2,808 research outputs found

    Особенности активационных процессов коры головного мозга при олигоменорее у подростков

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    The article presents the data on the epidemiology of menstrual cycle disorders of Krasnoyarsk teenagers. The increase in the frequency of oligomenorrhea, indicating worsening of functional disorders of the reproductive system, has been revealed. Due to the possible relation between oligomenorrhea development and disruption of activation processes of cerebral cortex, the dynamic measurement of omega-potential of cerebral hemispheres was conducted. The study was carried out in a group of female patients before the hormone therapy and after its completion. It was revealed that the basic values of the omega-potential of the girls with oligomenorrhea are characterized with its increase, indicating a high level of mental stress. The results have revealed the dependence of normalization of the activation processes of the cerebral cortex and the option of hormonal correction of oligomenorrhea.В статье приводятся данные по эпидемиологии нарушения менструального цикла подростков г. Красноярска. Выявлено увеличение частоты олигоменореи, что свидетельствует об усугублении функциональных расстройств репродуктивной системы. В связи с возможной зависимостью развития олигоменореи и нарушением активационных процессов коры головного мозга проведено динамическое измерение омега-потенциала полушарий мозга. Исследование проведено в группе пациенток до начала гормональной терапии и после ее окончания. Выявлено, что базовые значения омега-потенциала у девушек с олигоменореей характеризуются его повышением, что свидетельствует о высоком уровне психического напряжения. Выявлена зависимость нормализации активационных процессов коры головного мозга и варианта гормональной коррекции олигоменореи

    Educational technologies as a means of developing students' independence

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    The current stage of development of society is characterized by the development of scientific and technological progress, the emergence of various innovative processes that affect the course of development of all spheres of life, including higher education. With the emergence of a competency-based approach and a corresponding change in educational goals, higher education institutions, fulfilling the requirements of the Federal state educational standards, should use innovative educational technologies in the preparation of students to form their professional competence. The purpose of the article is to consider the experience of implementing educational technologies as a tool for developing students' independence. The independence of the student is an integral part of the development of his competence. The article presents an examination of the concepts of “independence” and “educational technology” from various points of view. The dependence of independence on the use of innovative educational technologies in the educational process is traced. The stages of the process of organizing students' independent work using innovative educational technologies are highlighted. The presented study on identifying students' level of independence when studying the discipline “Teaching Technologies of the Teachers of the Past” allows us to conclude that students are more successful with the active implementation of educational technologies, since they make the process more active and creative, make the interaction process more efficient. The study was conducted over two years (in 2018 and 2019). We checked the level of independence of students before the introduction of innovative technologies in the study of the discipline "Technology of teaching teachers of the past" and after. The more often educational technologies are used in the educational process, the more students get used to independent work, the better it becomes. The use of educational technologies allows the formation of a highly educated competent specialist who independently and creatively solves professional problems

    Timetracker capabilities in student project activities

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    The purpose of the work is to consider the possibilities of time trackers in the design activities of students. The article presents an analysis of modern time trackers that contribute to the self-organization of students to achieve educational goals. In the context of an increase in the share of independent training in universities and the expansion of distance learning, there is a need for students to master time management, which allows them to conduct activities most productively. Time management involves the use of electronic tools that promote the development of the discipline, self-organization and student planning for the rapid achievement of goals. The article discusses both trackers for large-scale professional activities, control and accounting of working hours, as well as simpler versions of trackers suitable for personal use by students. Time management ensures timely implementation of the project, allows you to evaluate the contribution of each student to the work, and adjust the activities of students. The use of time trackers in performing various tasks, including the implementation of projects, contributes to high-quality visualization of the number of hours spent on the task and, as a result, the development of discipline and self-organization of students

    A comparative study of hydrophilic phosphine hexanuclear rhenium cluster complexes’ toxicity

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    Octahedral rhenium cluster compound Na2H8[{Re6Se8}(P(C2H4CONH2)(C2H4COO)2)6] has recently emerged as a very promising X-ray contrast agent for biomedical applications. However, the synthesis of this compound is rather challenging due to difficulty to control the hydrolysis of initial P(C2H4CN)3 ligand during the reaction process. Therefore, in this report we compare the in vitro and in vivo toxicity of Na2H8[{Re6Se8}(P(C2H4CONH2)(C2H4COO)2)6] with those of related compounds featuring fully hydrolysed form of the phosphine ligand, namely Na2H14[{Re6Q8}(P(C2H4COO)3)6] (Q = S or Se). Our results demonstrate that cytotoxicity and acute in vivo toxicity of the complex Na2H8[{Re6Se8}(P(C2H4CONH2)(C2H4COO)2)6] solutions were considerably lower than those of compounds with fully hydrolysed ligand P(C2H4COOH)3. Such behavior can be explained by the higher osmolality of Na2H14[{Re6Q8}(P(C2H4COO)3)6] versus Na2H8[{Re6Se8}(P(C2H4CONH2)(C2H4COO)2)6]

    Neo-industrial base for sustainable development of raw-materials cluster

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    Today the issues of overcoming the environmental consequences of the negative structural shift of the Russian economy, accelerating the rate of economic growth, reducing the technological and social-and-economic separation from developed countries are becoming strategically in demand for extractive clusters. The need for methodological and theoretical support of the neo-industrialization of the Russian economy raises the urgency of analyzing ways to solve environmental problems, relying on reducing the share of raw materials production in the gross regional product. The emergence of an innovative paradigm raises environmental requirements for industry, raises the priority of interaction institutions between the state, science and business in the process of reducing environmental damage. The leading role is played by the analysis of innovative nature protection activities in extractive clusters and structuring the competitive advantages of the economy, not related to the export of raw materials

    Profitable Production as a Socio-Economic Based on Supply Chain Management with Lean Production

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    Abstract— The article discusses organizational, economic and managerial relations that determine the supply chain management and the system of elements of “lean production” in human resource management. The essence and interrelation of the management system of organizational behavior and elements of corporate Lean culture are revealed, the possible directions of the influence of lean production culture on the organizational behavior of employees, considering the specifics of the personnel management of a particular organization, are substantiated. It was concluded that the basis of the strategy of managing organizational behavior should be a “lean” approach, involving the creation of a corporate culture of lean manufacturing, conditions for managing group work, corporate communications, managing teams, and leaders able to unlock the potential of employees. The main principles of a lean approach are: “sustainable socio-economic development is transformation in the minds and actions of personnel” and “lean synergy is a factor and resource for increasing productivity”