179 research outputs found

    Long-range Aircraft Types in the Civil Air Transport

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    Bakalárska práca je venovaná téme Výber lietadiel pre dlhé trate v civilnej doprave. Tému práce som si vybral vďaka môjmu intenzívnemu záujmu o letectvo a leteckú techniku. V budúcnosti by som sa chcel profesionálne venovať práci v osobnej leteckej doprave. V bakalárskej práci sa venujem základným faktorom, ktoré sa zohžadňujú pri výbere lietadlovej techniky, ako aj samotným lietadlám pre dlhé trate.This bachelors work deals with Long-range Aircraft Types in the Civil Air Transport. I picked out this theme because of my intense interest about aviation a aeronautical technics. In my future professional career I would like to work in civil air transport. In bachelors work I attend to basic factors that affect selection of aeronautical technics, also long-range aircraft itself.

    Report: gender and civil society in Nicaragua

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    The report summarizes up-to-date findings on the interdependency of political regime structures and gender relations in Nicaragua and the current status of the Nicaraguan women’s movement. It sketches the specific situation and status of women in Nicaraguan society and analyzes the challenges that the women’s movement faces as regards the difficult and highly politicized regime context. The report is based on a literature review focusing on recent studies on women and civil society in Nicaragua and complemented by interviews conducted with civil society experts and women’s organization leaders in Nicaragua in the summer of 2013.<br

    Technical and operational comparison of aerotaxi aircraft

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    Diplomová práca je venovaná téme Technicko-prevádzkové porovnanie lietadiel pre dopravu aerotaxi. Tému práce som si vybral vďaka spoločnosti SkyService, ktorá sa v budúcnosti plánuje zamerať práve na túto formu dopravy. V diplomovej práci sa venujem základným faktorom, ktoré sú potrebné pre výber vhodného lietadla a výpočet ekonomických a prevádzkových charakteristík .This diploma work deals with Technical and operational comparison of aerotaxi aircraft. I picked out this theme because of SkyService company, which plans to locate upon this form of transportation. In diploma work I attend to basic factors that affect selection of aeronautical technics, also economics and technical calculation

    TypeScript Client Application Generation

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    Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je návrh a vývoj nástroja pre zjednodušenie a zefektívnenie vývoja webových aplikácií. Výsledné riešenie automaticky generuje základnú štruktúru webovej aplikácie z dokumentácie popisujúcej aplikačné rozhranie serveru. Nástroj podporuje dokumentačné štandardy OpenAPI a WADL. Riešenie umožňuje generovať základnú štruktúru pre framework Angular alebo knižnicu Axios.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to design and develop a tool for simplifying and enhancing the development of web applications. The resulting solution automatically generates the basic web application structure from the documentation of the server's application interface. The tool supports the OpenAPI and WADL documentation standards. It enables the generation of the basic structure for the Angular framework or Axios library.

    Alles verändert sich, damit es bleibt wie es ist!:erste Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt "Geschlechterverhältnisse in autoritären und hybriden Regimen" am Fallbeispiel Nicaragua

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    Trotz weltweiter Demokratisierungsprozesse gehören autokratische und hybride Regierungssysteme nach wie vor zur politischen Realität. So werden aktuell ein Viertel aller Staaten und ein Drittel der Weltbevölkerung in Form von Monarchien, Präsidialautokratien, Familienautokratien, Militärjuntas sowie semi-demokratischen Systemen entweder autoritär oder begrenzt bzw. defizitär demokratisch regiert. Die Rolle von Geschlechterverhältnissen und die Bedeutung dieser Entwicklungen für die politische, soziale und ökonomische Stellung von Frauen, ist bisher von den Sozialwissenschaften nicht systematisch in den Blick genommen worden. Diesem Forschungsdesiderat widmet sich das Projekt „Geschlechterverhältnisse in autoritären und hybriden Regimen“ des Zentrums für Europäische Geschlechterstudien (ZEUGS) der Universität Münster. Der Journalartikel „Alles verändert sich, damit es bleibt, wie es ist“ fasst die ersten vielversprechenden Forschungsergebnisse sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch am Beispiel der Zivilgesellschaft in Nicaragua zusammen

    A Candidate Gene-Based Association Study of Tocopherol Content and Composition in Rapeseed (Brassica napus)

