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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo o estudo de áreas com potencialidade para produção de pedra ornamental nos maciços graníticos de Esmolfe e Antas-Matança, na região Centro-Norte de Portugal. Os granitos estudados, tardi-hercínicos e de característica calco-alcalina, têm cor cinzenta azulada, granulação média e tendência levemente porfirítica. Apresentam acentuada homogeneidade mineralógica, textural e estrutural e escassos defeitos do ponto de vista ornamental, sendo a principal condicionante à atividade extrativa a fracturação. Procede-se à análise da informação colhida e tratamento estatístico dos dados de fracturação, visando ao conhecimento do estado de compartimentação dos maciços nos níveis superficiais, embora com as reservas inerentes à alietoriedade da rede de fracturação natural. No maciço de Esmolfe, a textura do granito é mais homogênea, apresentando uma granulação mais grosseira e cor mais clara do que o granito de Antas-Matança. Os espaçamentos dos sistemas de fracturas em ambos os maciços são maioritariamente moderados a amplos (1 a 6,25m). A atividade extrativa em Antas-Matança é ainda reduzida, enquanto em Esmolfe é intensa e sem planeamento. A proliferação exagerada de pedreiras, que raramente ultrapassam os níveis superficiais (2 a 3m de profundidade), sem atingir níveis mais promissores, causa um elevado impacto visual. Foram definidas cinco áreas potenciais para exploração de granito ornamental em Antas-Matança e quatro em Esmolfe. ESMOLFE AND ANTAS MATANÇA GRANITIC MASSIFS (PORTUGAL): GENERAL GEOLOGICAL SURFACE STUDY, CHARACTERISATION AND DEFINITION OF POTENTIAL AREAS FOR ORNAMENTAL GRANITE QUARRYING Extended Abstract The present investigation seeks to study the areas with dimension stone potential in the Antas-Matança and Esmolfe massifs, in central northern Portugal. There are two massifs: the Esmolfe massif, with an outcrop area of 12 km2 , is circular with a narrow offshoot to the NE and prolongs itself to the SE until the Antas-Matança massif. This latter massif is elliptic in shape, elongated in an E-W direction, with an outcrop area of approximately 19 km2 . Both granites studied are calc-alkaline, undeformed, blue-grey in colour, medium-grained with a slightly porphyritic tendency. They are regarded as part of the Celorico-Matança granite that has been dated at 252± 9 M.a. (Pinto et al. 1987). The textural characteristics of the granite massifs are relatively homogeneous although variations do occur. The Antas-Matança facies shows some colour variations and heterogeneity in grain size. The Esmolfe facies is more homogeneous, coarser-grained, lighter in colour, due to aggregates of feldspar crystals, than the Antas-Matança facies. Superficial alteration of the Antas-Matança facies is greater than in the Esmolfe facies. Due to the petrographic and textural characteristics of the granite under study, and small defects in terms of dimension stone production, the main limiting factor in defining favourable areas for dimension stone extraction is the fracture density pattern. Hence, this aspect is highlighted. The paper proceeds to analyse field information and statistically treats fracture density data to understand and define the compartmentalisation of the massifs in the upper levels although limited to the inherent randomness of natural fracture patterns. In the Esmolfe massif the main fracture orientation is N15-30º W (total population) in 16 of the 22 lines considered both as main or secondary fracture sets (Table 1). In this system 50% of the fracture spacing are < 1m although there is considerable dispersion. The spacing between main fracture sets varies considerably in most cases with no regularity in spacing patterns. The total population in the Antas-Matança massif shows there to be two main orientation directions 40- 50º and 150-160º that are sub vertical in nature. In both sets spacing is < 1m (65% of total). This implies that the set 40-50º penalises a few of the areas due to high frequencies of closely spaced fractures (< 0.3m). Fracture spacing in both massifs are considered moderate (1-2.5m) to ample (2.5-6.25m). Comparison of the class frequencies of distance between consecutive fractures shows that the distribution of intervals is similar in both the Esmolfe and Antas-Matança massifs where, in the latter, reduced spacing predominates. However, if we compare the average distance frequencies between fractures in the scan-lines, the spacing between fractures in Esmolfe appears to be greater than in Antas-Matança (Fig. 9B). This is mainly due to the high frequency of reduced spacing in the Antas-Matança massif that lowers the average distance between fractures. In Esmolfe, one third of the lines studied, the average spacing is < 2m. These factors, in conjunction with the textural homogeneity of the rock, mineralogical characteristics and other factors, such as favourable topographic conditions, easy access and large reserves demonstrate the high ornamental potential of these granites. The quarrying activity in Esmolfe is intense and chaotic. The exaggerated proliferation of quarries that hardly ever go beyond the superficial levels causes a high negative visual impact. The lack of technical management in the majority of quarries implies that rarely the more promising levels are ever extracted resulting in the premature closure of the quarry. The Esmolfe granite is commercialised under various designations of which Cinza (grey) is the most common. It outcrops generally in large boulders that due to their dimension alone allow the installation of the quarries. Alteration profile is generally < 0.2m. The extraction activity of the Antas-Matança massif is presently restricted to three quarries, being the granite commercialised under the designation Cinza (grey) or Cinzento Antas (Antas grey). The existence of extensive slabs of this facies with a reduced alteration profile creates very favourable conditions for dimension stone extraction. This study shows that the Esmolfe massif has potential for extraction in four areas located SW of Pedras Altas and S of Ponte do Ferreira (Map 1). For the Antas-Matança massif 5 areas are proposed, namely the outcrops nearby Pisão, Lameira area (station A24), Antas and Abrocedo areas (Map 2). The importance of this study is clearly shown not only for territorial land planning uses, in the selection and hierarchisation, of potential areas but also to better plan exploration methodologies (e.g. use of georadar or percussion drilling), if the raw material warrants it

