225 research outputs found


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    A presente pesquisa analisou a compreensão das crianças da pré-escola (4 e 5 anos) sobre o ser adulto na contemporaneidade, a partir das suas narrativas e desenhos. Para tanto, mobilizamos um aporte teórico composto por Ariès (1981), Oliveira (1997), Laurindo (2014) e Martins (2016). O interesse nesta pesquisa se deu a partir da experiência da disciplina de Estágio Supervisionado I - Educação Infantil. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada de forma remota com doze crianças, entre quatro e cinco anos de idade de uma instituição da rede privada, localizada em Criciúma – SC. Na análise de dados, buscou-se compreender os desenhos a partir da própria narrativa da criança, ou seja, não foi uma análise interpretativa das produções gráficas, mas o desenho como instrumento de mediação para compreender a perspectiva infantil. Os resultados indicaram grande variedade de percepções acerca do que é ser adulto, que estão relacionados ao crescer, ao cuidado, ao trabalho, a autonomia, ao exemplo de moral e aos afazeres de casa

    ¿Los tests funcionales simples y rápidos reflejan un test más completo o actividad física en la vida diaria en jóvenes sanos?

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    Considerando o amplo uso de testes funcionais e que avaliações mais rápidas e simples são preferíveis, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a associação entre 5 protocolos de testes funcionais (Timed-Up-and-Go [TUG], 4-Meter-Gait-Speed [4MGS] and Sit-To-Stand [STS] in 5-repetitions [STS5rep], 30-seconds [STS30sec] and 1-minute [STS1min] protocols) e o Teste de Caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6min) bem como com a atividade física na vida diária (AFVD) em jovens saudáveis. Neste estudo transversal, a AFVD foi quantificada por um pedômetro validado para contagem de passos, e a média de 7 dias consecutivos durante o tempo acordado foi considerada. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada pelo TUG, 4MGS, STS5rep, STS30sec e STS1min, bem como pelo TC6min. 79 pessoas sem comprometimento pulmonar foram incluídas (49% homens, idade de 28 [23-36] anos). O desempenho nos testes funcionais correlacionou-se com o TC6min (0,23< r <0,56; P<0,05 para todos) e o TUG apresentou a melhor associação (R²=0,34). Entretanto, os testes funcionais simples não se correlacionaram com a AFVD (0,03<r<0,13; P>0,05 para todos). Os testes funcionais de curta duração foram fracos-moderadamente relacionados ao TC6min em jovens saudáveis. O TUG apresentou a melhor associação e explicou até 34% do TC6min; no entanto, este último não pode ser substituído por nenhum desses testes funcionais simples. Por fim, a capacidade funcional não se relacionou com a atividade física na vida diária avaliada pelos pedômetros nessa população.| Teniendo en cuenta el amplio uso de los tests funcionalesy que son preferibles evaluaciones más rápidas y sencillas, el objetivode este estudio fue verificar la asociación entre cinco protocolosde tests funcionales, a saber, timed up and go [TUG], 4-meter gaitspeed [4MGS] and sit to stand [STS] in 5-repetitions [STS5rep],30-seconds [STS30sec] and 1-minute [STS1min] protocols y la pruebade caminata de 6 minutos (6MWT), con la actividad física de la vidadiaria (AFVD) en jóvenes sanos. En este estudio transversal, la AFVDse cuantificó mediante un podómetro validado para el conteo depasos, y se consideró el promedio de siete días consecutivos duranteel tiempo acordado. La capacidad funcional se evaluó medianteTUG, 4MGS, STS5rep, STS30sec, STS1min y 6MWT. Se incluyeron a79 personas sin afectación pulmonar (49% hombres, edad media28 años). El desempeño en los tests funcionales se correlacionócon la 6MWT (0,23< r <0,56; p<0,05 para todos), y el TUG tuvola mejor asociación (R²=0,34). Sin embargo, los tests funcionalessimples no se correlacionaron con la AFVD (0,03<r<0,13; p>0,05para todos). Los tests funcionales a corto plazo fueron insuficientes,moderadamente relacionados con la 6MWT en jóvenes sanos. El TUGmostró la mejor asociación y explicó hasta el 34% de la 6MWT, pero esteno puede reemplazarse por ninguno de los tests funcionales simples.Por último, la capacidad funcional no se relacionó con la actividadfísica en la vida diaria evaluada por podómetros en esta población.Considering the wide use of functional tests and that faster and simpler evaluations are preferable, the aim of this study was to verify the association between five protocols of simple functional tests (Timed-Up-and-Go [TUG], 4-Meter-Gait-Speed [4MGS] and Sit-To-Stand [STS] in 5-repetitions [STS5rep], 30-seconds [STS30sec] and 1-minute [STS1min] protocols) and the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) as well as with physical activity in daily life (PADL) in healthy young subjects. In this cross-sectional study, PADL was quantified by a pedometer validated for step counting and the average of 7 consecutive days during the awake time was considered. Functional capacity was assessed with TUG, 4MGS, STS5rep, STS30sec and STS1min as well as with the 6MWT. 79 subjects without lung functional impairments were included (49% male, age 28 [23-36] years). Performance of simple functional tests correlated with the 6MWT (0.23< r <0.56; P<0.05 for all) and the TUG test presented the best association (R2= 0.34). However, simple functional tests did not correlate with the PADL (0.03< r <0.13; P>0.05 for all). The less time-consuming functional tests were weakly-moderately related to the 6MWT in healthy young subjects. The TUG presented the best association and explained up to 34% of the 6MWT; however, the latter cannot be replaced by none of these simple functional tests. Finally, functional capacity was not related with physical activity in daily life assessed by the pedometers in this population