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    Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is the most important oil crop of temperate climates. Rapeseed oil contains tocopherols, also known as vitamin E, which is an indispensable nutrient for humans and animals due to its antioxidant and radical scavenging abilities. Moreover, tocopherols are also important for the oxidative stability of vegetable oils. Therefore, seed oil with increased tocopherol content or altered tocopherol composition is a target for breeding. We investigated the role of nucleotide variations within candidate genes from the tocopherol biosynthesis pathway. Field trials were carried out with 229 accessions from a worldwide B. napus collection which was divided into two panels of 96 and 133 accessions. Seed tocopherol content and composition were measured by HPLC. High heritabilities were found for both traits, ranging from 0.62 to 0.94. We identified polymorphisms by sequencing selected regions of the tocopherol genes from the 96 accession panel. Subsequently, we determined the population structure (Q) and relative kinship (K) as detected by genotyping with genome-wide distributed SSR markers. Association studies were performed using two models, the structure-based GLM + Q and the PK-mixed model. Between 26 and 12 polymorphisms within two genes (BnaX.VTE3.a, BnaA.PDS1.c) were significantly associated with tocopherol traits. The SNPs explained up to 16.93% of the genetic variance for tocopherol composition and up to 10.48% for total tocopherol content. Based on the sequence information we designed CAPS markers for genotyping the 133 accessions from the second panel. Significant associations with various tocopherol traits confirmed the results from the first experiment. We demonstrate that the polymorphisms within the tocopherol genes clearly impact tocopherol content and composition in B. napus seeds. We suggest that these nucleotide variations may be used as selectable markers for breeding rapeseed with enhanced tocopherol quality

    A Detailed Analysis of the BR1 Locus Suggests a New Mechanism for Bolting after Winter in Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

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    Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) is a biennial, sucrose-storing plant, which is mainly cultivated as a spring crop and harvested in the vegetative stage before winter. For increasing beet yield, over-winter cultivation would be advantageous. However, bolting is induced after winter and drastically reduces yield. Thus, post-winter bolting control is essential for winter beet cultivation. To identify genetic factors controlling bolting after winter, a F2 population was previously developed by crossing the sugar beet accessions BETA 1773 with reduced bolting tendency and 93161P with complete bolting after winter. For a mapping-by-sequencing analysis, pools of 26 bolting-resistant and 297 bolting F2 plants were used. Thereby, a single continuous homozygous region of 103 kb was co-localized to the previously published BR1 QTL for post-winter bolting resistance (Pfeiffer et al., 2014). The BR1 locus was narrowed down to 11 candidate genes from which a homolog of the Arabidopsis CLEAVAGE AND POLYADENYLATION SPECIFICITY FACTOR 73-I (CPSF73-I) was identified as the most promising candidate. A 2 bp deletion within the BETA 1773 allele of BvCPSF73-Ia results in a truncated protein. However, the null allele of BvCPSF73-Ia might partially be compensated by a second BvCPSF73-Ib gene. This gene is located 954 bp upstream of BvCPSF73-Ia and could be responsible for the incomplete penetrance of the post-winter bolting resistance allele of BETA 1773. This result is an important milestone for breeding winter beets with complete bolting resistance after winter

    Clostridium difficile infection in Polish pediatric outpatients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    The prevalence of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is still not sufficiently recognized. We assessed the prevalence of CDI and recurrences in outpatients with IBD. In addition, the influence of IBD therapy on CDI and antimicrobial susceptibility of the potentially causative C. difficile strains was assessed. This was a prospective, single-center, observational study. All specimens were obtained between January 2005 and January 2007 from the IBD outpatient service and screened for C. difficile and its toxins. C. difficile isolates were genotyped by PCR ribotyping. Diagnosis of Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) was based on Porto criteria. Severity of disease was assessed using the Hyams scale (for Crohn’s disease) and the Truelove–Witts scale (for ulcerative colitis). One hundred and forty-three fecal samples from 58 pediatric IBD patients (21 with Crohn’s disease and 37 with ulcerative colitis) were screened. The risk of C. difficile infection was 60% and was independent of disease type (CD or UC) (χ2 = 2.5821, df = 3, p = 0.4606). About 17% of pediatric IBD patients experienced a recurrence of CDI. All C. difficile strains were susceptible to metronidazole, vancomycin and rifampin. A high prevalence of C. difficile infection and recurrences in pediatric outpatients with IBD was observed, independent of disease type. There was no significant correlation between C. difficile infection and IBD therapy. PCR ribotyping revealed C. difficile re-infection and relapses during episodes of IBD in pediatric outpatients