1,304 research outputs found

    Basis for the study of the green rocky necklace beads from the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula from the VIth millennium b. C. to IVth b. C.

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    Este artículo es una síntesis de las bases metodológicas empleadas en la tesis doctoral que actualmente realizamos. El uso del collar es un elemento distintivo, pues este adorno tiene para la mayor parte de las culturas una función social, ya que el hecho de llevarlo motiva una diferenciación, es señal de rango, de poder. Nuestro estudio pretende conocer el proceso productivo de elaboración de estos objetos, entendiéndolos como “producto”.This article is a summary of the methodological basis used in the thesis that we are doing. The use of necklaces is a distinctive element since this element has, for most of the cultures, a social function; it is a signal of differentiation, status or power. Our study falls on the knowledge of the process of manufacturing of these objects, understanding them as "product"

    Horizon symmetries and hairy black holes in AdS

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    We investigate whether supertranslation symmetry may appear in a scenario that involves black holes in AdS space. The framework we consider is massive 3D gravity, which admits a rich black hole phase space, including stationary AdS black holes with softly decaying hair. We consider a set of asymptotic conditions that permits such decaying near the boundary, and which, in addition to the local conformal symmetry, is preserved by an extra local current. The corresponding algebra of diffeomorphisms consists of two copies of Virasoro algebra in semi-direct sum with an infinite-dimensional Abelian ideal. We then reorient the analysis to the near horizon region, where infinite-dimensional symmetries also appear. The supertranslation symmetry at the horizon yields an infinite set of non-trivial charges, which we explicitly compute. The zero-mode of these charges correctly reproduces the black hole entropy. In contrast to Einstein gravity, in the higher-derivative theory subleading terms in the near horizon expansion contribute to the near horizon charges. Such terms happen to capture the higher-curvature corrections to the Bekenstein area law.Fil: Donnay, Laura. Vienna University of Technology; AustriaFil: Giribet, Gaston Enrique. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Oliva, Julio. Universidad de Concepción; Chil

    La rilevazione della customer satisfaction in biblioteca: il caso di Milano-Bicocca

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    The document is about customer satisfaction in academic libraries. The first part is about a theoretical presentation of the topic and it’s importance into the organizational change. The second part is about the 2012 survey of customer satisfaction in Milano-Bicocca University library. There is the conceptual model, the quantitative and qualitative results. For the analysis of quantitative data it’s been used SPSS software, instead for the qualitative data it’s been used T-Lab

    La rilevazione della customer satisfaction in biblioteca: il caso di Milano-Bicocca

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    The document is about customer satisfaction in academic libraries. The first part is about a theoretical presentation of the topic and it’s importance into the organizational change. The second part is about the 2012 survey of customer satisfaction in Milano-Bicocca University library. There is the conceptual model, the quantitative and qualitative results. For the analysis of quantitative data it’s been used SPSS software, instead for the qualitative data it’s been used T-Lab

    La "idea de Argentina": conciencias territoriales e invención del espacio nacional argentino, siglos XIX y XX

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    [spa] Las legislaciones e intervenciones directas sobre el territorio formaron parte del complejo andamiaje sobre el que se proyectó el Estado-Nación argentino durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Estas intervenciones se focalizaron en la población que habitaba hasta el momento dicho territorio, agregándose a este proceso la proyección de ideales o deseos territoriales, en consonancia con lo que se consideró “positivo” para el progreso material y moral de la nación deseada. La “idea de Argentina” asumió formas muy diferentes de acuerdo a los paradigmas de gobierno y las líneas de pensamiento político, social, científico, artístico, que se fueron sucediendo desde el momento de la emancipación hasta comenzado el siglo XX. A ello se sumaron influencias externas (bajo la forma de avances tecnológicos, ideas científicas y económicas) sobre la realidad y el imaginario del país. A partir de elementos centrales como la guerra, la política, la ciencia o la educación, y focalizando el análisis en los debates y disputas político-territoriales y culturales, esta tesis aborda los sucesivos desplazamientos discursivos sobre el sujeto argentino, situando dicho proceso en relación a la construcción de un espacio nacional.[eng] Legislation and direct intervention on the territory were the basis on which the Argentine nation-state was projected during the second half of the nineteenth century. These interventions focused on the population living so far that territory. In addition, it’s necessary to consider the projection of ideals or “territorial desires” that, under the influence of positivism, appointed in this process what had to be considered "positive" for the material and moral progress of the desired new nation. The "idea of Argentina" assumed very different forms according to changing paradigms of government and political, social, scientific, artistic thought, from the moment of Emancipation until the twentieth century. External influences (technological advances, scientific and economic ideas) took part in the construction of an imaginary about the country. From central elements such as war, politics, science or education, and focusing the analysis on the debates and political, territorial and cultural disputes, this thesis addresses as its main issue the successive discourse displacements on the Argentine subject, understanding this process in relation with the construction of a national space

    Endoscopic navigation using ORB-SLAM for urethral minimally-invasive surgery (ESP: Navegacion endoscopica con ORB-SLAM para cirugia uretral minimamente invasiva)

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    In minimally invasive surgery, an endoscope is moved through a body cavity or organ. The aim of SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) is to estimate the 3D map of the cavity or organ being explored and to locate the endoscope with respect to the map. The only information used for this purpose is the video taken by the endoscope. ORB-SLAM is a SLAM system developed at the University of Zaragoza that uses FAST features and ORB descriptors to estimate both the 3D map and the camera pose. The main problem of ORBSLAM2 is that this system is robust (with high accuracy and without failures or deviations) when it works with scenes that can be assumed rigid, with texture, in which it is easy to extract and match visual features. This is not the case with organs, as they are deformable, wet and it is difficult to visually find reliable features (corners) within them, which can lead to an incorrect map estimation. Abrupt changes in illumination and sudden movements of the endoscope must also be taken into account. In this work, ORB-SLAM2 has been modified to work in sequences recorded by an endoscope. This modifications include reducing the number of points required to perform the monitoring, creating a more robust initial map and pre-processing the images to increase contrast, reduce noise and avoid detecting points in the reflections. In addition, to achieve more robust keypoints, different detectordescriptor combinations have been tested, creating a new vocabulary for each of them. It has been demonstrated that with the modifications made to ORB-SLAM2, the change from FAST-ORB to AKAZE-ORB and the new vocabulary, it has been possible to estimate 80 % of the trajectory when with the original system it was not possible to estimate 40 %. This improvement has only increased the computation time by 40 ms. A SLAM system can be very useful in surgical interfaces since it allows to connect a point in screen with the estimated 3D map, allowing the surgeon to insert augmented reality annotations in the appropriate places

    The rolling ball problem on the sphere

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    nuloBy a sequence of rolling motions without slipping or twisting along arcs of great circles outside the surface of a sphere of radius R, a spherical ball of unit radius has to be transferred from an initial state to an arbitrary final state taking into account the orientation of the ball. Assuming R > 1 we provide a new and shorter prove of the result of Frenkel and Garcia in [4] that with at most 4 moves we can go from a given initial state to an arbitrary final state. Important cases such as the so called elimination of the spin discrepancy are done with 3 moves only