140 research outputs found

    Departure from the constant-period ephemeris for the transiting exoplanet WASP-12 b

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    Most hot Jupiters are expected to spiral in towards their host stars due to transfering of the angular momentum of the orbital motion to the stellar spin. Their orbits can also precess due to planet-star interactions. Calculations show that both effects could be detected for the very-hot exoplanet WASP-12 b using the method of precise transit timing over a timespan of the order of 10 yr. We acquired new precise light curves for 29 transits of WASP-12 b, spannning 4 observing seasons from November 2012 to February 2016. New mid-transit times, together with literature ones, were used to refine the transit ephemeris and analyse the timing residuals. We find that the transit times of WASP-12 b do not follow a linear ephemeris with a 5 sigma confidence level. They may be approximated with a quadratic ephemeris that gives a rate of change in the orbital period of -2.56 +/- 0.40 x 10^{-2} s/yr. The tidal quality parameter of the host star was found to be equal to 2.5 x 10^5 that is comparable to theoretical predictions for Sun-like stars. We also consider a model, in which the observed timing residuals are interpreted as a result of the apsidal precession. We find, however, that this model is statistically less probable than the orbital decay.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    New transit observations for HAT-P-30 b, HAT-P-37 b, TrES-5 b, WASP-28 b, WASP-36 b, and WASP-39 b

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    We present new transit light curves for planets in six extrasolar planetary systems. They were acquired with 0.4-2.2 m telescopes located in west Asia, Europe, and South America. When combined with literature data, they allowed us to redetermine system parameters in a homogeneous way. Our results for individual systems are in agreement with values reported in previous studies. We refined transit ephemerides and reduced uncertainties of orbital periods by a factor between 2 and 7. No sign of any variations in transit times was detected for the planets studied.Comment: Submitted to Acta Astronomic

    Transit Timing Analysis in the HAT-P-32 system

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    We present the results of 45 transit observations obtained for the transiting exoplanet HAT-P-32b. The transits have been observed using several telescopes mainly throughout the YETI network. In 25 cases, complete transit light curves with a timing precision better than 1.41.4\:min have been obtained. These light curves have been used to refine the system properties, namely inclination ii, planet-to-star radius ratio Rp/RsR_\textrm{p}/R_\textrm{s}, and the ratio between the semimajor axis and the stellar radius a/Rsa/R_\textrm{s}. First analyses by Hartman et al. (2011) suggest the existence of a second planet in the system, thus we tried to find an additional body using the transit timing variation (TTV) technique. Taking also literature data points into account, we can explain all mid-transit times by refining the linear ephemeris by 21ms. Thus we can exclude TTV amplitudes of more than 1.5\sim1.5min.Comment: MNRAS accepted; 13 pages, 10 figure

    Transit Timing Analysis in the HAT-P-32 System

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    We present the results of 45 transit observations obtained for the transiting exoplanet HATP- 32b. The transits have been observed using several telescopes mainly throughout the YETI (Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative) network. In 25 cases, complete transit light curves with a timing precision better than 1.4 min have been obtained. These light curves have been used to refine the system properties, namely inclination i, planet-to-star radius ratio Rp/Rs, and the ratio between the semimajor axis and the stellar radius a/Rs. First analyses by Hartman et al. suggests the existence of a second planet in the system, thus we tried to find an additional body using the transit timing variation (TTV) technique. Taking also the literature data points into account, we can explain all mid-transit times by refining the linear ephemeris by 21 ms. Thus, we can exclude TTV amplitudes of more than ∼1.5min

    Multi-site campaign for transit timing variations of WASP-12 b: possible detection of a long-period signal of planetary origin

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    The transiting planet WASP-12 b was identified as a potential target for transit timing studies because a departure from a linear ephemeris was reported in the literature. Such deviations could be caused by an additional planet in the system. We attempt to confirm the existence of claimed variations in transit timing and interpret its origin. We organised a multi-site campaign to observe transits by WASP-12 b in three observing seasons, using 0.5-2.6-metre telescopes. We obtained 61 transit light curves, many of them with sub-millimagnitude precision. The simultaneous analysis of the best-quality datasets allowed us to obtain refined system parameters, which agree with values reported in previous studies. The residuals versus a linear ephemeris reveal a possible periodic signal that may be approximated by a sinusoid with an amplitude of 0.00068+/-0.00013 d and period of 500+/-20 orbital periods of WASP-12 b. The joint analysis of timing data and published radial velocity measurements results in a two-planet model which better explains observations than single-planet scenarios. We hypothesize that WASP-12 b might be not the only planet in the system and there might be the additional 0.1 M_Jup body on a 3.6-d eccentric orbit. A dynamical analysis indicates that the proposed two-planet system is stable over long timescales.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Constraints on a second planet in the WASP-3 system

