95 research outputs found

    Peer Feedback versus Traditional Teaching

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    The choice of methods of teaching English depends on the specific features of the subject being taught, certain didactic tasks, student knowledge, specific situations, real means that the teacher has and his experience. The traditional school often represents the teacher as an active unit of learning and the teaching - as an object of learning (passive unit). However, this situation, in the process of learning, can and must change. Especially when the student also becomes an active participant in the learning process and there is targeted cooperation between the teacher and the student. Thanks to the feedback method, there are links between the goal, content and the result of the educational process. The results are observed in the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and skills of students. It helps learners to maximize their potential at different stages of training, raise their awareness of strengths and areas for improvement, and identify actions to be taken to improve performance. Feedback is part of the overall dialogue or interaction between teacher and learner, not a one-way communication. Feedback can be seen as informal or formal encounters between teachers and students or between peers. The purpose of the article is to summarize the arguments in favor of introducing peer feedback practice for English language classrooms. The discussion is based on the analysis of the most effective forms of feedback with a special focus on peer feedback

    Діалогічне мовлення як засіб розвитку емоційного інтелекту при вивченні іноземних мов у вищих навчальних закладах (Dialogical speech as the method of enhancing emotional intelligence of higher school foreign language students)

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    Стаття присвячена питанню інтеграції комунікативних вправ з елементами діалогічного мовлення, спрямованих на розвиток емоційного інтелекту студентів, у процес навчання іноземній мови. Особлива увага приділяється засобам реалізації складових емоційного інтелекту в англомовному діалозі. (The article is devoted to the issue of integrating dialogue facilitating communicative exercises, which are aimed to enhance students’ emotional intelligence, into the process of teaching foreign languages. A number of characteristics associated with emotional intelligence include self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and relationship management. Over the last decade researches have become increasingly interested in the effect of emotional intelligence in English language learning. The recent studies revealed that emotional intelligence performs a better function in an individual achievement and education than the intelligence quotient. There are strong correlations between EQ and academic success. Thus, enhancing emotional intelligence through certain classroom activities seems to be an effective tool to develop learning abilities and natural talents. The methods of implementation of the EQ constituencies into English dialogical speech have been analyzed. Dialogue-interview patterns and Socratic method of cooperative argumentative dialogue have been researched and presented as recommended communicative exercises integrated into the practical course of learning foreign languages. The positive infl uence of a problematic dialogue skills on critical thinking ability has been revealed. The results of the research can serve as the theoretical and practical basis for further study of the effect of interactive teaching methods and extensive use of dialogue facilitating communicative exercises for dialogical discourse study.

    TiO2- and ZnO-Based Materials for Photocatalysis: Material Properties, Device Architecture and Emerging Concepts

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    Numerous kinds of photocatalysts such as oxide-, nitride- or sulfide-based semiconductors, conducting polymers or graphene oxide–based materials have emerged since the discovery of water splitting on TiO2 electrodes in 1972. Yet, metal-oxides are still largely the main family of materials promoted into photocatalytic applications

    The Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Rehabilitation of the Former Prisoners of War

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    The emotional state of military personnel engaged in the extensive operations taking place in Ukraine is undoubtedly impacted. This especially applies to former prisoners of war (POWs) who have experienced mental and physical trauma. Optimizing their subjective well-being and life satisfaction can contribute to the development of emotional intelligence during the rehabilitation process. The purpose of the study is to identify the importance of emotional intelligence in enhancing the subjective well-being of former POWs. Methods. The following psychometric tests were used for diagnosis: EQ-Test, the Scale of subjective well-being, and Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS). During the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics and correlation analysis were utilized. Results. The study found that the subjects have low emotional intelligence (M=39.31, SD=12.85), low subjective well-being (M=50.19, SD=11.06), and an average level of life satisfaction (M= 17.05, SD=8.96). Correlation analysis established a direct relationship between emotional intelligence and subjective well-being (r=0.483, p≤0.01) and life satisfaction (r=0.723, p≤0.01). Conclusions. The study statistically confirmed that emotional intelligence is an essential factor in the process of rehabilitation of former prisoners of war, as it contributes to their attainment of subjective well-being and life satisfaction. This aids in reinstating the individual's psychological balance after captivity, enhances the medical and physical recuperation process of the body, and ensures full reintegration. Prospects. The obtained results contribute to the rehabilitation system of rehabilitation for former prisoners of war, as they elaborate a comprehensive emotional intelligence approach to ensure their subjective well-being and life satisfaction

    Analytical reading for students-philologists in the English class

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    The study aims to investigate the higher education students’ and teachers’ perception of using literary text in the foreign language course; to evaluate learners’ progress in the foreign language communicative competence throughout the experiment period; to outline the policies and strategies of using analytical reading in the English class, which lead to increasing motivation to learn foreign languages with a focus on literature. The study involves 85 Bachelor’s degree students and 35 teachers from linguistics and translation departments of three universities: Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, National Aviation University, Kütahya Dumlupinar University during the spring term in the school year 2021/2022. The students from these universities were using analytical reading in foreign language learning during this term. The quantitative research method allowed us to assess the students’ progress in the development of their foreign language analytical reading skills, that included the understanding of the culture of foreign language, literary and aesthetic skills, vocabulary and foreign language skills, critical thinking and problem solving, inferential and interpretational skills. The qualitative research method was used to interpret the data of the experiment. Three questionnaires were employed as an instrument to assess teachers’ and learners’ perceptions of using literary texts in foreign language teaching/learning; to monitor the development of student’s skills in analytical reading. The students-philologists involved in the research increased their motivation to learn English as a foreign language through literary texts and showed progress in the development of analytical reading skills up to 16%. The results obtained can be implemented into the practice of foreign language teaching as literary texts enriched the language input in the classroom and stimulated language acquisition, and analytical reading involved students-philologists emotionally challenging their imagination and creativity

