26 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Use of Neonicotinoid Insecticides on Honey Bees in the Cultivation of Spring Oilseed Crops in Finland in 2013–2015

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    The Neomehi project studied how neonicotinoid-based plant protection products affected honey bee colonies in oilseed rape and turnip rape cultivations in Finland. The final report combines the results of the growing seasons of 2013 and 2014. The experimental protocol included four trial fields where spring turnip rape was cultivated. Each trial field was treated in a different manner with neonicotinoid insecticides: without neonicotinoids, foliar spraying with neonicotinoids (thiacloprid) against pollen beetles, and/or seed treatment with neonicotinoids (thiametoxam) against flea beetles. The plant density and crop growth were determined in the trial fields. Additionally, the number of honey bees and other pollinators was assessed with the applied line transect method during the growing season. Five test bee colonies were located at the edge of each trial field. The performance of the bee hives was examined and the amount of bees and brood was counted 4-5 times during the summer season. A census was also done in autumn and in spring in order to acquire overwintering data. The bees and bee hive products from the test bee colonies were analysed for residues of neonicotinoids. Moreover, in the epidemiological pilot study (also called survey study in the text) of 2013-2014, residues were also analysed from samples collected as a survey from bee hives from five different geographical areas in Finland. In 2013, the sampling was optimized so that half of the bee hives were located close to oilseed cultivation and the other half far from oilseed cultivation. The crop growth was normal in three of the trial fields during the growing season of 2013. In one trial field (seed treatment with neonicotinoids), the crop growth probably suffered because of the variation in drilling depth. In 2014, both trial fields with uncoated seed had to be redrilled after flea beetles severely attacked the young plants in the fields. Therefore, the blossoming of turnip rape in those trial fields was delayed from late July to the beginning of August. The yield was low as well. The number of honey bees in the trial fields was higher when crop growth was good and lower when crop growth was poor. In three of the four fields that were treated with foliar spraying with a neonicotinoid (thiacloprid), the number of honey bees decreased after the treatment. The number of honey bees did, however, clearly increase 2-3 days after the foliar treatment. Both the adult and brood population dynamic curves of the test bee colonies were compared between trial sites. The adult bee population curves illustrated possible minor damages caused to the bee colonies in the sprayed test sites. The test bee colonies recovered from these casualties in two weeks. The average range of food consumption for the bees during overwintering and the overwintering index (the relation of the number of adult bees in spring compared to the number of adult bees in the beginning of overwintering) demonstrated typical levels compared to normal bee colonies in South-West Finland and there were no difference between the trial fields. Two of the test bee colonies lost their queen during winter 2013-2014. In 2014, one of the test colonies died due to suffocation because the pollen collector at the flight entrance was blocked by drones. The second test colony was lost because of robbing by other bee colonies after harvesting. A third test colony lost its queen during winter 2014-2015 and a fourth became a drone layer in the early spring of 2015. The winter losses of the test bee colonies did not differ from the average winter losses (7% in 2014 and 10% in 2015) in the South-West of Finland. The results of the first and second growing season did not indicate that seed coating with neonicotinoids affected the success of the bee colonies, but spraying the flowering field can be detrimental to the bee colonies that are located at the edges of the trial fields. The results of the residue studies indicated, however, that residues of neonicotinoids migrate into bee hives with pollen and nectar and are very common residues in honey bee hives around Finland. In this case, interest is focused on the seed treatment neonicotinoids thiametoxam and clothianidin, which are the most toxic pesticides to bees. The total residue levels of thiametoxam and chlothianide, especially