8 research outputs found

    Experience and Meaning in Qualitative Research: A Conceptual Review and a Methodological Device Proposal

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    Die Anerkennung der Relevanz von Erfahrung und Bedeutung stellt eine gemeinsame Basis vieler qualitativer Studien dar. Allerdings wird die Verwendung dieser Begriffe zunehmend trivialisiert, und sie werden bei der Datenanalyse oft mechanistisch genutzt mit der Folge des Verlusts des aus den theoretischen Wurzeln abgeleiteten ursprünglichen Reichtums dieser Konzepte. In unserem Beitrag greifen wir auf diese Ursprünge zurück, indem wir theoretische Postulate aus phänomenologischen und hermeneutischen Traditionen sichten und ihre Konvergenz in einer ganzheitlichen Perspektive vorschlagen. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, die lokalen Quellen von Bedeutung zu finden, um von hier aus die Erfahrungen von Menschen verstehen zu können. Dies ist Grundlage für den von uns vorgeschlagenen Ansatz des "Encounter Context Themes" (ECT), der das Hauptgewicht auf die Untersuchung von Erfahrung und Bedeutung als Teil eines größeren Ganzen legt: der Lebenswelt der Teilnehmer/innen. Mittels ECT wollen wir vorhandene qualitative Verfahren ergänzen unter Rückgriff auf bereits verfügbare theoretische Grundlagen, statt unabhängig hiervon eine neue Methodik zu konzipieren.The relevance of experience and meaning in qualitative research is mostly accepted and is common ground for qualitative studies. However, there is an increasing trend towards trivializing the use of these notions. As a consequence, a mechanistic use of these terms has emerged within qualitative analysis, which has resulted in the loss of the original richness derived from the theoretical roots of these concepts. In this article, we aim to recover these origins by reviewing theoretical postulates from phenomenological and hermeneutic traditions and to propose their convergence in a holistic perspective. The challenge is to find the local source of meanings that will enlighten on how to understand people's experiences. This discussion is the basis for the encounter context themes (ECT) methodological device, which emphasizes the importance of studying experience and meaning as part of a larger whole: the participants' life-world. Hence, ECT seeks to complement the available methodological tools for qualitatively-oriented studies, recovering—rather than re-creating—a theoretical discussion useful for current qualitative research practices

    The weaving in teaching: content-articulating expressions in teacher-student interaction

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    Este estudio busca ser un aporte a la pedagogía general al indagar un tipo particular de intervenciones pedagógicas denominadas expresiones articuladoras, caracterizadas por introducir conexiones entre diferentes asuntos técnicos o temas asociados a una disciplina que emergen durante una clase. Se determinaron dos tipos de expresiones articuladoras: de carácter local o global. En particular, se realizó un análisis de videos de clases de matemáticas con dos jueces expertos, quienes llevaron a cabo la codificación de la frecuencia y tipo de las expresiones articuladoras. El material seleccionado correspondió a videos de clases de matemáticas de 138 profesores de segundo ciclo de Enseñanza Básica en Chile. Posteriormente, las expresiones articuladoras identificadas fueron correlacionadas con el desempeño docente global de los 138 profesores, de acuerdo al Sistema Nacional Chileno de Evaluación de Desempeño Docente. Los resultados muestran que las expresiones articuladoras, en particular las de carácter local, correlacionan de forma positiva, pero con un efecto reducido, con distintas dimensiones del desempeño docente, tales como la capacidad del profesor de dar estructura a la clase o la promoción de la interacción pedagógica. Las expresiones articuladoras corresponderían a un recurso pedagógico importante del docente para el aprendizaje, en tanto facilitan la enseñanza del lenguaje técnico de cada disciplina. Lo anterior se logra al establecer relaciones con asuntos tratados durante la clase, pero también con contenidos enseñados previamente o incluso con futuros asuntos disciplinares.This research seeks to be a contribution to general pedagogy by studying a particular type of pedagogical intervention called articulating expressions, which are characterized as connections between different technical topics or topics associated with a discipline that emerge during a class. Two types of articulating expressions were determined: local and global. We conducted a video analysis of math classes with two expert judges, who carried out the coding of the frequency and type of articulating expressions. The selected material corresponded to videos of math classes from 138 teachers of second cycle of Elementary Education in Chile. Following this, the identified articulating expressions were correlated to the overall teaching performance of the 138 teachers, according to the Chilean National System of Teacher Performance Evaluation. The results show that articulating expressions, particularly those of a local nature, correlate positively but with a reduced effect, to different dimensions of teaching performance, such as the teacher’s ability to structure the class or promote pedagogical interaction. Articulating expressions would correspond to an important pedagogical resource for the teacher to enhance learning, while facilitating the teaching of the technical language of each discipline. The latter is achieved by establishing relationships with topics discussed during class, but also with content that was previously taught, and even with future content related to the discipline

