10 research outputs found


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    Salinity is one of the major stresses especially in arid and semi-arid regions, which severely limites crop production. It is a significant problem affecting agriculture worldwide and is predicted to become a larger problem in the coming decades. This study was conducted to assess the effect of different salinity level (0, 50, 150, 250 mMol of NaCl) on lentil seed germination efficiency (germination, seedling shoot length, seedling root length, seedling fresh shoot weight and seedling fresh root weight). Five Tunisian genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris M) namely: Kef, Siliana, Nefza, Ncir, and Local oueslatia were investigated. Results showed that there were significant differences among the different NaCl solution for all evaluated traits. Indeed, the experiment showed that the concentrations of salt have a negative impact on the germination and growth of lentil. As a result when the concentration of salt increases, the germination, length of root and shoot and fresh weight of root and shoot decreases. At 250 mM salt stress level, seed germination percentage of all genotypes was notably reduced compared with non-stress condition (0.0 mMol). Moreover, the seeds were not germinated by the 250 mM salinity level for kef genotype. From the results of this present investigation, it can be concluded that seeds of Kef and Ncir genotypes were susceptible to higher concentrations of salt solutions in germination stage. However, Siliana, Local oueslatia and Nefza genotypes can be considered as tolerant to salt stress compared to the other ones. These genotypes could be used for further analysis and for hybridization in the breeding program for enhancing lentil cultivation in newly reclaimed soils


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    Salinity is one of the major stresses especially in arid and semi-arid regions, which severely limites crop production. It is a significant problem affecting agriculture worldwide and is predicted to become a larger problem in the coming decades. This study was conducted to assess the effect of different salinity level (0, 50, 150, 250 mMol of NaCl) on lentil seed germination efficiency (germination, seedling shoot length, seedling root length, seedling fresh shoot weight and seedling fresh root weight). Five Tunisian genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris M) namely: Kef, Siliana, Nefza, Ncir, and Local oueslatia were investigated. Results showed that there were significant differences among the different NaCl solution for all evaluated traits. Indeed, the experiment showed that the concentrations of salt have a negative impact on the germination and growth of lentil. As a result when the concentration of salt increases, the germination, length of root and shoot and fresh weight of root and shoot decreases. At 250 mM salt stress level, seed germination percentage of all genotypes was notably reduced compared with non-stress condition (0.0 mMol). Moreover, the seeds were not germinated by the 250 mM salinity level for kef genotype. From the results of this present investigation, it can be concluded that seeds of Kef and Ncir genotypes were susceptible to higher concentrations of salt solutions in germination stage. However, Siliana, Local oueslatia and Nefza genotypes can be considered as tolerant to salt stress compared to the other ones. These genotypes could be used for further analysis and for hybridization in the breeding program for enhancing lentil cultivation in newly reclaimed soils


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    In our previous studies, the genetic diversity among nine Tunisian faba bean (Vicia faba) populations was analysed using isozymes and sequence-specific amplification polymorphism (SSAP) markers. The objectives of this study were to compare the application and utility of isozymes and sequence-specific amplification polymorphism (SSAP) techniques for analysis of genetic diversity among nine Tunisian faba bean (Vicia faba) populations. A high genetic diversity within populations was detected by both isozymes (SOD, 6-PGD, ME, EST, SKDH, FDH and GDH) and (SSAP) markers (PDR1, Tps19 and Tvf4). For all populations, the genetic diversity revealed by SSAP was more pronounced than that detected with isozyme, based on polymorphic profiles. The analyses of correspondance between the tow methodes based in Mantel test revealed a low correlation ( r=0.177). The low correspondance indicated the absence of correlation and therfore the complimentarit

    Genetic diversity of nine faba bean (Vicia faba L.) populations revealed by isozyme markers

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    Seven isozyme systems (Sod, 6-Pgd, Me, Est, Skdh, Fdh and Gdh) representing nine loci were used to study the genetic diversity of nine faba bean populations. Seven loci revealed polymorphic bands and showed the same quaternary structure as that found in several species. They revealed a high number of phenotypes. Indeed, from 3 to 9 phenotypes per locus were investigated in this study. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P = 59.3 %) was higher than that mentioned in the autogamous species (P = 20.3 %) and less than the optimum (P=96 %) indicated for allogamous plants. Total genetic diversity (H T) and within population genetic diversity (H S) were estimated with the isozyme markers. The contribution of among population genetic diversity (D ST) to total genetic diversity was 22%. Enzyme markers pointed out an average inbreeding level for whole population (F IT) and within population (F IS). Within population genetic diversity represents 78% of total diversity. Intra-population genetic diversity (H S = 0.206) was ranged with the respect of allogamous species and was clearly higher than that of among population genetic diversity (D ST = 0.057) indicating an out-crossing predominance in the studied populations. The expected heterozygosity was higher than that observed heterozygosity at the allogamous species was confirmed in this study. Although, the mean estimated gene flow was less than 1(Nm=0.814), the dendrogram based on Nei's genetic distance of the 9 populations using UPGMA method showed some genetic drift between populations. © 2011 The Genetics Society of Korea and Springer Netherlands.Peer Reviewe

    Registration of ‘Krib’ new lentil variety in Tunisia

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    In Tunisia, lentil (Lens culinaris subsp. culinaris Medik.) is cultivated in arid and semi-arid areas. Terminal drought and heat stresses during the end of cycle causes signifcant yield losses. Selec tion of short cycle varieties could be the best option to escape the efect of pre cited abiotic factors. ‘krib’ was developed using both modifed pedigree and bulk methods by INRAT in collaboration with ICARDA. It’s a selection from an advanced F9 line, FLIP2012 196L, which was derived from a cross of ILL590 (early-maturing genotype) with ILL8113 (drought tolerant). During the three consecutive cropping seasons (2014–2017), the increase in yield of ‘krib’ above that of the local checks was about 13 and 15% for ‘kef’ and ‘Boulifa’, respectively. ‘Krib’ is an early fowering (on average~93 d) and early-maturing (on average~138 d) variety. It’s therefore, the earliest variety among the previously released varieties. Its dehulled seed has a protein content of 26.8% which was above that of ‘Kef’ (23.9%). ‘Krib’ showed good agronomic performance under drought conditions and large adaptation for the Tunisian environments. Tested as ILL11171, ‘Krib’ was approved for release and registered in the Tunisian Ofcial Catalogue of Plant Varieties in 2019, based on the superior perfor mance, by the DG/PCQPA, Tunisia. The availability of ‘Krib’ variety to farmers could increase lentil pro duction and ofers the producer aproftable beneft in their cropping systems

    Diseases originate and terminate by genes: unraveling nonviral gene delivery

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