in nectar, resulted in an estimated exposure, which is close to the chronic and acute sublethal risk limits presented in literature. Therefore, such a risk cannot be fully excluded on the basis of these residue studies.ABSTRAKTI Neomehi-hankkeen tärkein tavoite oli selvittää vaikuttavatko neonikotinoideja sisältävät torjunta-aineet pölytyspalvelussa käytettyjen mehiläispesien menestykseen ja talvehtimiskykyyn. Hankkeessa tutkittiin kahden kasvukauden ajan minkälaisia vaikutuksia rypsinviljelyssä käytettävillä, neonikotinoideja sisältävillä torjunta-aineilla on mehiläisiin suomalaisessa öljykasvin viljelyssä. Nyt julkaistava hankeraportti kokoaa yhteen kaksivuotisen Neomehi-hankkeen keskeisimmät tulokset. Koejärjestely sisälsi neljä kenttäkoetta kumpanakin kasvukautena 2013–2014, joissa viljeltiin rypsiä. Neonikotinoideja sisältäviä insektisidejä käytettiin eri tavoin kullakin pellolla. Koepellolla joko ei käytetty neonikotinoideja tai ruiskutettiin neonikotinoidilla (tiaklopridi) kirppoja vastaan ja/tai käytettiin neonikotinoidilla peitattua (tiametoksaami) siementä rapsikuoriaisia vastaan. Kasvien kasvua ja kasvutiheyttä seurattiin, ja pelloilla vierailevien mehiläisten ja muiden pölyttäjäryhmien esiintyminen laskettiin kasvukauden aikana. Kunkin pellon laidalla pidettiin viittä mehiläispesää. Mehiläispesien kuntoa seurattiin ja mehiläisten ja niiden jälkeläisten lukumäärä laskettiin vähintään neljällä eri tarkastuskäynnillä kesän aikana. Vahvuuslaskentoja tehtiin myös syksyjen 2013 ja 2014 aikana sekä keväällä 2014 ja 2015. Tällöin saatiin tarkempaa tietoa molempien hoitovuosien talvehtimisesta. Mehiläisiin ja mehiläispesän tuotteisiin kerääntyviä neonikotinoidien jäämiä analysoitiin kaikista kenttäkokeen pesistä. Kenttäkokeen lisäksi molempina kesinä 2013–2014 kerättiin näytteitä mehiläispesistä otantana viideltä eri alueelta Suomessa (epidemiologinen pilottihanke, otantatutkimus). Vuonna 2013 otantatutkimuksen näytteet valittiin siten, että puolet pesistä sijaitsi lähellä rypsinviljelyä ja puolet kaukana. Kasvien kasvu ja kukintojen tiheys oli normaalia kolmella koepellolla vuonna 2013. Yhdellä pellolla kasvu ei ollut niin hyvää johtuen todennäköisesti väärästä kylvösyvyydestä. Vuonna 2014 peittaamattomalla rypsin siemenellä kylvetyt kentät jouduttiin kirppojen vioitusten takia kylvämään uudestaan, jonka seurauksena niiden kukinta oli vasta heinä-elokuun vaihteessa. Pölyttäjälaskennat osoittivat, että pääsääntöisesti mehiläisten lukumäärä pellolla oli korkea, kun kasvin kasvu oli hyvä ja kukintoja runsaasti ja toisaalta taas mehiläisten lukumäärä alhainen kun kasvin kasvu heikkoa. Tällöin esimerkiksi ympäristössä olevat luonnonkasvit houkuttelivat mehiläisiä merkittävästi puoleensa. Koekentillä, jotka käsiteltiin neonikotinoidi-ruiskutuksella, ei mehiläisiä juuri havaittu heti ruiskutuksen jälkeen. Muutama päivä käsittelystä mehiläisten lukumäärä pellolla oli kuitenkin palautunut ruiskutusta edeltäneeseen tilaan. Ensimmäisen ja toisen kauden tulosten perusteella havaittiin, että neonikotinoideilla kukkivaan kasvuston tehdyt ruiskutukset saattoivat alentaa hieman koepesien aikuisten mehiläisten määrää. Mehiläispesät kuitenkin toipuivat menetyksistä kahden viikon kuluessa. Myös talvenaikainen ruoankulutus sekä talvehtimisindeksi (mehiläisten lukumäärän suhde syksyllä ja keväällä) asettuvat tyypillisiin arvoihin, joita mehiläisyhdyskunnille on mitattu Lounais-Suomessa, eivätkä eri koekenttien mehiläispesät poikenneet toisistaan tässä suhteessa. Talven 2013–2014 aikana kaksi pesää menetti kuningattaren. Toinen pesä oli koekentällä, jota ei käsitelty neonikotinoideilla ja toinen kentällä, jossa neonikotinoideja oli käytetty siementen peittaukseen. Hoitokaudella 2014 yksi pesistä tukehtui, kun kuhnurit tukkivat siitepölykeräimen. Toinen pesistä menetettiin koekentällä 3, kun muiden pesien mehiläiset ryöstivät sen tyhjäksi sadonkorjuun jälkeen. Talvella 2014–2015 yksi pesä menetti emonsa ja yhden pesän emo alkoi munia kuhnureita aikaisin keväällä 2015. Talvehtimistappiot eivät eroa koko Suomen keskiarvosta (7% 2014 ja 10% 2015). Jäämätutkimusten perusteella neonikotinoidien jäämiä siirtyy siitepölyn ja meden mukana mehiläispesiin. Peittausaineiden jäämät (tiametoksaamin, klotianidiinin) ovat erittäin yleisiä mehiläispesissä ympäri Suomen. Mitatut jäämäpitoisuudet etenkin medessä johtavat arvioon altistumistasosta, joka on lähellä kirjallisuudessa esitettyjä kroonisia ja akuutteja subletaaleja riskirajoja. Jäämätulosten perusteella ei voida siis täysin pois sulkea tämäntyyppistä riskiä.201

