8 research outputs found

    Survey of Background Ionization Radiation Level in Some Selected Automobile Mechanic Workshops in Uvwie LGA Delta State, Nigeria

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    Environmental radiation measurement was carried out in automobile mechanic workshops in Effurun, Uvwie Local government area of Delta State, Nigeria. An in-situ measurement was done using a well calibrated nuclear radiation meter (Radalert-100) and a geographical positioning system (GPS). The mean background Ionization radiation value in all the automobile mechanic workshops is 0.0167±0.002mR/hr  while the mean Equivalent  Dose Rate value is 1.428±0.002mSv/y. Both the background ionization radiation and equivalent dose rate levels obtained values exceeded the normal world average background ionization radiation (BIR) level of 0.013mR/h and 1.0mSv/y respectively (ICRP, 1999). This study revealed that the automobile mechanic workshops environment may have been impacted, but there is no immediate health implication. However, it will pose some long-term health side effects on the workers, residents and the environment. Keywords: Survey, Ionization, Radiation, Dose, Automobile, Mechanic, Workshop

    Investigation of Seawater Intrusion into Coastal Groundwater Aquifers of Escravos, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    In coastal regimes groundwater aquifers are often vulnerable to saltwater intrusion. Saltwater intrusion is often precipitated by natural hydrodynamic processes and overpumping of groundwater resource. Saltwater intrusion is presumed to have significant effect on quality of groundwater and accountable for lack of access to freshwater in the areas under study. The objective of this study is to use resistivity data obtained from vertical electrical sounding to ascertain the salinity of shallow aquifers, determine depth and thickness of freshwater aquifers. The Schlumberger array configuration was employed in acquisition of data. The maximum and minimum spacing between electrodes (AB/2) ranged from 2m to 250m. Resistivity values ranged from 0.24Ωm to 427Ωm, Values which ranged from 0.2Ωm to 4Ωm was construed to be aquifer saturated with saltwater, brackish water was inferred from resistivity values which vary between 7Ωm and 11Ωm, and clay was assigned to resistivity values that ranged from 17Ωm to 29Ωm. Effect of tide contributes to salinity of shallow aquifer around the seashore area. Aquifers saturated with saltwater are found at the depths of 10.5m, brackish water at 4m to 9m, while freshwater can be located from the depth of 19-46m. The study is able to reveal that groundwater quality has been compromised by intrusion of saltwater. We conclude that there is potential of saltwater intrusion into the freshwater lenses, which may be enhanced in the future by over- development of groundwater. Key words: Escravos, Vertical electrical sounding, Saltwater Intrusion, freshwater lenses, Aquifer, groundwate

    Saltwater Intrusion Appraisal of Shallow Aquifer in Burutu Area of the Western Niger Delta with 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography

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    The area is faced with endemic groundwater quality problems arising from abandoned shallow and deep boreholes. The abandonment of shallow boreholes is presumed to have been caused by saltwater intrusion from the ocean. The objective of this paper is to examine if saltwater is responsible for groundwater degradation associated with shallow groundwater aquifer. To achieve this, a multi-electrodes ABEM SAS 4000 Terrameter was used in the acquisition of 2D electrical resistivity tomography data. Inverse models which estimate actual subsurface geologic resistivity was generated from RES2DINV software and subsequently geologic information were construed from them. The interpretation of the various profiles returned resistivity values which contrasted the existence of saltwater in the pore spaces of groundwater aquifer media in the area under investigation. Resistivity images of values ranged from 2.34Ωm to 70 Ωm where interpreted as clays, greater than 70-90Ωm as fine sand and 90Ωm and above where interpret as medium sand. The evidence revealed by the 2D electrical resistivity tomography investigation combined with geochemistry of groundwater from literature suggested that abandonment of shallow boreholes are probably not related to saltwater intrusion. The study has established that poor groundwater quality being experienced is not caused by saltwater intrusion rather by iron which cannot be separately distinguished from groundwater by resistivity technique. Key Word: 2D electrical resistivity tomography, Burutu, Saltwater intrusion, shallow aquifer, western Niger Delta, groundwater qualit

    Flood Endangered Area Classification Using the K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm

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    Preparing for the uncertainty of life is one aspect of the human existence that cannot be over emphasized. With the growth of technology especially the sophisticated nature of data mining and machine learning algorithms, these uncertainties can be predicted, planned and prepared for using existing variables and computer methodologies. The achievements and accomplishments of big data analytics over the past decade in diverse areas called for its implementation in meteorological and space data. Notably, enhancement of the proper management of life’s uncertainties when they eventually occur. This research work focuses on the classification of areas within the Nigerian Geographical territory that are prone to flood using the K-nearest neighbour Algorithm as a classifier. Data from Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NiMET) on seasonal rainfall prediction and temperature of different stations and cities for over three (3) years (2014-2017) was used as a dataset which was trained and classified with the k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm of machine learning. Results showed that some areas are prone to flood considering the historic data of both rainfall and temperature

    Conceptual Design of a Cybersecurity Resilience Maturity Measurement (CRMM) Framework

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    African countries are at high risk with respect to cybersecurity breaches and are experiencing substantial financial losses. Amongst the top cybersecurity frameworks, many focus on guidelines with respect to detection, protection and response, but few offer formal frameworks for measuring actual cybersecurity resilience. This article presents the conceptual design for a cybersecurity resilience maturity measurement (CRMM) framework to be applied in organisations, notably for critical information infrastructure (CII), as part of cyber risk management treatment. The main thrusts of the framework are to establish, through assessment in terms of quantitative measures, which cybersecurity controls exist in an organisation, how effective and efficient these controls are with respect to cybersecurity resilience, and steps that need to be taken to improve resilience maturity. The CRMM framework we outline is conceptualised as being applicable both pre- and post-cyber attack. Drawing on the NIST cybersecurity framework (NIST CSF) and other relevant frameworks, the CRMM approach conceptualised in this article would be able to depict an organisation's cybersecurity practices and gauge the organisation's cybersecurity maturity at regular intervals. This CRMM approach is grounded in the idea that, by quantifying an organisation's current practices against established baseline security controls and global best practices, the resulting status measurement can provide the appropriate basis for managing cyber risk in a consistent and proportionate fashion. The CRMM framework defines four cybersecurity resilience quadrants (CRQs), which depict four different degrees of organisational preparedness, in terms of both risk and resilience

    Immunoinformatics Studies and Design of a Potential Multi-Epitope Peptide Vaccine to Combat the Fatal Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by parasitic intracellular protozoa of the genus Leishmania. The visceral form of this disease caused by Leishmania donovani continues to constitute a major public health crisis, especially in countries of endemicity. In some cases, it is asymptomatic and comes with acute and chronic clinical outcomes such as weight loss, pancytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly, and death if left untreated. Over the years, the treatment of VL has relied solely on chemotherapeutic agents, but unfortunately, these drugs are now faced with challenges. Despite all efforts, no successful vaccine has been approved for VL. This could be as a result of limited knowledge/understanding of the immune mechanisms necessary to regulate parasite growth. Using a computational approach, this study explored the prospect of harnessing the properties of a disulfide isomerase protein of L. donovani amastigotses to develop a multi-epitope subunit vaccine candidate against the parasite. We designed a 248-amino acid multi-epitope vaccine with a predicted antigenicity probability of 0.897372. Analyses of immunogenicity, allergenicity, and multiple physiochemical parameters indicated that the constructed vaccine candidate was stable, non-allergenic, and immunogenic, making it compatible with humans and hence, a potentially viable and safe vaccine candidate against Leishmania spp. Parasites

    A Mathematical Model of Political Rumour in Assakio Community with Conditional Latent Period in a Varying Population

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    In this paper a rumour propagation model with conditional latent period and varying population is considered. In the literature, classical model assume that an ignorant individual enters the latent period and decide whether to become a spreader or stifler. In our model we introduce a new compartment called the blackmailers, another type of spreaders who spread the rumour for selfish reason. The model equations are first transformed into proportions, thus reducing the model equations from five to four differential equations. The model exhibit two equilibra, namely the Rumour Free Equilibrium (RFE) and the Rumour Endemic Equilibrium (REE). Using the method of linearized stability, we establish that the RFE state exist and is locally asymptomatically stable when R0 < 1  and that when R0 > 1 the endemic state exist. The model allows us to discuss the relationship between spreaders and blackmailers, and the effect of blackmailers on the stiflers. Finally, we present numerical simulations that show the impact of political motivated rumours and how its control can be achieved. Keywords: Rumor propagation, Political motivated rumour, Epidemiological models; stability analysis, Transition paramete

    Concentrations of TENORMs in the petroleum industry and their environmental and health effects

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