573 research outputs found
Characteristics of the Nigerian low vision population
There are no studies available to describe the epidemiology and causes of low vision in Nigeria and Africa.Aretrospective record review was conducted of low vision patients seen at the 2-weeks-per-month low vision clinic carried out at ECWAEye hospital, Kano, by the Low VISION PROGRAMME between
the periods 1999 to 2004. Records of 1200 patients, age range, 4 month - 92 years seen within the period was reviewed. 70.3% were males, 11.3% were between age range 4 months-14 years; 73.2%, 15-65yrs; 12.8%; 65 yrs and above. The major causes of low vision are glaucoma, 19.8%; followed by
aphakia/unoperatable cataract 28.9% and maculopathy8.8%.Majority of the patients (34%)had their best
corrected Visual Acuity in the range o
Pemanfaatan Alat Permainan Edukatif Media Puzzle Untuk Mengembangkan Kreatifitas Anak Didik Kelompok B pada Tk Islam Maradekya Kota Makassar
Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah pengembagan kreatifitas melalui kegiatan pemanfaatan media puzzle di Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Maradekaya Kota Makassar?. Tujuan adalah untuk mengetahui pengembangan kreatifitas melalui kegiatan pemanfaatan media puzzle di Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Maradekaya Kota Makassar. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yang terdiri dari tahap perencaanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengamatan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah satu orang guru dan 15 anak didik kelompok B6 Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Maradekaya Kota Makassar. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengelompokkan data guru dan anak dalam proses pembelajaran berdasarkan indikator. Hasil penelitian meningkatkan kreativitas anak, dilakukan melalui pemanfaatan alat permainan edukatif media puzzle dalam hal ini anak sudah mampu mengemukakan berbagai alternatif dalam pemecahan masalah sesuai dengan ide-ide yang dimilikinya, anak mampu menghasikan berbagai ide karya yang asli hasil pemikiran sendiri
Trade Unionism and Industrial Democracy in the Rivers State Civil Service System
Industrial democracy is an aspect of industrial relations system that entails a high degree of cooperation between union and management. This labor relations system is reinforced by the offer of a life-long employment which allows workers to feel secured and unthreatened by changes in technology or job characteristics. Within this context, therefore, industrial democracy which results from a process of collective bargaining assumes a mechanism for representing the interests of workers against management. This work is a descriptive survey that sought to determine the impact of labor unions on Industrial Democracy in the Rivers State civil service system. Three hypotheses were formulated in line with the objectives of this study. Data were generated through a structured questionnaire, interviews and observational techniques and analyzed using results from mean scores. Analysis showed that collective bargaining is not always employed in decisions concerning working conditions in the Rivers State civil services system. The second hypothesis justified that management unilaterally decides on issues concerning working conditions in Rivers State civil service system. Analysis of the third hypothesis showed that weakened and fragmented trade unionism inhibits the use of collective bargaining in decisions concerning working conditions in Rivers State civil service system. The study recommends that since working conditions of workers are required by law to be negotiated between employers and employees, enabling mechanism should be put in place for the existing laws to be enforceable, and punishment used/applied where there is breach of law relating to conflict resolution activities. Key Words: Trade, Unionism, Challenges, industrial democracy, collective bargaining
A study on analysis of yield gap in pulses of Nadia district of West Bengal, India
