31 research outputs found

    Definition of the daily model of distribution of solar radiation on the curved surfaces of buildings

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    The development of the integration of renewable energy into the energy supply of buildings leads to the formulation of the problem of efficient placement of solar thermal devices on surfaces of complex shapes (shells). An urgent task is the development of tools that can justify the decision-making by designers about the advisability of placing solar thermal devices and their implementation in the energy-efficient design of buildings. The study solves the problem of finding zones on the surface of the envelope, receiving the maximum amount of solar radiation during a given period of time – an epoch. A method is applied based on discrete geometric modeling of solar radiation input to curved surfaces of buildings. In this case, the interaction of a set of design parameters is taken into account: parameters of the shape of a curved surface and parameters of variable sunlight for the characteristic dates of September 21, March 21 – the solar equinox and December 21, June 21 – the winter and summer solstices. In the course of the study, N is determined – the optimal number of fixed positions of the Sun on the solar trajectory for different angles of solar declination (for June 22 N=17, for September 21, March 21 N=11, for December 21 N=8), for a given geographical location. One of the examples of modeling the amount of solar radiation entering the surface of a hyperbolic paraboloid during the day at the geographical latitude δ=52° (Kyiv, Ukraine) is shown. The simulation results in a family of lines of the same level of solar radiation on a curved surface during the day. Using the values of the averaged daily model, it is possible to proceed to obtaining averaged daily models for the estimated time interval at the stage of pre-project proposals to predict the efficiency of using the solar syste

    Geometric Modeling of Parameters of Variable Natural Light during the Integration of Solar Systems on the Surface of Buildings

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    The design of solar systems on the surfaces of buildings is based on an integrated approach to modeling: the duration of irradiation, zones of effective irradiation, shading zones, and angles of incidence of sunlight on the surface. In this case, the determining factor is the formation of methods for modeling the dynamics of changes in natural light. The conditions for natural exposure of surfaces are determined by the variable exposure to direct sunlight, scattered (diffuse) light, and complex light from the sky and the Sun. Each of these types of light has its own nature of changes presented in the study by means of geometric modeling. The authors proposed to bring together the methods of modeling variables of direct and diffuse sunlight by representing diffuse light in a ray form, that is, light vectors with variable parameters. This made it possible to simulate a rather complex combined effect of direct and diffuse light in solving problems of effective integration of solar systems on the surface of buildings

    Phytoplankton light absorption in the deep chlorophyll maximum layer of the Black Sea

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Churilova, T., Suslin, V., Sosik, H. M., Efimova, T., Moiseeva, N., Moncheva, S., Mukhanov, V., Rylkova, O., & Krivenko, O. Phytoplankton light absorption in the deep chlorophyll maximum layer of the Black Sea. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 52, (2019): 123-136, doi: 10.1080/22797254.2018.1533389.Bio-optical data, obtained during six cruises in the Black Sea carried out during periods of seasonal stratification in years between 1996 and 2016, have been used to parametrize phytoplankton light absorption (aph(λ)) in the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) layer located near the bottom of euphotic zone. Relationships between aph(λ) and the sum of chlorophyll-a and phaeopigment concentrations (Chl-a) differed from those for the summertime upper mixed layer (UML). Notably, chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficients (a∗ph(λ)) were lower in the DCM and more comparable with a∗ph(λ) values typical for winter phytoplankton in the Black Sea. The aph(λ) spectral shapes in the DCM differed markedly from those in winter and in the summer UML, due to a shoulder at ~490 nm and a local maximum at ~550 nm corresponding to the absorption bands of phycourobilin and phycoerythrobilin. Light absorbing properties of phytoplankton in the DCM (amplitude and spectral shape of a∗ph(λ)) reflected physiological acclimation to local conditions on the cellular level and population shifts leading to changes in the biomass-dominant species, with Synechococcus spp. domination in the DCM. The parameterization of phytoplankton absorption in the DCM will enable refined spectral models of the downwelling radiance and primary production in the Black Sea.RAS funded this research [grant numbers АААА-А18-118020890112-1, АААА-А18-118020790229-7 and АААА-18-118012690119-7]. This work was partly supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, projects [numbers 17-05-00113 and 18-45-920070]

