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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan suatu kegiatan latihan kependidikan yang bersifat intrakurikuler yang dilaksanakan mahasiswa program studi kependidikan. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan diharapkan dapat menjadi bekal bagi mahasiswa sebagai wahana pembentukan tenaga kependidikan professional yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang siap dalam memasuki dunia pendidikan. Pelaksanaan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa sebagai salah satu syarat dalam menyelesaikan gelar sebagai sarjana pendidikan selain tugas akhir skripsi di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Dalam hal ini Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) digunakan sebagai bekal mahasiswa menjadi tenaga pendidik. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) adalah suatu bentuk pendidikan yang memberikan pengalaman mengajar bagi mahasiswa di lapangan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dilaksanakan di SMP Negei 2 Ngemplakr, tepatnya di Macanan, Bimomartan, Ngemplak, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dimulai pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 dan diakhiri pada tanggal 12 September 2015. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan merupakan kegiatan pembelajaran di Sekolah. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran perlu melakukan persiapan, diantaranya pembuatan RPP, modul, administrasi guru, serta media pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) memberikan mahasiswa pengalaman dalam mengajar, pengalaman mengajar ini sangat berguna bagi mahasiswa untuk menjadi seorang guru yang profesional. PPL juga berfungsi untuk memberikan gambaran yang tepat tentang sejauh mana kemampuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan proses mengajar ataupun dalam praktik kependidikan sehingga mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan dengan lebih baik kemampuan dan keterampilannya tersebut


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    ABSTRAK Vocabulary (kosakata) merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam bahasa yang harus dikuasai sebelum menguasai ketrampilan berbahasa lainnya. Hal itu dikarenakan, tanpa menguasai kosakata, suatu gagasan tidak dapat tersampaikan dan semua ketrampilan tidak dapat dikuasai. Mengajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing kepada anak- anak, terutama anak- anak TK merupakan hal yang tidak mudah karena mereka berada pada level awal dalam belajar sesuatu. Untuk menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik, seorang guru mengajar mereka dari komponen dasar yang disebut vocabulary (kosakata). Dalam mengenalkan atau mengajarkan kosakata- kosakata baru kepada anak- anak, guru menggunakan media. Media yang digunakan adalah video Barney. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti merumuskan dua rumusan masalah, yaitu: 1) Bagaimana penerapan video Barney untuk mengajar kosakata di TK B pejajaran Surabaya? 2) Bagaimana respon siswa terhadap penerapan video Barney untuk mengajar kosakata di TK B Pejajaran Surabaya? Untuk mendapatkan data tentang penerapan dari video Barney untuk mengajar kosakata di TK B Pejajaran Surabaya, peneliti menggunakan descriptive- qualitative. Penelitian tersebut dilakukan dalam tiga pertemuan. Dia menggunakan observation checklist dan interview sebagai instrumen. Observation checklist nya digunakan dalam setiap pertemuan. Interview nya digunakan setelah pertemuan terakhir. Setelah mengumpulkan data, dia menyimpulkan bahwa menggunakan video Barney untuk mengajar kosakata sangat cocok untuk anak- anak TK. Hal itu dibuktikan bahwa mereka sangat antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar dan mereka menunjukkan respon yang baik terhadap penerapan video Barney dalam pembeajaran kosakata. Sebagai tambahan, berdasarkan wawancara, dia menyimpulkan bahwa video Barney memotivasi mereka dalam belajar kosakata karena mereka dapat mengingat kosakata dengan baik dan mengaplikasikannya. Dan terakhir, dengan menggunakan video Barney, anak- anak dapat termotivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Kata Kunci: video Barney, Taman kanak- kanak, kosakata ABSTRACT Vocabulary is one of important components of language that must be mastered before mastering language skills. It is because, without mastering vocabulary, one’s idea cannot be conveyed and all skills cannot be mastered. Teaching English as a foreign language to young learners, especially kindergarten students is not easy because they are at the early state to learn something. In order to master English well, teacher teaches them from the basic component called vocabulary. In recognizing or teaching new words to the students, teacher uses media. The media that is used is Barney video. In this study, the researcher formulates two research questions, there are: 1) How is the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies at TK B Pejajaran Surabaya? 