The study on yield gap in pulses (Lentil) of West Bengal revealed that the technology gap is accounted to be 346.23 kg/ha and technology index and the index of realised potential yield are estimated to 22.56 and 77.44 %, respectively. The extension gap and the index of realized potential farm yield are 215.12 kg/ha and 81.9 %, respectively. Lentil cultivation generates a net return of ` 47083.07/ha from an investment of ` 29640.30/ha in experimental field whereas an expenditure accounting ` 23240.76 and ` 18559.71/ha are made in demonstration and actual farmer`s field to realize a net return of ` 36171.44 and ` 30096.79/ha. Although, the most viable alternative crop, rape and mustard has marginal advantage over lentil economically, considering the long term beneficial effects of pulses soil fertility, programmes need to be taken to motivate farmers to allocate more area to pulses. Low productivity and non-availability of quality occupy the first and second position with 82.73 and 71.25 % Garrett`s score constructed based on the perception of sample farmers. Development of improved seeds responsive to modern crop production technology is the most vital for long term solution of the present crisis in pulses, but for the time being, programmes for technology dissemination and adoption through various extension methods is necessary in bridging the extension gap to improve the pulses situation of West Bengal
Unemployment and Youth Restiveness in Rivers State: A Review of Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria
Unemployment is an unwanted social trend and its effects on the aggrieved youth are geared towards crime. This chronic sense of grievance was created by the highly unequal distribution of resources to and within the region exacerbated by negligence on the part of oil multinational companies and government with respect to environmental protection and a failure on the multinational companies to create local employment as well as support local entrepreneurship. This has resulted to the levels of violence driven by criminality, impunity and corruption in the Niger Delta. Despite the attempts made by successive administrations to manage unemployment and youth restiveness in Rivers State, the issue is generating more attention as never before. The social indicators used as a measuring rod of unemployment are crime types that were not existing in the state before now such as kidnapping and hostage taking, pipeline vandalization, youth restiveness to mention a few. To achieve the objectives of this study, Port Harcourt metropolis was divided into four zones namely: Trans-Amadi, Diobu, Borokiri and GRA zones. For easy analyses of data, questionnaire, interview and observational techniques were employed to get the primary data. Three research hypotheses were formulated and questionnaire was developed in line with the research hypotheses and were analysed using z —test of mean based on Likert principle of strongly agreed (SA), Agreed (A), undecided (UD), Strongly Disagreed (SD) and disagreed (D). The researcher recommends that the establishment and funding of skills acquisition centres in all the wards of the state will reduce the pace of violence in Port Harcourt metropolis and Rivers State in general. Keywords: Unemployment, youth restiveness, kidnapping, Hostage taking, pipeline vandalization
Bile Salt Hydrolase Activity of Cholesterol-Lowering Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Indigenous Fermented Foods
The main risk factor for cardiovascular diseases is hypercholesterolaemia (elevated blood cholesterol levels). Many cholesterol-lowering drugs exist, but not without adverse side effects. Consequently, a natural dietary approach with little or no side effects is needed. This study aimed to isolate, characterise and identify probiotic lactic acid bacteria with cholesterol-lowering abilities in vitro and their bile salt hydrolase activity. Fifty-two isolates of lactic acid bacteria were isolated from indigenous fermented food products (ugba, ogi, ogiri, raw cow milk and yoghurt), of which 22 isolates were considered presumptive LAB after Gram staining and biochemical tests. The antimicrobial activity of the isolates was evaluated, and out of 22 LAB isolates, only six showed broad-spectrum antagonistic effects on test bacteria pathogens and good bile and acid tolerance. The six isolates had in vitro cholesterol assimilation between 19.34% and 53.60% and bile salt hydrolase activity between 2.52±0.21 and 6.67±0.21 activity/ml/min. The two most promising LAB isolates were selected based on cholesterol assimilation over 40.0% and bile salt hydrolase activity above 6.00 ml/min. The isolates were identified using API 50 CHL kits and medium and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. After genotypic identification, the two promising LAB isolates were identified as Pediococcus acidilactici MTA463550.1 and Pediococcus acidilactici MN994318.1. These data demonstrated the bile salt hydrolase activity and cholesterol-lowering effects of Pediococcus acidilactici MTA463550.1 and Pediococcus acidilactici MN994318.1. They can, therefore, be used as probiotic supplements in foods to help reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and improve heart health
Dunlopian Industrial-Relations System: A Myth or Heuristic Device?
