194 research outputs found

    New Records of green (Chlorophyta) and brown algae (Phaeophyta) for Cabezo Reef, National Park Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano, Gulf of Mexico

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    Descriptions of 13 green and 12 brown algal species from 20 genera and 15 families collected on Cabezo Reef of the National Park Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico, which are new records for the reef, are given. The species belong to the chlorophyte genera Caulerpa, Cladophoropsis, Codium, Dictyosphaeria, Ernodesmis, Halimeda, Neomeris, Parvocaulis, Percursaria and Rhipocephalus and the phaeophycean genera Canistrocarpus, Colpomenia, Cladosiphon, Dictyerpa, Dictyota, Ectocarpus, Padina, Rosenvingea, Sargassum and Sphacelaria. The family Dictyotaceae contained the largest number of species (6). The descriptions include morphometric and biological data and are accompanied by photographs and line drawings for each species. Data on the geographic distribution in the State of Veracruz, park and the Gulf of Mexico in general are also given. Percursaria percursa is a new record for the park, while Dictyerpa jamaicensis, Sargassum furcatum, Caulerpa racemosa var. occidentalis and Codium isthmocladum subsp. clavatum are new records for the State of Veracruz. Most of the specimens of Chlorophyta were found in the vegetative stage, whereas all the brown algal species except Dictyerpa jamaicensis and Sphacelaria rigidula possessed gametangia or sporangia.Se presentan las descripciones de 13 especies de algas verdes y 12 de algas pardas de 20 géneros y 15 familias, que son nuevos registros para el arrecife Cabezo ubicado en la parte sureste del Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano en el suroeste del Golfo de México. Las especies pertenecen a los géneros de clorofitas Caulerpa, Cladophoropsis, Codium, Dictyosphaeria, Ernodesmis, Halimeda, Neomeris, Parvocaulis, Percursaria y Rhipocephalus, y los géneros de algas pardas Canistrocarpus, Colpomenia, Cladosiphon, Dictyerpa, Dictyota, Ectocarpus, Padina, Rosenvingea, Sargassum y Sphacelaria. La familia Dictyotaceae fue la mejor representada en cuanto al número de especies (6). Las descripciones incluyen datos morfométricos y biológicos y están acompañadas con fotografías y dibujos a línea para cada especie. También se presenta la información sobre la distribución de las especies en el estado de Veracruz, el parque y el Golfo de México en general. Percursaria percursa es un nuevo registro para el parque, mientras Dictyerpa jamaicensis, Sargassum furcatum, Caulerpa racemosa var. occidentalis y Codium isthmocladum subsp. clavatum lo son para el estado de Veracruz. La mayor proporción de ejemplares pertenecientes a Chlorophyta se encontraron en estado vegetativo, mientras que los especímenes de algas pardas excluyendo a las especies Dictyerpa jamaicensis y Sphacelaria rigidula, se encontraron ya sea con gametangios o esporangios

    A review of Russian plankton research in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea in the 1960-1980s

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    A book, 28 articles and two technical reports were published as results of the Soviet-Cuban and Sovietexpeditions in 1962-1984, involving plankton samples collected at about 2,070 stations in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The results of those studies remained virtually unknown to the international community because they were published mainly in Russian. Two main types of water circulation in the Gulf resulting from the intensity of the Yucatan Current were distinguished. It was concluded that offshore regions of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea were oligotrophic, the deep-sea regions of the latter being richer in phytoplankton compared to deep-sea areas of the Gulf. Due to the upwellings and runoff from the Mississippi river, the Bank of Campeche, the northwestern Gulf, and the west Florida shelf were characterized by a relatively higher plankton production and by more pronounced seasonal changes in plankton biomass. Cyclonic and anticyclonic horizontal circulations were found to be the main reason for spatial changes in productivity of the Gulf. In various regions, the highest productivity was reported in different seasons, principally in winter on the northern shelf and in summer-autumn on the southern shelf of the Gulf. The annual dynamics of plankton biomass were traced in the Bank of Campeche. In the Caribbean Sea, both the Venezuela shelf and the Honduras continental slope were characterized by their higher productivity. The large amount of data obtained can be used to evaluate long-term changes in biological productivity in the region, species composition, and plankton communities

    Further observations on a hypothecal pore in the genus Protoperidinium Bergh (Dinoflagellata)