    A catalogue of marine biodiversity indicators

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    © 2016 Teixeira, Berg, Uusitalo, Fürhaupter, Heiskanen, Mazik, Lynam, Neville, Rodriguez, Papadopoulou, Moncheva, Churilova, Kryvenko, Krause-Jensen, Zaiko, Veríssimo, Pantazi, Carvalho, Patrício, Uyarra and Borja. A Catalogue of Marine Biodiversity Indicators was developed with the aim of providing the basis for assessing the environmental status of the marine ecosystems. Useful for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), this catalogue allows the navigation of a database of indicators mostly related to biological diversity, non-indigenous species, food webs, and seafloor integrity. Over 600 indicators were compiled, which were developed and used in the framework of different initiatives (e.g., EU policies, research projects) and in national and international contexts (e.g., Regional Seas Conventions, and assessments in non-European seas). The catalogue reflects the current scientific capability to address environmental assessment needs by providing a broad coverage of the most relevant indicators for marine biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. The available indicators are reviewed according to their typology, data requirements, development status, geographical coverage, relevance to habitats or biodiversity components, and related human pressures. Through this comprehensive overview, we discuss the potential of the current set of indicators in a wide range of contexts, from large-scale to local environmental programs, and we also address shortcomings in light of current needs. Developed by the DEVOTES Project, the catalogue is freely available through the DEVOTool software application, which provides browsing and query options for the associated metadata. The tool allows extraction of ranked indicator lists best fulfilling selected criteria, enabling users to search for suitable indicators to address a particular biodiversity component, ecosystem feature, habitat, or pressure in a marine area of interest. This tool is useful for EU Member States, Regional Sea Conventions, the European Commission, non-governmental organizations, managers, scientists, and any person interested in marine environmental assessment. It allows users to build, complement or adjust monitoring programs and has the potential to improve comparability and foster transfer of knowledge across marine regions

    Енергоефективні рішення пасивного повітрообміну в архітектурі висотних будівель

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    The development of passive air exchange in tall buildings is relevant in connection with the peculiarities of their architectural and planning decisions. Thus, the tendency to increase the proportion of glazing of facades in modern high-rise buildings leads to an increase in power capacity for air conditioning, which can reach 100%. In addition, the traditional ventilation of rooms in tall buildings through open windows is impossible due to the high pressure of the outside air. These and other factors create special requirements for the design of air exchange in high-rise buildings and contribute to the search for modern energy-efficient solutions.The passive air exchange is based on natural laws and phenomena, which significantly reduces the costs of operating such systems. In the article, based on the examples of solutions, the analysis of the world history experience of passive air exchange in buildings is done. The current experience of architectural solutions based on passive techniques of internal air exchange includes the latest facade systems, the design of atriums with the function of air exchange, the formation of a building taking into account the optimization of the collection of air, and others.Integration of passive air exchange solutions to the energy efficient high-rise building is used within the framework of the KNUBA research project when designing a kilometer skyscraper "Biotecton". The project solution provides the acquisition of clean and cool air from the higher level of tech- nical floors, where the wind generators are located. Air distribution scheme of the building using passive air exchange based on the temperature difference between the upper and lower floors. Accepted parameters of temperature decrease with each kilometer from the ground surface 6 -7 ° C. Calculations confirmed the possibility of natural ventilation of rooms through a slight gain with a help of the mechanical devices. To improve the quality of air supply, a system of green gardens is used, which spiral along the height of the building.Розвиток пасивного повітрообміну в висотних будівлях є актуальним, у зв’язку з особливостями їх архітектурно-планувальних рішень. Тенденція до збільшення долі засклення фасадів в сучасних висотних будівлях  призводить до зростання енергетичної потужності кондиціювання, що може досягати 100%. Крім того, традиційне провітрювання приміщень в висотних будівлях через відкриті вікна неможливе через високий тиск зовнішнього повітря.  Ці та інші фактори створюють особливі вимоги при проектуванні повітрообміну в висотних будівлях та сприяють до пошуку сучасних енергоефективних рішень.Пасивні прийоми повітрообміну базуються на природних законах і явищах, що суттєво  зменшує  витрати при експлуатації таких систем. В статті на основі прикладів рішень наданий аналіз історії світового досвіду пасивного повітряного обміну в будівлях.  Сучасний досвід архітектурних рішень на основі пасивних прийомів внутрішнього повітрообміну  включає новітні фасадні системи, проектування атріумів з функцією повітрообміну, формоутворення будівлі з урахуванням оптимізації забору повітря та інше.Інтегрування в енергоефективну висотну  будівлю рішень пасивного повітрообміну застосовано в рамках дослідницького проекту КНУБА при проектуванні  кілометрового хмарочосу «Біотектон». Проектним рішенням передбачено основний відбір чистого та прохолодного повітря з вищих технічних поверхів, де розташовані вітрогенератори та схему розподілу повітря по будівлі з використанням пасивного повітрообміну на основі різниці  температур між верхніми та нижніми поверхами.Прийняті параметри зниження температури – з кожним кілометром від поверхні землі на 6 – 7 °C. Розрахунки  підтвердили можливість природного вентилювання приміщень з незначним посиленням за рахунок механічних пристроїв. Для покращення якості припливного повітря використана система зелених садів, які огортають будівлю по спіралі

