60 research outputs found

    A roadmap for the conservation of freshwater mussels in Europe

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    Europe has a long history of human pressure on freshwater ecosystems. As pressure continues to grow and new threats emerge, there is an urgent need for conservation of freshwater biodiversity and its ecosystem services. However, whilst some taxonomic groups, mainly vertebrates, have received a disproportionate amount of attention and funds, other groups remain largely off the public and scientific radar. Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionida) are an alarming example of this conservation bias and here we point out six conceptual areas that need immediate and long-term attention: knowledge, threats, socioeconomics, conservation, governance and education. The proposed roadmap aims to advance research, policy and education by identifying the most pressing priorities for the short- and long-term conservation of freshwater mussels across Europe.COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology(CA18239

    Genomic features of resistant <i>Klebsiella pneumonia</i>, isolated from the bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid of pediatric hospital patients

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    Introduction. Carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (CP-Kp), which are international high-risk clones, have become a problem of utmost importance. CP-Kps, adapting to the hospital environment, evolve into convergent pathotypes. Such variants combine traits of two genetic lineages: multidrug resistant (MDR) and hypervirulent. The pathotypes, along with MDR K. pneumoniae, pose an exceptional threat to young patients during systemic infection. The objective of this study is the detailed molecular genetic analysis of MDR isolates of K. pneumoniae detected during the monitoring of resistant Gram-negative bacteria at the National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health in 2014–2021. Materials and methods. Whole-genome sequencing with a subsequent bioinformatics analysis of eight MDR isolates from the bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid. Results. MDR isolates belonged to 4 sublineages (SL): SL307, SL395, SL29 and SL1198. In the genomes of 6 pangrug-resistant (PDR) isolates, genes associated with resistance to all categories of antibiotics recommended for Enterobacteriaceae therapy were identified. Plasmids were present in all genomes. In 6 isolates, plasmids contained heavy metal ion resistance operons in addition to antibiotic resistance genes. Prophages within the plasmids were also involved in the transfer of resistance genes. The ST395 isolate from the cerebrospinal fluid belonged to the convergent pathotype in terms of resistance and virulence. Comparison of genomes within SLs revealed recombination events in the K- and O-locus regions and the Yersiniabactin operon. Conclusion. Thus, in a sample of resistant K. pneumoniae isolated from bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid, 6 PDR isolates were detected, one of which belongs to the convergent pathotype ST395

    Development of a method for molecular subtyping <i>Bacillus anthracis</i> using HRM PCR

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    Introduction. Bacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax, a pathogen characterized by high genetic monomorphism that complicates differentiation of strains. Thus, molecular methods for pathogen typing require the improvement. The aim of the study. To select marker SNPs for new genetic groups of B. anthracis and to develop a method for their laboratory identification using HRM PCR. Materials and methods. The core genome of 222 strains of B. anthracis from the GenBank database and 66 strains from the collection of pathogenic microorganisms of the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute was aligned using the parsnp software. A dendrogram based on 7242 core genome SNPs was built in MEGA X software. The strains for validation of the HRM method included representatives of various genetic groups. The HRM PCR reaction was performed using the "Type-it HRM PCR Kit" and "KAPA HRM FAST qPCR Kit" and a Rotor Gene DNA thermocycler with HRM function. Data analysis and visualization were performed using custom scripts in the Python and R development environments. Results and discussion. Marker SNPs for 6 genetic groups have been identified, which make it possible to determine whether strains belong to one of 7 new subclusters. Pairs of primers were selected for the loci containing them, HRM PCR parameters were optimized for discrimination of different alleles of SNP loci, and an analysis scheme was developed. Conclusion. Thus, marker SNPs were selected to determine the genetic subclusters A.Br.CEA, A.Br.STI, A.Br.Tsiankovskii, B.Br.Europe, B.Br.Siberia, B.Br.Asia, B.Br.018, and a new laboratory method was developed for molecular subtyping of B. anthracis using HRM PCR

    Regional impacts of warming on biodiversity and biomass in high latitude stream ecosystems across the Northern Hemisphere

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    Warming can have profound impacts on ecological communities. However, explorations of how differences in biogeography and productivity might reshape the effect of warming have been limited to theoretical or proxy-based approaches: for instance, studies of latitudinal temperature gradients are often conflated with other drivers (e.g., species richness). Here, we overcome these limitations by using local geothermal temperature gradients across multiple high-latitude stream ecosystems. Each suite of streams (6-11 warmed by 1-15°C above ambient) is set within one of five regions (37 streams total); because the heating comes from the bedrock and is not confounded by changes in chemistry, we can isolate the effect of temperature. We found a negative overall relationship between diatom and invertebrate species richness and temperature, but the strength of the relationship varied regionally, declining more strongly in regions with low terrestrial productivity. Total invertebrate biomass increased with temperature in all regions. The latter pattern combined with the former suggests that the increased biomass of tolerant species might compensate for the loss of sensitive species. Our results show that the impact of warming can be dependent on regional conditions, demonstrating that local variation should be included in future climate projections rather than simply assuming universal relationships

