28 research outputs found

    Cum iam fulua cinis fuero: sobre la estatura poética de C. Licinio Calvo

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    [spa] En el presente artículo pretendemos valorar la faceta poética de C. Licinio Calvo a través de los diferentes testimonios que nos ha legado la Antigüedad y de la comparación con otras figuras paralelas consideradas relevantes para entender su propia carrera poética, sin dejar de lado las aproximaciones anteriores de la crítica moderna. De todo ello concluimos que algunos autores antiguos que nos hablan de Calvo como poeta se remontan en última instancia a la información que ofrece Catulo en sus poemas y que su obra poética era más bien desconocida ya de antiguo. Una notable excepción parece ser su epilio, algunos de cuyos ecos encontramos en obras de primer orden, como las de Virgilio u Ovidio, y en el que marcó un camino propio respecto a las propuestas de Catulo, con el que siempre se le comparaba por su otra obra dedicada a Quintilia. [eng] The aim of this paper is to consider C. Licinius Calvus' poetic facet in view of ancient testimonies and the comparison with other parallel personalities in order to understand his own poetic career. Early approaches of modern criticism will be also taken into account. Our conclusion is that some ancient authors who allude to Calvus as a poet are indeed referring to Catullus' poems. Furthermore, his own poetic work was not very well-known in the old days. Nevertheless, his epyllion must be considered an exception because of its echoes in works such as those by Virgil and Ovid. It is precisely here where Calvus differed from Catullus' resolutions despite being frequently compared with him in his work devoted to Quintilia

    Phrygian mekas and the recently discovered New Phrygian inscription from Nacoleia

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    The aim of the present paper is to argue for the interpretation of Phrygian mekas as an adjective meaning 'great' and inherited from PIE *méǵ-h2-, taking into account all its testimonies documented in the Phrygian corpus and accepting the theory of a Phrygian Lautverschiebung. Furthermore, through a new reading of the last lines of the recently discovered New Phrygian inscription from Nacoleia, where the accusative μεκαν can be read in agreement with the theonym Τιαν, a new interpretation of the apodosis of the New Phrygian inscription 25 is given. Finally, a comparison of the Phrygian and the Greek forms reveals a common innovation in the presence of the ending -s in the masculine nom. sg. despite the lack of the -λο- suffix in the Phrygian inflection of this word

    The Phrygian god Bas

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    Among the gods identified in the Phrygian corpus, Bas stands out because of the lack of a Greek counterpart..

    The closing formula of the Old Phrygian epitaph B-07 in the light of the Aramaic KAI 318: a case of textual convergence in Daskyleion

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    After an overview of the multilingual epigraphy of Daskyleion during the Achaemenid Period, the paper focuses on the closing formula shared by the Aramaic KAI 318 and the Old Phrygian B-07 epitaphs, which consists of a warning not to harm the funerary monument. Comparison of the two inscriptions sheds light on the cryptic Old Phrygian B-07, the sole Old Phrygian epitaph we know. As the result, the paper provides new Phrygian forms, like the possible first-person singular umno=tan \u2018I adjure you\u2019 and a new occurrence of the Phrygian god Ti- \u2018Zeus\u2019 together with a second possible occurrence of Devos \u2018God\u2019, equated to Bel and Nabu of the Aramaic inscription

    L'origen dels nesònims «balears» Columba i Nura de l'Itinerarium Maritimum (Wess. 511, 3 - 512, 1)

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    [cat] Aquest article pretén donar compte de l'origen dels nesònims Columba i Nura per a Mallorca i Menorca, respectivament, documentats únicament per l'Itinerarium Maritimum (Wess. 511, 3 - 512, 1). Després d'examinar-los per separat i constatar la presència de sengles paral·lels sards, es conclou que en ambdós casos es tracta d'un error relacionat amb les fonts de l'obra de natura diferent a aquesta i que en realitat són els mateixos topònims sards mal ubicats. [eng] The aim of the present papers is to identify the origin of the nesonyms Columba and Nura given to Mallorca and Minorca, correspondingly, only by the Itinerarium Maritimum (Wess. 511, 3 - 512, 1). According to the approach assumed here, they are indeed Sardinian toponyms misplaced from this island, a mistake due to the kind of sources used by this Itinerarium