This paper looks at the industrial-relations system popularized by John Dunlop with a view to answering the poser – “a myth or heuristic device? Attempt is thus made to conceptualise myth and heuristic, and the conclusion drawn from that is that myth hardly depicts the industrial-relations model postulated by Dunlop. It is argued that nonetheless the weaknesses and inadequacies of Dunlopian model; it is still a veritable medium for explicating the nature and dynamics of the phenomenon of industrial relations. Also, the paper holds that Dunlop’s theory laid a foundation for scholarly discourse on employment relationship by actors in industrial relations and the theory still remains relevant till date especially now that its failings are being addressed by neo-Dunlopian thinkers. Key words: Myth, heuristic, industrial relations and industrial-relations system
Ingresos no esperados por recursos naturales: sus efectos en los territorios no-productores
En este documento estudiamos para Colombia el impacto de las regalías recibidas por la explotación de los recursos naturales en la educación. Para ello, analizamos la reforma promulgada en 2012 la cual pasó a distribuir los recursos en forma más equitativa. Antes de la reforma, la mayoría de regalías se asignaban a las regiones en donde se llevaba a cabo la explotación de los recursos naturales; con la reforma, los territorios no-productores comenzaron a recibir parte de estos recursos. Mediante un modelo de diferencia en diferencias, y utilizando el precio internacional del petróleo como instrumento, estimamos el impacto de la reforma en las regiones que más se beneficiaron de estos recursos. Los resultados muestran efectos positivos en el número de matriculados en educación primaria y secundaria, pero no se evidencian resultados concluyentes en los puntajes de las pruebas estandarizadas para ninguno de los niveles.We study the impact of natural resource royalties on educational outcomes in Colombia. We analyze a reform enacted in 2012 that made the distribution of these royalties more equitable. Before the reform, most royalties were assigned to the regions where the natural resources were exploited; with the reform non-producing regions started to receive royalties. We estimate the impact of the reform on regions that most benefited from it, using the international price of oil as an instrument in a difference-in-differences framework. We found positive impacts on enrollment in primary, secondary, and high schools, but no conclusive evidence on academic achievement at any of these levels.Enfoque Analizar el impacto de los ingresos inesperados de las actividades mineras sobre el capital humano requiere tener presente los múltiples canales de transmisión. La literatura ha demostrado ampliamente la relación de la educación con el crecimiento económico y la reducción de la pobreza. Una región productora de minerales que observa un aumento en los precios tendrá impactos en los ingresos de los hogares dedicados a esta actividad, así como en las regalías y en los impuestos locales recibidos por los gobiernos. Si se quiere determinar si el gasto público tiene algún impacto en el capital humano, un experimento ideal consistiría en aumentar el ingreso del gobierno mientras se mantiene constante el ingreso de los hogares. En este estudio aproximamos este experimento analizando el impacto de las regalías en territorios que no son necesariamente productores de hidrocarburos o minerales. Hacemos esto analizando la reforma a las regalías implementada en Colombia en 2012, la cual modificó la manera en que estas eran distribuidas en el país. Desde 1991 eran asignadas en su mayoría a los municipios y departamentos relacionados con la explotación y transporte de los recursos naturales no-renovables. La reforma del 2012 cambió a un sistema más igualitario en donde todos los territorios reciben recursos de regalías. Para la mayoría de los municipios pequeños no-productores esta reforma significó aumentos sustanciales de sus ingresos. Esta reforma es de gran importancia no solo para los territorios sino para la economía como un todo, ya que Colombia produce cantidades significativas de hidrocarburos y minerales, en particular petróleo, gas y carbón. En el ámbito de América Latina, Colombia es el tercer productor de petróleo después de Brasil y México. En el mercado del carbón, el país ocupa el primer lugar en la región y es uno de los mayores productores de este mineral en el mundo. En el caso del gas Colombia ocupa el quinto lugar en producción después de Venezuela, México, Argentina y Brasil. Contribución Este documento contribuye revisando para Colombia el efecto que tuvo la asignación de regalías sobre la educación en los municipios no-productores de recursos naturales no-renovables, ya que son ellos los más proclives a verse afectados por la reforma. Para ello, el análisis utiliza como punto de inflexión la reforma de 2012, año a partir del cual todos los municipios, y no solo los productores, empiezan a recibir parte de las regalías. Lo anterior se lleva a cabo utilizando como variable instrumental el precio internacional del petróleo en una aproximación de diferencia en diferencias. Resultados Con el propósito de entender si los mayores recursos recibidos por parte de los municipios no-productores por concepto de regalías tuvieron algún impacto en el sector educativo, en este trabajo se identificaron efectos en el número de estudiantes matriculados tanto de primaria como de secundaria. Sin embargo, no se encontraron variaciones significativas en los resultados de las pruebas estandarizadas
