial oxygenation, pulmonary mechanics, and diaphragm, lung, kidney, liver, and small intestine villi histology. At 18 and 48 hours, Cytokine-Induced Neutrophil Chemoattractant (CINC)-1, interleukin (IL)-6 and 10 were quantified in bronchoalveolar and peritoneal lavage fluids (BALF and PLF, respectively). Results CLP induced: a) deterioration of lung mechanics and gas exchange; b) ultrastructural changes of lung parenchyma and diaphragm; and c) lung and distal organ epithelial cell apoptosis. Glutamine improved survival rate, oxygenation and lung mechanics, minimized pulmonary and diaphragmatic changes, attenuating lung and distal organ epithelial cell apoptosis. Glutamine increased IL-10 in peritoneal lavage fluid at 18 hours and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid at 48 hours, but decreased CINC-1 and IL-6 in BALF and PLF only at 18 hours. Conclusions In an experimental model of abdominal sepsis, a single intravenous dose of glutamine administered after sepsis induction may modulate the inflammatory process reducing not only the risk of lung injury, but also distal organ impairment. These results suggest that intravenous glutamine may be a potentially beneficial therapy for abdominal sepsis.Centres of Excellence Program (PRONEX-FAPERJ)Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)Carlos Chagas FilhoRio de Janeiro State Research Supporting Foundation (FAPERJ)Sao Paulo State Research Supporting Foundation (FAPESP

    Diagnóstico precoce de neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 2B: um desafio para os médicos

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    BACKGROUND: The hereditary form of medullary thyroid carcinoma may occur isolated as a familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) or as part of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2A (MEN2A) and 2B (MEN2B). MEN2B is a rare syndrome, its phenotype may usually, but not always, be noted by the physician. In the infant none of the MEN2B characteristics are present, except by early gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by intestinal neuromas. When available, genetic analysis confirms the diagnosis and guides pre-operative evaluation and extent of surgery. Here we report four cases of MEN2B in which the late diagnosis had a significant impact in clinical evolution and, potentially, in overall survival. CASE REPORT: We report four cases, 2 men and 2 women, with differences in their phenotypes and with a late diagnosis. The first case has a history of severe gastrointestinal obstruction requiring a surgery intervention two days after his birth. The second told had nodules in the oral mucosa and constipation since childhood. The third case referred a history of constipation from birth until 5 months of life. The fourth has had a history of chronic constipation since childhood. DISCUSSION: New concepts have emerged since the RET oncogene was identified in 1993 as the responsible gene for hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma. The majority of MEN2B individuals have M918T mutation in the exon 16 of RET, with a few cases having a mutation A883F or the association of V804M with E805K, Y806C or S904C mutations. The consensus classifies the RET mutation in codon 918 as of highest risk and recommends total thyroidectomy and central lymph node dissection until 6 months after birth. A fast and precise diagnosis is essential to reach these goals. The identification of early manifestations such as intestinal ganglioneuromatosis and oral mucosal neuromas should prompt the physician to initiate an investigation for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of MEN2B is very important to allow appropriate investigation of associated diseases and to allow counseling and appropriate screening of relatives for a RET mutation. Even patients with MEN2B, which often have typical physical features, may not be properly recognized and be followed as a sporadic case. Based on this, all suspicious cases of multiple endocrine neoplasia should undergo a molecular genetic test.A forma hereditária do carcinoma medular da tiróide pode ocorrer de modo isolado, o carcinoma medular da tiróide familiar (FMTC), ou como parte das neoplasias endócrinas múltiplas tipo 2A (MEN2A) e 2B (MEN2B). MEN2B é uma síndrome rara e seu fenótipo é usualmente, mas nem sempre, notado pelo médico. Na infância, nenhuma das características de MEN2B estão presentes, exceto pela disfunção gastrintestinal precoce, causada pelos neuromas intestinais. Quando disponível, a análise genética confirma o diagnóstico e orienta a avaliação pré-operatória e extensão da cirurgia. Neste artigo, apresentamos quatro casos de MEN2B, nos quais o diagnóstico tardio teve impacto significativo na evolução clínica e, potencialmente, na mortalidade em geral. APRESENTAÇÃO DOS CASOS: Apresentamos quatro casos, dois homens e duas mulheres, com diferenças em seus fenotipos e com diagnóstico tardio. O primeiro caso tem história de obstrução gastrintestinal importante em que foi necessária cirurgia dois dias após o nascimento. O segundo paciente apresentava nódulos na mucosa oral e constipação desde a infância. O terceiro referia história de constipação desde o nascimento até 5 meses de idade. O quarto tinha história de constipação intestinal desde a infância. DISCUSSÃO: Novos conceitos emergiram desde que o oncogene RET foi identificado, em 1993, como o gene responsável pelo carcinoma medular da tiróide hereditário. A maioria dos indivíduos apresenta a mutação M918T no éxon 16 do RET, enquanto poucos casos apresentam a mutação A883F ou a associação de V804M com E805K, Y806C ou S904C. O consenso recomenda a tiroidectomia total com dissecção dos linfonodos no compartimento central até os 6 meses após o nascimento. O diagnóstico rápido e preciso é essencial para o atingir os objetivos. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico precoce de MEN2B é muito importante para propiciar a investigação apropriada de doenças associadas e para permitir aconselhamento e rastreamento dos parentes para uma mutação do RET. Pacientes com MEN2B, que apresentam frequentemente achados típicos ao exame físico, podem não ser reconhecidos e seguidos como casos esporádicos. Por causa disso, todos os casos de neoplasia endócrina múltipla devem ser avaliados pelo teste genético para mutações do RET.Federal University of São Paulo Department of Medicine Division of EndocrinologyFleury-Medicina e SaúdeUNIFESP, Department of Medicine Division of EndocrinologySciEL

