11 research outputs found

    Festival de germanor Basco-Català

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    De cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que són diferents.Direcció: Joan Lamote de Grignon, Lluís Millet i Gabriel OlaizolaEmpresa: Joan Mestres CalvetFestes de primavera. Tercer aniversari de la República. Festival de Germanor Basco-català. Programa: Pantomima de Las Golondrinas de José Maria Usandizaga; La verge catalana de Josep Maria Ruera; Preludis Basc del Pare Donosti; Ramuntcho (obertura sobre temes bascos) de Pierné-Lamote de Grignon; El cant de la senyera (himne de l'Orfeó Català) per Millet; Cançó de lladre de Sancho Marraco; El Maridet d'Antoni Pérez Moya; el Cant del ocells de Millet; El caçador i la pastoreta de Botey; Cançó de l'espadar de Samper; La mare de Déu de Nicolau; Processó a muntanya de Vives; Empordà i Rosselló (sardana) de Morera; Agur Jaunak de José Olaizola; Jaiki Jaiki de José Olaizola; Atzo tun tun de Juan María de Ugarte; Maitasun atzekabea de Jesús Guridi; Amatxo de Jesús Guridi; Boga Boga de Jesús Guridi; Biri Biri de Joaquín Iruretagoyena; Bigare Kales Kale de Pablo Sorozábal

    Influence of sodium hypochlorite at 2.5% and EDTAC at 17% as endodontic irrigants in the adhesion of fiber posts

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    El propósito de este trabajo es demostrar que la utilización de EDTAC 17 % como irrigante final mejora sustancialmente la formación de la capa híbrida en relación a la utilización del Hipoclorito de Sodio al 2,5% como único irrigante, logrando mayor adhesión. En una etapa inicial se seleccionaron 20 premolares unirradiculares y se dividieron en 2 grupos (1 y 2) de 10 c/u, los cuales fueron tratados endodónticamente utilizando como irrigante agua destilada. En una segunda etapa se seleccionarán 20 premolares unirradiculares conformando los grupos 3 y 4 en los que se utilizará Hipoclorito de Sodio al 2,5% como único irrigante, y en una tercera instancia se seleccionarán 20 premolares unirradiculares, correspondiente a los grupos 5 y 6, utilizando como irrigante Hipoclorito de Sodio al 2,5% y EDTA al 17% como último lavaje. Una vez tratados endodónticamente se evaluará la calidad de obturación mediante una radiografía periapical y se cementarán los postes utilizando un sistema adhesivo autoacondicionante dual y de grabado total dual para los grupos control y experimental. Cada diente será cortado con discos de diamante en los tercios cervical, medio y apical de la raíz. Las muestras serán tratadas con ácido fosfórico al 37%, luego inmersa en ultrasonido con agua destilada, y analizadas en MEB en el cual se determinará la posible presencia de fallas en la adhesión.The purpose of this work is to demonstrate that the use of EDTAC 17% as final irrigant substantially improves the formation of the hybrid layer in relation to the use of Hypochlorite of 2.5% sodium as the only irrigant, achieving greater adhesion. In an initial stage, 20 single-rooted premolars were selected and divided into 2 groups (1 and 2) of 10 each, which were endodontically treated using distilled water as irrigant. In a second stage, 20 single-rooted premolars will be selected, conforming groups 3 and 4 in which 2.5% Sodium Hypochlorite will be used as the sole irrigant, and in a third stage, 20 single-rooted premolars will be selected, corresponding to groups 5 and 6 , using 2.5% Sodium Hypochlorite as irrigant and 17% EDTA as the last wash. Once endodontically treated, the quality of the filling will be evaluated using a periapical radiograph and the posts will be cemented using a self-conditioning adhesive system and total etching for the control and experimental groups. Each tooth will be cut with diamond discs in the cervical and middle thirds of the root. The samples will be treated with 37% phosphoric acid, then immersed in ultrasound with distilled water, and analyzed in SEM in which the possible presence of adhesion failures will be determined.Facultad de Odontologí

