5,050 research outputs found

    RF-source resistance meters

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    Several embodiments of RF source resistance measuring devices are disclosed. Common to all embodiments in the feature of the inclusion of at least one variable resistor, and a peak readout meter. In one embodiment, two ganged unloaded potentiometers are employed while another embodiment comprises an automaticnulling RF power bridge circuit with a variable rather than a fixed bridge reference resistance. A third embodiment comprises a calorimeter with a varible rather than a fixed resistor, while in another embodiment attenuator pads with variable resistors are employed

    Simplified method for measuring the impedance of RF power sources - A concept

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    Bolometer detector and bridge circuit measure the RF power. A varied bridge reference resistor achieves maximum power transfer allowing the output impedance of the RF source to be determined from the known circuit parameters

    ThermoPhyl : a software tool for selecting phylogenetically optimized conventional and quantitative-PCR taxon-targeted assays for use with complex samples

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    The ability to specifically and sensitively target genotypes of interest is critical for the success of many PCR-based analyses of environmental or clinical samples that contain multiple templates.Next-generation sequence data clearly show that such samples can harbour hundreds to thousands of operational taxonomic units; a richness which precludes the manual evaluation of candidate assay specificity and sensitivity using multiple sequence alignments. To solve this problem we have developed and validated a free software tool which automates the identification of PCR assays targeting specific genotypes in complex samples. ThermoPhyl uses user-defined target and non-target sequence databases to assess the phylogenetic sensitivity and specificity of thermodynamically optimised candidate assays derived from primer design software packages. ThermoPhyl takes its name from its central premise of testing Thermodynamically optimal assays for Phylogenetic specificity and sensitivity and can be used for two primer (traditional PCR) or two primers with an internal probe (e.g. TaqMan® qPCR) applications and potentially for oligonucleotide probes.Here we describe the use of ThermoPhyl for traditional PCR and qPCR assays. PCR assays selected using ThermoPhyl were validated using 454 pyrosequencing of a traditional specific PCR assay and with a set of four genotype-specific qPCR assays applied to estuarine sediment samples

    Tracking performance with two breathing oxygen concentrations after high altitude rapid decompression

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    Current military aircraft Liquid Oxygen (LOX) systems supply 99.5 pct. gaseous Aviator's Breathing Oxygen (ABO) to aircrew. Newer Molecular Sieve Oxygen Generation Systems (MSOGS) supply breathing gas concentration of 93 to 95 pct. O2. The margin is compared of hypoxia protection afforded by ABO and MSOGS breathing gas after a 5 psi differential rapid decompression (RD) in a hypobaric research chamber. The barometric pressures equivalent to the altitudes of 46000, 52000, 56000, and 60000 ft were achieved from respective base altitudes in 1 to 1.5 s decompressions. During each exposure, subjects remained at the simulated peak altitude breathing either 100 or 94 pct. O2 with positive pressure for 60 s, followed by a rapid descent to 40000 ft. Subjects used the Tactical Life Support System (TLSS) for high altitude protection. Subcritical tracking task performance on the Performance Evaluation Device (PED) provided psychomotor test measures. Overall tracking task performance results showed no differences between the MSOGS breathing O2 concentration of 94 pct. and ABO. Significance RMS error differences were found between the ground level and base altitude trials compared to peak altitude trials. The high positive breathing pressures occurring at the peak altitudes explained the differences

    Quantifying simulator discrepancy in discrete-time dynamical simulators

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    When making predictions with complex simulators it can be important to quantify the various sources of uncertainty. Errors in the structural specification of the simulator, for example due to missing processes or incorrect mathematical specification, can be a major source of uncertainty, but are often ignored. We introduce a methodology for inferring the discrepancy between the simulator and the system in discrete-time dynamical simulators. We assume a structural form for the discrepancy function, and show how to infer the maximum likelihood parameter estimates using a particle filter embedded within a Monte Carlo expectation maximization (MCEM) algorithm. We illustrate the method on a conceptual rainfall runoff simulator (logSPM) used to model the Abercrombie catchment in Australia. We assess the simulator and discrepancy model on the basis of their predictive performance using proper scoring rules

    Simulation sample sizes for Monte Carlo partial EVPI calculations

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    Partial expected value of perfect information (EVPI) quantifies the value of removing uncertainty about unknown parameters in a decision model. EVPIs can be computed via Monte Carlo methods. An outer loop samples values of the parameters of interest, and an inner loop samples the remaining parameters from their conditional distribution. This nested Monte Carlo approach can result in biased estimates if small numbers of inner samples are used and can require a large number of model runs for accurate partial EVPI estimates. We present a simple algorithm to estimate the EVPI bias and confidence interval width for a specified number of inner and outer samples. The algorithm uses a relatively small number of model runs (we suggest approximately 600), is quick to compute, and can help determine how many outer and inner iterations are needed for a desired level of accuracy. We test our algorithm using three case studies. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    UR-510 Exploring the Impact of Wavelength in Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring

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    Diabetes and metabolic diseases are some of the most crucial health issues of the 21st century. Monitoring blood glucose, the lead indicator of these diseases is a cumbersome process of constantly drawing blood or using subcutaneous needles. However, new technologies have emerged for non-invasive blood glucose monitoring that uses spectroscopy, which involves emitting light and capturing patient data with cameras. These new devices remove the cost of multiple tests, reduce the risk of skin conditions, and create more patient-friendly solutions. However, the hardware variables of these devices have not been tested thoroughly. One such avenue is via laser wavelength, which substantially affects device performance as different wavelengths interact with skin in varying ways. This study aims to investigate the impact of wavelength on the performance of the team\u27s non-invasive device across different races, genders, and ages of people

    Mitochondria and nuclei move by different mechanisms in Aspergillus nidulans

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from "http://jcb.rupress.org".We have examined the effects of the antimicrotubule agent benomyl and several mutations on nuclear and mitochondrial movement in germlings of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. While, as previously reported, benomyl inhibited nuclear division and movement, it did not inhibit mitochondrial movement. To test the effects of benomyl more rigorously, we germinated two benomyl super-sensitive, beta-tubulin mutants at a benomyl concentration 50-100 times greater than that required to inhibit colony formation completely. Again nuclear division and movement were inhibited, but mitochondrial movement was not. We also examined conditionally lethal beta-tubulin mutations that disrupt microtubule function under restrictive conditions. Nuclear division and movement were inhibited but, again, mitochondrial movement was not. Finally we examined the effects of five heat-sensitive mutations that inhibit nuclear movement but not nuclear division at restrictive temperatures. These mutations strongly inhibited nuclear movement at a restrictive temperature but did not inhibit mitochondrial movement. These data demonstrate that the mechanisms of nuclear and mitochondrial movement in Aspergillus nidulans are not identical and suggest that mitochondrial movement does not require functional microtubules
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