2) How are the students’ responses toward the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies at TK B Pejajaran Surabaya? To obtain the data about the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies at TK B Pejajaran Surabaya, the researcher uses descriptive – qualitative research. It conducted in three meetings. She used Observation checklist, and interview as instruments. The observation checklist was done in every meeting. The interview was done after the last meeting. After collecting the data, she found that using Barney video to teach vocabularies was appropriate to kindergarten students. It proved that they were very enthusiastic in teaching and learning activity and they gave good responses toward the implementation of Barney video in learning vocabularies. In addition, based on interview, she found that Barney video motivated students in learning vocabularies because they can memorize vocabularies well and apply them. Finally, by using Barney video, the students get motivation in learning English. Key words: Barney video, kindergarten, vocabulary     INTRODUCTION There are some reasons why English can be taught at kindergarten level. Kindergarten students are in the ages of acquirer language naturally (Clark, 2000; Dunn, 2011). Winarno, et al (2007:10) states that childhood is the best period to learn languages including English as a foreign language. Steinberg (1993) supports that the critical period for language- learning begins to close around five years old and ends after puberty. For those reasons, kindergarten students learn English easier than adults.                 Kindergarten is the early stage for students to learn something. Therefore the teaching English will be focused on introducing vocabulary items which are as the basis device to build up language for the starter language learners. Teaching vocabularies to kindergarten students can be frustrating for both teacher and students. As young learners, kindergarten students have special characteristics which are different from adults. They love playing, and learn best when they are enjoying themselves. Therefore teacher should include movement and involves the sense because their own understanding comes through hands and eyes and ears. They will understand if the teacher demonstrates it (Scott and Ytreberg, 1990: 2-5). For those reasons, teacher should be able to create a good atmosphere and applied suitable teaching techniques that can support the learning activities.. Kasbolah (1993:26) supports that the activities that can attract the children are singing, playing games, listening stories of their interest, and doing things. Teacher can find the fun activities such as singing, playing games, listening stories, and doing things in Barney video. Integrating Barney video into lesson can attract the students to learn vocabularies. Moreover, Barney video can stimulate the students to learn English with fun activities.                 Based on the statements above, the researcher formulates two research questions, those are, how is the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies and how is the students’ responses toward the implementation. Based on the statement problems above, the researcher can write the objectives of the study, those are, to describe the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies, and to find out the students’ responses toward the implementation.     METHOD This study used a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were the teacher and the students B class of TK Pejajaran Surabaya. The study would conduct at B class. The total numbers of the students were 27 students. Researcher chose TK B Pejajaran Surabaya as the subject of the study because using Barney video to teach vocabularies had been implemented in that school. The researcher collected the data through some instruments. The instruments were observation checklist and semi- structured  interview.  The way to collect the data in this study was by observing the activity which is done during the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies at TK B Pejajaran Surabaya. After the activities were done, the researcher interviewed the students to gain the data about their responses after implementing Barney video to teach vocabularies. After getting the data, an analysis toward the data is needed. The data were analyzed by describing, interpreting and making the conclusion. The way of the teacher implementing Barney video was described based on the observation checklist. The students’ responses were obtained by interviewing the students. After analyzing the data, the researcher made a general conclusion about this study.   RESULT AND DISCUSSION 1. Result of the Study In this part, the researcher describes the result of the observations which were done three times and interviewed with the students which were done after the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies. The first day of observation was held on Monday, April 15th, 2013 at 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. The second meeting was held on Thursday, April 18th, 2013 at 10 a.m. – 11.00 a. m. The third meeting or the last meeting of observation was held on Monday, April 22nd, 2013 at 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.                 