    The weaving in teaching:Content-articulating expressions in teacher-student interaction

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    This research seeks to be a contribution to general pedagogy by studying a particular type of pedagogical intervention called articulating expressions, which are characterized as connections between different technical topics or topics associated with a discipline that emerge during a class. Two types of articulating expressions were determined: local and global. We conducted a video analysis of math classes with two expert judges, who carried out the coding of the frequency and type of articulating expressions. The selected material corresponded to videos of math classes from 138 teachers of second cycle of Elementary Education in Chile. Following this, the identified articulating expressions were correlated to the overall teaching performance of the 138 teachers, according to the Chilean National System of Teacher Performance Evaluation. The results show that articulating expressions, particularly those of a local nature, correlate positively but with a reduced effect, to different dimensions of teaching performance, such as the teacher's ability to structure the class or promote pedagogical interaction. Articulating expressions would correspond to an important pedagogical resource for the teacher to enhance learning, while facilitating the teaching of the technical language of each discipline. The latter is achieved by establishing relationships with topics discussed during class, but also with content that was previously taught, and even with future content related to the discipline. RESUMEN Este estudio busca ser un aporte a la pedagogía general al indagar un tipo particular de intervenciones pedagógicas denominadas expresiones articuladoras, caracterizadas por introducir conexiones entre diferentes asuntos técnicos o temas asociados a una disciplina que emergen durante una clase. Se determinaron dos tipos de expresiones articuladoras: de carácter local o global. En particular, se realizó un análisis de videos de clases de matemáticas con dos jueces expertos, quienes llevaron a cabo la codificación de la frecuencia y tipo de las expresiones articuladoras. El material seleccionado correspondió a videos de clases de matemáticas de 138 profesores de segundo ciclo de Enseñanza Básica en Chile. Posteriormente, las expresiones articuladoras identificadas fueron correlacionadas con el desempeño docente global de los 138 profesores, de acuerdo al Sistema Nacional Chileno de Evaluación de Desempeño Docente. Los resultados muestran que las expresiones articuladoras, en particular las de carácter local, correlacionan de forma positiva, pero con un efecto reducido, con distintas dimensiones del desempeño docente, tales como la capacidad del profesor de dar estructura a la clase o la promoción de la interacción pedagógica. Las expresiones articuladoras corresponderían a un recurso pedagógico importante del docente para el aprendizaje, en tanto facilitan la enseñanza del lenguaje técnico de cada disciplina. Lo anterior se logra al establecer relaciones con asuntos tratados durante la clase, pero también con contenidos enseñados previamente o incluso con futuros asuntos disciplinares

    The weaving in teaching:: content-articulating expressions in teacher-student interaction

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    This research seeks to be a contribution to general pedagogy by studying a particular type of pedagogical intervention called articulating expressions, which are characterized as connections between different technical topics or topics associated with a discipline that emerge during a class. Two types of articulating expressions were determined: local and global. We conducted a video analysis of math classes with two expert judges, who carried out the coding of the frequency and type of articulating expressions. The selected material corresponded to videos of math classes from 138 teachers of second cycle of Elementary Education in Chile. Following this, the identified articulating expressions were correlated to the overall teaching performance of the 138 teachers, according to the Chilean National System of Teacher Performance Evaluation. The results show that articulating expressions, particularly those of a local nature, correlate positively but with a reduced effect, to different dimensions of teaching performance, such as the teacher’s ability to structure the class or promote pedagogical interaction. Articulating expressions would correspond to an important pedagogical resource for the teacher to enhance learning, while facilitating the teaching of the technical language of each discipline. The latter is achieved by establishing relationships with topics discussed during class, but also with content that was previously taught, and even with future content related to the discipline.Este estudio busca ser un aporte a la pedagogía general al indagar un tipo particular de intervenciones pedagógicas denominadas expresiones articuladoras, caracterizadas por introducir conexiones entre diferentes asuntos técnicos o temas asociados a una disciplina que emergen durante una clase. Se determinaron dos tipos de expresiones articuladoras: de carácter local o global. En particular, se realizó un análisis de videos de clases de matemáticas con dos jueces expertos, quienes llevaron a cabo la codificación de la frecuencia y tipo de las expresiones articuladoras. El material seleccionado correspondió a videos de clases de matemáticas de 138 profesores de segundo ciclo de Enseñanza Básica en Chile. Posteriormente, las expresiones articuladoras identificadas fueron correlacionadas con el desempeño docente global de los 138 profesores, de acuerdo al Sistema Nacional Chileno de Evaluación de Desempeño Docente. Los resultados muestran que las expresiones articuladoras, en particular las de carácter local, correlacionan de forma positiva, pero con un efecto reducido, con distintas dimensiones del desempeño docente, tales como la capacidad del profesor de dar estructura a la clase o la promoción de la interacción pedagógica. Las expresiones articuladoras corresponderían a un recurso pedagógico importante del docente para el aprendizaje, en tanto facilitan la enseñanza del lenguaje técnico de cada disciplina. Lo anterior se logra al establecer relaciones con asuntos tratados durante la clase, pero también con contenidos enseñados previamente o incluso con futuros asuntos disciplinares

