3,190 research outputs found

    Residents' and visitors' opinions as a basis for sustainable destination development Post-COVID-19

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    sustainability has become a major issue within the tourism environment, urging the need to measure its economic, social and environmental variables. Agenda 21, a product of this Summit, recommends the implementation of governance processes, such as satisfaction surveys, as one of the tools for measuring sustainability. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 health crisis, sustainability will be the essential element of stability and control in the face of future crises on a global scale. This research proposes the opinion of residents and visitors as one of the bases for the design of sustainable tourism. Therefore, it analyses the level of sustainability felt by both groups, through more than 1800 satisfaction surveys carried out in Albufeira, Faro and Lagos in the Algarve - Portugal. It is perceived that the local population is satis ed with tourism, although they do not want more tourists. The tourist activity developed in the destinations is linked to the sun and beach, reaching, on the part of the tourist, a high level of satisfaction, and there is an intention to return in the coming periods. However, the surveys revealed the need for improvements in infrastructure to o er higher levels of excellence and attractiveness, which have not yet been achieved, thus strengthening o -season tourism, involving society and its idiosyncrasies


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    The health emergency caused by COVID-19 paralyzed tourism, causing impacts never before imagined. More than a third of humanity is in a situation of confinement. The activity that accounts for more than 10% of the world's GDP is in a state of lethargy. Future scenarios requiring immediate action are predicted. The Safety Security formula can be the key to a new tourism order, which must include sustainability and add to the safety of the destination and the tourist. It is proposed to create a tourist card, with Safety Security tourist credentials for Safety Security destinations.La emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19 ha paralizado el turismo, causando impactos nunca antes imaginados. Más de un tercio de la población global está en situación de confinamiento. La actividad turística, que supone más del 10% del PIB mundial, se encuentra en situación de letargo. Se prevén escenarios futuros que requieren de una acción inmediata. La formula Safety Security puede ser la clave de un nuevo orden turístico, que debe contar con mayor número de medidas de sostenibilidad y añadir la seguridad del destino y del turista. Se propone la creación de una tarjeta turística, con credenciales de turista Safety Security para destinos Safety Security

    The integration of artisans into the tourism industry: the case study of Barcelos UNESCO Creative City

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    Purpose: The study analyses the inclusion of artisans in the tourism business sector in the creative city of Barcelos. It also provides a complementary analysis of the development of tourism enterprises after the COVID-19 period. Methodology: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with different Stakeholders, in-depth documentary analysis of the total number of active artisans in the municipality, complementing the study with the analysis of entrepreneurship indicators of the Municipality of Barcelos, before and immediately after the COVID-19 period, using the SABI database. Findings: It has been possible to identify the evolution of the business fabric of companies related to the tourism sector in Barcelos in the period of 2019 and 2020, observing the integration of craftsmanship in the economic environment, and the decline at the global level. Furthermore, the extension of creative tourism, its impact in the COVID-19 period and its transcendence in the economic environment of the destination were verified. Research limitations/implications: As it was not possible to verify the integration of active artisans in the tourism enterprises (through the SABI database), personal interviews were conducted with actors in the destination related to the development of creative tourism. Originality/Value: This research provides data that facilitates the understanding of the development of local entrepreneurship, and the identification of new business opportunities in the region. The degree of integration of craft activities, which identifies Barcelos as a creative city, is recognised as a new tool for competitiveness and good governance policies. This study reflects that despite the fundamental role of crafts in the development of regional tourism, the crafts activity segment does not appear as an integral part of the tourism activity sector

    Measuring the sustainability of tourist destinations based on the SDGs: the case of Algarve in Portugal: tourism agenda-2030

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    Purpose - A synthetic indicator (SI) is developed to measure the sustainability of tourist destinations according to four proposed dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic, environmental and political. Its purpose is to determine the most appropriate indicators for each type of tourist destination, i.e. which variables should be considered in each territory according to its typology (environmental, social, economic and tourism). To test the usefulness and employability of the SI, it has been applied in the Algarve (Portugal). Three destinations were analysed in this region: Albufeira, Faro and Lagos, all three good examples of the well-known sun and beach tourismmodel. Design/methodology/approach - The SI is the result of a system of indicators. To reach the final result, a multi-criteria calculation has been used in which the most important variables that fit the territorial reality analysed have been included, based on an exhaustive analysis of more than 2,000 indicators proposed by various scientific studies and international organisations such as the United Nations World Tourism Organization. The results of this analysis have been weighted according to the opinion of the population. A survey of more than 1,800 questionnaires was carried out in tourist destinations with high seasonality and dependence on tourism in the Algarve, Portugal. Finally, the SI has been aligned with the Sustainable development goals (SDGs). Findings - The level of sustainability and the level of social concern regarding tourism activity were defined. In the Algarve, tourism is transforming the landscape and the local economy, and overcrowding is perceived as an economic activity that negatively affects sustainability. The concerns of the resident population about the impacts of tourism have served to identify priority strategies to improve the level of sustainability of the destinations. The three territories analysed present different problems and therefore require different strategies for action, mainly of a local public nature. The final result indicates the level of sustainability of the destination, which allows specific actions for improvement in the short, medium and long term to be generated. Practical implications - The results made it possible to develop lines of action aimed at improving the sustainable management of each tourist destination analysed. Involving the local population allows the residents of the destination to be part of tourism policies, assuming a bottom-up strategy. This research provides answers to destinations seeking to implement sustainable tourism, offering tourism sector managers tools for correct decision-making. Originality/value - This research presents a SI based on a system of indicators adjusted to the needs of the territory to be analysed, takes into account the opinion of the local population as a weighting factor and is in line with the 17 SDGs