    Вплив статичних навантажень на власні коливання ребристих оболонок

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    The article is devoted to a further analysis of the natural vibrations of inhomogeneous shells under the action of static loads. The method of investigation is based on a unified methodology that combines the problems of static stability and the vibrations of elastic shells. The problems of natural vibrations take into account the presence of a prestressed state of the shell structure from the action of static loads. The presence of a static load significantly affects the spectrum of the natural frequencies of the shell. This approach allows us to determine the critical load by the dynamic criterion.The method of investigating of inhomogeneous shells is based on the uniform methodological positions of the 3-d geometrically nonlinear theory of thermoelasticity and the finite-element method in the form of the moment finite-element scheme. So, a thin shell is considered by this method as a three-dimensional body which is modeled throughout the thickness by one isoparametric solid finite element with multilinear shape functions.Two nonclassical hypotheses are used to describe the stress–strain state of a thin inhomogeneous shell. The kinematic hypothesis of deformed straight line in the thickness direction: though stretched or shortened during deformation, a straight segment along the thickness remains straight. This segment is not necessarily normal to the mid-surface of the shell. The displacements are assumed distributed linearly along the thickness, which is conventional in the theory of thin shells. The static hypothesis compressive assumes that the stresses in the fibers are constant throughout the thickness of the shell.Modal analysis of a shallow ribbed panel demonstrates the effectiveness of the developed method. The natural frequencies and mode shapes are determined at each increment of static loading.Стаття присвячена подальшому аналізу власних коливань неоднорідних оболонок, що знаходяться під дією статичних навантажень. Метод дослідження заснований на єдиній методології, яка поєднує проблеми стійкості та коливань пружних оболонок. У задачі про власні коливання оболонки враховується наявність попередньо напруженого стану конструкції від дії статичних навантажень. Наявність статичного навантаження істотно впливає на спектр власних частот коливань оболонки. Такий підхід дозволяє визначити критичне навантаження за динамічним критерієм. Метод дає змогу розглядати широкий клас неоднорідних оболонок тонкої та середньої товщини. Під неоднорідністю оболонки розуміється два види її особливостей: геометричні особливості конструкції у вигляді неперервно-змінної та ступінчасто-змінної товщини, зламів серединної поверхні, наявності отворів; структурна неоднорідність матеріалу оболонки за товщиною та у плані у вигляді комбінації різних багатошарових пакетів. Для опису напружено-деформованого стану тонкої неоднорідною оболонки використовуються дві гіпотези. Застосована некласична кінематична гіпотеза деформівної прямої: пряма в напрямку товщини, скорочуючись або подовжуючи, залишається прямою і після деформування оболонки. Ця пряма не обов'язково є нормаллю до серединної поверхні оболонки. У напрямку товщини розподіл переміщень прийнято лінійним, що є загальноприйнятим підходом у теорії тонких оболонок. У статичної гіпотезі напруження обтиску волокон шару по товщині оболонки прийняті сталими.Розроблений метод був використаний для дослідження стійкості тонкої ребристої оболонки з визначенням частот і форм власних коливань на кожному кроці приросту статичного навантаження. Отримано залежності характеристик коливань від збільшення навантаження. Модальний аналіз пологої ребристої панелі демонструє ефективність розробленого методу

