39 research outputs found


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    Increase of the probability of non-destructive control of structural- sensitive parameters of solid materials on the basis of differential-thermal analysis

    Article 62 of VCLT and sea level rise : applicability of 'rebis sic stantibus' to maritime zones and boundaries

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    As a result of climate change, sea level rise puts many geographical coastal features and low-lying island countries at risk of disappearing within the coming decades. Sea Level Rise itself does not only pose catastrophic environmental damage but also presents a wide range of challenging legal uncertainties urging the legal society to reflect and find instruments which can help mitigate those challenges. Raising a discussion about the possibility of applying the doctrine clausula rebus sic stantibus represents one of those challenges and therefore, puts under the doubt the stability and certainty of existing maritime boundaries treaties. Being one of the most disputed doctrines in public international law, it has never attracted attention, particularly in the context of maritime law, as it has today. Coming from the State practice and doctrine which was referred to as the "doctrine" or "principle" of rebus sic stantibus, Article 62 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) provides a possibility of terminating, withdrawing from or suspending a treaty in an orderly manner. Such a rule was included in the VCLT for situations when circumstances change substantially and the equivalence of treaty obligations may become imbalanced and treaties lose their objective and purpose. Based on Article 62 (2)(a), treaties establishing boundaries cannot be subject to unilateral termination under a fundamental change of circumstances. However, the travaux préparatoires of the International Law Commission (ILC) and relevant case law suggest that the exclusion only covers treaties delimiting territorial boundaries and full sovereignty. Thus, one of the most debatable and uncertain questions remains to be addressed: "Whether the fundamental change of circumstances (clausula rebus sic stantibus) referred to in Article 62(2) of 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) applies to maritime boundaries in relation to the sea level rise issue?

    Personality Factors of Choosing Adaptation Strategies in a Different Cultural Environment by Labor Migrants from Ukraine

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    The paper presents empirical research on personality factors of choosing adaptation strategies in a different cultural environment by labor migrants. The study determines three major adaptation strategies: integration, assimilation and marginalization. It establishes that integration and assimilation are means of solving the crisis of social identity. Personal identity acquires features of mature positive identity, when labor migrants integrate into a different cultural environment of a country of their employment. If a migrant chooses the strategy of assimilation, then personal identity has a tendency to approach to diffusive, “fuzzy” identity with indefinite life cycles, a decreased level of self-respect, a lack of internal integrity and uniformity. A marginal status of labor migrants in a country of employment causes an intensification of the crisis of personal identity, when migrants are not satisfied with the situation of employment abroad, but they do not see opportunities for self-realization in Ukraine. Factor analysis made it possible to establish an adaptation structure of labor migrants consisting of five major factors (72.43%)


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    Specialists say that the issue of understanding of influence mechanism of physical activity on psychological health of children and teenagers is not investigated thoroughly. This concerns primarilycollege students, fortheir age equals to that of high school pupils.Psycho-emotional processes in the students’ consciousness and behavior atthat ageare caused by the end of biological and physical development and adaptation to new conditions of studying and living. Our previous research allowed us to determine the condition and dynamics of psycho-emotional indicators during the first academic year against the background of low physical activity. The question of how particular physical activity influences the dynamics of these indicators among college students remains to be unanswered. The aim of the research is to determine the dynamics of indicators of psycho-emotional condition among 15–16 years old students from Medical College. Research methods and techniques like analysis and generalization of scientific literature, documentation, pedagogical observation, SAN and mathematical statistics were applied. The results of the research. Any reliable changes towards either more positive or negative side have not been detected among students from Experimental Group (EG), though indicators of well-being and mood of students from Control Group (CG) have considerably decreased (p≤0,05) during the pedagogical experiment. The reliable deterioration of the CG students’ well-beingfrom have been noticed in comparison with the EG students on the 2nd stage of the experiment. The conclusions. The data obtained from the pedagogical experiment have proved the positive effect of implementation of team-building techniques into physical education of college students on their psycho-emotional condition indicators

    Risk-oriented strategic management accounting in Ukraine

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    In order to survive, Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of war must look for new ways of effective management, a higher degree of integration of risk management and strategic management. Management accounting helps make risk-based decisions to achieve strategic goals. The expert survey method made it possible to identify the most significant risks for enterprises in Ukraine in war conditions: the risk of increased costs, reduced income, the risk of inability to repay obligations, loss of customers, non-payment of receivables, loss of asset value, risk of unprofitability, reduction of business and bankruptcy. The strategic management accounting risk matrix shows the probability and potential impact of each risk on accounting data. A strategic plan and measurement of the effectiveness of risk-oriented strategic management accounting was developed. It shows the relationship of accounting objects, the financial statements of the enterprise, with analytical indicators for assessing the financial condition and the impact of risks under pessimistic, optimistic and optimal scenarios. In practice, it helps to identify risks, determine their impact on enterprise performance indicators, model indicators, assess their compliance with strategic goals, adapt in a timely manner, and make effective management decisions

    Device for measurement and control of humidity in crude oil and petroleum products