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    The data on 21 Protoperidinium species (including 8 species assigned to the genus Peridinium, whichsupposedly also belong to the genus Protoperidinium) with a hypothecal pore on the first postcingular plate are summarized. The hypothecal pore is shown to be present not only in the species with the first apical plate of the para-type, but also in some species with the meta-type. It is confirmed that the pore is almost exclusively associated with the hexa second intercalary plate. The pore is thought to be present in closely related species and to be a reliable diagnostic feature to differentiate Protoperidinium species. At least five groups of morphologically similar and supposedly related taxa can be distinguished: (1) Protoperidinium affine, P. pallidum and P. pellucidum; (2) P. curvipes and P. variegatum; (3) P. diabolum and P. dodgei; (4) P. cruciferum, P. cf. cruciferum, Protoperidinium sp. 1 (meta-hexa) and Peridinium acutum; (5) P. ovum and Protoperidinium sp. 2 (para-penta)

    Long-term Changes in Community of Planktonic Algae of the Northeastern Black Sea (2005-2011)

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    Phytoplankton dynamics in bays and open waters of the northeastern Black Sea was studied in 2005-2011. Species composition comprised 11 classes and 210 species including 19 potentially toxic species and 5 new records for the study area. The maximum species richness was found among dinoflagellates (96 species) and diatoms (78); other major taxonomic groups were represented by a small number of species (2 to 10). The highest abundance of planktonic algae was observed in the Novorossiysk port waters (5.1x105 cells/ L; 1.08 g/m3). Algal abundance and biomass in the bays of Anapa, Gelendzhik and Tuapse were 2 to 5 times less than in the bay of Novorossiysk. Smallcelled mesosaprobic species of diatoms (Skeletonema, Leptocylindrus, Thalassionema and Chaetoceros), euglenophyceans (Eutreptia lanowii), cyanobacteria (Lyngbya and Oscillatoria) and mixotrophic dinoflagellates (Gymnodinium, Heterocapsa, Gyrodinium and Prorocentrum) were found in the bays. Abundance and biomass in the open sea in front of the bays were 1.5-2 times higher than those observed within the bays. The minimum abundance and biomass were observed in the open sea (5.4x104 cells/L, 0.28 g/m3) and the Kerch Strait (9.8x104 cells/L, 0.186 g/m3). In these areas the most significant part of the population (34-40% of phytoplankton abundance) was composed of the nanoplanktonic prymnesiophycean Emiliania huxleyi, the large-celled diatoms Proboscia alata and Pseudosolenia calcar-avis and dinoflagellates of the genus Protoperidinium (up to 45% of phytoplankton biomass)

    Ostreopsis cf. ovata y Ostreopsis lenticularis (Dinophyceae: Gonyaulacales) en la Reserva Marina de Galápagos

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    The genus of benthic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis is of particular interest because some species negatively impact human health and coastal marine ecosystems. Ostreopsis populations from a remote area, such as the Galapagos Marine Reserve with its unique biodiversity, can provide significant data. Samples of epibionthic dinoflagellates were collected from two islands (Santa Cruz and Santa Fé) in 2017. Species of the genera Gambierdiscus, Amphidinium, Coolia and Ostreopsis were found. Ostreopsis strains were isolated to characterize their morphology, molecular biology and toxicity. Three dif­ferent morphotypes of Ostreopsis based on dorsoventral and width diameters (n=369) were distinguished. The small cell morphotype was dominant in ten samples, with abundances of up to 33405 cells g-1 fresh weight of macroalgae. A total of 16 strains were isolated from field samples with subsequent polymerase chain reaction amplifications of rDNA, 5.8S rDNA and internal transcribed space regions; 13 strains (small cell morphotype) clustered in the O. cf. ovata Atlantic/Indian/Pacific clade; and 3 strains (large cell morphotype) clustered in the Ostreopsis lenticularis genotype from the type locality. The strains proved to be non-toxic. The presence of these genera/species represents a potential threat to marine ecosystems, and it is thus important to consider benthic species in the surveillance of harmful algae blooms in the reserve.El género de los dinoflagelados bentónicos Ostreopsis es de particular interés, porque algunas especies afectan negativamente a la salud humana y a los ecosistemas marinos costeros. Las poblaciones de Ostreopsis en áreas remotas, como la Reserva Marina de Galápagos con su biodiversidad única, pueden proporcionar datos significativos a su estudio. Se recolectaron muestras de dinoflagelados epibentónicos de dos islas (Santa Cruz y Santa Fé) en 2017. Se encontraron espe­cies de los géneros Gambierdiscus, Amphidinium, Coolia y Ostreopsis. Las cepas de Ostreopsis se aislaron para caracterizar su morfología, biología molecular y toxicidad. Se distinguieron tres morfotipos diferentes de Ostreopsis basados en tamaño (n=369). El morfotipo de células pequeñas fue dominante en diez muestras, con abundancias de hasta 33405 células g–1 de peso fresco de macroalgas. Se aisló un total de 16 cepas y se secuenciaron las regiones de rDNA, 5.8S y ITS para el estudio filogenético. Trece cepas pertenecieron al morfotipo de células pequeñas agrupadas en el clado O. cf. ovata Atlántico/Índio/Pacífico y tres cepas al morfotipo de células grandes agrupadas en el clado Ostreopsis lenticularis. Ninguna de las cepas aisladas resultó ser tóxica. La presencia de estos géneros/especies representa una amenaza potencial para los ecosistemas marinos, por lo que es importante tener en cuenta las especies bentónicas en la vigilancia de la proliferación de algas nocivas en la reserva