    Influence of Teacher-Student Relationships and Special Educational Needs on Student Engagement and Disengagement: A Correlational study

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    Contemporary educational research has found that student engagement and disengagement have a relevant influence on learning outcomes. However, research on the influence of teacher-student relationships in the engagement of students with special educational needs (SEN) is scarce. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of teacher-student relationships, peer support at school, family support for learning, opportunities to participate at school, and SEN on engagement and disengagement of students using a sample of secondary students with SEN and typical development (TD). Through a non-experimental, correlational, and cross-sectional design, we evaluated 1,020 high school students (340 with SEN and 680 with TD) in the 9th grade (13-19 years old, M = 14.8; SD = 0.89). Teacher-student relationships, peer support at school, and family support for learning were assessed via subscales from the Student Engagement Inventory (SEI), opportunities to participate at school were measured with a subscale of the School Participation Questionnaire (SP), whereas engagement and disengagement were measured using the Multidimensional Scale of School Engagement (MSSE). Results show significant statistical differences between SEN and TD students in both student engagement and disengagement indicators. Engagement of SEN students is higher in the cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions than that of TD students. However, they also have higher disengagement in the cognitive and behavioral dimensions. Furthermore, SEN students rate their relationships with teachers more highly and perceive more opportunities for school participation than their peers. Further analyses show that teacher-student relationships are positively associated with all dimensions of student engagement and inversely with behavioral and cognitive disengagement. Although correlational, the findings suggest teacher-student relationships and school participation opportunities could be important variables for diminishing disengagement and its negative consequences for both SEN and TD students, while improving student engagement. We discuss these results considering possible implications for educational policies, practices, and research

    Engajamento escolar em alunos de uma escola intercultural mapuche: um estudo qualitativo

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    Several international studies show math learning difficulties for indigenous students. These difficulties have also been seen in the context of Chilean Mapuche intercultural education. This could be related to a lack of school engagement. This study seeks to describe school engagement in Mapuche students. A qualitative study based on phenomenology and ethnography was carried out, which included interviews and class observations of two school subjects: beyentun (Mapuche worldview and spirituality), and mathematics. 10 students from a public school located in the Biobío Region, in Chile, took part in the study. They were in the first two years of high school. The resulting data was analyzed using content analysis. The results show high levels of engagement. However, there are differences between the subjects: students have higher levels of emotional engagement in the beyentun class and higher levels of cognitive engagement in mathematics. Additionally, the results suggest that beyentun classes strongly promote belonging and autonomy needs, while mathematics focuses on competence. These findings are discussed regarding school engagement and intercultural education.Diversos estudios internacionales muestran dificultades en el aprendizaje de la matemática en estudiantes indígenas. Dichas dificultades también se han observado en el contexto de la educación intercultural mapuche chilena. Lo anterior podría relacionarse con una falta de compromiso escolar. En esta investigación se busca describir el compromiso escolar en estudiantes mapuche. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, basado en la fenomenología y etnografía, que incluyó entrevistas y observaciones de clases de dos asignaturas: Beyentun (cosmovisión y espiritualidad mapuche) y Matemáticas. Participaron 10 estudiantes de un liceo ubicado en la región del Biobío (Chile), quienes cursaban primer ciclo de enseñanza secundaria. Los datos se analizaron mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran altos niveles de compromiso. Sin embargo, existen diferencias dentro de las asignaturas: los estudiantes presentan mayores niveles de compromiso emocional en beyentun y mayores niveles de compromiso cognitivo en clases de matemáticas. Asimismo, los resultados muestran una alta promoción de la necesidad de pertenencia y autonomía en las clases de beyentun, mientras que en las de matemática se observa una promoción del desarrollo de la necesidad de competencia. Se discuten estos hallazgos en relación con el compromiso escolar y la educación intercultural.Vários estudos internacionais mostram dificuldades na aprendizagem de matemática entre alunos indígenas. Essas dificuldades também foram observadas no contexto da educação intercultural do povo Mapuche do Chile. Isso pode estar relacionado à falta de engajamento escolar dos alunos. Este estudo busca descrever o engajamento escolar dos estudantes Mapuche. Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo de base fenomenológica e etnográfica, que incluiu entrevistas e observações de aulas de duas disciplinas escolares: cosmovisão e espiritualidade mapuche (beyentun) e matemática. O estudo contou com a participação de 10 alunos de uma escola pública localizada na região de Biobío (Chile), que estavam cursando o primeiro ano do ensino médio. Os dados foram analisados por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram altos níveis de engajamento escolar. Contudo, esses níveis variam dependendo da disciplina: os estudantes apresentam maiores níveis de engajamento emocional durante beyentun e maiores níveis de engajamento cognitivo durante matemática. Além disso, observou-se uma alta promoção da necessidade de pertencimento e autonomia indígenas durante as aulas de beyentun, ao passo que, durante as aulas de matemática, enfatizou-se a necessidade de competência. Essas descobertas são discutidas em relação ao engajamento escolar e à educação intercultural

