1,297 research outputs found

    National Income and Expenditure - 1967

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    National Income and Expenditure - 1968

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    National Income and Expenditure - 1969

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    Demographic and health survey

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    "The 2005-2006 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey (2005-06 ZDHS) was implemented by the Central Statistical Office (CSO) from August 2005 to March 2006. The 2005-06 ZDHS is one of a series of surveys undertaken by the CSO as part of the Zimbabwe National Household Survey Capability Programme (ZNHSCP). Macro International Inc. provided technical assistance and funding through the MEASURE DHS project, a USAIDfunded project providing support for the implementation of population and health surveys in countries worldwide. The Ministry of Health and Child Welfare (MOH&CW), the Zimbabwe Family Planning Council (ZNFPC) and the Musasa Project contributed significantly to the design, implementation, and analysis of the ZDHS results. Other agencies and organizations facilitating the successful implementation of the survey through technical and/or financial support include the Government of Zimbabwe, the National Microbiology Reference Laboratory (NMRL), the USAID/Zimbabwe Mission, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID). " - t.p. verso"March 2007."Also available via the World Wide Web.Includes bibliographical references (p. 297-298)

    The impact of a hybrid social marketing intervention on inequities in access, ownership and use of insecticide-treated nets

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    BACKGROUND: An ITN intervention was initiated in three predominantly rural districts of Eastern Province, Zambia, that lacked commercial distribution and communication infrastructures. Social marketing techniques were used for product and message development. Public sector clinics and village-based volunteers promoted and distributed subsidized ITNs priced at $2.5 per net. A study was conducted to assess the effects of the intervention on inequities in knowledge, access, ownership and use of ITNs. METHODS: A post-test only quasi-experimental study design was used to compare intervention and comparison districts. A total of 2,986 respondents were interviewed. Survey respondents were grouped into four socio-economic (SES) categories: low, medium-low, medium and high. Knowledge, access, ownership and use indicators are compared. Concentration index scores are calculated. Interactions between intervention status and SES help determine how different SES groups benefited from the intervention. RESULTS: Although overall use of nets remained relatively low, post-test data show that knowledge, access, ownership and use of mosquito nets was higher in intervention districts. A decline in SES inequity in access to nets occurred in intervention districts, resulting from a disproportionately greater increase in access among the low SES group. Declines in SES inequities in net ownership and use of nets were associated with the intervention. The largest increases in net ownership and use occurred among medium and high SES categories. CONCLUSION: Increasing access to nets among the poorest respondents in rural areas may not lead to increases in net use unless the price of nets is no longer a barrier to their purchase

    Complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities predicts system justification in Poland

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    We investigate the phenomenon of complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities in Poland and its relationship to system justification. Using results from a nationally representative survey we test the hypothesis that complementary stereotypes—according to which ethnic minorities are seen as possessing distinctive, offsetting strengths and weaknesses—would be associated with system justification among Polish majority citizens. For four minorities, results indicated that stereotyping them as (a) low in morality but high in competence or (b) high in morality but low in competence predicted greater system justification. These results suggest that even in a context that is low in support for the status quo, complementary stereotyping of ethnic minorities is linked to system justification processes. For the three minority groups that were lowest in social status, complementary stereotyping was unrelated to system justification. It appears that negative attitude towards these groups can be expressed openly, regardless of one’s degree of system justification

    The Armaments Sector

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    SUMMARY This article argues that the armament sector in Britain contrasts sharply with that in developing countries, where it is an important element in the pattern of dependence. In Britain, the armament sector is indigenous and very advanced. It draws resources, especially scientific and technical talent, away from the civilian economy and contributes to Britain's economic problems. Because the cost of an independent armament base is so high, Britain's armament sector may become more like that in a developing country in the future. The alternative would be a deliberate attempt to reduce military spending and use the resources to stimulate Britain's redevelopment. RESUME Le secteur des armements Cet article soutient que le secteur de l'armement en Grande?Bretagne contraste vivement avec celui des pays en voie de développement, où il représente un élément important de la condition de dépendance. En Grande?Bretagne le secteur de l'armement est indigène et très avancé. Il enlève les ressources, surtout le talent scientifique et technique, à l'économie civile et contribue aux problèmes économiques de la Grande?Bretagne. En raison du coût très élevé d'une base d'armements indépendante, le secteur de l'armement britannique finira peut?être dans l'avenir par s'apparenter davantage à celui d'un pays en voie de développement. L'alternative consisterait en une tentative delibérée de réduire les dépenses militaires et d'utiliser les ressources ainsi dégagées pour stimuler le redéveloppement de la Grande?Bretagne. RESUMEN El sector de los armamentos En este articulo se sostiene que el sector de los armamentos en Gran Bretaña difiere enormemente del que prevalece en los países en vías de desarrollo, donde es un importante elemento de su condición de dependencia. En Gran Bretaña, las armas se fabrican en el país y son muy perfeccionadas. Los recursos de este sector, sobre todo en el aspecto científico y técnico, se sustraen de la economía civil y suscitan en parte los problemas económicos británicos. Por ser tan alto el coste de un sector de armamentos independiente, es posible que Gran Bretaña se parezca más en et futuro a un país en vías de desarrollo. Lo contrario sería una política deliberada de reducir los gastos militares para invertir esos recursos en estimular la recuperación económica