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    O museu como um arquivo singular: o Parque Estadual de Canudos

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    Fotografía, memoria y testimonio

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    [Resumen] En esta investigación se intenta dar cuenta, desde una perspectiva semiótica, de cómo el documento fotográfico puede ser una manera de reflexionar sobre la memoria, la experiencia y el testimonio, a través de un análisis de la relación entre la memoria y la imagen fotográfica. Estas consideraciones se harán a partir de lo concepto de memoria de Iuri Lotman, porque según él, ella puede ser considerada como un fenómeno de la comunicación en que el proceso de transmisión de los mensajes debe ser analizado. Como escribe en La Semiosfera II (1998) la memoria es un mecanismo de regeneración de la información y non solamente un depósito de la misma. Desde este punto de vista, es un mecanismo complejo en el que no hay solamente un depósito en el que están apilados los mensajes, mas si una reconstrucción de la información. Al considerar la fotografía documental como un lugar de reflexión y problematización de lo concepto de memoria, se hace posible entenderla como un mecanismo de generación de nuevos sentidos

    Efeitos da hidroterapia no equilíbrio em idosos: uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaContexto: O Envelhecimento Biológico é um processo dinâmico e progressivo que conduz o organismo a alterações morfológicas, funcionais e biomecânicas. Objectivos: Avaliar o efeito de diferentes programas de Hidroterapia no equilíbrio dos idosos. Método: Recorreu-se ao uso da base de dados B-On e PubMed para encontrar artigos científicos que fossem úteis no esclarecimento deste estudo. De tal forma, foram estabelecidos os seguintes critérios de inclusão: estudos experimentais controlados randomizados que estivessem de acordo com a temática abordada e/ou comparassem com o meio terrestre; publicações feitas a partir de 2005; amostra com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos e intervenção executadas por fisioterapeutas. Resultados: Efectuou-se uma análise e discussão de 6 artigos experimentais com propósito de cumprir o objectivo deste estudo. Conclusão: Pôde-se concluir-se que um programa global de Hidroterapia que inclua exercícios de alongamento, de fortalecimento, de resistência e de equilíbrio apresentou resultados significativos na melhora do equilíbrio, embora sem diferenças significativas entre o meio terrestre. Contudo, torna-se numa alternativa viável para indivíduos com falta de confiança, com elevado risco de quedas e com sintomatologia álgica com consequente limitação articular. Background: Biological Aging is a dynamic and progressive process that leads to morphological, functional and biochemical changes in our body. Objectives: Evaluate the effect of different Hydrotherapy programs for balance in elderly. Methods: Resorted to the use of database B-On and PubMed to find scientific articles that was useful to clarify this study. As such, it was established the following inclusion criteria: randomized controlled experimental studies that were in line with the thematic discussed and/or comparing with the land environment; publications made since 2005; over 60 years of age and intervention performed by physiotherapists. Results: Performed an analysis and discussion of six experimental studies with propose of achieving the objective of this study. Conclusions: It could be concluded that a global Hydrotherapy program that includes stretching exercises, endurance, strength and balance provided significant improvements in balance, but no significant differences between land environment. However, becomes a viable alternative for individuals with lack of confidence, with a high risk of falls and pain symptoms with consequent joint limitation

    An approach to underground music scenes

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    To address the issue of art, sustainability, and ecosystems, we use the contributions of theories that address the sensory experiences of individuals as a means of social, political, and cultural analysis. What we want to say is that the use of a sensory-theoretical approach can - in the context of analysing and reflecting on art, sustainability, and artistic ecosystems - enable a theoretical and empirical advance in the sensory experiences of social agents - artists, activists, or others - forming the basis of a comprehensive contemporary political-cultural project, because this sensory reflection is centred on difficulties, acts of resistance and the reversal of dominant-hegemonic 'orders of feeling' (and creating). Here, we also bring into the discussion the contemporary conceptualization around activism and artivism, as we consider it indispensable for addressing the conceptual and empirical richness that underlies the chapters that make up this book: the spaces and places of artistic ecosystems. In addition, it is essential not to mention the concept of resistance against monopolies of power within the scope of artistic production; at the same time, the themes of sustainability and pedagogy, serving and illustrating the purpose of sensitive DIY as a democratizing agency in contemporary times; it is very relevant to consider in this book sensitivity and its impact on social agents, mainly how they communicate and create anti-hegemonic strategies, with a vital gender component; the theoretical-empirical materialization, in different time-spaces, of the concept of low-tech and high-tech about 'wild design' or about sensitive DIY; all this analysis also involves collaborative creations and utopia: those new micro-ecosystems and emerging means of sustainability that we mentioned earlier