    The role of anthropogenic habitats in freshwater mussel conservation

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    Anthropogenic freshwater habitats may provide undervalued prospects for long-term conservation as part of species conservation planning. This fundamental, but overlooked, issue requires attention considering the pace that humans have been altering natural freshwater ecosystems and the accelerated levels of biodiversity decline in recent decades. We compiled 709 records of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionida) inhabiting a broad variety of anthropogenic habitat types (from small ponds to large reservoirs and canals) and reviewed their importance as refuges for this faunal group. Most records came from Europe and North America, with a clear dominance of canals and reservoirs. The dataset covered 228 species, including 34 threatened species on the IUCN Red List. We discuss the conservation importance and provide guidance on how these anthropogenic habitats could be managed to provide optimal conservation value to freshwater mussels. This review also shows that some of these habitats may function as ecological traps owing to conflicting management practices or because they act as a sink for some populations. Therefore, anthropogenic habitats should not be seen as a panacea to resolve conservation problems. More information is necessary to better understand the trade-offs between human use and the conservation of freshwater mussels (and other biota) within anthropogenic habitats, given the low number of quantitative studies and the strong biogeographic knowledge bias that persists.This publication is based upon work from COST Action CA18239, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). A.M.L. was financed by the Institute of Environmental Sciences Jagiellonian University (N18/DBS/000003) and K.N. by the Aragón Government. The authors acknowledge Jarosław Andrzejewski, Bartosz Czader, Anna Fica, Marcin Horbacz, Tomasz Jonderko, Steinar Kålås, Tomasz Kapela, Bjørn Mejdell Larsen, Maciej Pabijan, Katarzyna Pawlik, Ilona Popławska, Joanna Przybylska, Tomasz Przybył, Mateusz Rybak, Kjell Sandaas, Jarosław Słowikowski, Tomasz Szczasny, Michał Zawadzki and Paweł Zowada for providing detailed information on specific examples concerning freshwater mussels in anthropogenic habitats. We thank the editor and two anonymous referees for the valuable suggestions made, which increased the clarity of our manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Research priorities for freshwater mussel conservation assessment

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    Freshwater mussels are declining globally, and effective conservation requires prioritizing research and actions to identify and mitigate threats impacting mussel species. Conservation priorities vary widely, ranging from preventing imminent extinction to maintaining abundant populations. Here, we develop a portfolio of priority research topics for freshwater mussel conservation assessment. To address these topics, we group research priorities into two categories: intrinsic or extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are indicators of organismal or population status, while extrinsic factors encompass environmental variables and threats. An understanding of intrinsic factors is useful in monitoring, and of extrinsic factors are important to understand ongoing and potential impacts on conservation status. This dual approach can guide conservation status assessments prior to the establishment of priority species and implementation of conservation management actions.NF-R was supported by a post-doctoral fellowship (Xunta de Galicia Plan I2C 2017-2020, 09.40.561B.444.0) from the government of the autonomous community of Galicia. BY was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (no. 0409-2016-0022). DLS was supported by the G. E. Hutchinson Chair at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies. AO was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (no. 17-44-290016). SV was funded by European Investment Funds by FEDER/COMPETE/POCI- Operacional Competitiveness and Internacionalization Programme, under Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958 and National Funds by FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UID/AGR/04033/2013. NF-R is very grateful to the University of Oklahoma Biological Survey for providing space to work in the U.S. and especially to Vaughn Lab members. Authors are very grateful to Akimasa Hattori, Allan K. Smith, Andrew Roberts, Daniel Graf, David Stagliano, David T. Zanatta, Dirk Van Damme, Ekaterina Konopleva, Emilie Blevins, Ethan Nedeau, Frankie Thielen, Gregory Cope, Heinrich Vicentini, Hugh Jones, Htilya Sereflisan, Ilya Vikhrev, John Pfeiffer, Karen Mock, Mary Seddon, Katharina Stockl, Katarzyna Zajac, Kengo Ito, Marie Capoulade, Marko Kangas, Michael Lange, Mike Davis, Pirkko-Liisa Luhta, Sarina Jepsen, Somsak Panha, Stephen McMurray, G. Thomas Watters, Wendell R. Haag, and Yoko Inui for their valuable contribution in the initial selection and description of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. We also wish to thank Dr. Amanda Bates, Chase Smith, and two anonymous reviewers for comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government

