13 research outputs found

    Ontogenetic trait variation influences tree community assembly across environmental gradients

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    Intraspecific trait variation is hypothesized to influence the relative importance of community assembly mechanisms. However, few studies have explicitly considered how intraspecific trait variation among ontogenetic stages influences community assembly across environmental gradients. Because the relative importance of abiotic and biotic assembly mechanisms can differ among ontogenetic stages within and across environments, ontogenetic trait variation may have an important influence on patterns of functional diversity and inferred assembly mechanisms. We tested the hypothesis that variation in functional diversity across a topo-edaphic gradient differs among ontogenetic stages and that these patterns reflect a shift in the relative importance of different assembly mechanisms. In a temperate forest in the Missouri Ozarks, USA, we compared functional diversity of leaf size and specific leaf area (SLA) of 34 woody plant species at two ontogenetic stages (adults and saplings) to test predictions about how the relative importance of abiotic and biotic filtering changes among adult and sapling communities. Local communities of adults had lower mean SLA and lower functional dispersion of SLA than expected by chance, particularly at the resource-limited end of the topo-edaphic gradient, suggesting an important role for abiotic filtering among co-occurring adults. In contrast, local communities of saplings often had higher functional dispersion of leaf size and SLA than expected by chance regardless of their location along the topo-edaphic gradient, suggesting an important role for biotic filtering among co-occurring saplings. Moreover, the overall strength of trait-environment relationships varied between saplings and adults for both leaf traits, generally resulting in stronger environmental shifts in mean trait values and trait dispersion for adults relative to saplings. Our results illustrate how community assembly mechanisms may shift in their relative importance during ontogeny, leading to variable patterns of functional diversity across environmental gradients. Moreover, our results highlight the importance of integrating ontogeny, an important axis of intraspecific trait variability, into approaches that use plant functional traits to understand community assembly and species coexistence

    Ecological correlates of risk and incidence of West Nile virus in the United States

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    West Nile virus, which was recently introduced to North America, is a mosquito-borne pathogen that infects a wide range of vertebrate hosts, including humans. Several species of birds appear to be the primary reservoir hosts, whereas other bird species, as well as other vertebrate species, can be infected but are less competent reservoirs. One hypothesis regarding the transmission dynamics of West Nile virus suggests that high bird diversity reduces West Nile virus transmission because mosquito blood-meals are distributed across a wide range of bird species, many of which have low reservoir competence. One mechanism by which this hypothesis can operate is that high-diversity bird communities might have lower community-competence, defined as the sum of the product of each species’ abundance and its reservoir competence index value. Additional hypotheses posit that West Nile virus transmission will be reduced when either: (1) abundance of mosquito vectors is low; or (2) human population density is low. We assessed these hypotheses at two spatial scales: a regional scale near Saint Louis, MO, and a national scale (continental USA). We found that prevalence of West Nile virus infection in mosquito vectors and in humans increased with decreasing bird diversity and with increasing reservoir competence of the bird community. Our results suggest that conservation of avian diversity might help ameliorate the current West Nile virus epidemic in the USA

    Heterogeneity of Lycopodium clavatum patches and the distribution and herbivory strategy of Notodontid moth larvae and their Ichneumonid parasites

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    In this study, a novel system in which a notodontid moth larva (Family Notodontidae) uses Lycopodium clavatum (Family Lycopodiaceae), a cosmopotlitainly distributed clubmoss, as a hostplant. The larva and itself is host to no fewer than three parasitoid wasp species, including two ectoparasites, one of which is from the Ichneumonid genus Netelia. Distribution of larvae and damage to reproductive structures by larvae within the L. clavatum population are explained in terms of potential resource preference by the larvae. Larvae do not exhibit any measurable preference for reproductive structures with a given number of stobili, a character known to be associated with different cytotypes of this highly variable plant species. The findings indicate that distribution of larvae and their patterns of herbivory must be explained either using other characters of the host plant, or are due to other factors such as oviposition behavior of parent moths and parasitoids. En este papel se describe un sistema nuevo donde la larva de una polilla de la familia Notodontidae no identificada utiliza Lycopodium clavatum, (Familia Lycopodiaceae), un licopodio que se encuentra por todo el mundo, como planta-anfitrion. La larva propia es anfitrión para tres especies de avispas parasíticas, incluyendo una del género Netelia (Familia Ichneumonidae). La distribución de las larvas y su daño a las estructuras reproductoras de L. clavatum se explica cómo preferencia de las larvas para recursos. Las larvas no prefieren las estructuras reproductoras con numéros de estróbilos diferentes, un carácter que se relaciona con variedades diferentes de esta planta variablisima. Los datos presentados indican que la distribución de las larvas y su herbívoro necesitan otra explicación, como otros caracteres de la planta o el comportamiento de las polillas adultas y los parásitos.https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/tropical_ecology/1485/thumbnail.jp

