378 research outputs found

    Estudio del inicio y la finalización de la dentición permanente en un grupo de escolares de una población catalana

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    Este estudio pretende observar la erupción de la dentición permanente en niños y niñas residentes en una población de la provincia de Barcelona. La muestra se estudió en cuanto al sexo, la edad y los primeros y segundos molares erupcionados, encontrando que la primera pieza en aparecer es el primer molar a partir de los 5,33 años de edad, y de la misma forma, el segundo molar permanente es el que cierra todo el proceso eruptivo. Se adjuntan tablas para complementar la secuencia eruptiva

    Três rearranjos diferentes, três fenótipos diferentes :Estudo Familiar Cromossoma 14

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    Introdução – Cromossomas derivativos são o resultado de rearranjos estruturais que tanto podem ocorrer num só, como entre dois ou mais cromossomas. Estes rearranjos dão origem a cromossomas estruturalmente anormais, podendo resultar um fenótipo normal ou mais ou menos grave, dependendo do tipo de anomalia encontrada. Materiais e métodos – Caso índex: homem de 55 anos, referenciado para estudos de citogenética clássica (cariótipo com bandas GTG de alta resolução) e molecular (MLPA – kits P036 e P070 e FISH com sonda subtelomérica especifica para o cromossoma 14) por apresentar um quadro clínico de atraso mental. Posteriormente realizaram-se estudos citogenéticos a uma irmã com atraso cognitivo e baixa estatura, e a mais quatro familiares com fenótipos normais. Resultados – O cariótipo do caso índex revelou a existência de uma anomalia cromossómica estrutural desequilibrada num dos cromossomas 14, sugerindo uma deleção da banda 14q32, e uma duplicação do braço curto localizada na parte terminal do braço longo. Nos estudos de citogenética molecular, a técnica de MLPA identificou uma deleção da região subtelomérica no braço longo do cromossoma 14, em ambos os kits e, posteriormente, a técnica de FISH comprovou essa deleção. Após estudos familiares, concluiu-se que dois dos irmãos apresentavam anomalias cromossómicas distintas do caso índex, envolvendo igualmente o cromossoma 14. Apesar de não ser possível efetuar o cariótipo à mãe (falecida), presume-se que estas alterações tenham tido origem numa anomalia cromossómica materna, uma vez que o pai deste indivíduo apresentava um cariótipo normal. Conclusões – Os autores apresentam os resultados citogenéticos dos vários indivíduos estudados, e realçam a raridade da existência de três rearranjos diferentes (um deles aparentemente equilibrado e dois desequilibrados), envolvendo o cromossoma 14, encontrados numa mesma família

    Natalizumab affects T-cell phenotype in multiple sclerosis: implications for JCV reactivation

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    The anti-CD49d monoclonal antibody natalizumab is currently an effective therapy against the relapsing-remitting form of multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Natalizumab therapeutic efficacy is limited by the reactivation of the John Cunningham polyomavirus (JCV) and development of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). To correlate natalizumab-induced phenotypic modifications of peripheral blood T-lymphocytes with JCV reactivation, JCV-specific antibodies (serum), JCV-DNA (blood and urine), CD49d expression and relative abundance of peripheral blood T-lymphocyte subsets were longitudinally assessed in 26 natalizumab-treated RRMS patients. Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism and R. Natalizumab treatment reduced CD49d expression on memory and effector subsets of peripheral blood T-lymphocytes. Moreover, accumulation of peripheral blood CD8+ memory and effector cells was observed after 12 and 24 months of treatment. CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocyte immune-activation was increased after 24 months of treatment. Higher percentages of CD8+ effectors were observed in subjects with detectable JCV-DNA. Natalizumab reduces CD49d expression on CD8+ T-lymphocyte memory and effector subsets, limiting their migration to the central nervous system and determining their accumulation in peripheral blood. Impairment of central nervous system immune surveillance and reactivation of latent JCV, can explain the increased risk of PML development in natalizumab-treated RRMS subjects

    Predicting heart failure outcome from cardiac and comorbid conditions: The 3C-HF score

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    Background: Prognostic stratification in heart failure (HF) is crucial to guide clinical management and treatment decision-making. Currently available models to predict HF outcome have multiple limitations. We developed a simple risk stratification model, based on routinely available clinical information including comorbidities, the Cardiac and Comorbid Conditions HF (3C-HF) Score, to predict all-cause 1-year mortality in HF patients. Methods: We recruited in a cohort study 6274 consecutive HF patients at 24 Cardiology and Internal Medicine Units in Europe. 2016 subjects formed the derivation cohort and 4258 the validation cohort.Weentered information on cardiac and comorbid candidate prognostic predictors in amultivariablemodel to predict 1-year outcome