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    A device with a frequency-modulated output signal has been developed to increase the sensitivity and accuracy of measuring moisture content in crude oil and petroleum products in the range of 0~20%. The main element of the device is a self-oscillator transducer based on a transistor structure with negative differential resistance. A capacitive sensor in the form of a capacitive cylindrical structure with cylindrical electrodes was used to determine moisture content in crude oil and petroleum products. Electric permittivity of a two-component mixture of oil and water was estimated and the capacitance of the humidity-sensitive capacitive cylindrical structure with cylindrical electrodes was calculated. An electrical diagram of the device for measuring and controlling the humidity of crude oil and petroleum products has been developed. The relative error of converting the humidity of oil and petroleum products into capacitance which was caused by the change in oil temperature, was determined to be 0.225%. Values of relative errors of the device for measuring the humidity of oil and petroleum products are as follows: 1.355 · 10 -5% is caused by instability of the oscillator frequency, 0.01% is caused by fluctuations in the supply voltage of the self-oscillator transducer, 0.05% is caused by a change in ambient temperature by 1°C. For the developed device, which used errors of the first and second type, the reliability of humidity control of oil and petroleum products has been determined to be 0.9591

    Сучасна ідеологія трудового права України

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    У статті аналізується сучасна ідеологія трудового права України, закладена у Кодексі законів про працю. А також, надаються пропозиції щодо її вдосконалення та пристосування до нових політичних і соціально-економічних реалій.В статье анализируется современная идеология трудового права Украины, заложенная в Кодексе законов о труде. А также, предоставляются предложения по её усовершенствованию и приспособлению к новым политическим и социально-экономическим реалиям.In article is analyzed the modern ideology of labor law of Ukraine, which is set out by The Code of Laws on Labor of Ukraine. And also, are given suggestions about it improvement and adaptation to new political, social and economic reality

    Недійсність трудового договору

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    У статті досліджуються підстави та порядок визнання трудових договорів недійсними. З’ясовується правові наслідки визнання трудових договорів недійсними. Запропоновано на законодавчому рівні закріпити поняття, підстави та наслідки визнання трудових договорів недійсними. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34484В статье исследуются основания и порядок признания трудовых договоров недействительными. Выясняется правовые последствия признания трудовых договоров недействительными. Предложено на законодательном уровне закрепить понятие, основания и последствия признания трудовых договоров недействительными. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34484This article investigates the reasons for and the procedure for recognition of labor contracts invalid. We explain the legal consequences of recognition of labor contracts invalid. A legislatively consolidate the concept, reasons and consequences of the recognition of labor contracts invalid. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3448


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    Biochemical purification of wastewater containing refined petroleum products takes place due to the oxidation of pollutants by active sludge organisms. As a result of this process the intense consumption of pollutants by active sludge and its growth occurs. Therefore, the possibility to use active sludge containing refined petroleum products after wastewater treatment requires its stabilization. Methods: In this work the oxidation by a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution was studied for its use as a stabilizer. Chemical oxidizers, including hydrogen peroxide destroy organic polymers retaining free water thus promoting water release from the structure of sludge particles. On the other hand remains of fine structured oxidized biopolymers can lead to filter clogging, that is, reduce moisture exchange of sludge. Results: The experiment was carried out to find out the correlation between the doses of hydrogen peroxide and the resistivity value of sludge filtration. Discussion: Stabilized active sludge can be used as a fuel for boiler rooms, which in its turn will reduce natural gas consumption for the enterprise needs.Біохімічне очищення стічних вод, що містять продукти переробки нафти, відбувається за рахунок окиснення забруднювальних речовин організмами активного мулу киснем повітря. У результаті цього процесу відбувається інтенсивне споживання забруднювальних речовин активним мулом, а також його ріст. Тому у подальшому, щоб було можливе використання активного мулу після очищення стічних вод, що містять продукти переробки нафти, його необхідно стабілізувати. Методи: У нашій роботі ми дослідили, в якості стабілізатора – окиснення 30% розчином перекису водню. Хімічні окиснювачі, зокрема, перекис водню, руйнує органічні полімери, які утримують вільну воду, тобто сприяють її вивільненню із структури часток мулу. З іншого боку, залишки окиснених біополімерів мають дрібну структуру і можуть призвести до закупорки фільтруючих матеріалів, тобто до зменшення вологовіддачі мулу. Результати: У ході роботи був поставлений експеримент зі зміною дози перекису водню і визначенням величини питомого опору мулу фільтрації. Обговорення: Стабілізований активний мул може бути використаний в якості палива на котельні, що, в свою чергу, зменшить витрати природного газу на потреби підприємства.Цель: Биохимическая очистка сточных вод, содержащих продукты переработки нефти, происходит за счет окисления загрязняющих веществ организмами активного ила кислородом воздуха. В результате этого процесса происходит интенсивное потребление загрязняющих веществ активным илом, а также его рост. Поэтому в дальнейшем, чтобы было возможно использование активного ила после очистки сточных вод, содержащих продукты переработки нефти, его необходимо стабилизировать. Методы: В нашей работе мы исследовали, в качестве стабилизатора – окисление 30% раствором перекиси водорода. Химические окислители, в частности, перекись водорода, разрушает органические полимеры, содержащие свободную воду, то есть способствуют ее высвобождению из структуры частиц ила. С другой стороны, остатки окисленных биополимеров имеют мелкую структуру и могут привести к закупорке фильтрующих материалов, то есть к уменьшению влагоотдачи ила. Результаты: В ходе работы был поставлен эксперимент с изменением дозы перекиси водорода и определением величины удельного сопротивления ила фильтрации. Обсуждение: Стабилизированный активный ил может быть использован в качестве топлива на котельной, что в свою очередь уменьшит расходы природного газа на нужды предприятия