    Perillyl alcohol in Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN-PA): Cytotoxicity and antitumor potential in sarcoma 180 mice model

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    Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells. These cells invade organs and tissues by extension or direct dissemination and can spread to other regions of the body. Nanomedicine offers many possibilities to prevent the spread of cancer tissue and help cure the disease. In this work, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) were used to encapsulate perillyl alcohol (PA), a volatile monoterpene with proven anticancer activity. Encapsulation of PA into SLN (SLN-PA) is expected to promote controlled release, increase PA bioavailability, and impair the volatility of the monoterpene. SLN-PA prepared by high-shear homogenization showed average particle diameter around 254 nm, polydispersity index ~ 0.35, zeta potential ~ -14.7 mV, and encapsulation efficiency 84.6%. Scanning electron microscope analysis revealed a decrease in crystallinity, suggesting the encapsulation of PA in the SLN, confirming the spherical shape and the loading of the monoterpene in the SLN. In vitro cytotoxicity assays against murine fibroblasts (L929) showed that SLN-PA in both treated doses did not induce any cytotoxicity on non-tumoral cells. In vivo antitumor effect of the SLN-PA was evaluated in sarcoma 180-transplanted mice. The in vivo results demonstrated a significant tumor inhibition rate of 51.76 and 54.49% via intraperitoneal application of SLN-PA at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg/day (p < 0.05), respective when compared to the negative control (dimethyl sulfoxide). Adverse side effects of SLN-PA were not noticed in the liver, the kidney, or spleen tissue. The developed SLN-PA can be considered as a safe approach for site-specific antitumor effect in vivo, reinterpreting new nanoparticles- based cancer therapy.This work was supported by the Banco do Nordeste (grant FUNDECI/2016.0015), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa e à Inovação Tecnológica do Estado de Sergipe (Fapitec) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Eliana B. Souto would like to acknowledge the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT/MCT) and from European Funds (PRODER/COMPETE) for the project UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund), co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atherosclerosis and Bone Loss in Humans–Results From Deceased Donors and From Patients Submitted to Carotid Endarterectomy

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    Funding: We wish to thank all the collaborators (administrative staff, nurses, etc.) of the surgery block, as well as the doctors of the vascular surgery and transplantation departments of the Hospital of Santa Maria for the availability and assistance in the collection of the samples. We also thank Sociedade Portuguesa de Reumatologia for funding with two fellowships: Fundo de Apoio à Investigação 2014 and SPR/MSD 2015. DC-F received funding from a PhD grant from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/80940/2011).Background and Aims: Atherosclerosis and osteoporosis share common risk factors, as well as inflammatory mechanisms. Our aim was to understand how atherosclerotic lesions are related with disturbances in bone. Methods: Gene expression of pro-inflammatory and bone metabolism related proteins (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17A, TNF, RANKL, OPG, COL1, CTSK, OCL, TRAP, CBFA1, DKK1, SOST, ADIPOQ, and ADIPOR1) were analyzed in arteries and bones from 45 deceased donors and adipose tissue was used as control. Additionally, in 139 patients with advanced atherosclerosis submitted to carotid endarterectomy we compared calcium content (Alizarin red) and plaque inflammatory scores (CD3+, CD68+, and adiponectin) of patients with normal bone mineral density (BMD) with those with low BMD and explored the associations between gene expression in atherosclerotic plaques and BMD. Serum levels of pro-inflammatory and bone related proteins were measured both in donors and patients. Associations were investigated by the Pearson or Spearman correlation tests, and multivariate regression analyzes were performed when justified. Results: Gene expression of bone remodeling and pro-inflammatory proteins correlated positively in bone and aorta, independently of age and sex of donors, but not in adipose tissue. The expression of bone formation genes was significantly higher in atheroma plaques from endarterectomized patients with normal vs. low BMD as well as inflammatory CD68+ scores, regardless of patients' age and sex, but not of body mass index. No relationship was observed between serum levels and gene expression levels of pro-inflammatory or bone remodeling proteins. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the relationship between bones and vessels in the context of atherosclerotic disease and osteoporosis may rely on the intrinsic connection between the tissues involved, independently of disease stage. Serum measurements of pro-inflammatory and bone-remodeling proteins do not accurately translate tissue pathologic processes.publishersversionpublishe
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