2,529 research outputs found

    Prohibido obedecer. Una posible periodizaciĂłn del movimiento estudiantil trentino y su relaciĂłn con los sectores populares de la ciudad en el trienio de las grandes revueltas (1966-1969)

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    Este artículo intenta repasar algunas de las particularidades del movimiento estudiantil trentino entre los años 1966-1969. Se caracteriza la situación de la política italiana en el período de gobiernos de centro-izquierda durante la II República, haciendo hincapié en el clima de fracaso que esta implicó para los sectores progresistas de la Democracia Cristiana y el Partido socialista. En el ámbito de la universidad este fracaso tubo su correlato en la oposición al Plan Gui de parte de todos los sectores universitarios. En ese contexto hacia la segunda mitad de la década del 60' en la ciudad de Trento comienza a forjarse un movimiento estudiantil contestatario, de raíz predominantemente católica y crítica y sin experiencia militante previa, lo que lo convierte en un movimiento particularmente novedosos dentro del círculo de protestas estudiantiles en los años 1967-68 y con una forma exitosa de llegada a los sectores populares de la ciudad.This article tries to revise some of the particularities of the student movement trentino between the years 1966-1969. There is characterized the situation of the Italian politics in the period of governments of center - left side during the Republic II, centring in the climate of failure that this one implied for the progressive sectors of the Democracia Cirstiana and the Partido Socialista. In the area of the university this failure was the opposition to the Plan Gui on behalf of all the university sectors. In this context towards the second half of the decade of 60 ' in the Trento's city there begins to be forged a student rebellious movement, of predominantly catholic and critical root and without politicallly active previous experience, which turns it into a movement particularly new inside the circle of student protests into the years 1967-68 and with a successful form of arrival to the popular sectors of the city

    Interpreting Deep Visual Representations via Network Dissection

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    The success of recent deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) depends on learning hidden representations that can summarize the important factors of variation behind the data. However, CNNs often criticized as being black boxes that lack interpretability, since they have millions of unexplained model parameters. In this work, we describe Network Dissection, a method that interprets networks by providing labels for the units of their deep visual representations. The proposed method quantifies the interpretability of CNN representations by evaluating the alignment between individual hidden units and a set of visual semantic concepts. By identifying the best alignments, units are given human interpretable labels across a range of objects, parts, scenes, textures, materials, and colors. The method reveals that deep representations are more transparent and interpretable than expected: we find that representations are significantly more interpretable than they would be under a random equivalently powerful basis. We apply the method to interpret and compare the latent representations of various network architectures trained to solve different supervised and self-supervised training tasks. We then examine factors affecting the network interpretability such as the number of the training iterations, regularizations, different initializations, and the network depth and width. Finally we show that the interpreted units can be used to provide explicit explanations of a prediction given by a CNN for an image. Our results highlight that interpretability is an important property of deep neural networks that provides new insights into their hierarchical structure.Comment: *B. Zhou and D. Bau contributed equally to this work. 15 pages, 27 figure

    Produzione intergrata di energia elettrica e termica: applicazione al distretto conciario del Val d'Arno Inferiore

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    Scopo di questa tesi è valutare la possibilità di soddisfare la domanda di energia elettrica e di calore nel distretto conciario di Santa Croce sull’Arno mediante uno o più impianti di cogenerazione assieme alle relative reti di distribuzione del calore, in modo economico per i prossimi 20 anni. Inizialmente è stato analizzato il ciclo di lavorazione tipico della pelle in modo da valutare la domanda energetica necessaria nei processi produttivi. Le concerie del distretto sono state censite e classificate in funzione della frazione del ciclo produttivo effettuato, successivamente, sono stati messi in evidenza i caratteri funzionali, strutturali ed organizzativi del distretto. Al fine di stimare i consumi energetici delle concerie del distretto, viene fatta una indagine sui dati ISTAT, TERNA e su precedenti studi sulle concerie a livello europeo. La stima della domanda energetica complessiva e delle componenti elettrica e termica ha guidato la scelta del tipo di impianto di cogenerazione da installare. Sulla base dei piani regolatori dei Comuni interessati e del progetto per la realizzazione dell’acquedotto industriale vengono avanzate due ipotesi per la collocazione degli impianti e per la realizzazione del teleriscaldamento nelle principali zone industriali. In funzione dell’energia termica richiesta dalla rete di teleriscaldamento, vengono dimensionate tre ipotesi di impianto le quali vengono confrontate in termini di efficienza energetica e convenienza economica, dimostrando la fattibilità tecnica ed economica della produzione integrata di energia elettrica e termica nel distretto

    Global Depth Perception from Familiar Scene Structure

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    In the absence of cues for absolute depth measurements as binocular disparity, motion, or defocus, the absolute distance between the observer and a scene cannot be measured. The interpretation of shading, edges and junctions may provide a 3D model of the scene but it will not inform about the actual "size" of the space. One possible source of information for absolute depth estimation is the image size of known objects. However, this is computationally complex due to the difficulty of the object recognition process. Here we propose a source of information for absolute depth estimation that does not rely on specific objects: we introduce a procedure for absolute depth estimation based on the recognition of the whole scene. The shape of the space of the scene and the structures present in the scene are strongly related to the scale of observation. We demonstrate that, by recognizing the properties of the structures present in the image, we can infer the scale of the scene, and therefore its absolute mean depth. We illustrate the interest in computing the mean depth of the scene with application to scene recognition and object detection

