72 research outputs found

    Nutrology and type 2 diabetes: Nutrient pathophysiology and the transition from health to disease

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    From a Nutrology point of view, type 2 diabetes is a multi-factorial form of clinical “malnutrition” resulting from the intake of an imbalanced diet in combination with adverse environmental conditions and in the presence of predisposing genetic factors. In this review article, we present evidence of a close association between clinical obesity in a specific genetic background as the pillars of the process underlying the development of type 2 diabetes. We review the basics of the energy balance and the role of fat storage and body distribution in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. We describe some molecular aspects of nutrients under normal physiology and during the metabolic and hormonal abnormalities that accompany type 2 diabetes. We conclude with a brief discussion of the principles behind popular dietary recommendations aimed at preventing the full development of diabetes mellitus and its complications

    Educação e direito à alimentação

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    Alimentação de zero a um ano de idade : um desafio aos profissionais de saúde

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    Analisam-se aspectos da alimentação infantil com respeito ao posicionamento das escolas médicas e Instituições Nacionais e Internacionais. São apresentados dados da alimentação de crianças de zero a um ano de idade de área periurbana e questiona-se a adequação da formação do profissional de saúde quanto à alimentação infantil.This article discusses some aspects of feeding practices for children from zero to one year of age. Also questioned the position of medical school and National and International Institut in this respect of this subject plus the adequacy of the instruction and practices of the health professionals with respect to infant nutrition in low income comunities

    Nutrition especialization course: inter-professional and multidisciplinary experience

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    This paper presents a review of the post-graduate course in Nutrition offered at the Medical School of Ribeirão Preto - University of São Paulo, Brazil. The data is available in the archives of the Nutrition Library “Prof. Dutra de Oliveira”, Pharmacy School, São Paulo State University, Campus of Arararquara - SP. Brazil. Results show over 200 students, all of them professionals graduated, attended this program from 1968 at 1994. Its history, objectives and appreciation by the students are reviewed. The main contribuition of the one year curriculum is to bring out the interprofessional and multidisciplinary aspects of the area. The past students are today work in nutrition areas and several are university professors.Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão do Curso de Especialização em Nutrição da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP. Os dados foram obtidos nos arquivos da Biblioteca Especializada em Nutrição “Prof. Dutra de Oliveira”, da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas da UNESP, campus de Araraquara. Os resultados mostram que cerca de 200 alunos, vindos das mais diferentes áreas profissionais, freqüentaram este curso desde sua implantação, em 1968 até 1994. Aspectos históricos do curso, sua filosofia de ensino, as atividades propostas e as opiniões de seus alunos são apresentados. O curso tem contribuído para a caracterização da nutrição como uma área interprofissional e multidisciplinar. Seus ex-alunos estão atuando hoje em diversas áreas da nutrição, sendo que muitos deles são professores universitários

    Searching new proposals for medical teaching (social sciences contributions)

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    Pesquisa recente da CINAEM (Comissão Interinstitucional de Avaliação do Ensino Médico) aponta falhas na formação dos médicos brasileiros: deficiente formação ética e humanística; especialização precoce; preparo inadequado para o trabalho com a comunidade e para o atendimento às demandas da população. A formação de profissionais que atendam às exigências de um mercado extremamente competitivo e, ao mesmo tempo, engajados na realidade onde deverão atuar, é tarefa que se impõe a todos aqueles que pretendem colaborar na formação das novas gerações, nesta época marcada por profundas mudanças sociais.Recent research come out by CINAEM (Interinstitucional Comission to Evaluate Medical Students) brought out faults in the teaching and training of Brazilian medical students: deficient ethic and humanistic background; early  specialization not well prepared to deal with local communities considering actual community demand population. The training of professionals in an extremely competitive market, and at the same time conscious of the present social reality should be a matter of concern to be which addressed by those involved in the preparation of new generations in our age, marked by great special changes