    Improvement of Human Capital Development: A Factor in Increasing the Mobilisation Potential of Ukraine

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    Based on historical, legal, and sociological research conducted within a research project funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine titled "Improvement of human capital development: a factor in increasing the mobilisation potential of Ukraine", theoretical and methodological principles for improving the mobilisation potential of Ukraine through human capital formation mechanisms are substantiated in this paper. An overview of the main approaches to the recruitment of armies in the context of historical evolution is conducted, and a list of actual and potential threats to a reduction of Ukraine's mobilisation potential is updated. Factors of motivation and demotivation influencing the participation or otherwise of Ukrainian youth in military mobilisation are defined. Optimal legal models for military mobilisation in a democratic constitutional state are also proposed. A general strategy whereby the policy of formation of patriotism through education and media for the actualisation of the mobilisation potential of Ukraine may be realised is also outlined. The article aims to develop conceptual bases for improving the mobilisation potential of Ukraine based on optimising the mechanisms of human capital formation. It also aims to enhance the mobilisation potential of Ukraine as a system-forming factor in ensuring the state's defence capabilities

    Experimental research and modeling of the parameters of the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System in Ukraine

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    The results of experimental studies and modeling of the orbital motion of QZSS geosynchronous satellites are presented. The possibility of forecasting the availability of satellites using almanac data obtained from the QZSS system and so on is shownNational Aviation Universit

    Genetic and Biochemical Characterization of Human AP Endonuclease 1 Mutants Deficient in Nucleotide Incision Repair Activity

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    Background: Human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) is a key DNA repair enzyme involved in both base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide incision repair (NIR) pathways. In the BER pathway, APE1 cleaves DNA at AP sites and 39-blocking moieties generated by DNA glycosylases. In the NIR pathway, APE1 incises DNA 59 to a number of oxidatively damaged bases. At present, physiological relevance of the NIR pathway is fairly well established in E. coli, but has yet to be elucidated in human cells. Methodology/Principal Finding: We identified amino acid residues in the APE1 protein that affect its function in either the BER or NIR pathway. Biochemical characterization of APE1 carrying single K98A, R185A, D308A and double K98A/R185A amino acid substitutions revealed that all mutants exhibited greatly reduced NIR and 39R59 exonuclease activities, but were capable of performing BER functions to some extent. Expression of the APE1 mutants deficient in the NIR and exonuclease activities reduced the sensitivity of AP endonuclease-deficient E. coli xth nfo strain to an alkylating agent, methylmethanesulfonate, suggesting that our APE1 mutants are able to repair AP sites. Finally, the human NIR pathway was fully reconstituted in vitro using the purified APE1, human flap endonuclease 1, DNA polymerase b and DNA ligase I proteins, thus establishing the minimal set of proteins required for a functional NIR pathway in human cells. Conclusion/Significance: Taken together, these data further substantiate the role of NIR as a distinct and separable functio

    Lys98 Substitution in Human AP Endonuclease 1 Affects the Kinetic Mechanism of Enzyme Action in Base Excision and Nucleotide Incision Repair Pathways

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    Human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) is a key enzyme in the base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide incision repair (NIR) pathways. We recently analyzed the conformational dynamics and kinetic mechanism of wild-type (wt) protein, in a stopped-flow fluorescence study. In this study, we investigated the mutant enzyme APE1K98A using the same approach. Lys98 was known to hydrogen bond to the carboxyl group of Asp70, a residue implicated in binding the divalent metal ion. Our data suggested that the conformational selection and induced fit occur during the enzyme action. We expanded upon the evidence that APE1 can pre-exist in two conformations. The isomerization of an enzyme-product complex in the BER process and the additional isomerization stage of enzyme-substrate complex in the NIR process were established for APE1K98A. These stages had not been registered for the wtAPE1. We found that the K98A substitution resulted in a 12-fold reduction of catalytic constant of 5′-phosphodiester bond hydrolysis in (3-hydroxytetrahydrofuran-2-yl)methyl phosphate (F, tetrahydrofuran) containing substrate, and in 200-fold reduction in 5,6-dihydrouridine (DHU) containing substrate. Thus, the K98A substitution influenced NIR more than BER. We demonstrated that the K98A mutation influenced the formation of primary unspecific enzyme-substrate complex in a complicated manner, depending on the Mg2+ concentration and pH. This mutation obstructed the induced fit of enzyme in the complex with undamaged DNA and F-containing DNA and appreciably decreased the stability of primary complex upon interaction of enzyme with DNA, containing the natural apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site. Furthermore, it significantly delayed the activation of the less active form of enzyme during NIR and slowed down the conformational conversion of the complex of enzyme with the cleavage product of DHU-substrate. Our data revealed that APE1 uses the same active site to catalyze the cleavage of DHU- and AP-substrates

    TiO2_{2}, ZnO, and SnO2_{2}-based metal oxides for photocatalytic applications: principles and development

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    This review mainly relied on advanced TiO2\mathrm{TiO}_2, ZnO, and SnO2\mathrm{SnO}_{2} nanostructures for photocatalysis; therefore, their physical and chemical properties are hereafter summarized. We will discuss the various approaches that have been already proposed such as the doping, the heterostructure fabrication, and the use of plasmonic materials. We wish to draw here a particular attention to the semiconductor/semiconductor heterostructures