    Laboratorio de objetos arquitectónicos proyectados y usados : una aproximación dialógica a la arquitectura

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    ¿Dónde habita la comunicabilidad del objeto arquitectónico? Esta pregunta aparentemente sencilla exige una respuesta de gran complejidad. Indiscutiblemente, la comunicabilidad se materializa en la encrucijada entre el proyecto y el uso. Y en la satisfacción de estas dos premisas fundamentales de la arquitectura, con mayor o menor acierto, estará el grado de comunicabilidad del objeto arquitectónico. Pero ¿cuáles son los elementos responsables de construir esta comunicabilidad? ¿Hasta qué punto puede controlar el arquitecto estos elementos y garantizar la comunicabilidad deseada? El compromiso de realizar un proyecto arquitectónico coherente con el mensaje que se quiera transmitir es muy complejo, porque depende de una comprensión profunda, por parte del arquitecto, de los factores que intervienen en el proceso creativo proyectual y en la relación posterior con el entorno y con el usuario.Peer Reviewe

    Illicit markets and violence in Afghanistan: avenues for understanding the use of targeted violence and its implications in Afghan illicit economies

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    Afghanistan experienced a marked rise in violent crimes, including kidnappings and armed robbery in 2021. The reported increase in targeted attacks against civilians in the country, specifically regarding women human rights defenders and media workers, had already raised concerns in the period preceding the Taliban takeover. These events and the changing nature of the killings—from widespread casualties to targeted violence—underscored the need for a nuanced examination of the different ways conflict and crime converge to create conditions that incentivise violent actors and instability. This paper looks at these issues through the lens of illicit market violence in Afghanistan. It explores its potential as a key proxy to project current and future trends of other illicit and criminal market development in the country. The paper suggests a framework for further research to examine the evolution of illicit markets in Afghanistan by using a methodologically sound proxy indicator of such violence. First, it draws on a literature review on violence related to illicit markets and presents the methodology developed by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) to research assassinations. Second, the paper undertakes a focused literature review on targeted violence in Afghanistan, focusing particularly on the 2020–2021 period. The variables taken from the GI-TOC methodology are applied to the literature review to map recent trends using targeted killings and other metrics of illicit market violence. It presents a preliminary analysis of how targeted violence could be used to inform the analysis of illicit economies and its shifts in Afghanistan

    Reviving DIY: the importance of do it youself to the portuguese alternative rock scene

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    The approach of DIY music careers lies in the premise that music is a unifyingpole of activities, clustering a diversity of practices and lifestylesaround it. The analysis of musical production is usually based on an entrepreneurialperspective about creative workers and, specifically, aboutthe musicians. In this context, it can be useful to revisit one of the corevalues of the punk subculture, the DIY ethos, based on empowerment, ontaking possession of the means of production, as an alternative to mainstreamproduction circuits. Starting from the case of three projects - FilhoÚnico, Haus and Hey, Pachuco! - we explore the relevance of do it yourselflogics and procedures in the construction and maintenance of musicalcareers in the alternative rock, considering their impact on Lisbon metropolitanareas music alternative scenes

    Scenedesmus obliquus in poultry wastewater bioremediation

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    ABSTRACT: Wastewater biological treatment with microalgae can be an effective technology, removing nutrients and other contaminants while reducing chemical oxygen demand. This can be particularly interesting for the meat producing industry which produces large volumes of wastewater from the slaughtering of animals and cleaning of their facilities. The main purpose of this research was the treatment of poultry wastewater using Scenedesmus obliquus in an economical and environmentally sustainable way. Two wastewaters were collected from a Portuguese poultry slaughterhouse (poultry raw - PR and poultry flocculated - PF) and the bioremediation was evaluated. The performance of microalga biomass growth and biochemical composition were assessed for two illumination sources (fluorescent vs LEDs). S. obliquus achieved positive results when grown in highly contaminated agro-industrial wastewater from the poultry industry, independently of the light source. The wastewater bioremediation revealed results higher than 97% for both ammonium and phosphate removal efficiency, for a cultivation time of 13 days. The saponifiable matter obtained from the biomass of the microalga cultures was, on average, 11% and 27% (m/malga) with PR and PF wastewater, respectively. In opposition, higher sugar content was obtained from microalgae biomass grown in PR wastewater (average 34% m/malga) in comparison to PF wastewater (average 23% m/malga), independently of the illumination source. Therefore, biomass obtained with PR wastewater will be more appropriate as a raw material for bioethanol/biohydrogen production (higher sugar content) while biomass produced in PF wastewater will have a similar potential as feedstock for both biodiesel and bioethanol/biohydrogen production (similar lipid and sugar content).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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