    Point-of-care fluidic immunosensor chip based on near infrared-absorbing nanoparticles for cancer biomarker detection

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    Trabajo presentado a la Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices for Nanomed (AMA4MED), celebrada en Valencia (España) del 3 al 4 de mayo de 2022.Peer reviewe

    Influence of Sodium Hypochlorite at 2.5% and EDTAC at 17% as endodontic irrigants in the adhesion of fiber posts

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    El propósito de este trabajo fue demostrar que la utilización de EDTAC 17 % como irrigante final mejora sustancialmente la formación de la capa híbrida en relación a la utilización del Hipoclorito de Sodio al 2,5% como único irrigante, logrando mayor adhesión. Se seleccionaron 20 premolares unirradiculares y se dividieron en 2 grupos (1 y 2) de 10 c/u. Fueron tratados endodónticamente utilizando como irrigante agua destilada. Luego se seleccionaron 20 premolares unirradiculares (grupos 3 y 4) en los que se utilizó Hipoclorito de Sodio al 2,5% como único irrigante, y grupos 5 y 6, utilizando Hipoclorito de Sodio al 2,5% y EDTA al 17% como último lavaje. Se evaluó la obturación mediante una radiografía periapical y se cementaron los postes utilizando un sistema adhesivo autoacondicionante dual y de grabado total dual para los grupos control y experimental. Cada diente se cortó con discos de diamante en los tercioscervical, medio y apical de la raíz. Los datos fueron analizados mediante un test de ANOVA de una vía y test de BONFERRONI. En los grupos experimentales 3 y 5 se detectó la presencia de capa hibrida en los tercios cervical y medio radicular, sin embargo, también existieron fallas adhesivas.The purpose of this work was to demonstrate that the use of EDTAC 17 % as final irrigant ubstantially improves the formation of the hybrid layer in relation to the use of hypochlorite of 2.5% sodium as the only irrigant, achieving greater adhesion. Selected 20 unirradicular premolars and divided into 2 groups (1 and 2) of 10 each. They were treated endodontically using distilled water as irrigator. Then 20 unirradicular premolars were selected (groups 3 and 4) in which 2.5% Sodium Hypochlorite was used as the only irrigant, and groups 5 and 6, using 2.5% Sodium Hypochlorite and 17% EDTA as the last wash.The seal was evaluated by periapical radiography and the posts were cemented using a dual self-conditioning adhesive system and dual total etching for the control and experimental groups. Each tooth was cut with diamond discs in the cervical, middle and apical thirds of the root. Data were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA test and BONFERRONI test. In experimental groups 3 and 5 the presence of hybrid layer was detected in the cervical and middle root thirds, however there were also adhesive failures.Facultad de Odontologí

    Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on ischemic stroke admissions and in-hospital mortality in North-West Spain

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    Background and purpose Spain has been one of the countries heavily stricken by COVID-19. But this epidemic has not affected all regions equally. We analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital stroke admissions and in-hospital mortality in tertiary referral hospitals from North-West Spain.Methods Spanish multicenter retrospective observational study based on data from tertiary hospitals of the NORDICTUS network. We recorded the number of patients admitted for ischemic stroke between 30 December 2019 and 3 May 2020, the number of IVT and EVT procedures, and in-hospital mortality.Results In the study period, 2737 patients were admitted with ischemic stroke. There was a decrease in the weekly mean admitted patients during the pandemic (124 vs. 173, p<0.001). In-hospital mortality of stroke patients increased significantly (9.9% vs. 6.5%, p = 0.003), but there were no differences in the proportion of IVT (17.3% vs. 16.1%, p = 0.405) or EVT (22% vs. 23%, p = 0.504).Conclusion We found a decrease in the number of ischemic stroke admissions and an increase in in-hospital mortality during the COVID-19 epidemic in this large study from North-West Spain. There were regional changes within the network, not fully explained by the severity of the pandemic in different regions.Peer reviewe