    Аналіз нестаціонарної реакції пружної оболонки на імпульсне навантаження

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    An effective numerical method for studying non-stationary vibrations of thin elastic shells is proposed. The method is based on the finite element model of a thin elastic inhomogeneous shell and the reduced model created on its basis for the dynamics problems.The finite-element shell model is based on the relations of the three-dimensional theory of thermo-elasticity and is developed with the use a tensor calculus apparatus, a geometrically nonlinear formulation of the problem in increments and the application of the moment finite-element scheme. To develop the finite-element shell model we approximate a thin shell by one spatial finite element throughout the thickness which is an efficient approach. The structural elements of an inhomogeneous shell require the finite element to be universal: it should be eccentrically arranged relative to the mid-surfaces of the casing (of the shell’s sections without stepwise-variable thickness), it should be possible to vary the thickness of the lateral edges of the finite element; the lateral edges of the neighboring finite elements should be in continuous contact; and it should be possible to model sharp bends and the multilayer structure of the shell. The universal finite element is based on an isoparametric spatial finite element with polylinear shape functions for coordinates and displacements. Additional variable parameters are introduced to enhance the capabilities of the modified finite element. Two hypotheses are used to describe the features of the stress–strain state of a thin inhomogeneous shell. The first static hypothesis assumes that the compressive stresses in the fibers throughout the thickness are constant. The next is the nonclassical kinematic hypothesis of deformed straight line: though stretched or shortened during deformation, a straight segment along the thickness remains straight. This segment is not necessarily normal to the mid-surface of the shell.The method for studying non-stationary vibrations of the shells under the action of short-term loads is based on the application of reduced models. The use of the basic nodes method allowed us to develop a simple and effective algorithm for solving this problem. We have transformed a system of coupled differential equations describing the motion of a shell to independent ones. The solution of obtained Cauchy problems is easily found by the well-developed Runge-Kutta numerical method.The possibility of applying the developed method to assess the effect of short-term load on the behavior of a thin-walled structure is shown on the test problems. Convergence of solutions is investigated and a comparison with theoretical data and results obtained with the help of the SCAD software is made.Наведено методику дослідження нестаціонарних коливань оболонок неоднорідної структури при дії короткочасних динамічних навантажень. Методика побудована на основі скінченноелементної моделі тонкої пружної неоднорідної оболонки і створеної на її базі для задач динаміки редукованої моделі. Виконано порівняння розв’язків з результатами розрахунків, що отримані за допомогою програмного комплексу SCAD

    The morphometric characters variability analysis of

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    The intra-and interpopulation variability of six populations of Tulipa uniflora (L.) Besser ex Baker at the northern limit of distribution in the Angara steppes over 12 morphometric parameters was studied by the principal components method and single-factor analysis of variance. It is established that the vectors characterizing the gradients of the change in the morphometric parameters are divided into two groups: vegetative and generative, which are among themselves in direct dependence. Based on the single-factor analysis of variance results for all morphometric parameters, a significant difference is observed between populations of T. uniflora in the Angara Region. On the one hand, this is a consequence of anthropogenic impact on the population, and on the other – the relic nature of the species

    Аналіз власних коливань тонких параболічних оболонок

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    The modal analysis of parabolic shells of revolution is based on using the finite-element model of inhomogeneous shell. The shells can have complex-shaped midsurface, geometrical features throughout the thickness, or multilayer structure. To develop the finite-element shell model we approximate a thin shell by one spatial finite element throughout the thickness. The structural elements of an inhomogeneous shell require the finite element to be universal: it should be eccentrically arranged relative to the mid-surfaces of the casing, it should be possible to vary the thickness of the lateral edges of the finite element and ets. The universal finite element is based on an isoparametric spatial finite element with polylinear shape functions for coordinates and displacements. Additional variable parameters are introduced to enhance the capabilities of the modified finite element. Two hypotheses are used to describe the features of the stress–strain state of a thin inhomogeneous shell. The static hypothesis assumes that the compressive stresses in the fibers throughout the thickness are constant. The nonclassical kinematic hypothesis of deformed straight line is used: a straight segment along the thickness remains straight though stretched or shortened during deformation. This segment is not necessarily normal to the mid-surface of the shell.The stress–strain state of a shell and its structural elements is determined using the geometrically nonlinear equations of the three-dimensional theory of thermoelasticity. A linear elastic continuous medium with large displacements and small strains is used as a model whose properties correspond to the generalized Duhamel–Neumann law. To derive the governing finite-element equations for displacements the moment finite-element scheme is used. The moment finite-element scheme approximations of displacements and strains guarantee a correct description of the rigid-body displacements of finite elements, which enhances the convergence and accuracy of solutions on coarse meshes.The natural vibrations of parabolic shells with various heights have been investigated. The convergence of solutions has been studied and compared with the results obtained by other authors.During operation, realistic shell structures often undergo various changes in the temperature field. This can significantly affect their dynamic characteristics. Extension of this work to modal analysis of parabolic shells considering heating is currently being pursued.Проведено дослідження власних коливань оболонок обертання параболічної форми. Методика аналізу спирається на застосування просторового скінченного елементна для моделювання тонкої пружної оболонки. Виконано порівняння розв’язків з результатами розрахунків, що отримані іншими авторами