    Problematização contextualizada para o ensino de química: dissolução do isopor com acetona

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Procurando aumentar o interesse dos alunos nas aulas de Química, os bolsistas do projeto PIBID do curso de Licenciatura em Química da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Campus Apucarana, apresenta uma proposta de aula problematizada sobre os conteúdos polaridade e solubilidade. O trabalho consiste em uma aula experimental problematizada que possa proporcionar aos alunos uma maneira diferente de entender os conteúdos químicos por meio desses experimento

    Prevalence of Kudoa in Fish Fillets Caught in Para State

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    Kudoa is a myxozoan that causes myoliquefaction in marine fishes. Most of species only affect fish, but a K. septempunctata outbreak was reported in 358 people. Although many species of Kudoa are known, none was described in Brachyplatystoma filamentosum, Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii, Mugil curema, Plagioscion squamosissimus or Oxydoras niger until now. Due to the economic cost of eliminating seafood presenting myxozoan lesions, this study aimed to describe lesions found at necropsy and histopathology, as well as to detect this myxozoan by molecular techniques. For this purpose, were sampled 85 fish of the following species: Brachyplatystoma filamentosum, Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii, Mugil curema, Plagioscion squamosissimus, and Oxydoras niger from Colares and Vigia, Pará, Brazil. Necropsies were carried out to describe lesions and molecular techniques (PCR and sequencing) were applied for identification. Although muscle lesions were not observed at necropsy, histopathology revealed bacterial colonies, coagulative necrosis, dystrophic calcification, eosinophils, hemorrhage, parasitic cysts, protozoan, and vacuolization. After sequencing, K. shiomitsui (GENBANK: LC128646) was identified as the causative agent of fishes infection. Also, high parasitism of this myxozoan was observed in fishes sampled, i.e., 90 % in Colares and 100% in Vigia

    Risk factors for injury in the cornea in critical patients in intensive care: an integrative review

