1,694 research outputs found

    Creencias de los estudiantes en torno a los Espacios Virtuales de Aprendizaje en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa oral. Un estudio de caso

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    Oral communicative competence is traditionally neglected in the development of competence of students in compulsory education. In a highly demanding social and professional context, we must contribute to communication skills in general and to oral skills in particular. Together with this, given the digital and changing context in which we find ourselves, we need to know and master new means of production and reception of messages mediated by technology. Virtual Learning Environments open up an updated field of work that allows for feedback and the extension of the spatial-temporal limits of the classroom for the development of orality

    Sensores optofluídicos de capas finas fabricados mediante deposición a Ángulo Oblicuo

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    Falta resumen y palabras clavePremio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Audio-visuals and Cultural Rights

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    El autor presenta un completo recorrido por la normativa que rige los medios audiovisuales en nuestro país. Para ello, tiene en cuenta la doble vertiente, cultural y económica, intrínseca a la televisión como medio de comunicación y analiza los derechos del público, de la pluralidad de los medios, de transparencia y la normativa que rige la publicidad en pantalla.The author presents a complex summary of the regulations governing the audio-visual media in our country. In order to do this, he takes into account the two aspects, cultural and economic, intrinsic to the television as a communication medium, and analyses the public’s rights, the plurality of the media, transparency and the regulations governing on-screen advertising

    Pedro Muñoz Seca: una visita interdisciplinar para acercarnos a las competencias básicas educativas desde la lectura

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    La constante intención de acercar la lectura a la escuela y, sobre todo, la lectura de los clásicos de nuestra literatura española plantea la necesidad de buscar estrategias y prácticas educativas en el plano de la enseñanza/aprendizaje que puedan incluirse en nuestra programación docente. La visita a la Fundación Pedro Muñoz Seca es un ejemplo de interdisciplinariedad que, con el humor como aliado, facilita la adquisición de las competencias básicas educativas teniendo como base la lectura de este dramaturgo español

    Extração de informação de saúde através das redes sociais

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    Social media has been proven to be an excellent resource for connecting people and creating a parallel community. Turning it into a suitable source for extracting real world events information and information about its users as well. All of this information can be carefully re-arranged for social monitoring purposes and for the good of its community. For extracting health evidence in the social media, we started by analyzing and identifying postpartum depression in social media posts. We participated in an online challenge, eRisk 2020, continuing the previous participation of BioInfo@UAVR, predicting self-harm users based on their publications on Reddit. We built an algorithm based on methods of Natural Language Processing capable of pre-processing text data and vectorizing it. We make use of linguistic features based on the frequency of specific sets of words, and other models widely used that represent whole documents with vectors, such as Tf-Idf and Doc2Vec. The vectors and the correspondent label are then passed to a Machine Learning classifier in order to train it. Based on the patterns it found, the model predicts a classification for unlabeled users. We use multiple classifiers, to find the one that behaves the best with the data. With the goal of getting the most out of the model, an optimization step is performed in which we remove stop words and set the text vectorization algorithms and classifier to be ran in parallel. An analysis of the feature importance is integrated and a validation step is performed. The results are discussed and presented in various plots, and include a comparison between different tuning strategies and the relation between the parameters and the score. We conclude that the choice of parameters is essential for achieving a better score and for finding them, there are other strategies more efficient then the widely used Grid Search. Finally, we compare several approaches for building an incremental classification based on the post timeline of the users. And conclude that it is possible to have a chronological perception of certain traits of Reddit users, specifically evaluating the risk of self-harm with a F1 Score of 0.73.As redes sociais são um excelente recurso para conectar pessoas, criando assim uma comunidade paralela em que fluem informações acerca de eventos globais bem como sobre os seus utilizadores. Toda esta informação pode ser trabalhada com o intuito de monitorizar o bem estar da sua comunidade. De forma a encontrar evidência médica nas redes sociais, começámos por analisar e identificar posts de mães em risco de depressão pós-parto no Reddit. Participámos num concurso online, eRisk 2020, com o intuito de continuar a participação da equipa BioInfo@ UAVR, em que prevemos utilizadores que estão em risco de se automutilarem através da análise das suas publicações no Reddit. Construímos um algoritmo com base em métodos de Processamento de Linguagem Natural capaz de pré-processar os dados de texto e vectorizá-los. Fazendo uso de características linguísticas baseadas na frequência de conjuntos de palavras, e outros modelos usados globalmente, capazes de representar documentos com vetores, como o Tf-Idf e o Doc2Vec. Os vetores e a sua respetiva classificação são depois disponibilizados a algoritmos de Aprendizagem Automática, para serem treinados e encontrar padrões entre eles. Utilizamos vários classificadores, de forma a encontrar o que se comporta melhor com os dados. Com base nos padrões que encontrou, os classificadores prevêm a classificação de utilizadores ainda por avaliar. De forma a tirar o máximo proveito do algoritmo, é desempenhada uma otimização em que as stop words são removidas e paralelizamos os algoritmos de vectorização de texto e o classificador. Incorporamos uma análise da importância dos atributos do modelo e a otimização dos híper parâmetros de forma a obter um resultado melhor. Os resultados são discutidos e apresentados em múltiplos plots, e incluem a comparação entre diferentes estratégias de optimização e observamos a relação entre os parâmetros e a sua performance. Concluimos que a escolha dos parâmetros é essencial para conseguir melhores resultados e que para os encontrar, existem estratégias mais eficientes que o habitual Grid Search, como o Random Search e a Bayesian Optimization. Comparamos também várias abordagens para formar uma classificação incremental que tem em conta a cronologia dos posts. Concluimos que é possível ter uma perceção cronológica de traços dos utilizadores do Reddit, nomeadamente avaliar o risco de automutilação, com um F1 Score de 0,73.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Value Chain: From iDMU to Shopfloor Documentation of Aeronautical Assemblies