    Effectiveness of clinical exome sequencing in adult patients with difficult-to-diagnose neurological disorders

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    Objectives Clinical diagnostics in adults with hereditary neurological diseases is complicated by clinical and genetic heterogeneity, as well as lifestyle effects. Here, we evaluate the effectiveness of exome sequencing and clinical costs in our difficult-to-diagnose adult patient cohort. Additionally, we expand the phenotypic and genetic spectrum of hereditary neurological disorders in Finland. Methods We performed clinical exome sequencing (CES) to 100 adult patients from Finland with neurological symptoms of suspected genetic cause. The patients were classified as myopathy (n = 57), peripheral neuropathy (n = 16), ataxia (n = 15), spastic paraplegia (n = 4), Parkinsonism (n = 3), and mixed (n = 5). In addition, we gathered the costs of prior diagnostic work-up to retrospectively assess the cost-effectiveness of CES as a first-line diagnostic tool. Results The overall diagnostic yield of CES was 27%. Pathogenic variants were found for 14 patients (in genes ANO5, CHCHD10, CLCN1, DES, DOK7, FKBP14, POLG, PYROXD1, SCN4A, TUBB3, and TTN) and likely pathogenic previously undescribed variants for 13 patients (in genes ABCD1, AFG3L2, ATL1, CACNA1A, COL6A1, DYSF, IRF2BPL, KCNA1, MT-ATP6, SAMD9L, SGCB, and TPM2). Age of onset below 40 years increased the probability of finding a genetic cause. Our cost evaluation of prior diagnostic work-up suggested that early CES would be cost-effective in this patient group, in which diagnostic costs increase linearly with prolonged investigations. Conclusions Based on our results, CES is a cost-effective, powerful first-line diagnostic tool in establishing the molecular diagnosis in adult neurological patients with variable symptoms. Importantly, CES can markedly shorten the diagnostic odysseys of about one third of patients.Peer reviewe

    Fifth survey on weed flora in spring cereals in Finland

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    Regular weed surveys provide information on changes in weed communities. The composition of weed flora in spring cereal fields was investigated in southern and central Finland during 2020–2022. The survey was conducted in 16 regions, 226 farms and 549 fields. The occurrence of weeds was assessed in the second half of July from 90 organically cropped and 459 conventionally cropped fields. The weed flora was dominated by broad-leaved species, representing 81% of the total number of 138 identified species. The average species number per field was 21 in organic fields and 12 in conventional fields. The most frequent weed species in organic fields were Chenopodium album 99%, Erysimum cheiranthoides 84%, Viola arvensis 83% and Stellaria media 82%. In conventionally cropped fields, the most frequent species were Viola arvensis 83%, Stellaria media 65%, Galeopsis spp. 59% and Galium spurium 59%. The two most common grass species in both production systems were Poa annua and Elymus repens. The frequency and density of Poa annua had increased substantially in conventional cropping since the previous survey in 2007–2009. The average density of weeds was 384 plants m-2 in organic fields and 147 plants m-2 in sprayed conventional fields. The average air-dry biomass of weeds was 678 kg ha-1 and 151 kg ha-1, respectively. Elymus repens produced almost a quarter of the total weed biomass in both production systems. Changes in weed flora were minor in terms of frequency and density of the most common broad-leaved weed species. Increased infestation of Poa annua in conventional cropping calls for special attention. The dominance of Elymus repens decreased in both production systems since the previous survey