    Practical Evaluation of a Network Mobility Solution

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    IFIP International Workshop on Networked Applications, Colmenarejo, Madrid/Spain, 6–8 July, 2005As the demand of ubiquitous Internet access and the current trend of all-IP communications keep growing, the necessity of a protocol that provides mobility management increases. The IETF has specified protocols to provide mobility support to individual nodes and networks. The Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support protocol is designed for providing mobility at IP level to complete networks, allowing a Mobile Network to change its point of attachment to the Internet, while maintaining ongoing sessions of the nodes of the network. All the mobility management is done by the mobile router whilst the nodes of the network are not even aware of the mobility. The main aim of this article is evaluating the performance of the NEMO Basic Support protocol by using our implementation. We also discuss the design of an implementation of the NEMO Basic Support protocol.Publicad

    Factores que condicionan los procesos periglaciares de vertiente actuales en Sierra Nevada. El caso de la solifluxiĂłn.

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    Los procesos periglaciares de vertiente presentan una actividad moderada en las más altas cumbres de la Península Ibérica. Centrados en los tramos más elevados de Sierra Nevada se ha analizado la eficacia de los procesos solifluidales actuales. Para ello se discuten los factores que condicionan la solifluxión, en particular el régimen térmico y el cometido de la disponibilidad hídrica en el suelo. La monitorización dinámica llevada a término en sectores instalados en torno a los 3.000 m, en condiciones climáticas de suelo helado estacional, sin permafrost, evidencia una actividad muy limitada. Factors controlling present-day periglacial slope processes in Sierra Nevada (South Spain). The case of solifluction Periglacial slope processes have a moderate activity in the highest mountains of the Iberian Peninsula. Focusing on the summits of Sierra Nevada, the contemporary dynamics of solifluction processes has been studied. With this purpose, we discuss the factors conditioning solifluction processes, with an especial focus on the role played by the ground thermal regime and water availability. Dynamic monitoring of solifluction landforms located at environments of about 3000 m, where seasonal frost exists, without permafrost, shows evidence of a very limited activity

    Relación del retraso de la lactogénesis II con la percepción materna de leche insuficiente: un estudio longitudinal

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    Aim: To analyze the relationship of delayed lactogenesis II with maternal perception of insufficient milk. Methods: A prospective, multicenter, longitudinal observational study was conducted. Data were obtained at discharge and between 1 and 5 months postpartum on the perception of insufficient milk and related variables, by means of a self-administered questionnaire, and subsequent postal and online follow-up. Logistic regression analysis was used to develop the explanatory model. Results: A total of 260 puerperal mothers participated. Of these, 31.9% had insufficient milk and 23.6% had delayed lactogenesis II. During postpartum admission, delayed lactogenesis II (OR = 2.26; 95%CI = 1.07–4.79), difficulty in breastfeeding (OR = 1.02; 95%CI = 1.00–1.03), and professional help in breastfeeding (OR = 0.70; 95%CI = 0.50–0.97) were associated with maternal perception of insufficient milk. Conclusions: The occurrence of breastfeeding difficulties during postpartum admission and at discharge, especially when there is delayed lactogenesis II, should be considered risk indicators, suggesting the need for additional support to standardized care. The PIM is a suitable indicator to assess the quality of professional breastfeeding support in improvement interventions.Objetivo: Analizar la relación del retraso de la lactogénesis II con la percepción materna de leche insuficiente. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional longitudinal prospectivo, multicéntrico. Se obtuvieron datos al alta y entre 1 y 5 meses postparto sobre la percepción de leche insuficiente y las variables relacionadas, mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado, y posterior seguimiento postal y online. Para el desarrollo del modelo explicativo, se realizó un análisis de Regresión Logística. Resultados: Participaron un total de 260 puérperas. El 31,9% de ellas percibió leche insuficiente y el 23,6% presentó retraso de la lactogénesis II. Durante el ingreso posparto, se relacionó con la percepción materna de leche insuficiente el retraso de la lactogénesis II (OR = 2,26; IC95% = 1,07–4,79), la dificultad para amamantar (OR = 1,02; IC95% = 1,00–1,03), y la ayuda de los profesionales en la lactancia (OR = 0,70; IC95% = 0,50–0,97). Conclusiones: La aparición de dificultades en la lactancia durante el ingreso posparto y al alta, especialmente cuando existe un retraso de la lactogénesis II, deben considerarse indicadores de riesgo, que sugieren la necesidad de un apoyo adicional a los cuidados estandarizados. La PIM es un indicador adecuado para evaluar la calidad del apoyo profesional a la lactancia en intervenciones de mejora.This work has been funded by Project PI11/02124 within the Government’a R&D&I plan 2013–2016 and co-funded by the ISCIII Subdirectorate General for Evaluation and Research Promotion of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
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