The success of toilet training for children is determined by the mother's readiness to teach toilet training and children's readiness before learning toilet training. The phenomenon of maternal behavior in toilet training varies, some train children from an early age, some get used to wearing pampers, there are also those who let their children urinate / defecate anywhere. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the role of parents with the ability of toilet training in toddler age children in Genuk Village, West Ungaran District, Semarang district.Correlation design with cross sectional approach. The population of all parents of children aged 1-3 years in Genuk Village, West Ungaran District, Semarang Regency was 671 children. Subjects were 32 mother children. Sampling technique is accidental sampling. The research instrument used a questionnaire and chi square test.Most of the roles of good parents were 25 respondents (78.1%) and less than 7 respondents (21.9%). Most of the ability of toilet training in toddler age children were not able as many as 18 respondents (56.3%) and capable of as many as 14 respondents (43.8%). There was a relationship with the role of parents with the ability to toilet training for toddler aged children in Genuk Subdistrict Ungaran Barat Semarang district with a p value of 0.010 <= 0.05.Parents are expected to play an active role in educating their children to do toilet training so that they can do toilet training early
La pintura dactilar para el fortalecimiento de la lectoescritura en niños y niñas en la vereda San Isidro municipio Timaná- Huila
Apéndice A. Carpeta de evidencias de la práctica https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/svomea_unadvirtual_edu_co/EmrU7B2XF_pHlT0Z4pgmRGMBZXgwJL_P3D0r9w_J7QJ79A?e=SMqpm6La propuesta pedagógica tiene como objetivo fortalecer los procesos de lectoescritura por medio de la pintura dactilar, reconociendo que leer y escribir contribuye significativamente en el desarrollo infantil, siendo importante una adecuada y correcta estimulación del lenguaje. La población objeto de estudio fueron niñas entre las edades de 5 a 8 años pertenecientes de la vereda San Isidro municipio Timaná-Huila. Este estudio adopta un diseño metodológico basado en la investigación-acción, orientado por un enfoque cualitativo. Se detalla el uso del instrumento diario de campo y técnica de observación participante, los cuales fueron fundamentales para una identificación profunda y detallada de la problemática estudiada.
En consecuencia, la propuesta se realizó a partir del análisis en el que las niñas tenían dificultades para aprender y reconocer diferencias entre letras, palabras, les faltaba motivación y a la vez concentración durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Por consiguiente, a partir del diagnóstico y la pregunta problema, se estableció una secuencia didáctica denominada manitas creativas, en la cual se diseñaron tres actividades: "Letras de colores" "Dados mágicos" "Globos de colores". Resaltando que las estrategias utilizadas ejercieron un papel importante para adquisición de conocimientos de las niñas. Para finalizar estas actividades se llevaron a cabo mediante la pintura dactilar con materiales divertidos, potencializando capacidades y fortaleciendo habilidades.The pedagogical proposal aims to strengthen the reading and writing processes through finger painting, recognizing that reading and writing contribute significantly to children's development, being important an adequate and correct stimulation of language. The subject population of the study was girls between the ages of 5 and 8 years old belonging to the San Isidro village of the Timaná-Huila municipality. This study adopts a methodological design based on action research, guided by a qualitative approach. Firstly, it details the use of the field diary as an instrument and the participant observation technique, both of which were fundamental for a deep and detailed identification of the problem under study.
Consequently, the proposal was made based on the analysis in which the girls had difficulties learning and recognizing differences between letters and words, they lacked motivation and at the same time concentration during the teaching-learning process. Therefore, based on the diagnosis and the problem question, a didactic sequence called creative hands was established, in which three activities were designed: "colored letters" "magic dice" "colored balloons." Highlighting that the strategies used played an important role in the girls' acquisition of knowledge. To finish these activities, they were carried out using finger painting with fun materials, enhancing capacities and strengthening skills
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