    Mini viral RNAs act as innate immune agonists during influenza virus infection

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    We thank the High-Throughput Genomics Group at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (funded by Wellcome Trust grant 090532/Z/09/Z) for the generation of adapter-ligated mvRNA sequencing data. This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust grant 098721/Z/12/Z, the joint Wellcome Trust and Royal Society grant 206579/Z/17/Z and a Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) grant 825.11.029 to A.J.W.t.V.; EPA Cephalosporin Junior Research Fellowship to D.L.V.B.; support by the Intramural Research Program of NIAID, NIH, to E.d.W.; Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China, project no. T11-705/14N and a Croucher Senior Research Fellowship to L.L.M.P.; and Medical Research Council (MRC) programme grants MR/K000241/1 and MR/R009945/1 to E.F. and studentship to J.C.L.The molecular processes that determine the outcome of influenza virus infection in humans are multifactorial and involve a complex interplay between host, viral and bacterial factors1. However, it is generally accepted that a strong innate immune dysregulation known as ‘cytokine storm’ contributes to the pathology of infections with the 1918 H1N1 pandemic or the highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses of the H5N1 subtype2,3,4. The RNA sensor retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) plays an important role in sensing viral infection and initiating a signalling cascade that leads to interferon expression5. Here, we show that short aberrant RNAs (mini viral RNAs (mvRNAs)), produced by the viral RNA polymerase during the replication of the viral RNA genome, bind to and activate RIG-I and lead to the expression of interferon-β. We find that erroneous polymerase activity, dysregulation of viral RNA replication or the presence of avian-specific amino acids underlie mvRNA generation and cytokine expression in mammalian cells. By deep sequencing RNA samples from the lungs of ferrets infected with influenza viruses, we show that mvRNAs are generated during infection in vivo. We propose that mvRNAs act as the main agonists of RIG-I during influenza virus infection.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The visible and near infrared module of EChO

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    The Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) is one of the modules of EChO, the Exoplanets Characterization Observatory proposed to ESA for an M-class mission. EChO is aimed to observe planets while transiting by their suns. Then the instrument had to be designed to assure a high efficiency over the whole spectral range. In fact, it has to be able to observe stars with an apparent magnitude Mv = 9-12 and to see contrasts of the order of 10-4-10-5 necessary to reveal the characteristics of the atmospheres of the exoplanets under investigation. VNIR is a spectrometer in a cross-dispersed configuration, covering the 0.4-2.5 μm spectral range with a resolving power of about 330 and a field of view of 2 arcsec. It is functionally split into two channels respectively working in the 0.4-1.0 μm and 1.0-2.5 μm spectral ranges. Such a solution is imposed by the fact the light at short wavelengths has to be shared with the EChO Fine Guiding System (FGS) devoted to the pointing of the stars under observation. The spectrometer makes use of a HgCdTe detector of 512 by 512 pixels, 18 μm pitch and working at a temperature of 45 K as the entire VNIR optical bench. The instrument has been interfaced to the telescope optics by two optical fibers, one per channel, to assure an easier coupling and an easier colocation of the instrument inside the EChO optical bench. <P /

    The internal alignment and position resolution of the AMS-02 silicon tracker determined with cosmic-ray muons

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    Abstract The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is a large acceptance cosmic-ray detector ( 0.5 m 2 sr ) designed to operate at an altitude of 400 km on the International Space Station. The AMS-02 silicon tracker contains 2264 silicon microstrip sensors (total active area 6.75 m 2 ). The internal alignment parameters of the assembled tracker have been determined on the ground with cosmic-ray muons. The alignment procedure is described and results for the alignment precision and position resolution are reported

    Estimation of changes in the force of infection for intestinal and urogenital schistosomiasis in countries with Schistosomiasis Control Initiative-assisted programmes

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    The last decade has seen an expansion of national schistosomiasis control programmes in Africa based on large-scale preventative chemotherapy. In many areas this has resulted in considerable reductions in infection and morbidity levels in treated individuals. In this paper, we quantify changes in the force of infection (FOI), defined here as the per (human) host parasite establishment rate, to ascertain the impact on transmission of some of these programmes under the umbrella of the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative (SCI)