12 research outputs found
Особистісні диспозиції як чинник вибору копінг-стратегії в складних ситуаціях
The purpose of the publication was to determine personal dispositions, which are basic traits and types of character accentuations that encourage a person to use specific coping strategies. Methods include theoretical analysis of scientific literature, mathematical and statistical data processing, and interpretive methods for explaining the investigated phenomena based on qualitative and quantitative research material analysis. Results. It was discovered that individuals with a high level of conscientiousness prefer planning strategies and assertive actions. People who lack goodwill and friendliness in their interpersonal relationships are prone to confrontational and avoidance coping. Individuals with a hyperthymic type of character accentuation, who show a tendency to confrontation, search for social support, problem-solving planning, positive reappraisal, assertive actions, antisocial actions, and do not show a tendency to avoidance, were found to have the most diverse repertoire of coping strategies. It was determined that the narrowest one was with rigid (tendency to confrontation) and pedantic accentuations (tendency to careful activities). It was proven that the selection of a constructive problemfocused coping strategy of planning when dealing with problems and an aggressive coping strategy depends on the hyperthymic type of accentuation. Discussion and conclusions. It was highlighted that the excitable type of accentuation is stimulated the selection of a nonconstructive problem-focused confrontation strategy and a non-constructive emotionally focused avoidance strategy. The emotional type of accentuation activates the selection of constructive emotionally focused strategies for finding social support, establishing social interactions, and positive reappraisal. It was summarized that basic personality traits and the type of character accentuation determine the predisposition to constructive/non-constructive problematic and emotionally oriented coping strategies. It was discovered that the choice of coping strategies depends on personal dispositions. The findings obtained allow for the prediction of a person's behavior in challenging situations, taking into consideration their personality traits and type of character accentuation. This may assist in the development of effective techniques of psychological assistance and behavioral correction.Метою публікації є визначення особистісних диспозицій, а саме базових особистісних рис та типів акцентуацій характеру, що спонукають людину застосовувати ті чи інші копінг-стратегії. Методи: теоретичне аналізування наукової літератури, математико-статистичне опрацювання даних та інтерпретаційні методи пояснення досліджуваних феноменів на основі результатів якісного і кількісного аналізування дослідницького матеріалу. Результати. З’ясовано, що до вибору стратегій планування і асертивних дій схиляються особи з вираженою сумлінністю. До конфронтаційного копінгу та копінгу уникання схильні люди, яким бракує доброзичливості і привітності у стосунках з людьми. Встановлено, що найширший репертуар копінг-стратегій характеризує осіб з гіпертимним типом акцентуації характеру, які демонструють схильність до конфронтації, пошуку соціальної підтримки, планування розв’язання проблеми, позитивної переоцінки, асертивних дій, асоціальних дій і не виявляють схильності до уникання. Констатовано, що найвужчий – з застрягаючою (схильність до конфронтації) і педантичною акцентуаціями (схильність до обережних дій). Доведено, що вибір конструктивної проблемно сфокусованої копінг-стратегії планування при розв’язанні проблем і копінг-стратегії асертивних дій залежить від гіпертимного типу акцентуації. Дискусія та висновки. Зазначено, що вибір неконструктивної проблемно сфокусованої стратегії конфронтації та неконструктивної емоційно сфокусованої стратегії уникання стимулюється збудливим типом акцентуації. Вибір конструктивних емоційно сфокусованих стратегій пошуку соціальної підтримки, вступу в соціальні контакти та позитивної переоцінки активізується емотивним типом акцентуації. Узагальнено, що схильність до конструктивних/ неконструктивних проблемно та емоційно сфокусованих копінг-стратегій визначається базовими особистісними рисами і типом акцентуації характеру. Виявлено, що вибір копінг-стратегій залежить від особистісних диспозицій. Отримані результати дозволяють прогнозувати поведінку людини в складних ситуаціях з огляду на її особистісні риси і тип акцентуації характеру. Це може сприяти побудові ефективних методик психологічної допомоги та корекції поведінкових реакцій
Allocation of rhodamine-loaded nanocapsules from blood circulatory system to adjacent tissues assessed in vivo by fluorescence spectroscopy
Modern fluorescent modalities play an important role in the functional diagnostic of various physiological processes in living tissues. Utilizing the fluorescence spectroscopy approach we observe the circulation of fluorescent-labelled nanocapsules with rhodamine tetramethylrhodamine in a microcirculatory blood system. The measurements were conducted transcutaneously on the surface of healthy Wistar rat thighs in vivo. The administration of the preparation capsule suspension with a rhodamine concentration of 5 mg kg−1 of the animal weight resulted in a two-fold increase of fluorescence intensity relative to the baseline level. The dissemination of nanocapsules in the adjacent tissues via the circulatory system was observed and assessed quantitatively. The approach can be used for the transdermal assessment of rhodamine-loaded capsules in vivo
