980 research outputs found

    Modernization of legal technologies in the field of personal and information security

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    Objective: The article reveals the problems of personal and information security in the context of changing interstate relations, the globalization of international life. The special importance of ensuring personal and information security as an object of legal protection protected by international and national law is noted. Methods: The correlation of the norms in international and national law emphasizes the need to modernize and adopt new normative legal acts of universal and regional significance which can guide the participating countries in updating the national system of law. Results: The priority role is given to the improvement of international and national legal policies aimed at modernizing national legal systems focused on the prevention, counteraction to crimes and offenses that infringe on personal and information security. An effective mechanism of legal regulation for the objects in legal protection is of fundamental importance to ensure personal and information security. Conclusions: Particular attention is focused on solving the issues of detection, disclosure and accurate legal assessment of crimes and offenses that infringe on the interests of individuals, society and the state. The importance of the international community to establish universal standards to ensure personal and information security is emphasized


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    Objective: The article investigates the key areas to improve the effectiveness of legal means for human rights protection in the conditions of spreading ideology that promotes the development of extremist and terrorist activities. Methods: Close attention is paid to the scale of spreading extremism and terrorism ideology at transnational, interstate and national levels. Results: The focus of activity in terrorist organizations is emphasized on destruction or disruption of transport infrastructure, life support facilities, intimidation of population and committing acts of nuclear terrorism. Conclusions: It is necessary to develop a legal policy that promotes the implementation of measures to protect human rights, regardless to the nature of the political and legal system in the state. The universality of measures for the protection of human rights implies their viability in various socially interactive legal systems. The necessity to develop new approaches to justify the formation of ideology of terrorism and extremism is determined. Attention is paid to the necessity to improve legal grounds for understanding terrorism and extremism

    On the Basic Categories of Facilitative Pedagogy

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    A key characteristic of a learner-centered educational process is its realization as a subject-to-subject interaction between participants. At present, a view that the goal of the pedagogical process is to create conditions for the development of a creative and moral personality, independent in cognitive and practical activities, free to choose a professional, social, family career can be considered customary. A rounded actualized personality is, first of all, the subject of human relations and conscious self-work. That is, this is a person who has a conscious and stable system of relations to themselves and the world, who is able to realize the motives of their activities, set a goal, and independently regulate their own actions to achieve it. A teacher positions oneself as a facilitator in this interaction, and a firm promotion of the student’s ability to be the subject of one’s own relationships, behavior, becomes the main principle of professional work of both each teacher taken separately and the teaching staff as a whole

    On the Basic Categories of Facilitative Pedagogy

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    A key characteristic of a learner-centered educational process is its realization as a subject-to-subject interaction between participants. At present, a view that the goal of the pedagogical process is to create conditions for the development of a creative and moral personality, independent in cognitive and practical activities, free to choose a professional, social, family career can be considered customary. A rounded actualized personality is, first of all, the subject of human relations and conscious self-work. That is, this is a person who has a conscious and stable system of relations to themselves and the world, who is able to realize the motives of their activities, set a goal, and independently regulate their own actions to achieve it. A teacher positions oneself as a facilitator in this interaction, and a firm promotion of the student’s ability to be the subject of one’s own relationships, behavior, becomes the main principle of professional work of both each teacher taken separately and the teaching staff as a whole


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    Objective: The purpose of the article is aimed at solving the modern problem associated with the legal provision of measures implemented in order to guarantee public safety on the territory of states and individual regions. The importance of solving this problem is predetermined by the search for the most optimal legal means in the field of protecting the life and health of the local population, including the legal rights of the indigenous peoples living in small numbers, natural resources, ensuring legal use of natural resources, environmental safety and etc. Methodology: The methodology of the research is based on a set of general scientific, private and special methods of scientific knowledge that allow the system to structure, subject to formal and legal means, a mechanism for conduct a comparative legal analysis, identifying general and specific trends in ensuring public security. Results: As a result of the study, it was concluded that one of the problems of ensuring public security is minimization and neutralization of these threats should contribute to the implementation in the norms and institutions of international law, aimed at increasing the level of anti-terrorist protection of places where people stay, life support facilities, transport infrastructure, organizations of fuel and energy, chemical, nuclear weapons, nuclear power and industry, defense and industry complexes of the country. Conclusion: Conclusions are made that constantly changing challenges and threats to public safety predetermine the expediency of updating the normative-legal framework, in particular the adoption of criminal law measures to counteract crime in the area under study. The practice-oriented measures proposed in the article are of importance, including conceptual directions for the implementation of solutions for the prevention, suppression and counteraction of crime that encroaches on the interests of public safety.