    Heterogeneity of Lycopodium clavatum patches and the distribution and herbivory strategy of Notodontid moth larvae and their Ichneumonid parasites

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    In this study, a novel system in which a notodontid moth larva (Family Notodontidae) uses Lycopodium clavatum (Family Lycopodiaceae), a cosmopotlitainly distributed clubmoss, as a hostplant. The larva and itself is host to no fewer than three parasitoid wasp species, including two ectoparasites, one of which is from the Ichneumonid genus Netelia. Distribution of larvae and damage to reproductive structures by larvae within the L. clavatum population are explained in terms of potential resource preference by the larvae. Larvae do not exhibit any measurable preference for reproductive structures with a given number of stobili, a character known to be associated with different cytotypes of this highly variable plant species. The findings indicate that distribution of larvae and their patterns of herbivory must be explained either using other characters of the host plant, or are due to other factors such as oviposition behavior of parent moths and parasitoids. En este papel se describe un sistema nuevo donde la larva de una polilla de la familia Notodontidae no identificada utiliza Lycopodium clavatum, (Familia Lycopodiaceae), un licopodio que se encuentra por todo el mundo, como planta-anfitrion. La larva propia es anfitrión para tres especies de avispas parasíticas, incluyendo una del género Netelia (Familia Ichneumonidae). La distribución de las larvas y su daño a las estructuras reproductoras de L. clavatum se explica cómo preferencia de las larvas para recursos. Las larvas no prefieren las estructuras reproductoras con numéros de estróbilos diferentes, un carácter que se relaciona con variedades diferentes de esta planta variablisima. Los datos presentados indican que la distribución de las larvas y su herbívoro necesitan otra explicación, como otros caracteres de la planta o el comportamiento de las polillas adultas y los parásitos.https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/tropical_ecology/1485/thumbnail.jp

    Ontogenetic trait variation influences tree community assembly across environmental gradients

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    Intraspecific trait variation is hypothesized to influence the relative importance of community assembly mechanisms. However, few studies have explicitly considered how intraspecific trait variation among ontogenetic stages influences community assembly across environmental gradients. Because the relative importance of abiotic and biotic assembly mechanisms can differ among ontogenetic stages within and across environments, ontogenetic trait variation may have an important influence on patterns of functional diversity and inferred assembly mechanisms. We tested the hypothesis that variation in functional diversity across a topo-edaphic gradient differs among ontogenetic stages and that these patterns reflect a shift in the relative importance of different assembly mechanisms. In a temperate forest in the Missouri Ozarks, USA, we compared functional diversity of leaf size and specific leaf area (SLA) of 34 woody plant species at two ontogenetic stages (adults and saplings) to test predictions about how the relative importance of abiotic and biotic filtering changes among adult and sapling communities. Local communities of adults had lower mean SLA and lower functional dispersion of SLA than expected by chance, particularly at the resource-limited end of the topo-edaphic gradient, suggesting an important role for abiotic filtering among co-occurring adults. In contrast, local communities of saplings often had higher functional dispersion of leaf size and SLA than expected by chance regardless of their location along the topo-edaphic gradient, suggesting an important role for biotic filtering among co-occurring saplings. Moreover, the overall strength of trait-environment relationships varied between saplings and adults for both leaf traits, generally resulting in stronger environmental shifts in mean trait values and trait dispersion for adults relative to saplings. Our results illustrate how community assembly mechanisms may shift in their relative importance during ontogeny, leading to variable patterns of functional diversity across environmental gradients. Moreover, our results highlight the importance of integrating ontogeny, an important axis of intraspecific trait variability, into approaches that use plant functional traits to understand community assembly and species coexistence

