654 research outputs found

    Plataforma Biblion: rede social de leitores-escritores juniores

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    The present communication reports research taking place within the Doctoral Program in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms, the Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro and the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, entitled Social Network for Readers, Writers Juniors , and interdisciplinary character, involving the areas of Information Science, Communication and Education. The case study is conducted in schools in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, Aveiro, Portugal, and as a tool in empirical phase platform Biblion (www.portal-biblon.com), web space in children's literature that focuses on training social network of readers-writers. The training of readers, in the modern world includes the introduction of digital media activities with the literary text, performed by educational institutions. Once the platform has a central theme Biblon the school community participation, the pertain interaction between users and content production, through various forms of expression. Thus, the Biblon contribute to students' skills to access, use and produce information in social media. Since the study is still ongoing, this opportunity will be given only the initial results of the investigation

    Filme de animação e realidade aumentada. Desenvolvimento de um recurso de aprendizagem para o 2.º ciclo do ensino básico

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    This article describes the process concerning the development and implementation of educational audio-visual technical resources. The resources were developed using stop-motion animation technique and deployed over a Technological Education (TE) textbook byAugmented Reality (AR) technology. These resources, drawn up in accordance with the principles set out in the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (TCAM) were made available for a student sample of the 2nd Cycle of basic education in a northern Portuguese public school.The prototypes were subject of a study in threeparts. The first, according to the Development Research methodology, consisted in the usability evaluation of the prototypes. The second, using the Instructional Material Motivation Survey (IMMS) (Keller 2009) based on ARCS motivation model (Keller 1987) intendto study the impact on the motivation of users.The third, using an experimental design (Kumar 2011), involving control and experimental groups, aims to know the impact on student learning achievements. This article presents the first part of the study. Early results suggest that the audio-visual prototypes implemented in the textbook, are easy to use and to learn complying with general usability parameters, and that the AR technology is mature enough to be used in educational contexts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modernization as an enhancer of access to Justice and of proximity between key actors

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    As claimed by Richard Susskind (2017, 2019), Justice is changing, not only as a necessity, but as consequence of society demands. This paper analyses the way public policies have changed in the last 10 years and how modernization can be perceived both as an enhancer and as a cause of that change, specifically regarding the judicial system. The paper focuses on the interviews conducted with key actors at the level of public policies’ definition, which aimed to understand Portuguese Public Administration in general, and the judicial system particularly. The major results of these interviews led to the conclusion that the judicial system is now at the center of a major development, enabled by the need to adapt to societal transformations and actors’ demands. Also, in what Portugal is concerned, because of the European Union (EU) integration and the adaptation to its goals

    Young Users and the Swipe Logic in Smartphones

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    In a society of quick technological development, coupled with the growing use of smartphones, new habits of interaction and consumption of contents arise, namely, through gestures based on touch. One of these new habits of interaction is the swipe - quick movement done with the thumb. This gesture allows users to make decisions quickly, spontaneously and decisively, which may not only refer to the swipe logic as a technical aspect of interaction, but also to associate it with possible behavioral changes in the interaction with contents. The aim of this study was to understand if this interaction logic is implicit in the young, if they use it regularly, and if it has implications in the way they interact with them. In order to reach this goal, 34 students from the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro were asked to take a test using the eye tracker, where they had to complete the proposed tasks, which could be solved with or without the swipe logic. The results obtained lead to the conclusion that participants with android operating system are not familiar with the swipe logic. On the other hand, the participants with the iOS operating system showed to be familiar with this logic and have used it to complete the tasks that have been proposed. Finally, the results also showed that participants were able to perform tasks more efficiently using this interaction logic

    Sociedade dos fluxos comunicacionais e novos eventos rituais: o caso das redes sociais e dos smart/flash mobs

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    A sociedade contemporânea é marcada pelas comunicações mediadas pelos serviços disponibilizados pela Internet e pelos serviços móveis de comunicação. Neste contexto o conceito de Web 2.0 proliferou como matriz das novas dinâmicas da comunicação on-line, atribuindo à cooperação, à colaboração e ao estabelecimento de relações rizomáticas a essência dos rituais da co-presença no espaço virtual. Com este artigo visa-se reflectir sobre os rituais de interacção no seio das redes sociais on-line e dos designados smart e flash mobs e problematizar se esses rituais de interacção são promotores de comunicação ou se incrementam uma colaboração paradoxal ou (quase)-incomunicação