Noninvasive control of rhodamine-loaded capsules distribution in vivo
Using fluorescence spectroscopy system with fibre-optical probe, we investigated the dynamics of propagation and circulation in the microcirculatory system of experimental nanocapsules fluorescent-labelled (rhodamine TRITC) nanocapsules. The studies were carried out in clinically healthy Wistar rats. The model animals were divided into control group and group received injections of the nanocapsules. The fluorescent measurements conducted transcutaneously on the thigh surface. The administration of the preparation with the rhodamine concentration of 5 mg/kg of animal weight resulted in twofold increase of fluorescence intensity by reference to the baseline level. As a result of the study, it was concluded that fluorescence spectroscopy can be used for transdermal measurements of the rhodamine-loaded capsules in vivo
Laser speckle contrast imaging of abdominal organs in mouse model
Diagnosis and treatment of acute destructive pancreatitis is one of the most urgent problems of abdominal surgery. To obtain additional diagnostic information about the microcirculation state and metabolic processes, various imaging techniques are widely used during surgical interventions. One of the most perspective techniques for in vivo microcirculation assessment is laser speckle-contrast imaging (LSCI), allowing for evaluation of blood perfusion. The experimental results showed the possibility to evaluate the blood perfusion of the mouse pancreas in the simulation of ischemia using the LSCI method
Use of fluorescent optical fibre probe for recording parameters of brain metabolism in rat model
This studiy was carried out on groups of clinically healthy male Wistar rats. Animals received distilled drinking water ad libitum for 1 month, water containing succinic acid, water containing zinc sulphate and succinate zinc. Using the method of fluorescence spectroscopy, the parameters of brain metabolism in vivo in a model of laboratory rats was investigated. Based on data obtained by fluorescence spectroscopy, we have registered a change in the degree of cellular respiration in different structures of the cerebral cortex with the toxic effect of zinc compounds and succinic acid on the oxygen exchange process
Pharmacological sequestration of mitochondrial calcium uptake protects against dementia and β-amyloid neurotoxicity
All forms of dementia including Alzheimer's disease are currently incurable. Mitochondrial dysfunction and calcium alterations are shown to be involved in the mechanism of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease. Previously we have described the ability of compound Tg-2112x to protect neurons via sequestration of mitochondrial calcium uptake and we suggest that it can also be protective against neurodegeneration and development of dementia. Using primary co-culture neurons and astrocytes we studied the effect of Tg-2112x and its derivative Tg-2113x on β-amyloid-induced changes in calcium signal, mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial calcium, and cell death. We have found that both compounds had no effect on β-amyloid or acetylcholine-induced calcium changes in the cytosol although Tg2113x, but not Tg2112x reduced glutamate-induced calcium signal. Both compounds were able to reduce mitochondrial calcium uptake and protected cells against β-amyloid-induced mitochondrial depolarization and cell death. Behavioral effects of Tg-2113x on learning and memory in fear conditioning were also studied in 3 mouse models of neurodegeneration: aged (16-month-old) C57Bl/6j mice, scopolamine-induced amnesia (3-month-old mice), and 9-month-old 5xFAD mice. It was found that Tg-2113x prevented age-, scopolamine- and cerebral amyloidosis-induced decrease in fear conditioning. In addition, Tg-2113x restored fear extinction of aged mice. Thus, reduction of the mitochondrial calcium uptake protects neurons and astrocytes against β-amyloid-induced cell death and contributes to protection against dementia of different ethology. These compounds could be used as background for the developing of a novel generation of disease-modifying neuroprotective agents
Brain metabolism changes in cases of impaired breathing or blood circulation in rodents evaluated by real time optical spectroscopy methods
The aim of the study was to compare the metabolic activity of brain cortex after the acute hypoxia caused by the impairment of breathing or blood circulation. Male Wistar rats were randomized in two groups: impaired breathing and blood circulation failure groups. Fluorescence under 365 and 450 nm excitation and diffuse reflectance intensity at 550-820 nm range were estimated. We found that after long-term hypoxic conditions, notable metabolic changes occur. We suppose that oxygen deficiency causes an activation of the GABA shunt mechanism. In cases of blood circulation failure, fluorescence intensity changes faster than in cases of breathing impairment