    Data from: Mutualism persistence and abandonment during the evolution of the mycorrhizal symbiosis

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    Mutualistic symbioses with mycorrhizal fungi are widespread in plants. The majority of plant species associate with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. By contrast, the minority associate with ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi, have abandoned the symbiosis and are nonmycorrhizal (NM), or engage in an intermediate, weakly AM symbiosis (AMNM). To understand the processes that maintain the mycorrhizal symbiosis or cause its loss, we reconstructed its evolution using a ∼3,000-species seed plant phylogeny integrated with mycorrhizal state information. Reconstruction indicated that the common ancestor of seed plants most likely associated with AM fungi and that the EM, NM, and AMNM states descended from the AM state. Direct transitions from the AM state to the EM and NM states were infrequent and generally irreversible, implying that natural selection or genetic constraint could promote stasis once a particular state evolved. However, the evolution of the NM state was more frequent via an indirect pathway through the AMNM state, suggesting that weakening of the AM symbiosis is a necessary precursor to mutualism abandonment. Nevertheless, reversions from the AMNM state back to the AM state were an order of magnitude more likely than transitions to the NM state, suggesting that natural selection favors the AM symbiosis over mutualism abandonment

    Mycorrhizal state information for reconstruction of the mycorrhizal symbiosis in seed plants.

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    The data file consists for 4 spreadsheet tabs: Table A1: A list of species records for mycorrhizal state from literature sources. Scrubbed names represent records from the taxonomic name resolution service (TNRS). Citations for each source are provided in the main manuscript. Published records that contained mutiple observations are indicated by multiple state identifiers (i.e., AM AM EM). Table A2: Species level list of mycorrhizal states derived from Table A1. Table A3: For those species that matched the Zanne et al. (2013) phylogeny, the number of literature observations for the state of each species is indicated, along with the consensus state used in the analysis. Table A4: The final list of species matched with the phylogeny, along with the consensus mycorrhizal state

    Dissecting the Effects of Diameter on Wood Decay Emphasizes the Importance of Cross-Stem Conductivity in Fraxinus americana

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    Pest outbreaks are driving tree dieback and major influxes of deadwood into forest ecosystems. Understanding how pulses of deadwood impact the climate system requires understanding which factors influence greenhouse gas production during wood decay. Recent analyses identify stem diameter as an important control, but report effects that vary in magnitude and direction. This complexity may reflect interacting effects of soil contact, geometry and variable tissue properties. To dissect these effects, we implemented a three-way factorial experiment in Fraxinus americana, (white ash), an iconic North American species threatened by an invasive beetle. Soil contact accelerated decay rates by an order of magnitude with an effect that varied with stem diameter, not bark presence. After experimentally controlling surface area-to-volume ratio, half-buried wide stems decayed more slowly than half-buried narrow stems but more quickly than the aggregate decay rate of buried and suspended stems. These results closely matched variation in moisture content within and among samples, suggesting that limited vertical conduction of soil moisture through deadwood mediates the effect of stem diameter on wood decay. Soil contact also influenced greenhouse gas concentrations reinforcing recent evidence that deadwood acts as a source for CO2 and CH4 while acting as a sink for N2O. Our results suggest that managing tree species affected by pest outbreaks, including F. americana, for biomass salvage and greenhouse gas mitigation requires understanding traits that mediate wood permeability and diffusivity to soil moisture and greenhouse gases