    Lideranças e inovação em contextos educativos

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    O presente volume surge no contexto das atividades desenvolvidas na especialidade de Liderança Educacional, do Programa de Doutoramento em Educação da Universidade Aberta, apresentando resultados de estudos realizados nesse âmbito e também outros contributos de investigadores que têm analisado as dinâmicas de liderança nas escolas. Começou a ser construído beneficiando do entusiasmo que a Lídia colocou na iniciativa, e tornou-se um dever a sua publicação, após o triste desenlace que a todos surpreendeu. Esta temática constituiu um dos núcleos fundamentais do seu trabalho, e nesse sentido o seu nome estará ligado a alguns dos textos aqui incluídos, perpetuando o seu intenso e dedicado labor pedagógico. Em relação à problemática que o título convoca, de facto, a liderança educacional tem vindo a assumir um protagonismo crescente: presente nos discursos políticos, nas análises transnacionais sobre os sistemas educativos, nos vários olhares sobre o papel da escola e a forma como esta deve encontrar respostas para os múltiplos desafios internos e externos que se lhe colocam diariamente. Os textos aqui apresentados refletem sobre algumas das exigências e dos reptos que a escola vai enfrentando, e como os processos de liderança construídos encontram caminhos diversos para encarar e reagir a problemáticas e situações distintas. A liderança exercida pelos professores e a forma como estes se encaram também enquanto líderes (de topo ou em posições intermédias, ou ainda a liderança pedagógica na sala de aula) merece a atenção de todos os que se movimentam no território da educação. Este livro procura, neste contexto, ser mais um contributo para apoiar o pensamento e a ação nessa área.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hiperconexão: o pensamento na era da canibalização do tempo

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    O texto aborda a problemática do tempo na era da hiperconexão, em que o tempo passado online cresce progressivamente. Em que medida o tempo online consome outras dimensões da temporalidade, nomeadamente, o consumo do tempo com vinculação local, de proximidade, o tempo de fruir o aroma do lugar e das pessoas que estão no contexto de proximidade física. O tempo é simultaneamente o recurso mais estrutural da existência e o recurso mais escasso, que faz dos humanos seres de projeto. Equacionamos o sentido numa linha, que se configura como um segmento de reta, da qual se conhece o início, o nascimento, mas se desconhece o termo (morte). Já por si é um segmento de reta (quase) paradoxal, sabe da sua inexorável finitude, apesar de não ter presente a informação sobre o seu momento final. O texto propõe um conjunto de reflexões sobre paradoxos e ambiguidades do uso social do tempo no contexto contemporâneo da sociedade em rede mediada tecnologicamente

    Engager les personnes âgées dans les équipes intergénérationnels et processus de design participatif: une revue systématique de la recherche actuelle

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    This paper presents the results of a systematic review of the literature (SRL) in the field of Participatory Design (PD), undertaken under the scope of LOCUS – Playful Connected Rural Territories. The project employs an ethnographically, participatory and agile approach to the process of co-designing, developing and evaluating an IoT system to support playful intergenerational engagement in exploring cultural heritage of Portuguese rural territories, by engaging inhabitants, stakeholders and visitors. The SRL aimed to understand how older adults have been integrated and engaged into technology PD teams and processes. This paper focus on the most used methodological approaches and participation methods, along with the challenges in integrating older adults and the strategies to overcome them, which are discussed in the light of project aims. / Cet article présente les résultats d'une revue systématique de la littérature dans le domaine du design participatif, effectuée dans le cadre du Projet LOCUS - Territoires ruraux connectés et ludiques. Le projet utilise une approche ethnographique, participative et agile du processus de co-design, développement et évaluation d'un système d’Internet des objets pour soutenir un engagement intergénérationnel ludique dans l'exploration du patrimoine culturel des territoires ruraux portugais, en impliquant les habitants, les parties prenantes et les visiteurs. La revue systématique de la littérature vise à comprendre comment les personnes âgées ont été intégrées et engagées dans des équipes et des processus de design participatif des technologiques. Cet article se concentre sur les approches méthodologiques et les méthodes de participation les plus utilisées, ainsi que sur les défis de l'intégration des personnes âgées et les stratégies pour les surmonter, qui sont discutés à la lumière des objectifs du projet