    Ostreopsis cf. ovata and Ostreopsis lenticularis (Dinophyceae: Gonyaulacales) in the Galapagos Marine Reserve

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    The genus of benthic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis is of particular interest because some species negatively impact human health and coastal marine ecosystems. Ostreopsis populations from a remote area, such as the Galapagos Marine Reserve with its unique biodiversity, can provide significant data. Samples of epibionthic dinoflagellates were collected from two islands (Santa Cruz and Santa Fé) in 2017. Species of the genera Gambierdiscus, Amphidinium, Coolia and Ostreopsis were found. Ostreopsis strains were isolated to characterize their morphology, molecular biology and toxicity. Three dif­ferent morphotypes of Ostreopsis based on dorsoventral and width diameters (n=369) were distinguished. The small cell morphotype was dominant in ten samples, with abundances of up to 33405 cells g-1 fresh weight of macroalgae. A total of 16 strains were isolated from field samples with subsequent polymerase chain reaction amplifications of rDNA, 5.8S rDNA and internal transcribed space regions; 13 strains (small cell morphotype) clustered in the O. cf. ovata Atlantic/Indian/Pacific clade; and 3 strains (large cell morphotype) clustered in the Ostreopsis lenticularis genotype from the type locality. The strains proved to be non-toxic. The presence of these genera/species represents a potential threat to marine ecosystems, and it is thus important to consider benthic species in the surveillance of harmful algae blooms in the reserve.El género de los dinoflagelados bentónicos Ostreopsis es de particular interés, porque algunas especies afectan negativamente a la salud humana y a los ecosistemas marinos costeros. Las poblaciones de Ostreopsis en áreas remotas, como la Reserva Marina de Galápagos con su biodiversidad única, pueden proporcionar datos significativos a su estudio. Se recolectaron muestras de dinoflagelados epibentónicos de dos islas (Santa Cruz y Santa Fé) en 2017. Se encontraron especies de los géneros Gambierdiscus, Amphidinium, Coolia y Ostreopsis. Las cepas de Ostreopsis se aislaron para caracterizar su morfología, biología molecular y toxicidad. Se distinguieron tres morfotipos diferentes de Ostreopsis basados en tamaño (n=369). El morfotipo de células pequeñas fue dominante en diez muestras, con abundancias de hasta 33405 células g–1 de peso fresco de macroalgas. Se aisló un total de 16 cepas y se secuenciaron las regiones de rDNA, 5.8S y ITS para el estudio filogenético. Trece cepas pertenecieron al morfotipo de células pequeñas agrupadas en el clado O. cf. ovata Atlántico/Índio/Pacífico y tres cepas al morfotipo de células grandes agrupadas en el clado Ostreopsis lenticularis. Ninguna de las cepas aisladas resultó ser tóxica. La presencia de estos géneros/especies representa una amenaza potencial para los ecosistemas marinos, por lo que es importante tener en cuenta las especies bentónicas en la vigilancia de la proliferación de algas nocivas en la reserva.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cyst-theca relationships of Gonyaulacales and Peridiniales (Dinophyceae) from Bahía Concepción, Gulf of California