    AusTraits: a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora

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    INTRODUCTION AusTraits is a transformative database, containing measurements on the traits of Australia’s plant taxa, standardised from hundreds of disconnected primary sources. So far, data have been assembled from > 250 distinct sources, describing > 400 plant traits and > 26,000 taxa. To handle the harmonising of diverse data sources, we use a reproducible workflow to implement the various changes required for each source to reformat it suitable for incorporation in AusTraits. Such changes include restructuring datasets, renaming variables, changing variable units, changing taxon names. While this repository contains the harmonised data, the raw data and code used to build the resource are also available on the project’s GitHub repository, http://traitecoevo.github.io/austraits.build/. Further information on the project is available in the associated publication and at the project website austraits.org. Falster, Gallagher et al (2021) AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora. Scientific Data 8: 254, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-021-01006-6 CONTRIBUTORS The project is jointly led by Dr Daniel Falster (UNSW Sydney), Dr Rachael Gallagher (Western Sydney University), Dr Elizabeth Wenk (UNSW Sydney), and Dr Hervé Sauquet (Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Sydney), with input from > 300 contributors from over > 100 institutions (see full list above). The project was initiated by Dr Rachael Gallagher and Prof Ian Wright while at Macquarie University. We are grateful to the following institutions for contributing data Australian National Botanic Garden, Brisbane Rainforest Action and Information Network, Kew Botanic Gardens, National Herbarium of NSW, Northern Territory Herbarium, Queensland Herbarium, Western Australian Herbarium, South Australian Herbarium, State Herbarium of South Australia, Tasmanian Herbarium, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria. AusTraits has been supported by investment from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), via their “Transformative data collections” (https://doi.org/10.47486/TD044) and “Data Partnerships” (https://doi.org/10.47486/DP720) programs; fellowship grants from Australian Research Council to Falster (FT160100113), Gallagher (DE170100208) and Wright (FT100100910), a grant from Macquarie University to Gallagher. The ARDC is enabled by National Collaborative Research Investment Strategy (NCRIS). ACCESSING AND USE OF DATA The compiled AusTraits database is released under an open source licence (CC-BY), enabling re-use by the community. A requirement of use is that users cite the AusTraits resource paper, which includes all contributors as co-authors: Falster, Gallagher et al (2021) AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora. Scientific Data 8: 254, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-021-01006-6 In addition, we encourage users you to cite the original data sources, wherever possible. Note that under the license data may be redistributed, provided the attribution is maintained. The downloads below provide the data in two formats: austraits-3.0.2.zip: data in plain text format (.csv, .bib, .yml files). Suitable for anyone, including those using Python. austraits-3.0.2.rds: data as compressed R object. Suitable for users of R (see below). Both objects contain all the data and relevant meta-data. AUSTRAITS R PACKAGE For R users, access and manipulation of data is assisted with the austraits R package. The package can both download data and provides examples and functions for running queries. STRUCTURE OF AUSTRAITS The compiled AusTraits database has the following main components: austraits ├── traits ├── sites ├── contexts ├── methods ├── excluded_data ├── taxanomic_updates ├── taxa ├── definitions ├── contributors ├── sources └── build_info These elements include all the data and contextual information submitted with each contributed datasets. A schema and definitions for the database are given in the file/component definitions, available within the download. The file dictionary.html provides the same information in textual format. Full details on each of these components and columns are contained within the definition. Similar information is available at http://traitecoevo.github.io/austraits.build/articles/Trait_definitions.html and http://traitecoevo.github.io/austraits.build/articles/austraits_database_structure.html. CONTRIBUTING We envision AusTraits as an on-going collaborative community resource that: Increases our collective understanding the Australian flora; and Facilitates accumulation and sharing of trait data; Builds a sense of community among contributors and users; and Aspires to fully transparent and reproducible research of the highest standard. As a community resource, we are very keen for people to contribute. Assembly of the database is managed on GitHub at traitecoevo/austraits.build. Here are some of the ways you can contribute: Reporting Errors: If you notice a possible error in AusTraits, please post an issue on GitHub. Refining documentation: We welcome additions and edits that make using the existing data or adding new data easier for the community. Contributing new data: We gladly accept new data contributions to AusTraits. See full instructions on how to contribute at http://traitecoevo.github.io/austraits.build/articles/contributing_data.html