In the Observation, the teacher used Barney video which entitled Moving and Grooving. The length of the video was about 40 minutes. The teacher divided it into two parts. The first 20 minutes of the video for the first meeting. The last 20 minutes of the video for the second meeting. In the last meeting, teacher used the whole 40 minutes of the video. Each meeting was 60 minutes.  1.1 Result of the First Observation In the first observation, the teacher used the first 20 minutes of the video. She played the video while explaining the some words to the students. Those words are clap and cross, clap on your stomach, clap on your shoulder, clap on your knee, clap on your hip, star, radio, clap your hand, stamp your feet, and shout hooray. 1.2 Result of the Second Observation                 In the second observation, the researcher used the last 20 minutes of the video. She played the video and explained some words to the students. Those words are, swimming, swimming pool, tortoise, and rabbit, run, and stop. 1.3 Result of the Third Observation                 In the last observation, the teacher played the whole video. After watching the video, the students are given tasks. The tasks were the students were given some pictures and they had to answer the questions by showing the pictures. And the other task was the students were divided into groups and each group had to answer the questions from the teacher. The teacher gave the questions based on Barney video, for instance: the teacher said “clap your hand”, so the group should have clapped their hands.   2. Discussion Teacher used video as a media to teach vocabularies to her students because it helped her to deliver the vocabularies to the students. Teaching both young learners and adults using video can motivate learners. For young learners, one of the aims of teaching English is to instill them the idea that language learning is a happy experience, and video creates an attractive enjoyable learning environment (Tomalin, 1991: 48). During observations, the teacher used Barney video which entitled Moving and Grooving. The contents of the video are interesting for children because the contents are about singing a song, dancing, playing game, and telling stories. According to Kasbolah (1993:26), the activities that can attract the children are singing, playing games, listening stories of their interest, and doing things. The variety of the activity in the video also supports the teaching and learning process.  Since young learners have short attention and attention spans, the variety is a must in teaching young learners (Scott and Ytreberg, 1990: 5-7). The students’ responses toward the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies were known from the result of interview with the students. From the result, the researcher can conclude that the students gave good responses toward the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies. They are more excited joining the teaching and learning process when the teacher used Barney video in the class than the teacher did not use video. Tomalin (1991: 48) states that video creates an attractive enjoyable learning environment. That’s why the students like learning English through video. Moreover, the students were still excited joining the teaching and learning process using Barney video in the second and third observation. In the third observation, the teacher gave some exercises to the students to know the students’ understanding toward the vocabularies that had been learnt in the first and second meeting.   CLOSING Conclusion The use of Barney video to teach vocabularies to young learners is one of the technique which appropriate and useful in teaching vocabularies for kindergarten students. The use of Barney video can help both teacher and students in EFL class. For the teacher, it helps her to teach vocabularies attractively. Since the students are young learners, the teacher should teach English as attractive as possible. For the students, they can learn English easily in a fun way. They can learn by watching, hearing, and demonstrating it since their own understanding comes through hands and eyes and ears. Besides, it can motivate the students in learning English. The students can see how the language is used, where the language is used, and when the language is used. Based on the data analysis on the previous chapter, the researcher concludes that the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies at TK B Pejajaran Surabaya is good and in line with the theory which have been explained in chapter II. From the first until the third observation, the teacher is able to use the Barney video in teaching vocabularies to kindergarten students well.   From the data that had been got by the researcher by interviewing with the students, it shows that the students more interest learning English using Barney video. The students’ vocabularies in the third observation show that they do not get any difficulty learning English through Barney video. Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching vocabularies using Barney video can give contribution to the students in learning vocabularies.   Suggestion Considering the result of this study, the researcher considers that it is necessary to serve several suggestions to English teacher dealing with the implementation of Barney video to teach vocabularies to young learners. In the teaching process, the teacher sometimes should use L2 to communicate with the students. The purpose is that the students will be familiar with the English words.  For instance when the teacher greets the students, she should use L2 so that the students are familiar with the English words. Learning language is about habitual and recognizing the language itself. Furthermore the teacher has implemented Barney video to teach vocabularies to young learners well.     REFERENCES Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., & Sprensen, C. (2001, 2006). Introduction to Research in Education (Eight ed). 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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh memudarnya budaya gotong royong yang dulunya dibiasakan di dalam lingkungan pesantren yang mengakibatkan menurunya rasa kepedulian santri terhadap lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan sekitanya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi gotong royong yang masih dilakukan oleh Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Ulum untuk mengembangkan civic disposition para santrinya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni pendekatan kualitiatif dengan metode studi kasus. Sedangkan pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yakni dalam bentuk wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa : Pertama, bahwa kegiatan-kegiatan gotong royong yang dapat mengembangkan civic disposition santri ialah gugur gunung dan tahlilan. Kedua, bahwa langkah-langkah dalam kegiatan gotong royong ini yakni meliputi : rapat dan pengumuman, pengarahan, serta pelaksanaan dari gotong royong itu sendiri. Ketiga langkah dalam ini dapat menjadikan santri terbiasa dalam melaksanakan kegiatan gotong royong. Pembiasaan gotong royong oleh santri di lingkungan pesantren ini juga dapat membuat santri cenderung memiliki kesediaan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan gotong royong tersebut di lingkungan masyarakat. Nilai-nilai civic disposition yang berkembang dalam kegiatan gotong royong diantaranya yakni nilai religius, nilai toleransi atau menghargai keberagaman, nilai demokrasi, nilai komitmen, nilai kepatuhan terhadap aturan sosial, nilai tanggung jawab, nilai kejujuran, nilai dalam berfikir kritis, logis, dan inovatif, nilai kecerdasan, nilai kepedulian, nilai nasionalisme, nilai kemandirian, serta nilai kesediaan. Ketiga, dimana kendala yang dihadapi dalam implementasi gotong royong ini berupa sikap manja dan membangkang para santri, ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana,sikap orang tua yang lepas kontrol terhadap anaknya, serta ketersediaan sumber informasi. Keempat, bahwa solusi untuk memecahkan kendala tersebut ialah dengan Memberi motivasi, dorongan, serta sanksi terhadap santri yang membangkang, menambah sarana dan prasarana yang ada, memberikan pemahaman kepada orang tua, serta menambah sumber informasi yang ada. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa dimana pondok pesantren yang telah meninggalkan budaya gotong royong ini agar mengimplementasikan kembali budaya gotong royong tersebut, sedangkan untuk pondok pesantren lain yang belum mengimplementasikan budaya gotong royong tersebut agar tidak hanya menjadikan gotong royong sebagai materi semata tetapi juga hendaknya gotong royong tersebut mulai dibiasakan di lingkungan para santri.; This research was motivated by the waning of gotong royong’s culture that were once accustomed in boarding schools which resulted in decreasing the sense of concern of student’s social life and the surrounding environment. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the implementation of gotong royong are still performed by Pesantren Miftahul Ulum to expand civic disposition of their students. The approach used in this study is Qualitative approach with case study method. While collecting data is by using interviews, observation, documentation. The results of this study indicate : Frist, the activities of gotong royong to expand civic disposition of students is gugur gunung and tahlilan. Second, The steps in this gotong royong’s activities which include : meeting and announcement, guidance, and implementation of gotong royong itself. These three steps can make students feel habitual in doing gotong royong’s activity. Habituation of gotong royong by students in boarding schools can also make students tend to have the willingness to implement the gotong royong activities in the community. The values of civic disposition that expand from the gotong