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    Competition in the aerospace manufacturing companies has led them to continuously improve the efficiency of their processes from the conceptual phase to the start of production and during operation phase, providing services to clients. PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) is an end-to-end business solution which aims to provide an environment of information about the product and related processes available to the whole enterprise throughout the product’s lifecycle. Airbus designs and industrializes aircrafts using Concurrent Engineering methods since decades. The introduction of new PLM methods, procedures and tools, and the need to improve processes efficiency and reduce time-to-market, led Airbus to pursue the Collaborative Engineering method. Processes efficiency is also impacted by the variety of systems existing within Airbus. Interoperability rises as a solution to eliminate inefficiencies due to information exchange and transformations and it also provides a way to discover and reuse existing information. The ARIADNE project (Value chain: from iDMU to shopfloor documentation of aeronautical assemblies) was launched to support the industrialization process of an aerostructure by implementing the industrial Digital Mock-Up (iDMU) concept in a Collaborative Engineering framework. Interoperability becomes an important research workpackage in ARIADNE to exploit and reuse the information contained in the iDMU and to create the shop floor documentation. This paper presents the context, the conceptual approach, the methodology adopted and preliminary results of the project

    Blog as a reading strategy at the compulsory secondary education classroom

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    Inmersos en la Sociedad de la Información y la Comunicación, la escuela está dejando un espacio a la incorporación de estas herramientas que hacen que la metodología del aula cambie y el alumnado adopte una actitud más activa en la acción educativa. Desde este planteamiento, nos parece interesante incorporar una herramienta digital, como es el blog, para acercar a los alumnos a la lectura compartida mediante la interacción entre iguales y poder compartir sus gustos lectores de forma inmediata, alejándonos de aquellas clases de lengua enquistadas en la lectura academicista.Immersed in the Information and Communication Society, the school is leaving a space for the incorporation of these tools that make the methodology of the classroom change and the students adopt a more active attitude in the educational action. From this approach, it seems interesting to incorporate a digital tool, such as the blog, to bring students to shared reading through interaction between equals and to be able to share their readers' likes immediately, away from those language classes embedded in the academic reading

    Applying model-driven paradigm: CALIPSOneo experience

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    Model-Driven Engineering paradigm is being used by the research community in the last years, obtaining suitable results. However, there are few practical experiences in the enterprise field. This paper presents the use of this paradigm in an aeronautical PLM project named CALIPSOneo currently under development in Airbus. In this context, NDT methodology was adapted as methodology in order to be used by the development team. The paper presents this process and the results that we are getting from the project. Besides, some relevant learned lessons from the trenches are concluded.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578