    A New Environmentally Safe Formulation and of Low Cost for Prolonged Release System of Atrazine and Diuron

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    Diuron and atrazine were incorporated in new formulations developed with the purpose to improve herbicides action through release systems, as well as to reduce the environmental toxicity. A low cost formulation (ALG/ESC) was obtained by combining sodium alginate (ALG) with fish scales of the Piau fish (ESC) from the Leporinus elongatus species. From the crosslinking of ALG/ESC with CaCl2, the formulation ALG/ESC-CaCl2&nbsp;was obtained. For ALG/ESC-CaCl2, the results are successful, showing a prolonged release of 3.5 and 4.5 days for atrazine and diuron, respectively. Based on parameters of an empirical equation used to fit the herbicide release data, it appears that the release systems of diuron and atrazine from ALG/ESC-CaCl2 are by diffusion processes due to anomalous transport, which did not follow Fick’s laws of diffusion. DOI:&nbsp;http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v9i3.99

    Crescimento de plantulas da especie invasora Calotropis procera em solos de campos rupestres ferruginosos e floresta seca sazonal

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    The present study evaluated the growth, biomass allocation and nutrient content in seedlings of the invasive and exotic especies Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T. Aiton (Apocynaceae), cultured in greenhouse, in soils from two different ecosystems: ironstone rupestrian fields (Canga) of Brumadinho, Minas Gerais; and seasonally dry forest (Caatinga), of Serra Talhada, Pernambuco. Seedlings from the Canga treatment were significantly higher in concern to stem length, leaf biomass and total biomass. In respect to nutrient content there were higher phosphorus, iron and zinc levels in the seedlings from the Canga treatment. The iron accumulation indicates the capacity of C. procera to tolerate high levels of iron, which is characteristic of Canga soils. In the Caatinga treatment there was a higher root/ shoot ratio and a higher potassium accumulation in the plant tissues. The obtained results suggest that C. procera displays a good adaptation to the edaphic conditions of the Canga treatment, which indicates an invasive potential towards the Canga ecosystem. Key words: Caatinga, Calotropis procera, Canga, early growth, invasion.O presente estudo avaliou o crescimento, a alocação de biomassa e os teores de nutrientes em plântulas da espécie exótica e invasora Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T. Aiton (Apocynaceae), cultivadas em casa de vegetação, em solos provenientes de dois ecossistemas distintos: campo rupestre ferruginoso (Canga, Brumadinho, Minas Gerais) e floresta seca sazonal (Caatinga, Serra Talhada, Pernambuco). Plântulas do tratamento Canga foram significativamente maiores em relação ao comprimento do caule, biomassa de folhas e biomassa total. Em relação aos teores de nutrientes, houve maior teor de fósforo, ferro e zinco nos tecidos de plântulas do tratamento Canga. O acumulo de ferro indica a capacidade de C. procera em tolerar os altos teores de ferro característicos dos solos de Canga. No tratamento Caatinga, houve uma maior razão raiz-ramo e maior acúmulo de potássio em seus tecidos. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que C. procera demonstra boa adaptação às condições dos solos do tratamento Canga, indicando um potencial para invasão no ecossistema de Canga. Palavras-chave: Caatinga, Calotropis procera, Canga, crescimento inicial, invasão biológica

    A new experiment for the determination of the 18F(p,alpha) reaction rate at nova temperatures

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    The 18F(p,alpha) reaction was recognized as one of the most important for gamma ray astronomy in novae as it governs the early 511 keV emission. However, its rate remains largely uncertain at nova temperatures. A direct measurement of the cross section over the full range of nova energies is impossible because of its vanishing value at low energy and of the short 18F lifetime. Therefore, in order to better constrain this reaction rate, we have performed an indirect experiment taking advantage of the availability of a high purity and intense radioactive 18F beam at the Louvain La Neuve RIB facility. We present here the first results of the data analysis and discuss the consequences.Comment: Contribution to the Classical Novae Explosions conference, Sitges, Spain, 20-24 May 2002, 5 pages, 3 figure