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    Based on samples obtained in 2000-2002 from a 1-cm layer of surface sediment at two sites in Bahía Concepción in the Gulf of California, cyst-theca relationships were defined from cyst germination assays for Gonyaulax spinifera (= Spiniferites mirabilis), Protoce- ratium globosum, Preperidinium meunieri (= Dubridinium caperatum), Protoperidinium denticulatum (= Brigantedinium irregulare), and Protoperidinium cf. thorianum. All the taxa are illustrated with photomicrographs and descriptions of the resting and vegetative stages are given, including synonymy, size variation, distribution in Mexico, and global distribution, when known. As a result of cyst germination assays, the previously unknown cyst-theca relationship of P. globosum was described. We also confirmed the presence of the vegetative stage of P. denticulatum in the Gulf of California and heterospory in G. spinifera from Bahía Concepción. Cultures of G. spinifera and P. globosum were successfully established.Mediante ensayos de germinación se logró definir la relación quiste-teca de Gonyaulax spinifera (= Spiniferites mirabilis), Protoceratium globosum, Preperidinium meunieri (= Dubridinium caperatum), Protoperidinium denticulatum (= Brigantedinium irregulare) y Protoperidinium cf. thorianum. Los quistes se aislaron a partir del primer centímetro de sedimento superficial de muestras colectadas durante el periodo 2000-2002 en Bahía Concepción, Golfo de California. Los taxa identificados se ilustran con microfotografias, se describe la morfología de los estadios quístico y vegetativo, y también se incluye información sobre sinonimias, variación en talla y su distribución en México y en el mundo. Los ensayos de germinación permitieron describir por primera vez la relación quiste-teca de P. globosum, confirmar la presencia del estadio vegetativo de P. denticulatum en el Golfo de California y de la heterosporia en G. spinifera. También se establecieron con éxito cepas de G. spinifera y P. globosum

    A Review on the Biodiversity and Biogeography of Toxigenic Benthic Marine Dinoflagellates of the Coasts of Latin America

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    Many benthic dinoflagellates are known or suspected producers of lipophilic polyether phycotoxins, particularly in tropical and subtropical coastal zones. These toxins are responsible for diverse intoxication events of marine fauna and human consumers of seafood, but most notably in humans, they cause toxin syndromes known as diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) and ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP). This has led to enhanced, but still insufficient, efforts to describe benthic dinoflagellate taxa using morphological and molecular approaches. For example, recently published information on epibenthic dinoflagellates from Mexican coastal waters includes about 45 species from 15 genera, but many have only been tentatively identified to the species level, with fewer still confirmed by molecular criteria. This review on the biodiversity and biogeography of known or putatively toxigenic benthic species in Latin America, restricts the geographical scope to the neritic zones of the North and South American continents, including adjacent islands and coral reefs. The focus is on species from subtropical and tropical waters, primarily within the genera Prorocentrum, Gambierdiscus/Fukuyoa, Coolia, Ostreopsis and Amphidinium. The state of knowledge on reported taxa in these waters is inadequate and time-series data are generally lacking for the prediction of regime shift and global change effects. Details of their respective toxigenicity and toxin composition have only recently been explored in a few locations. Nevertheless, by describing the specific ecosystem habitats for toxigenic benthic dinoflagellates, and by comparing those among the three key regions - the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and the subtropical and tropical Pacific coast, insights for further risk assessment of the global spreading of toxic benthic species is generated for the management of their effects in Latin America

    Phytoplankton of the northern coastal and shelf waters of the Yucatan Peninsula, southeastern Gulf of Mexico, Mexico

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    Based on long-term monitoring (2001-2012) and four oceanographic cruises (2010-2012) in the coastal and shelf waters of the Yucatan Peninsula, SE Gulf of Mexico, a list of 306 strictly phytoplanktonic and tychoplanktonic species from 131 genera is presented: centric diatoms (83 species), raphid diatoms (47), araphid diatoms (22), Dinoflagellata (124), Cyanoprokaryota (18), Ebriacea (2), Chlorophyceae (3), Dictyochophyceae (2), Euglenophyceae (2), Cryptophyceae (1), Prymnesiophyceae (1), and Raphidophyceae (1). Diatoms also dominated the number of genera (80) followed by dinoflagellates (39) and cyanobacteria (11). The genera most abundant in species were Chaetoceros Ehrenb. (23 species), Protoperidinium Bergh (23) and Ceratium Schrank (17). The relative richness in species of the genus Oxytoxum (11 species) is related to the tropical affiliation of the phytoplankton community. Most of the tychoplanktonic diatoms (57 species out of a total of 152 diatoms, or 37.5%) were observed principally from coastal samplings. Eighteen potentially toxic species were found