65 research outputs found

    Technologies management by meat beef production: cow-calf

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    The technological evolution in the offspring was notorious and efficient in those systems that used the technology available on economically sustainable bases. However, in most cases, there was a need for long learning and validation of the technology until its recognition and applicability. In this way, little was discussed about costs and economic results and, even more, the systemic impact of each technology. Therefore, over the years, the set of techniques available to production has been mastered with certainty, even though their economic results were unknown, which resulted in disbeliefs about certain strategies for breeding livestock. On the other hand, due to the complexity of the relationships between all the variables that involve the offspring, many technologies produced improvements in intermediate production processes. This does not allow the user to recognize an answer in the total production and, therefore, to doubt or question its applicability. Add to this that it creates, as it is an activity of low biological efficiency and profitability, largely limits the more widespread use of technologies, which in a way does not allow a more intense exchange of information between producers


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    Livestock systems require a thorough analysis of zootechnical and financial indicators. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the bioeconomic performance of feedlot bulls with different genetic groups in 2012 and 2013. The experiment was carried out on a farm in Paragominas, State of Pará. The confined animals belonged to the Nellore (NE), ½ Angus ½ Nellore (AN) and ½ Charolais ½ Nellore (CH) breeds. The indicators analyzed were the cost of production and economic indicators. Additionally, zootechnical indicators were evaluated, being considered NE, AN, and CH as treatments in a completely randomized design. The financial results of the total production cost were R118,493.21in2012,andR 118,493.21 in 2012, and R 111,166.35 in 2013, and the profitability obtained was 11% in 2012 and 8% in 2013. Regarding the zootechnical indicators, the CH genetic group showed superiority (P <0.01) compared to the NE genetic group for the variables initial weight (IW), final weight (FW), weight gain (WG), average daily weight gain (DWG), and carcass yield (CY). The confinement proved to be economically viable, with positive margins and satisfactory profitability, and the CH genetic group had the best indicators and the highest increase in the final revenue of the activity

    Impacto de características fenotípicas e genotípicas no preço de venda de bezerros na fronteira oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    The demand for beef cattle with specific traits is evident from sales in auctions. While purchasing, buyers consider individual traits (e.g., muscularity, frame, racial composition, and weight) as predictors of quality, and adjust their bids according to their preferences. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of phenotypic and racial characteristics in determining the final sale price of calves of beef cattle in official auctions at the western border of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Five-hundred and seven lots of calves sold in calf auctions from five cities on the western border of Rio Grande do Sul were evaluated. The assignment of visual scores was based on their genetic group, frame, muscularity, and coat. Analysis of variance and the Tukey test at 5% significance level were performed for comparing the final average prices. Variables with the greatest impact on price were the genetic group and the size of the animals. Animals of synthetic breeds obtained higher value in the three years studied and animals without racial definition showed considerable devaluation and a decrease in supply. Larger animals had less value.A busca por animais com características específicas é evidenciada na comercialização em leilões, em que, ao analisar os animais, compradores consideram as características individuais (musculosidade, frame, composição racial, peso) como preditor de qualidade e ajustam seus lances conforme suas preferências. Dessa forma, o presente estudo buscou avaliar o impacto de características fenotípicas e de padrão racial na composição do preço final de venda de bezerros comercializados em feiras oficiais na fronteira oeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram avaliados 507 lotes de bezerros comercializados nas feiras de terneiros de cinco municípios da região da Fronteira Oeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para a atribuição de escores visuais, considerou-se grupo genético, frame, musculosidade e pelagem dos animais. Foi realizada a análise de variância e a comparação dos preços finais médios pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. As variáveis de maior impacto no preço foram grupo genético e tamanho dos animais. Animais de raças sintéticas obtiveram valorização superior nos três anos Estudados, considerável desvalorização e queda na oferta de animais sem definição racial. Os menores valores foram atribuídos a animais de tamanho grande


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    This study evaluated the effect of different supplements during winter on the performance of heifers in a native Pampa biome field using deferred grazing and evaluated the economic viability of each treatment. A total of 124 heifers from Brangus and Angus breeds, 18 months old, and with an average weight of 301.6 kg were included in this experiment. The treatments applied were: control with only native grassland, native grassland + 80P mineral salt treatment (MS), native grassland + protein salt treatment (PS), and native grassland + protein/energy salt treatment (PES). Besides the productive, botanical, and bromatological characteristics of the pasture, the average daily gain and the live weight gain per hectare were evaluated. The economic viability of the treatments was evaluated through partial budgeting. Weight loss was observed in all treatments. However, only the PES treatment differed from the others, with an average daily gain of -0.046 kg dia-1 (p value < 0.005). The MS treatment was the best regarding economic viability. Despite that, the smallest weight loss was observed in the PES treatment, which may be a determinant in the development and future performance of heifers. Despite the small net margin, this treatment did not incur additional costs to the system