    Capacitando estudantes do 6º e 7 º ano do Ensino fundamental para a Olimíada Brasileira de Matemática das Escolas Públicas

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: EducaçãoA Olimpíada Brasileira de Matemática das Escolas Públicas (OBMEP) é uma realização do Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) e tem como objetivo estimular o estudo da matemática e revelar talentos nessa área. Este trabalho propõe desenvolver uma capacitação junto aos alunos do 6o e 7o anos do ensino fundamental das escolas da rede pública de Apucarana – PR, através da resolução de problemas relacionados à olimpíada. Esses alunos são classificados em nível 1, pela OBMEP. Em uma primeira etapa o objetivo foi analisar e subdividir o banco de questões das provas da OBMEP da primeira da fase do nível 1 dos anos anteriores (2007 até 2016). As subdivisões de conteúdos foram as seguintes: Aritmética, Geometria e Análise Combinatória. Baseados nessa divisão de conteúdos, foram criadas equipes para desenvolver, elaborar e separar listas do banco de questões, em níveis de dificuldade: fácil, médio e difícil. Em seguida, essas listas foram enviadas aos responsáveis de cada escola (professores de matemática do ensino básico) que desenvolveram tais problemas com seus alunos. A segunda etapa desse trabalho ocorre após a realização da primeira fase da OBMEP, onde já são conhecidos os alunos aprovados para a segunda fase. Nessa etapa as atividades são realizadas dentro das escolas participantes, sempre com a presença de pelo menos um membro da equipe executora. O desenvolvimento deste trabalho pretende aumentar o interesse dos alunos em aprimorar seu conhecimento em Matemática. Para isso, são realizadas atividades diferenciadas, que possam causar uma maior atração aos aluno

    Maintenance management based on organization maturity level

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    This article aims to discuss the management processes of the maintenance function of a company depending on the degree of maturity of the organization in connection with the maintenance, redefining training strategies, collection and analysis of failures, study and action plan to improve operational performance according to the organization's strategies. The maintenance management makes use of some tools and techniques to improve efficiency and minimize their impacts, such as the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Analysis of the Failure Mode and Effects (FMEA). The identification of the degree of maturity on the maintenance, leads us to a better planning of actions needed to adapt management strategies proposed thus appropriate computerized tools, performance indicators, technical analysis and management methodologies most appropriate, providing a horizon of improvements necessary for the successful evolution of the process and the resulting progress in the maintenance maturity level function for the company. Understanding the aspects which define the degree of maturity of an organization may not be an easy task. We intend, therefore, support the argument that the degree of maturity management processes associated with maintaining the function of a company is closely related to the degree of preparation and knowledge of tools and control systems that an organization has. Aspects related to maturity levels have been fairly dealt with in various segments of the knowledge and practice of characterizing its findings have contributed to the achievement of better results in organizations in general.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    O aborto sob a ótica da legislação brasileira/Abortion under the optics of brazilian legislation

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    O presente artigo científico tem por escopo analisar acerca da prática abortiva no âmbito da legislação brasileira. Não obstante ser um tema de grande polêmica, é necessária a sua abordagem e análise jurídica e social, no intuito de não o deixar omitido por trás das cortinas do medo, uma vez que é uma realidade incontestável na sociedade brasileira e mundial. Apesar desta pesquisa ter por objetivo privilegiar a investigação jurídica do assunto, é preciso esclarecer que o tema não seria completo se dissociado do contexto histórico e do exame do ponto de vista moral que trata da temática no país, e inclusive, dos aspectos científicos, políticos e filosóficos que entrelaçam o conteúdo acerca da prática do aborto. Assim, o artigo se propõe a abordar o tema através do estudo da sistemática jurídica brasileira atual e, por isso, busca discorrer sobre os direitos do nascituro como sujeito dotado do direito à vida, pelo qual o Estado estabeleceu como bem jurídico tutelado de maior relevância no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