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    Objective: summarizing the scientific content produced about the risk factors for corneal injury in critically ill patients in intensive care. Method: this is an integrative review of the literature conducted by question: “Which risk factors are involved in the development of corneal injury in critically ill patients in intensive care?” We searched the banks of BDENF, LILACS, SciELO and MEDLINE. The collection was performed according to the research protocol from January to April 2014. Results: the risk factors found are related to impairment of defense mechanisms, ventilation, and level of consciousness, severity and hemodynamic instability and use of specific medications. Conclusion: there was noted the scarcity of scientific papers about the subject in our country, which makes it imperative to urgent investigation into our reality, in order to demonstrate the problems of this disease

    Caracterización de las personas con úlcera venosa en Brasil y Portugal: estudio comparativo

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    Objective: To compare the socio-demographic aspects, of health, care and clinic of people with venous ulcer (VU) in Brazil and Portugal. Method: Analytical comparative and transversal study with a quantitative approach. The sample was composed by 130 persons with UV assisted in Natal/Brazil and Évora/Portugal in the period between June and October of 2011, through a structured interview form and collection of bio-physiological measures. Results: Significant differences between the two countries were verified, regarding the age, family income, profession/occupation, time of lesion shorter than 6 months, small lesion area, ulcer with granulation, availability of proper products, place for treatment, access to medics, Doppler examination and documentation of clinical sate. Conclusion: The researched in Portugal were elder, with better income; the number of patients with a profession/occupation was lower than the researched users in Brazil and presented lesions with more favourable characteristics to the scar healing process. The researched assistance to users with VU in Portugal has presented to be significantly better than the one performed in Brazil


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    A psicologia macrocultural é uma ramificação da psicologia cultural e foi desenvolvida por Carl Ratner, com a finalidade de promover processos de mudança social. Tal teoria tem como princípio central a concepção de que os fenômenos psicológicos possuem como base a cultura, a qual é constituída por fatores macroculturais, sendo eles as instituições sociais, os artefatos e os conceitos culturais. Assim, Ratner propõe que é por meio da transformação da cultura que se torna possível processos de mudança tanto na constituição dos fenômenos psicológicos, quanto na própria sociedade. Diante disso, esse artigo tem como proposta realizar um estudo teórico sobre a psicologia macrocultural, por meio da literatura produzida pelo próprio teórico, bem como da literatura produzida no Brasil, buscando, sobretudo, aprofundar e divulgar essa teoria que tem sido pouco estudada no país. Por fim, vale destacar que esse estudo possibilita conhecer a importância que essa teoria assume para a construção da crítica, da compreensão e da mudança dos processos prejudiciais que ocorrem nas diversas sociedades culturais e que limitam o desenvolvimento ideal das pessoas. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Psicologia Macrocultural, Cultura, Fatores Macroculturais, Fenômenos Psicológicos, Mudança Social


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    The present study presents a survey of researches that, through the employment of theoretical precepts, laboratory tests or empiric studies, in the period from 2006 to 2015, related themselves to the examination of anomalies' incidences or irrational effects which affect people's choices on investment decisions. Despite the temporal delimitation, it was set about the seminal study of Kahneman and Tversky, published in 1979, which brings considerations about Perspective Theory, in opposite to Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). The used methodology is exploratory and bibliographic, employing a sample composed by international journals of Finances area, besides journals in Accounting and Management in Brazil. A subdivision in the format of findings presentation was carried out, separating those which treat theoretical precepts and laboratory tests, nevertheless linked to possible practical effects - depicted as studies of behavioral incidences, evidences and tendencies - from those which seek empirical evidences greatly related to market operations, identified as studies of behavioral precepts applied to market. In conclusion, it was possible to identify that international researches are more focused on the understanding of behavioral phenomena and their impacts in stock market, while Brazilian studies concentrate on replications of seminal study or identification of biases and specific samples, presenting low possibilities for results' generalization. This occurs due to the lack of deepening and narrow scope of the investigations. Therefore, it's open a great variety of possibilities for studies, notably in fields such as domestic finances, behavioral effects among Latin American countries, standardization of behavior inside organizations, correlation among several biases, identification of other behavioral effects which interfere financial and economic scenery, mainly  if the researches involve real market data