190 research outputs found

    Historicising African Contributions to the Emancipation Movement: The Haitian Revolution, 1791-1805

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    The Haitian Revolution was the first incidence of mass emancipation in a colonial society and the only slave revolt that resulted in the formation of a modern state. However, existing canonical works on this revolution have largely concentrated on providing a central symbiotic relationship between the slave revolt and the broader changes in the Atlantic World during the 18th century. It has even been widely assumed that the Haitian Revolution was intellectually inspired by Western cultural values. Indeed, the Yoruba slave, Dutty Boukman, who ignited the revolution has been reduced to a mere footnote in the body of the prevailing Western-biased Haitian hegemonic historiography. This paper argues that the revolution, which was historically rooted in a legendary Yoruba tradition that abhors injustice, corruption and oppression, represents the very best of Yoruba’s cultural attainment in the Diaspora. The study further ‘resurrects’ the monumental contributions of Dutty Bookman to the outbreak of the revolution and underscores the fact that the Yoruba god of Ogun was the most portent rallying force that drove the revolution. Thus, the paper situates the cultural roots of the Haitian Revolution in its proper historical perspective and challenges one of the prevailing stereotypes about the “meagre” contributions of enslaved Africans to the emancipation of African slaves. The study, therefore, represents a major revision of the current historiography on the emancipation movement, and further highlights the methodological challenges of reconstructing the history of the slave trade in the Diaspora

    The Domestic Democratic Peace in the Middle East

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    The democratic peace theory has two complementary variants regarding intrastate conflicts: the “democratic civil peace” thesis sees democratic regimes as pacifying internal tensions; the “anocratic war” thesis submits that due to nationalism, democratizing regimes breed internal violence. This paper statistically tests the two propositions in the context of the contemporary Middle East and North Africa (MENA). We show that a MENA democracy makes a country more prone to both the onset and incidence of civil war, even if democracy is controlled for, and that the more democratic a MENA state is, the more likely it is to experience violent intrastate strife. Interestingly, anocracies do not seem to be predisposed to civil war, either worldwide or in MENA. Looking for causality beyond correlation, we suggest that “democratizing nationalism” might be a long-term prerequisite for peace and democracy, not just an immediate hindrance. We also advise complementing current research on intrastate and interstate clashes with the study of intercommunal conflicts and the democratic features of non-state polities


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    ABSTRAK Ogen Gunawan 2019, Survei Status Gizi,Daya Tahan Kardiovaskuler dan keterampilan bermain futsal pada club Geral FC Makassar. Pembimbing I: Benny Badaru dan Pembimbing II: Hasbunallah AS Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaiman status gizi,daya tahan dan kardiovaskuler terhadap keterampilan bermain futsal pada pemain Geral FC Makassar. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif Status gizi,daya tahan dan keterampilan bermain futsal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pemain Club futsal Geral Fc dengan jumlah sampel 20 pemain dan pengambilan sampel yaitu mengunakan total sampling atau teknik pengambilan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan deskriptif presentase. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa data status gizi dengan daya tahan kardiovaskuler terhadap keterampilan bermain futsal pada Club Geral fc Makassar.berdasarkan klasifikasi IMT: Rendah 7orang = 30%, Standar 11 orang = 60%,Kegemukan 2 orang = 10%, Obesitas 0 orang = 0%, Status gizi diperoleh total nilai rata-rata (mean) 21.51, data minimal 17.91, data maksimal 26.79, dengan range 87.88 dan standar deviasi 2.42 sedangkan klarifikasi daya tahan kardiovaskuler: kategori kemampuan Vo2Max Rendah sekali 1 orang, kurang 6 orang, baik 12 orang dan baik sekali 1 orang, diperoleh total nilai rata-rata (mean) 45.37, data minimal 39.55, data maksimal 57.10 dengan range 17.55 dan standar deviasi 4,25. Kemudian hasil analisis data bermain futsal dapat diketaui bahwa tingkat keterampilan sebanyak 0 orang (0%) dinyatakan baik sekali, 3 orang (15%) dinyatakan Baik, 10 orang (50%) dinyatakan Cukup, 5 orang (25%) dinyatakan Kurang dan 2 orang (10%) dinyatakan Kurang sekali, diperroleh total nilai rata-rata terendah (minimum) 60, skor tertinggi (maksimum) 101, rerata (mean) 65.50, standar deviasi (SD) 9.76 Kata kunci : Gizi, daya tahan kardiovaskuler, keterampilan futsal

    Ectozoochory by hares (Lepus Crawshayi) in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