    A roadmap for the conservation of freshwater mussels in Europe

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    Europe has a long history of human pressure on freshwater ecosystems. As pressure continues to grow and new threats emerge, there is an urgent need for conservation of freshwater biodiversity and its ecosystem services. However, whilst some taxonomic groups, mainly vertebrates, have received a disproportionate amount of attention and funds, other groups remain largely off the public and scientific radar. Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionida) are an alarming example of this conservation bias and here we point out six conceptual areas that need immediate and long-term attention: knowledge, threats, socioeconomics, conservation, governance and education. The proposed roadmap aims to advance research, policy and education by identifying the most pressing priorities for the short- and long-term conservation of freshwater mussels across Europe

    Molluscan fauna of the lower reaches of the Syoyakha River (Yamal Peninsula)

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    The molluscan fauna of the Syoyakha (Zelenaya) River remain poorly explored even though the Syoyakha is one of the biggest rivers on the Yamal Peninsula. The Syoyakha River is remarkable for its high fish stocking capacity and it plays an important role in the seasonal distribution and migration of commercial fish species. Freshwater mollusks are known to be a major component of freshwater ecosystems and they make up a part of the diet of many commercially important fish species. The species composition of the mollusks inhabiting the lower reaches of the Syoyakha River has been studied. Five bivalve species of the family Sphaeriidae were found, namely Sphaerium corneum (Linnaeus, 1758), Pisidium casertanum (Poli, 1791), P. globulare (Clessin in Westerlund, 1873), P. lilljeborgi (Clessin in Esmark et Hoyer, 1886) and P. dilatatum (Westerlund, 1897). In general, the molluscan fauna of the lower reaches of the Syoyakha River are taxonomically poor, which can be considered typical of freshwater invertebrate communities living at high latitudes. Another reason for the decline in species diversity may lie in the absence of any large transit watercourse in the basin in question allowing northward dispersion of the mollusks. The average density of mollusks in the watercourse stretch under study varied from 98.9 ind./m2 to 620.5 ind./m2. P. globulare settlements had the highest recorded density of 1,442.9 ind./m2. The mollusks are confined to clayey, silty and sandy substrates with remnants of vegetation. The fauna is basically formed by widespread Palearctic and Holarctic mollusk species that have adapted to the extreme conditions of the Arctic. The findings may be used for hydrobiological and fishery characterization of the watercourse given that the recorded species of S. corneum, P. globulare, P. lilljeborgi, and P. dilatatum are a major food item for important fish species, such as cisco, vendace, char, muksun, etc

    Taxonomic assessment of genetically-delineated species of radicine snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae)

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    The article represents an overview of 29 biological species of the radicine snails (genera Ampullaceana Servain, 1882, Bullastra Bergh, 1901, Racesina Vinarski & Bolotov, 2018, Kamtschaticana Kruglov & Starobogatov, 1984, Myxas G.B. Sowerby I, 1822, Orientogalba Kruglov & Starobogatov, 1985; Peregriana Servain, 1882, Radix Montfort, 1810, and Tibetoradix Bolotov, Vinarski & Aksenova, 2018) recovered during our previous molecular taxonomic study (Aksenova et al. 2018a; Scientific Reports, 8: 11199). For each species, the following information is provided: scientific name, a (non-exhaustive) list of synonyms, type locality, type materials, shell and copulative apparatus morphology, distribution, and nomenclatural and taxonomic remarks. The colour images of shell(s) of each species are also given as well as illustrations of the copulatory apparatuses. We revealed a great conchological variation in the radicines, both intra- and interspecific, alongside with striking uniformity in the structure of their copulatory apparatuses. The latter was once thought to be a reliable tool for species delineation and identification in this snail group. The total of 29 species characterised here represents, probably, only a subset of the global taxonomic richness of the radicine snails, which approaches 50 species

    Reproductive Mode of Corbicula tobae (Martens, 1900): Brooding and Larval Morphology in Lake Toba (Indonesia)

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    Currently, the reproductive mode of the Indonesian endemic species Corbicula tobae from Lake Toba is yet to be investigated. In this study, we describe, for the first time, the reproductive mode of this endemic species based on a series of topotype specimens, combining anatomical and histological data. According to our data, C. tobae is a dioecious species, incubating D-shaped larvae in the inner demibranchs and having monoflagellate sperm. The head of the C. tobae spermatozoon differs from those of other Indonesian species of Corbicula by having the smallest length. A histological investigation of C. tobae gills revealed that the inner demibranch has larger interlamellar spaces compared with the outer demibranches. Our study highlights several specific reproductive traits may have evolved in narrowly endemic Corbicula clams within their native ranges