    Composição bromatológica e pH da silagem de diferentes frações da parte aérea da mandioca tratada com doses crescentes de óxido de cálcio

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a composição bromatológica e pH da silagem de diferentes frações daparte aérea da planta da mandioca tratada com doses crescentes de óxido de cálcio. Utilizouseum delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 × 3, composto de três tiposde silagens confeccionadas de diferentes frações da parte aérea da planta

    Risks associated to different methods of increasing pregnancy rate of cows in cow-calf systems

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    This study assessed the risks of different management practices to increase pregnancy rate in beef cow-calf systems, aiming at assisting decision-making. The perception of 18 experts on animal sciences regarding the risks of 32 nutritional, breeding, and general management practices applied to increase pregnancy rate were evaluated through questionnaires. The experts were selected by a non-probability sampling of researchers on veterinary and animal sciences. In addition, five farmers and eight technical consultants were also selected. The questionnaire was applied during a face-to-face meeting. The risk of each practice was assessed according to four factors, namely, cost, technical knowledge, operational complexity, and flexibility, and an equation was developed to calculate this risk. The applied method allowed to determine the risk of each practice, obtaining results similar to those previously perceived by the experts. Operational complexity and cost had greater influence on the estimated risks compared with the other factors. Moreover, the increase of one unit in operational complexity and cost increased the perceived risk and the estimated risk scores in 0.43 and 0.28 points, respectively. Overall, the application of general management practices presented lower risk score compared with nutritional and breeding practices, which were not different from which other. Equations to estimate the risks of farm managers should routinely apply management practices to increase the efficiency of cow-calf production systems

    Calf rearing profile in agrarian reform settlements in santana of livramento, RS, Brazil

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    In agrarian reform settlements there are obstacles in the rearing of calves; however, the main aspects that cause this obstacle are not known. Thus, the aim of this study was to diagnose the main obstacles in the management of these dairy heifers to target extension actions. For this, semi-structured guided questionnaires were applied to 40 families from 20 settlements. The questionnaire contained questions about the characteristics of the family, property and general management, feeding and sanitation of calves. The data were tabulated in Excel, transformed into variables and studied by means of multivariate analysis of main components after the farms were grouped into clusters according to similarity. The variables that most affected the heifer rearing system in dairy farms in the agrarian reform settlements of Santana do Livramento, RS, Brazil, were related to diet and occurrence of diarrhoea in calves. The 40 farms studied were grouped into six clusters, which differed especially in relation to who was responsible for the management of the heifers inside the property, regarding the infrastructure for the calves, time in milk production and concern regarding the care in the breeding of the calves. Based on these differences between the clusters being correctly identified, the technicians who work in these farms can establish strategies to work with settled families, emphasising the points where the obstacles are known to trigger the survival of heifers that will replace the dairy herds

    Risks associated to different methods of increasing pregnancy rate of cows in cow-calf systems

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    This study assessed the risks of different management practices to increase pregnancy rate in beef cow-calf systems, aiming at assisting decision-making. The perception of 18 experts on animal sciences regarding the risks of 32 nutritional, breeding, and general management practices applied to increase pregnancy rate were evaluated through questionnaires. The experts were selected by a non-probability sampling of researchers on veterinary and animal sciences. In addition, five farmers and eight technical consultants were also selected. The questionnaire was applied during a face-to-face meeting. The risk of each practice was assessed according to four factors, namely, cost, technical knowledge, operational complexity, and flexibility, and an equation was developed to calculate this risk. The applied method allowed to determine the risk of each practice, obtaining results similar to those previously perceived by the experts. Operational complexity and cost had greater influence on the estimated risks compared with the other factors. Moreover, the increase of one unit in operational complexity and cost increased the perceived risk and the estimated risk scores in 0.43 and 0.28 points, respectively. Overall, the application of general management practices presented lower risk score compared with nutritional and breeding practices, which were not different from which other. Equations to estimate the risks of farm managers should routinely apply management practices to increase the efficiency of cow-calf production systems