    Asystole episodes and bradycardia in patients with end-stage renal disease

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    Background Knowledge of arrhythmias in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is mainly based on ambulatory electrocardiography (ECG) studies and observations during haemodialysis (HD). We used insertable cardiac monitors (ICMs) to define the prevalence of arrhythmias, focusing on bradyarrhythmias, in ESRD patients treated with several dialysis modes including home therapies. Moreover, we assessed whether these arrhythmias were detected in baseline or ambulatory ECG recordings. Methods Seventy-one patients with a subcutaneous ICM were followed for up to 3 years. Asystole (>= 4.0 s) and bradycardia (heart rate = 4 beats) episodes, ventricular tachyarrhythmias and atrial fibrillation (AF) were collected and verified visually. A baseline ECG and a 24- to 48-h ambulatory ECG were recorded at recruitment and once a year thereafter. Results At recruitment, 44 patients were treated in in-centre HD, 12 in home HD and 15 in peritoneal dialysis. During a median follow-up of 34.4 months, 18 (25.4%) patients had either an asystolic or a bradycardic episode. The median length of each patient's longest asystole was 6.6 s and that of a bradycardia 13.5 s. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias were detected in 16 (23%) patients, and AF in 34 (51%) patients. In-centre HD and Type II diabetes were significantly more frequent among those with bradyarrhythmias, whereas no bradyarrhythmias were found in home HD. No bradyarrhythmias were evident in baseline or ambulatory ECG recordings. Conclusions Remarkably many patients with ESRD had bradycardia or asystolic episodes, but these arrhythmias were not detected by baseline or ambulatory ECG.Peer reviewe

    Finnish DMP evaluation guidance

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    This guide gives some general tips for evaluators. It can be used when evaluating DMP by students, peer reviewing or when evaluation is conducted by a data steward. The working group hopes you develop the guidance further in order to meet your specific needs and policies.Ideally data management plan will be read and evaluated together with the research plan. In the DMP context, ‘data’ is understood as a broad term. Data covers all the information and material research results are based on (like codes, software, notes, etc). </p

    Recessive PYROXD1 mutations cause adult-onset limb-girdle-type muscular dystrophy

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    Objective: To describe adult-onset limb-girdle-type muscular dystrophy caused by biallelic variants in the PYROXD1 gene, which has been recently linked to early-onset congenital myofibrillar myopathy.Methods: Whole exome sequencing was performed for adult-onset neuromuscular disease patients with no molecular diagnosis. Patients with PYROXD1 variants underwent clinical characterization, lower limb muscle MRI, muscle biopsy and spirometry. A yeast complementation assay was used to determine the biochemical consequences of the genetic variants.Results: We identified four patients with biallelic PYROXD1 variants. Three patients, who had symptom onset in their 20s or 30s, were homozygous for the previously described p.Asn155Ser. The fourth patient, with symptom onset at age 49, was compound heterozygous for p.Asn155Ser variant and previously unknown p.Tyr354Cys. All patients presented with a LGMD-type phenotype of symmetric muscle weakness and wasting. Symptoms started in proximal muscles of the lower limbs, and progressed slowly to involve also upper limbs in a proximal-predominant fashion. All patients remained ambulant past the age of 60. They had restrictive lung disease but no cardiac impairment. Muscle MRI showed strong involvement of anterolateral thigh muscles. Muscle biopsy displayed chronic myopathic changes. Yeast complementation assay demonstrated the p.Tyr354Cys mutation to impair PYROXD1 oxidoreductase ability.Conclusion: PYROXD1 variants can cause an adult-onset slowly progressive LGMD-type phenotype.</p