    Dynamics of Simultaneous and Imitative Bodily Coordination in Trust and Distrust

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    Body synchronization between interacting people involves coordinative movements in time, space and form. The introduction of newer technologies for automated video analysis and motion tracking has considerably improved the accurate measurement of coordination, particularly in temporal and spatial terms. However, the form of interpersonal coordination has been less explored. In the present study we address this gap by exploring the effect of trust on temporal and morphological patterns of interpersonal coordination. We adapted an optical motion-capture system to record spontaneous body movements in pairs of individuals engaged in natural conversations. We conducted two experiments in which we manipulated trust through a breach of expectancy (Study 1: 10 trustful and 10 distrustful participants) and friendship (Study 2: 20 dyads of friends and 20 dyads of strangers). In Study 1, results show the participants' strong, early mirror-like coordination in response to the confederates' breach of trust. In Study 2, imitative coordination tended to be more pronounced in pairs of friends than in pairs of non-friends. Overall, our results show not only that listeners move in reaction to speakers, but also that speakers react to listeners with a chain of dynamic coordination patterns affected by the immediate disposition of, and long-term relationship with, their interlocutors

    La evaluación docente en Chile

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    Origen de la Evaluación Docente y su conexión con las políticas públicas en educación / Bonifaz, Rodolfo -- El modelo de evaluación y los instrumentos / Flotts, María Paulina; Abarzúa, Andrea -- La implementación de la Evaluación Docente / Sun, Yulan; Calderón, Paulina; Valerio, Nelson; Torres, Pablo -- Resultados: qué dice la Evaluación Docente acerca de la enseñanza en Chile / Sun,Yulan; Correa, Mónica; Zapata, Alvaro; Carrasco, Diego -- Consecuencias de la Evaluación Docente / Cortés, Flavio; Lagos, María José -- Estudios de validez de la Evaluación Docente / Taut, Sandy; Santelices, Verónica; Manzi, Jorge -- Desempeño docente: relaciones con antecedentes de los profesores y su contexto / Valencia, Edgar; Manzi, Jorge -- Microgénesis de la enseñanza : zoom en el modo en que los profesores presentan contenidos disciplinarios / Cornejo, Carlos; Silva, David; Olivares, Himmbler; ¿Qué actividades realizan los docentes de NB1 para enseñar a leer en situación de evaluación docente? Enfoques tras las prácticas pedagógicas / Galdames, Viviana; Medina, Lorena; San Martín, Ernesto; Gaete, Rosa; Valdivia, Andrea -- Uso del tiempo e interacciones profesores - alumnos en la sala de clases / Martinic, Sergio -- Patrones instruccionales en Chile: la evidencia de la Evaluación Docente / Preiss, David -- La evaluación docente en Chile: perspectivas sobre validez / Martínez, José Felipe -- Aportes para pensar las políticas de evaluación docente / Ravela, Pedro -- La buena enseñanza y la agenda abierta de la evaluación docente ante un recurso escaso / Valverde, Gilbert -- Conclusiones / Manzi, Jorge; González, Roberto; Sun, YulanBusca responder al interés de diversas audiencias motivadas y comprometidas con la educación y su desarrollo. En primer lugar está dirigido a los actores del sistema escolar, especialmente los docentes, directivos y sostenedores directamente responsables de proveer educación a los niños y jóvenes chilenos. También busca ser un aporte para las instituciones formadoras de profesores y para quienes desarrollan acciones de apoyo y capacitación orientadas a los docentes en servicio; para las autoridades y especialistas, dentro y fuera de Chile, que participan en el diseño de políticas educacionales; para los académicos e investigadores cuyo trabajo proporciona conocimiento científico para comprender y mejorar las prácticas educativas; y para el público general, crecientemente informado e interesado en la educación, por su importancia social y su valor para promover la equidad y el desarrollo del país