9 research outputs found

    Característica de la preparación del personal para la gestión de conflictos en la organización

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    The analysis of the personnel competence, reflected in the professional standards, allows us to identify the main areas of training that have a positive impact on the challenges of the external environment. At the same time, employees of the organization, as a rule, have different professional training and practical experience. From this perspective, the phenomenon of in-house training of the personnel is updated, under which the training is carried out on the basis of the organization and aimed at achieving the objectives to develop it. Communication, as a mechanism of using communicative skills that can have both positive and negative effects, occupies a leading position in the professional activities of the personnel. Thus, it is connected, in most cases, with conflicts, in particular, the lack of personnel preparedness and readiness to manage them. Researchers are actively engaged in finding the ways to prevent and resolve conflicts, using various forms of post-graduate training, including in-house training of adult audience.El análisis de la competencia del personal, reflejado en los estándares profesionales, nos permite identificar las principales áreas de capacitación que tienen un impacto positivo en los desafíos del entorno externo. Al mismo tiempo, los empleados de la organización, por regla general, tienen diferente formación profesional y experiencia práctica. Desde esta perspectiva, se actualiza el fenómeno de la capacitación interna del personal, en virtud del cual la capacitación se lleva a cabo sobre la base de la organización y dirigida a lograr los objetivos para desarrollarla. La comunicación, como mecanismo para utilizar habilidades comunicativas que pueden tener efectos tanto positivos como negativos, ocupa una posición de liderazgo en las actividades profesionales del personal. Por lo tanto, está relacionado, en la mayoría de los casos, con conflictos, en particular, la falta de preparación y preparación del personal para manejarlos. Los investigadores participan activamente en la búsqueda de formas de prevenir y resolver conflictos, utilizando diversas formas de capacitación de posgrado, incluida la capacitación interna de la audiencia adulta

    Digitalization as A Growth Factor of ˋˋSoft Power'' in the Context of Globalization

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    Digitalization as a new theoretical concept is actively used by researchers to evaluate economic, socio-political and other processes in a contemporary society. Digitalization, infiltrating the system of International relations, changes not only the principles of International communications, but also its tools. Peculiarities, risks, and prospects of digitalization in particular spheres and society as a whole, are actively explored in various branches of science, however, digitalization of economy, business processes, social institutions, society and humans remain priority issues. To analyze digitalization, academic science uses comparative and system analysis. In particular, to determine the tools that contribute to the growth of “soft power” in the digital society, secondary data analysis is used. In the context of digital transformation of the system of International relations, the scope and range of “soft power” tools are expanding. In addition, digitalization is adapting the tools of “soft power” to the modern system of International relations, so one of the important tools and factors in the growth of “soft power” becomes digital diplomacy. The authors of the article define “digital diplomacy” as a foreign policy instrument, which implies flexible forms of interaction between actors in International relations using new forms of mass communication and network technologies with the aim of influencing the world discourse on pressing issues, promoting national interests and producing an operational response to the latest information challenges. It has been established that the growth of the country's “soft power” correlates with the introduction of digitalization tools, however, soft digital influence can lead to negative consequences, namely the appearance and mass distribution of fake news, manipulation of the global agenda, and digital inequality, inter alia. The development of objective criteria and methods for distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate digital instruments of “soft power” of a country is a further direction in the research of the phenomenon of “soft power” digitalization. Keywords: digitalization, globalization, “soft power”, digital society, digital diplomac

    Characteristic of Personnel Readiness for Conflict Management in the Organization

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    The analysis of the personnel competence, reflected in the professional standards, allows us to identify the main areas of training that have a positive impact on the challenges of the external environment. At the same time, employees of the organization, as a rule, have different professional training and practical experience. From this perspective, the phenomenon of in-house training of the personnel is updated, under which the training is carried out on the basis of the organization and aimed at achieving the objectives to develop it. Communication, as a mechanism of using communicative skills that can have both positive and negative effects, occupies a leading position in the professional activities of the personnel. Thus, it is connected, in most cases, with conflicts, in particular, the lack of personnel preparedness and readiness to manage them. Researchers are actively engaged in finding the ways to prevent and resolve conflicts, using various forms of post-graduate training, including in-house training of adult audience

    Negative selection in humans and fruit flies involves synergistic epistasis

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    Negative selection against deleterious alleles produced by mutation influences within-population variation as the most pervasive form of natural selection. However, it is not known whether deleterious alleles affect fitness independently, so that cumulative fitness loss depends exponentially on the number of deleterious alleles, or synergistically, so that each additional deleterious allele results in a larger decrease in relative fitness. Negative selection with synergistic epistasis should produce negative linkage disequilibrium between deleterious alleles and, therefore, an underdispersed distribution of the number of deleterious alleles in the genome. Indeed, we detected underdispersion of the number of rare loss-of-function alleles in eight independent data sets from human and fly populations. Thus, selection against rare protein-disrupting alleles is characterized by synergistic epistasis, which may explain how human and fly populations persist despite high genomic mutation rates

    Optimization, characterization, and cytotoxicity studies of novel anti-tubercular agent-loaded liposomal vesicles

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    Abstract The treatment of tuberculosis is still a challenging process due to the widespread of pathogen strains resistant to antibacterial drugs, as well as the undesirable effects of anti-tuberculosis therapy. Hence, the development of safe and effective new anti-antitubercular agents, in addition to suitable nanocarrier systems, has become of utmost importance and necessity. Our research aims to develop liposomal vesicles that contain newly synthesized compounds with antimycobacterial action. The compound being studied is a derivative of imidazo-tetrazine named 3-(3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-yl)-6-(isopropylthio) imidazo [1,2-b] [1,2,4,5] tetrazine compound. Several factors that affect liposomal characteristics were studied. The maximum encapsulation efficiency was 53.62 ± 0.09. The selected liposomal formulation T8* possessed a mean particle size of about 205.3 ± 3.94 nm with PDI 0.282, and zeta potential was + 36.37 ± 0.49 mv. The results of the in vitro release study indicated that the solubility of compound I was increased by its incorporation in liposomes. The free compound and liposomal preparation showed antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (ATCC 27294) at MIC value 0.94–1.88 μg/ml. We predict that the liposomes may be a good candidate for delivering new antitubercular drugs

    Genomic evidence for ameiotic evolution in the bdelloid rotifer Adineta vaga.

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    Loss of sexual reproduction is considered an evolutionary dead end for metazoans, but bdelloid rotifers challenge this view as they appear to have persisted asexually for millions of years. Neither male sex organs nor meiosis have ever been observed in these microscopic animals: oocytes are formed through mitotic divisions, with no reduction of chromosome number and no indication of chromosome pairing. However, current evidence does not exclude that they may engage in sex on rare, cryptic occasions. Here we report the genome of a bdelloid rotifer, Adineta vaga (Davis, 1873), and show that its structure is incompatible with conventional meiosis. At gene scale, the genome of A. vaga is tetraploid and comprises both anciently duplicated segments and less divergent allelic regions. However, in contrast to sexual species, the allelic regions are rearranged and sometimes even found on the same chromosome. Such structure does not allow meiotic pairing; instead, we find abundant evidence of gene conversion, which may limit the accumulation of deleterious mutations in the absence of meiosis. Gene families involved in resistance to oxidation, carbohydrate metabolism and defence against transposons are significantly expanded, which may explain why transposable elements cover only 3% of the assembled sequence. Furthermore, 8% of the genes are likely to be of non-metazoan origin and were probably acquired horizontally. This apparent convergence between bdelloids and prokaryotes sheds new light on the evolutionary significance of sex