    Ψερκιοκωμήτης, un etnònim nubi a Pisídia

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    [cat] Encara que Zgusta inclogué Ψερκιοκωμήτης, un etnònim documentat en una de les llistes dels Ξένοι Τεκμορεῖοι de Pisídia (SERP 319,2), en el seu repertori toponímic d'Anatòlia (KON 661 § 1440), la presència del mateix ètnic en una inscripció un poc anterior a Egipte (I.Syr. 76) implica. que s'ha d'identificar amb Pselchis, a Núbia. Conseqüentment, es refusa que Ψερκιοκωμήτης pugui tenir cap relació amb les formes paleofrígies documentades a les inscripcions W‐02 i Dd‐101.[en] Although Zgusta included in his survey of the Anatolian toponyms (KON 661 § 1440) the ethnic Ψερκιοκωμήτης, attested in a list of the Ξένοι Τεκμορεῖοι from Pisidia (SERP 319,2), a second occurrence from Egypt (I.Syr. 76) shows that it may be identified with Pselchis, a city in Nubia. Consequently, any possible relation with Old Phrygian words in W‐02 and Dd‐101 must be excluded

    A Greek reading of the 'Pisidian' inscription N 30

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    In this article, stele N 30 is removed from the Pisidian corpus because it is read as a plain Greek text containing the name of a man, Papas, said to be a gallus. Moreover, the relief of the same stele depicting a figure in woman's clothing is interpreted as being Papas himself

    Translating Horace: Joaquim Garcia i Girona

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    Es presenten diferents caires de les traduccions de Joaquim Garcia i Girona, centrats en la poètica d’Horaci. Algunes odes i epodes apareixen traduïts i publicats al Butlletí de la Societat Castellonenca de Cultura, entre el 1920 i el 1958, a la secció intitulada pel traductor “Del jardí d’Horaci”. La minuciositat i rigor de la traducció, juntament amb les notes complementàries per a la tria del lèxic català adient, ens mostren la seua intuïció i el seu coneixement lingüístic profund tant del llatí com del català.Different aspects of the translations of Joaquim Garcia i Girona are presented, focusing on the poetry of Horace. Some odes and epodes are translated and published in the Butlletí de la Societat Castellonenca de Cultura, between 1920 and 1958, in a section entitled “Del jardí d’Horaci” by the translator. The meticulousness and rigour of the translation, together with the complementary notes for the choice of the appropriate Catalan lexicon, represent his intuition and deep linguistic knowledge of both Latin and Catalan

    Epigraphic novelties from Minorca 1

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    El present treball recull dues inscripcions llatines d’època imperial inèdites trobades a Menorca, i conservades en col·leccions particulars. La primera peça mostra un esgrafiat amb un antropònim púnic en un plat de sigillata itàlica amb segell del taller de Scrofula (CVA-2327), la segona, un bronze de difícil classificació, també presenta un antropònim, C. Fuluius V.Two roman inscriptions from imperial age found in Minorca (Balearic Islands) arepresented for the first time, both are preserved in private collections. The first piece bears a Punic name in an Italic sigillata plate with a stamp from Scrofula’s workshop (CVA-2327). The second one is a bronze artifact not identified and bears another name, C. Fuluius V

    Novetats epigràfiques menorquines II

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    [cat] Continuant amb la publicació d'inscripcions inèdites procedents de Menorca, aquest article en presenta tres. La primera és un petit fragment d'inscripció monumental llatina d'època imperial trobada a Binicalaf. El segon es tracta d'una téssera documentada a Mallorca i amb una disputada inscripció ibèrica o, més probablement, llatina. Finalment, es presenta un segell amfòric originari d'Apúlia amb l'antropònim grec Ἀγάθων en genitiu i que complementa un altre testimoni trobat a la ciutat de València (IGEP 244.6). [eng] The present paper, following the former one, presents three ancient inscriptions from Minorca. The first one is a little fragment of a monumental Latin inscription dated to the Roman Imperial Age and found in Binicalaf. The second one is a tessera previously documented in Mallorca which presents a very dubious Iberian inscription or, more likely, a Latin one. Finally, an amphora with stamp bearing the Greek name Ἀγάθων in the genitive is analysed taking into account another parallel found in Valencia (IGEP 244.6) and their origin is suggested to be Apulian