    Gestão do ensino superior a distância na Universidade Federal do Acre

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    Monografia (graduação)—Ministério da Educação, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Diretoria de Educação a Distância, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Programa Nacional de Formação em Administração Pública, Universidade de Brasília, 2015.O presente trabalho compreende um estudo sobre a eficácia da gestão do ensino superior à distância na Universidade Federal do Acre no sentido de promover a inserção social das classes menos favorecidas. A educação é um direito social assegurado na Constituição Federal e cabe ao Estado, por intermédio das universidades públicas, juntamente com a família o papel de promovê-la observando a expansão, a democratização e a interiorização do ensino público superior, gratuito e de qualidade no país. Nesse contexto, a Educação a Distância desponta como importante ferramenta de alcance dos estudantes já que para esta modalidade não existem barreiras de tempo e espaço. Desta forma, para concretização deste estudo, buscou-se fazer uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema e traçar um perfil do aluno de pós-graduação a distância da UFAC. A população investigada foi formada por alunos dos três cursos de pós-graduação à distância, a saber: UNIAFRO: Política e Promoção da Igualdade Racial na escola; História e Cultura Afro-brasileira e Africana; e POSTIC: Pós-graduação em Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. Os estudantes responderam a um questionário durante o período de sete dias. Por meio dos resultados, foi possível constatar que a Gestão de Educação a distância da Universidade Federal do Acre, por intermédio das ações do NIEAD, tem se mostrado eficaz e tem conseguido alcançar alunos de classes sociais menos favorecidas. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work includes a study on the effectiveness of higher education management in the distance at the Federal University of Acre to promote the social inclusion of disadvantaged classes. Education is a social right secured by the Constitution and it is up to the State, through the public universities, along with the family's role to promote it by observing the expansion, democratization and the internalization of public education, free and quality in the country. In this context, distance education is emerging as an important tool range of students since for this mode there is no time and space barriers. Thus, to achieve this study, we attempted to make a literature review on the topic and draw a graduate student profile the distance UFAC. The population studied was formed by students of the three courses of postgraduate distance, namely: UNIAFRO: Policy and Promotion of Racial Equality in school; History and Afro-Brazilian Culture and African; and Postic: Postgraduate in Information and Communication Technologies. Students answered a questionnaire during the period of seven days. By the results, it was found that the Education Management the distance from the Federal University of Acre, through the NIEAD actions, has proven effective and has been able to reach students from lower social classes

    O desafio da promoção da equidade racial na escola à luz dos indicadores educacionais brasileiros

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    O presente trabalho busca traçar um panorama das assimetrias raciais presentes nos indicadores educacionais de rendimento, através da análise do SAEB 2005 e da Prova Brasil 2009. Pudemos verificar que os alunos negros apresentam os piores resultados, e os brancos os melhores. Ademais, os exercícios de desagregação feitos a partir da Prova Brasil nos permitiram concluir que o nível socioeconômico, embora importante, não foi suficiente para explicar totalmente as assimetrias raciais de proficiência. O mesmo ocorreu com a infraestrutura da escola. Argumenta-se que existem fatores, para além do nível socioeconômico e das condições físicas de instalação das instituições de ensino, que poderiam explicam o menor desempenho escolar de alunos negros, comparativamente aos brancos. Um deles seria a existência de práticas discriminatórias cristalizadas na escola, que acaba se tornando um lócus de ratificação, em vez da superação, das desigualdades existentes na sociedade como um todo

    A critical study of financial inclusion policies in Brazil

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    Over the past several decades, powerful international organizations, especially the World Bank and the United Nations, have provided analytical and programmatic support for anti-poverty, pro-development approaches based on financial tools. The political advocacy for financial inclusion (FI) is based on the idea that expanding the access of poor and/or socially-excluded people to the formal banking system would give them the means for building wealth and income. Many contributions to the academic literature on FI pointed out these programs’ limitations and inconsistencies. This thesis contributes to the critical re-evaluation of FI by undertaking a thorough, mixed-methods examination of the case of Brazil. Drawing on the literature on financialization, we conceptualize the FI of lower-income households as unfolding in institutional environments moulded by structural power asymmetries. A lender-borrower relation, when it arises out of other asymmetric relations becomes asymmetric itself, and thus can deepen the borrower’s state of precariousness rather than eliminating it. This thesis thus has the principal goal of investigating the power asymmetries in the lender-borrower relation in Brazil, from different angles. Using a combination of historical, qualitative and quantitative methods, this study shows first how the provision of financial products to an enlarged base of the population is a central variable to modern accumulation regimes, which therefore explains the protection given by the state apparatus to the interests of financiers to the detriment of the interests of borrowers - and therefore the nature of that supply. Second, it explains the process of mass absorption of financial products offered under disadvantageous conditions by vulnerable workers. We argue that in times of increased economic prosperity, a series of consumption and financial norms form the basis for the social legitimation of credit use. And when those cultural institutions underlying credit demand in times of greater prosperity are associated with the strong instability faced by low income populations in the labour market - translated into weak employment bonds, low wage levels and low state protection - the result is the formation of debt cycles