    The Assessment of the Level of Pollution of Slime Pits with Heavy Metals

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    In drilling and running oil and gas wells the great amount of toxic waste is formed and in the surface of the lithosphere and hydrosphere the great amount of different chemical elements and compounds access, they are needed to be isolated from the environment. The most useful way of isolation is their utilization in the slime pits on the wells territory. Heavy metals are dangerous waste in the drilling slime; they accumulate in soil and under some conditions they in form water-soluble parts and migrate in to the soil. The aim of this paper is to organize the chemical and analytical research of the amount of heavy metals in the drilling slime, and research the mechanism of their spreading on different depth and square in the slime pits typical for the oil site placed in KHANTY-Ugra

    Traditionalism in Recent Family Discourses in Russia

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    • Anna Avdeeva, PhD candidate University of Helsinki ([email protected]) • Olga Isupova, Senior Lecturer, Sociology at the Institute of Demography, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow ([email protected]) • Antu Sorainen, Docent, Academy Research Fellow, University of Helsinki ([email protected]) • Alisa Zhabenko, PhD candidate, University of Helsinki ([email protected])”Traditionaalista” käytetään usein savuverhona perusteltaessa erilaisia näkemyksiä Venäjän nykyhetkessä tai keskusteltaessa tulevaisuuteen suuntautuneista tavoitteista. Mutta mikä on traditionalistisen perhemallin suhde historiantutkimuksen antamaan kuvaan venäläisten perheiden ja perheideologioiden historiasta? Pohdimme tätä kolmen venäläisen perhetutkijan kanssa. Heistä kukin tutkii sellaista ilmiötä, jolla itsellään ei ole pitkää menneisyyttä mutta jonka kohdalla traditionalismipuhe kärjistyy. Näitä ovat luonnollinen vanhemmuus, uudet lisääntymisteknologiat ja lesboperheet Venäjällä. Keskustelumme perhe-elämän vaietuista ja näkymättömistä puolista avaa uusia vivahteita nyky-Venäjän poliittisen argumentaation ristiriitaisuuteen sen kanssa, mitä valtio on todellisuudessa taloudellisesti tehnyt tai jättänyt tekemättä – huolimatta omista traditionalistisista historiatulkinnoistaan. Historiantutkimuksellisesti on myös kiinnostavaa, mitä arjen vastarintaa ja valintoja marginalisoiduissa perheissä on tehty.Pyöreän pöydän keskustelu: Anna Avdeeva, Olga Isupova ja Alisa Zhabenko, kääntänyt ja toimittanut Antu Sorainen. ”Traditionaalista” käytetään usein savuverhona perusteltaessa erilaisia radikaaleja ja vanhoillisia näkemyksiä Venäjän nykyhetkessä tai keskusteltaessa tulevaisuuteen suuntautuneista tavoitteista. Mutta mikä traditionalistisen perhemallin suhde on historiantutkimuksen antamaan kuvaan venäläisten perheiden ja perheideologioiden historiasta? Tarkastelemme tätä kolmen sellaisen ilmiön– ”luonnollinen vanhemmuus”, uudet lisääntymisteknologiat ja lesboperheet – avulla, joilla itsellään ei ole pitkää menneisyyttä mutta joiden kohdalla traditionalismipuhe kärjistyy. Keskustelijoina on kolme venäläistä perhetutkijaa, joiden näkökulmat pohjautuvat heidän omiin historiallisiin ja empiirisiin aineistoihinsa.Non peer reviewe

    The Main Directions of Integration of States' Activities to Ensure Economic Security

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    Methodological and legislative issues of ensuring economic security are investigated within the framework of the article. The novelty of the research topic is about the statement of the problem determined by the negative consequences of globalization of international relations, which led to an increase in the rates of transnational crime and has become a threat to international security. The purpose of the study is to find out areas for optimizing international cooperation on counteraction to economic crimes, taking into account the specifics of the current stage of socio-economic integration. The research tasks included disclosure of the legal nature of corruption as a basic component of the shadow economy, essential properties and signs of corruption as a negative social phenomenon, determining the quality of implementation of international standards within the framework of legislation of national legal systems and establishing priority areas for cooperation between states to ensure economic security. The methodology of the research is based on a set of general scientific, private, and special methods of scientific knowledge that allow the system to structure, subject to formal and legal means, a mechanism for counteracting economic crimes and conduct a comparative legal analysis, identifying general and specific trends in ensuring economic security in various legal systems. As a result of the study, it was concluded that one of the problems of ensuring economic security at the international level is the absence in the international acts of a unified approach to the concept of corruption, which naturally caused in the foreign legislation legal pluralism in regulating the grounds for bringing to legal, including criminal liability. The problems of the definitive correlation of corruption inspire inadequate coherence of measures to counter international corruption in terms of identifying, disclosing, prophylactic and preventing corruption. The effectiveness of international legal cooperation presupposes the unification of approaches to the qualification of criminally punishable offenses of corruption orientation, proceeding from corrupt schemes of state, ecological, economic crime associated with illegal transfer of funds within the shadow turnover and legalization of incomes