royong’s activity among the religious value, the value of tolerance or respect for diversity, democratic values, the value of commitment, the value of adherence to social rules, values of responsibility, honesty, values in critical, logical, and innovative thinking , the value of intelligence,the value of concern, the value of nationalism, the value of independence and the value of willingness. Thrid, the obstacles encountered of Impementation in gotong royong is spoiled and rebellious attitude of the students, the availability of facilities and infrastructure, the attitude of parents who let go their control to their children, and the availability of resources infromation. Fouth, the solution to solve these problems is by Giving motivation, encouragement, and sanctions against the defiant students, adding to the existing infrastructure, provide insight to the parents, and adding the infomation’s resources. The result of this study recommend that boarding school that had been left the culture of gotong royong should reimplement the culture of gotong royong itself. While for boarding school that hasn’t implement this gotong royong’s culture’s should not make gotong royong as learning material only but also should begin to make gotong royong as usual as possible for the student


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    Kecemburuan pada saudara dapat memicu sifat bersaing dalam mendapatkan perhatian orang tua yang disebut dengan sibling rivalry. Peran orang tua dan keterlibatan keluarga sangat penting dalam mengatasi masalah sibling rivalry. Namun kenyataannya banyak orang tua yang kurang memahami tentang sibling rivalry dan pentingnya melakukan tindakan pencegahan. Tujuan dari penelitihan ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan tindakan persiapan sibling rivalry pada ibu hamil multigravida di RW 03 Ngagel Rejo Surabaya. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua ibu Multigravida. Pengambilan sampel penelitian ini menggunakan tehnik total sampling, sebesar 23 responden. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan dan tindakan pencegahan sibling rivalry. Analisa data menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Hasil penelitian dari 23 responden menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar (52,2%) responden memiliki pengetahuan cukup tentang sibling rivalry, sedangkan pada tindakan pencegahan sibling rivalry menunjukkan sebagian besar (60,9%) responden memiliki tindakan pencegahan sibling rivalry yang kurang. Ibu multigravida memiliki pengetahuan cukup tentang pencegahan sibling rivalry dan memiliki tindakan pencegahan yang kurang tentang sibling rivalry, sehingga diharapkan ibu lebih meningkatkan sumber informasi tentang tindakan pencegahan sibling rivalry


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    PT. PLN (Persero) requires employees who have the ability and have high motivation and enhance the ability to balance workload with the man strategies of improvement of personnel management, staff capacity building, improved management can lead to more creations and activities of employees by conducting training to employees so that employees feel have more and more responsibility to the mission of PT. PLN (Persero). The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of organizational control environment, conflict of roles and job statisfaction on the performance of the three variables analyzed manajerial and encyclopedia, which has a dominant influence on managerial performance. This study uses primary data collected from 11 managers assistant manager and supervisors PT. PLN (Persero) APJ Sidoarjo with census techniques. Variable research is organizational control environment (X1), roles conflict (X2 ), job statisfaction (X3) and managerial performance (Y) and analyzed using multiple linier regression test. The results of this study concludes that organizational control environment (X1) , roles conflict (X2 ), job statisfaction (X3 ) has no effect on managerial performance (Y), this proves the organization of the control environment (X1), roles conflict (X2 ), statifaction work (X3 ), which affects 77,9% while the remaining 22,1% were influenced by other factor not discussed inthis study, so the hypothesis of this study, “ The organizational environment, roles conflict and job statisfaction influence on managerial performance “ was not verified

    PENGARUH KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN, LEVERAGE DAN PROFITABILITAS TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Pada Perusahaan Food and Beverages yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012 – 2016)