    Nutrologia: Análise e Avaliação da Composição e Cinética de Nutrientes em Diversos Compartimentos e Tecidos do Organismo Humano

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    Nutrology is recognized medical specialty in Brazil by the Brazilian Medical Association and the Brazilian Health Authorities, which studies the nutrients functions / food on health, illness and disease prevention. The Nutrology clinical studies in medical practice also the important role of nutrients in clinical diagnosis, functional, biochemical and pharmacological treatment, food (dietary) of patients and prevention of nutritional diseases. Obesity, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain cancers, dyslipidemia, deficiencies of minerals and vitamins are some examples of diseases involving disorders in primary or secondary intake or metabolism of nutrients. During the course of these diseases occur characteristic nutritional disorders, specifically related to the intake and metabolism of nutrients. They can affect several or specific parts of our body and must necessarily involve a medical evaluation for clinical diagnosis and treatment the physician nutrition specialist, who is a specialist in the study of nutrients in health and disease. It is not possible in the clinic, in medicine, nutrology to treat diseases without clinical, biochemical and functional. The nutrologic analysis complete and specialized medical history beyond clinical nutrition, including specific data on family diet, the patient’s current and past since birth, relevant medical examination with emphasis on function and pathophysiology of nutrients in the transition from health to disease. It requires a series of functional tests, bioquímicos, nutrogenéticos / nutrogenômicos, histological and physiological effects of nutrients in different compartments of the human body. This analysis should always be seeks to integrate the processes of ingestion, absorption and metabolism of macro and micro-nutrients, as well as the utilization, storage and elimination of various products and nutritional metabolism in each patient. Also it is essential to establish the structural and functional properties of nutrients with emphasis on their relationship with the basic functions of the organs and tissues of the body. This type of integrated knowledge facilitates investigations then more specific and accurate physiological repercussions accompanying disorders of nutrients and modify biological processes essential to life. The end result of this nutritional clinical research allows an upgrade and development of more effective prevention and treatment of nutritional diseases, individual and community, which are directly or indirectly linked to disturbances of the processes of organic nutrients

    Alimentação de zero a um ano de idade - da teoria à realidade alimentar

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    Este artigo questiona a viabilidade das recomendações das escolas médicas no que se refere a alimentação infantil frente à realidade alimentar de famílias de baixa renda e suas implicações para os profissionais de saúde

    Alimentação e avaliação do estado nutricional de trabalhadores migrantes safristas na região de Ribeirão Preto, SP (Brasil)

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    This paper is related to a new class of agricultural migrant worker working on sugar-cane plantations in the State of S. Paulo, Southern Brazil. During harvest time they come from the northern states, stay to work in the area for a few months and return to their homes as soon as the harvest is over. Their food habits and intake are described, both at home and in the sugar-cane areas. Nutritional evaluation was carried out among a group of these workers by means of clinical-anthropometric measurements. It was found that during the working period in São Paulo, when they apparently have a higher caloric intake than in their home situation an increased weight, tricepital skinfold and arm circumference were observed.Uma nova classe de trabalhadores volantes rurais tem surgido na agro-indústria açucareira, que se caracteriza por residir longe do local de trabalho, migrar durante a época da safra de cana-de-açúcar e retornar ao local de origem no término da mesma. Recebe, por isso, a alcunha de trabalhadores migrantes safristas, ou simplesmente safristas. No presente trabalho estudou-se a alimentação desses trabalhadores no local de origem e no local de trabalho. A alimentação na origem caracteriza-se por uma maior variedade de aumentos e uma aparente baixa ingestão calórica. No local de trabalho é oferecida uma alimentação pouco variada, onde se constatou uma ingestão calórica média de 2351 kcal. Foi também estudado o estado nutricional desses indivíduos na chegada ao local do trabalho e no final da safra. Verificou-se aumento significativo de peso, peso/altura² e prega cutânea tricipital desses trabalhadores, provavelmente relacionado a uma maior ingestão calórica