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    There have been previous hints that the transiting planet WASP-3 b is accompanied by a second planet in a nearby orbit, based on small deviations from strict periodicity of the observed transits. Here we present 17 precise radial velocity measurements and 32 transit light curves that were acquired between 2009 and 2011. These data were used to refine the parameters of the host star and transiting planet. This has resulted in reduced uncertainties for the radii and masses of the star and planet. The radial-velocity data and the transit times show no evidence for an additional planet in the system. Therefore, we have determined the upper limit on the mass of any hypothetical second planet, as a function of its orbital period.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Diagnosing the Clumpy Protoplanetary Disk of the UXor Type Young Star GM Cephei

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    UX Orionis stars (UXors) are Herbig Ae/Be or T Tauri stars exhibiting sporadic occultation of stellar light by circumstellar dust. GM\,Cephei is such a UXor in the young (4\sim4~Myr) open cluster Trumpler\,37, showing prominent infrared excess, emission-line spectra, and flare activity. Our photometric monitoring (2008--2018) detects (1)~an \sim3.43~day period, likely arising from rotational modulation by surface starspots, (2)~sporadic brightening on time scales of days due to accretion, (3)~irregular minor flux drops due to circumstellar dust extinction, and (4)~major flux drops, each lasting for a couple of months with a recurrence time, though not exactly periodic, of about two years. The star experiences normal reddening by large grains, i.e., redder when dimmer, but exhibits an unusual "blueing" phenomenon in that the star turns blue near brightness minima. The maximum extinction during relatively short (lasting 50\leq 50~days) events, is proportional to the duration, a consequence of varying clump sizes. For longer events, the extinction is independent of duration, suggestive of a transverse string distribution of clumps. Polarization monitoring indicates an optical polarization varying 3%\sim3\%--8%\%, with the level anticorrelated with the slow brightness change. Temporal variation of the unpolarized and polarized light sets constraints on the size and orbital distance of the circumstellar clumps in the interplay with the young star and scattering envelope. These transiting clumps are edge-on manifestations of the ring- or spiral-like structures found recently in young stars with imaging in infrared of scattered light, or in submillimeter of thermalized dust emission.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    New Transit Observations for HAT-P-30 b, HAT-P-37 b, TrES-5 b, WASP-28 b, WASP-36 b and WASP-39 b

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    We present new transit light curves for planets in six extrasolar planetary systems. They were acquired with 0.4–2.2 m telescopes located in west Asia, Europe, and South America. When combined with literature data, they allowed us to redetermine system parameters in a homogeneous way. Our results for individual systems are in agreement with values reported in previous studies. We refined transit ephemerides and reduced uncertainties of orbital periods by a factor between 2 and 7. No sign of any variations in transit times was detected for the planets studied.Fil: Maciejewski, G.. Nicolaus Copernicus University; PoloniaFil: Dimitrov, D.. Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences; BulgariaFil: Mancini, L.. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy; Alemania. Osservatorio Astrofisico Di Torino; Italia. Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica; ItaliaFil: Southworth, J.. Keele University; Reino UnidoFil: Ciceri, S.. Max Planck Institute For Astronomy; AlemaniaFil: D'Ago, G.. Istituto Internazionale per gli Alti Studi ; ItaliaFil: Bruni, I.. Osservatorio Astrofisico di Bologna; Italia. Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica; ItaliaFil: Raetz, St.. Universitat Erlangen-nurmberg. Astronomisches Institut-dr. Karl Remeis-sternwarte & Ecap; Alemania. European Space Agency; Países BajosFil: Nowak, G.. Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias; España. Nicolaus Copernicus University; Polonia. Universidad de La Laguna; EspañaFil: Ohlert, J.. University of Applied Sciences; Alemania. Michael Adrian Observatorium; AlemaniaFil: Puchalski, D.. Nicolaus Copernicus University; PoloniaFil: Saral, G.. Istanbul University; Turquía. University Of Geneva (ug);Fil: Derman, E.. Ankara University; TurquíaFil: Petrucci, Romina Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Jofré, E.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Seeliger, M.. Universitat Erlangen-nurmberg. Astronomisches Institut-dr. Karl Remeis-sternwarte & Ecap; AlemaniaFil: Henning, T.. Max Planck Institute for Astronomy; Alemani