Predictive Algorithms in Criminal Justice - An Analysis in light of the New European Union Regulation on Artificial Intelligence
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Jurídico-Forenses apresentada à Faculdade de DireitoThis dissertation sought to analyse the possible, current, and eventual intersection between law and modern technologies, considering the ascending potential of Artificial Intelligence systems. These systems have proven to considerably surpass specific human capacities, with advantages in precision, speed, and efficiency, in the execution of diagnostics, prognostics, and analytical tasks. However, its application in criminal justice also reveals several drawbacks. It has therefore become necessary to identify these pros and cons that may be associated with using instruments based on AI algorithms, in the various moments in which these materialize in automated results and decisions with a potential impact on the lives of its recipients. To this end, we limited this investigation to the study of the phenomenon of predictive justice, concerning the use of risk forecasting instruments in police activity and the administration of justice. The introduction of increasingly “smart” technological tools in criminal proceedings will, on the one hand, challenge the traditional conceptions of the theory of the offense and, on the other hand, place increased pressure on state institutions (and beyond) to act in the sense of containment of its risks, responding to a need to balance technological progress with the protection of people's fundamental rights, without ignoring the benefits that may result from it. One of these responses, translated into the first Regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI Act), has occupied the European Commission and the European Parliament in recent years and is now entering its decisive phase, just a few steps away from approval. Therefore, in the proposal of this diploma, we looked for some light on what the future of this admirable technology in Europe will be like.Esta dissertação procurou analisar a interseção possível, atual e eventual, entre o direito e as novas tecnologia, considerando o ascendente potencial dos sistemas de Inteligência Artificial. Estes sistemas comprovaram superar consideravelmente certas capacidades humanas, com vantagens na precisão, rapidez e eficiência, na execução de diagnósticos, prognósticos e tarefas analíticas. No entanto, a sua aplicação no âmbito da justiça penal revela também vários inconvenientes. Tornou-se, assim, necessário identificar estes prós e contras que podem estar associados à utilização de instrumentos que têm por base algoritmos de IA, em particular, nos vários momentos em que estes se materializam em resultados e decisões automatizadas com potencial impacto na vida dos seus destinatários.Para tanto, cingimos esta investigação ao estudo do fenómeno da justiça preditiva, em particular, no que diz respeito à utilização de instrumentos de previsão do risco na atividade policial e na administração da justiça. A introdução de instrumentos tecnológicos cada vez mais “inteligentes” no processo penal vai, por um lado, desafiar as conceções tradicionais da teoria da infração e, por outro, colocar sobre as instituições estaduais (e não só) uma pressão acrescida para agirem no sentido da contenção dos seus riscos, respondendo a uma necessidade de equilibrar o avanço tecnológico com a proteção dos direitos fundamentais das pessoas, sem prescindir dos benefícios que dele possam resultar. Uma dessas respostas, vertida na primeira Regulamentação de Inteligência Artificial (Lei da UE sobre IA), tem ocupado a Comissão Europeia e o Parlamento Europeu nos últimos anos e entra agora na sua fase decisiva, a curtos passos da aprovação. Foi, portanto, na proposta deste diploma que procurámos algumas luzes sobre como será o futuro desta admirável tecnologia no espaço europeu
A complex morphofunctional approach for zinc toxicity evaluation in rats
Anthropogenic activity causes the introduction of zinc compounds into the biological cycle in mining and processing sites and its accumulation in organs and tissues, causing systemic toxicity. A cumulative effect of zinc is predominantly neurotoxic and it also affects the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems. This study evaluates the effects of single-dose intragastric administration of 100 mg/kg zinc succinate on the structure and function of organs and tissues in male Wistar rats 1 month after treatment. The presented morphofunctional approach for the toxicity evaluation included the study of behavioral responses using the automated Laboras® complex, fluorescent spectral analysis of the NADH and FAD activity and histological evaluation of animal organs and tissues. The results of the behavioral activity assessment showed a significant decrease in animals’ motor activity, whereas the fluorescence spectra analysis demonstrated a decrease in coenzyme NADH without the reduction of FAD levels. We detected toxic and dystrophic changes in the cerebral cortex, heart, lungs and liver tissues. Our original multiparametric approach enables a comprehensive assessment of the long-term toxic effects of the metal salts such as zinc succinate, especially in the cerebral cortex at the doses much lower than the acute LD50 reported for the common zinc salts