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    Volume: 7


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    Tujuan utama dari pelayanan publik adalah kepuasan masyarakat. Kepuasan ini dapat terwujud apabila pelayanan yang diberikan sesuai dengan standar pelayanan yang ditetapkan atau lebih baik dari standar pelayanan tersebut.Di Pemerintah Kecamatan Pasar Muara Bungo pelayanan masih terkesan lambat karena membutuhkan waktu sampai dua minggu untuk penyelesaian surat-surat yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat.Sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat terhadap pelayanan dari Kantor Kecamatan Pasar Muara Bungo.Jumlah responden penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 100 orang.Tehnik analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat yang dihitung berdasarkan IKM Kemenpan Nomor KEP/25/M.PAN/2/2004. Luaran yang ditargetkan adalah artikel yang akan published di Jurnal Nasional yaitu Jurnal Sosial Humaniora dengan TKT pada level 2. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Indeks Kepuasan masyarakat di Kecamatan Pasar Muara Bungo dikategorikan baik dilihat dari unsur-unsur pelayanan yang nilainya rata-rata 2,46 . Kemudian terdapat dua unsur pelayanan yang dikategorikan sangat baik diantaranya prosedur pelayanan, dan keamanan pelayanan. Namun ada empat unsur yang sering dikeluhkan masyarakat yaitu kedisiplinan petugas pelayanan yang masih kurang baik dan kecepatan pelayanan petugas yang juga masih kurang baik, kurang bertanggung jawab dalam memberikan pelayanan serta kurang adil dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang ada di Kecamatan Pasar Muara Bungo

    Survey and scoping of wildcat priority areas

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    This report summarises the findings of three complementary projects commissioned by SNH to inform the selection of Priority Areas for wildcat conservation; as proposed in the Scottish Wildcat Conservation Action Plan 2013. The scoping projects combined field surveys, taxonomic and genetic assessments, population modelling and a questionnaire survey of public attitudes to wildcat conservation measures. The report makes a recommendations for six wildcat Priority Areas from the nine areas pre-selected by SNH for survey. The sites recommended as Priority Areas all had evidence of cats that were classified as wildcats based on their appearance. However, domestic cats or hybrids (between domestic cats and wildcats) were also found, highlighting the need for conservation actions to reduce the risks they pose to wildcats from hybridisation and disease

    Landscape and Residential Variables Associated with Plague-Endemic Villages in the West Nile Region of Uganda

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    Plague, caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis , is a severe, often fatal disease. This study focuses on the plagueendemic West Nile region of Uganda, where limited information is available regarding environmental and behavioral risk factors associated with plague infection. We conducted observational surveys of 10 randomly selected huts within historically classified case and control villages (four each) two times during the dry season of 2006 ( N = 78 case huts and N = 80 control huts), which immediately preceded a large plague outbreak. By coupling a previously published landscape-level statistical model of plague risk with this observational survey, we were able to identify potential residence-based risk factors for plague associated with huts within historic case or control villages (e.g., distance to neighboring homestead and presence of pigs near the home) and huts within areas previously predicted as elevated risk or low risk (e.g., corn and other annual crops grown near the home, water storage in the home, and processed commercial foods stored in the home). The identified variables are consistent with current ecologic theories on plague transmission dynamics. This preliminary study serves as a foundation for future case control studies in the area

    Did anomalous atmospheric circulation favor the spread of COVID-19 in Europe?

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    The current pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is having negative health, social and economic consequences worldwide. In Europe, the pandemic started to develop strongly at the end of February and beginning of March 2020. Subsequently, it spread over the continent, with special virulence in northern Italy and inland Spain. In this study we show that an unusual persistent anticyclonic situation prevailing in southwestern Europe during February 2020 (i.e. anomalously strong positive phase of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oscillations) could have resulted in favorable conditions, e.g., in terms of air temperature and humidity among other factors, in Italy and Spain for a quicker spread of the virus compared with the rest of the European countries. It seems plausible that the strong atmospheric stability and associated dry conditions that dominated in these regions may have favored the virus propagation, both outdoors and especially indoors, by short-range droplet and aerosol (airborne) transmission, or/and by changing social contact patterns. Later recent atmospheric circulation conditions in Europe (July 2020) and the U.S. (October 2020) seem to support our hypothesis, although further research is needed in order to evaluate other confounding variables. Interestingly, the atmospheric conditions during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918 seem to have resembled at some stage with the current COVID-19 pandemic.A, Sanchez-Lorenzo was supported by a fellowship (RYC-2016–20784) and a project (PID2019-105901RB-I00) funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. Javier Vaquero-Martinez was supported by a predoctoral fellowship (PD18029) from Junta de Extremadura and European Social Fund. J.A. Lopez-Bustins was supported by Climatology Group of the University of Barcelona (2017 SGR 1362, Catalan Government) and the CLICES project (CGL2017-83866-C3-2-R, AEI/FEDER, UE). This research was supported by the Economy and Infrastructure Counselling of the Junta of Extremadura through grant GR18097 (co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund)
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