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    Tujuan perusahaan adalah untuk memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan dan mensejahterakan para pemegang saham. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebijakan dividen, leverage dan profitabilitas terhadap nilai perusahaan pada perusahaan food and beverage yang terdaftar di BEI pada periode 2012-2016. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling yang menghasilkan 6 perusahaan sebagai sampel penelitian dari populasi sebesar 12 perusahaan food and beverage yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Adapun teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Uji asumsi klasik yang digunakan telah memenuhi kriteria yang ditentukan, uji kelayakan model menunjukan bahwa model ini layak untuk digunakan, uji t dan regresi menunjukan kebijakan dividen berpengaruh tidak signifikan dan negatif terhadap nilai perusahaan, leverage berpengaruh tidak signifikan dan positif terhadap nilai perusahaan, sedangkan profitabilitas berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap nilai perusahaan pada perusahaan food and beverage. Investor diharapkan melihat laporan keuangan tahunan perusahaan yang akan dipilih sehingga investor dapat menempatkan modal yang akan ditanamkannya pada perusahaan yang tepat. Untuk peneliti selanjutnya agar menambah variabel lain yang belum dicantumkan dalam peneliti ini agar dapat memperluas penelitian, dan periode penelitian yang lebih updat


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    ABSTRAKCUT PUTRI OKTAVIANI, PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN PENGGUNA HELM YANG TIDAK MEMILIKI STANDAR NASIONAL INDONESIA (SNI)(Suatu Penelitian di Kota Banda Aceh)Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(v,50) pp., tabl., bibl.Yusri, S.H.,M.H.Pasal 4 huruf a Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen mengatur hak konsumen dimana konsumen berhak atas kenyamanan, keamanan, dan keselamatan dalam mengkonsumsi barang dan/atau jasa. Pasal 8 ayat (1) huruf a pelaku usaha dilarang memproduksi dan/atau memperdagangkan barang dan/atau jasa yang tidak memenuhi atau tidak sesuai dengan standar yang dipersyaratkan dan ketentuan perundang-undangan. Namun kenyataannya masih ditemukan pelaku usaha dalam memperdagangkan helm yang tidak memiliki SNI di Kota Banda Aceh.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen pengguna helm yang tidak SNI, akibat hukum bagi pedagang dalam memasarkan helm yang tidak memenuhi SNI dan upaya pemerintah dalam menanggulangi pedagang helm yang tidak memiliki SNI.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yang bersifat yuridis empiris yaitu suatu penelitian ilmiah untuk menemukan kebenaran berdasarkan penelitian lapangan dengan mengacu pada keilmuan hukum yang menggunakan metode pendekatan penelitian lapangan dan kepustakaan. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan guna memperoleh data primer melalui wawancara dengan responden dan informan. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan melalui kajian literatur yang terkait dengan masalah yang diteliti.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen pengguna helm yang tidak ber-SNI di Kota Banda Aceh sampai saat ini belum berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam Pasal 4 UUPK mengenai hak-hak konsumen, dikarenakan masih ditemui produk helm yang tidak ber SNI sehingga dapat merugikan konsumen. Adapun bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen adalah mendesak pelaku usaha mencantumkan label SNI di setiap produk helm, melakukan sosialisai, melakukan uji labotarium terhadap sampel helm. Akibat hukum bagi pelaku usaha adalah dikenakan sanksi admnistratif, pencabutan izin usaha, ganti rugi, dan sanksi pidana. Upaya pemerintah dalam menanggulangi adalah: upaya pencegahan (preventif) dan penanganan (represif), melakukan pengawasan lapangan, memeriksa sejumlah tempat penjualan helm agar tidak mengedarkan lagi produk helm tidak ber-SNI. Disarankan kepada pelaku usaha dengan adanya sosialisasi wajib mematuhinya agar tidak ada korban dari produk helm yang tidak SNI. Kepada konsumen agar lebih teliti dalam memilih produk, serta memperhatikan hak dan kewajibannya. Kepada Disperindang, YaPKA, Balai Riset Standarisasi Industri agar sering melakukan pengawasan lapangan dan mengambil tindakan yang lebih keras kepada pelaku usaha yang melanggar hak-hak konsumen


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Return On Asset, Return On Equity, Earning Per Share, Current Ratio dan Debt to Equity Ratio terhadap harga saham melalui laporan keuangan tahunan yang telah disusun oleh perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh perusahaan manufaktur sektor industri barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Sampel penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling berdasarkan kriteria tertentu sebanyak 5 perusahaan selama periode 2011-2015. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda dengan alat bantu SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Earning Per Share dan Current Ratio berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap harga saham. Sedangkan Return On Asset, Return On Equity dan Debt to Equity Ratio tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap harga saham. Kata kunci: Return On Asset, Return On Equity, Earning Per Share, Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio dan Harga Saham
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