595 research outputs found

    Quintessence and cosmic acceleration

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    A cosmological model with perfect fluid and self-interacting quintessence field is considered in the framework of the spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) geometry. By assuming that all physical quantities depend on the volume scale factor of the Universe, the general solution of the gravitational field equations can be expressed in an exact parametric form. The quintessence field is a free parameter. With an appropriate choice of the scalar field a class of exact solutions is obtained, with an exponential type scalar field potential fixed via the gravitational field equations. The general physical behavior of the model is consistent with the recent cosmological scenario favored by supernova Type Ia observations, indicating an accelerated expansion of the Universe.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Density perturbations in Kaluza--Klein theories during a de Sitter phase

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    In the context of Kaluza-Klein theories, we consider a model in which the universe is filled with a perfect fluid described by a barotropic equation of state. An analysis of density perturbations employing the synchronous gauge shows that there are cases where these perturbations have an exponential growth during a de Sitter phase evolution in the external space.Comment: LaTex file, 10 pages. To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Is Random Close Packing of Spheres Well Defined?

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    Despite its long history, there are many fundamental issues concerning random packings of spheres that remain elusive, including a precise definition of random close packing (RCP). We argue that the current picture of RCP cannot be made mathematically precise and support this conclusion via a molecular dynamics study of hard spheres using the Lubachevsky-Stillinger compression algorithm. We suggest that this impasse can be broken by introducing the new concept of a maximally random jammed state, which can be made precise.Comment: 6 pages total, 2 figure

    A smooth bouncing cosmology with scale invariant spectrum

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    We present a bouncing cosmology which evolves from the contracting to the expanding phase in a smooth way, without developing instabilities or pathologies and remaining in the regime of validity of 4d effective field theory. A nearly scale invariant spectrum of perturbations is generated during the contracting phase by an isocurvature scalar with a negative exponential potential and then converted to adiabatic. The model predicts a slightly blue spectrum, n_S >~ 1, no observable gravitational waves and a high (but model dependent) level of non-Gaussianities with local shape. The model represents an explicit and predictive alternative to inflation, although, at present, it is clearly less compelling.Comment: 20 pages, 1 fig. v2: references added, JCAP published versio

    The spherical collapse model in time varying vacuum cosmologies

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    We investigate the virialization of cosmic structures in the framework of flat FLRW cosmological models, in which the vacuum energy density evolves with time. In particular, our analysis focuses on the study of spherical matter perturbations, as they decouple from the background expansion, "turn around" and finally collapse. We generalize the spherical collapse model in the case when the vacuum energy is a running function of the Hubble rate, Λ=Λ(H)\Lambda=\Lambda(H). A particularly well motivated model of this type is the so-called quantum field vacuum, in which Λ(H)\Lambda(H) is a quadratic function, Λ(H)=n0+n2H2\Lambda(H)=n_0+n_2\,H^2, with n00n_0\neq 0. This model was previously studied by our team using the latest high quality cosmological data to constrain its free parameters, as well as the predicted cluster formation rate. It turns out that the corresponding Hubble expansion history resembles that of the traditional Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. We use this Λ(t)\Lambda(t)CDM framework to illustrate the fact that the properties of the spherical collapse model (virial density, collapse factor, etc.) depend on the choice of the considered vacuum energy (homogeneous or clustered). In particular, if the distribution of the vacuum energy is clustered, then, under specific conditions, we can produce more concentrated structures with respect to the homogeneous vacuum energy case.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, minor changes, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A Coherent Study of Emission Lines from Broad-Band Photometry: Specific Star-Formation Rates and [OIII]/H{\beta} Ratio at 3 < z < 6

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    We measure the H{\alpha} and [OIII] emission line properties as well as specific star-formation rates (sSFR) of spectroscopically confirmed 3<z<6 galaxies in COSMOS from their observed colors vs. redshift evolution. Our model describes consistently the ensemble of galaxies including intrinsic properties (age, metallicity, star-formation history), dust-attenuation, and optical emission lines. We forward-model the measured H{\alpha} equivalent-widths (EW) to obtain the sSFR out to z~6 without stellar mass fitting. We find a strongly increasing rest-frame H{\alpha} EW that is flattening off above z~2.5 with average EWs of 300-600A at z~6. The sSFR is increasing proportional to (1+z)^2.4 at z<2.2 and (1+z)^1.5 at higher redshifts, indicative of a fast mass build-up in high-z galaxies within e-folding times of 100-200Myr at z~6. The redshift evolution at z>3 cannot be fully explained in a picture of cold accretion driven growth. We find a progressively increasing [OIII]{\lambda}5007/H{\beta} ratio out to z~6, consistent with the ratios in local galaxies selected by increasing H{\alpha} EW (i.e., sSFR). This demonstrates the potential of using "local high-z analogs" to investigate the spectroscopic properties and relations of galaxies in the re-ionization epoch.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Chiral Quasicrystalline Order and Dodecahedral Geometry in Exceptional Families of Viruses

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    On the example of exceptional families of viruses we i) show the existence of a completely new type of matter organization in nanoparticles, in which the regions with a chiral pentagonal quasicrystalline order of protein positions are arranged in a structure commensurate with the spherical topology and dodecahedral geometry, ii) generalize the classical theory of quasicrystals (QCs) to explain this organization, and iii) establish the relation between local chiral QC order and nonzero curvature of the dodecahedral capsid faces.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Constraints on Cold Dark Matter Accelerating Cosmologies and Cluster Formation

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    We discuss the properties of homogeneous and isotropic flat cosmologies in which the present accelerating stage is powered only by the gravitationally induced creation of cold dark matter (CCDM) particles (Ωm=1\Omega_{m}=1). For some matter creation rates proposed in the literature, we show that the main cosmological functions such as the scale factor of the universe, the Hubble expansion rate, the growth factor and the cluster formation rate are analytically defined. The best CCDM scenario has only one free parameter and our joint analysis involving BAO + CMB + SNe Ia data yields Ω~m=0.28±0.01{\tilde{\Omega}}_{m}= 0.28\pm 0.01 (1σ1\sigma) where Ω~m\tilde{{\Omega}}_{m} is the observed matter density parameter. In particular, this implies that the model has no dark energy but the part of the matter that is effectively clustering is in good agreement with the latest determinations from large scale structure. The growth of perturbation and the formation of galaxy clusters in such scenarios are also investigated. Despite the fact that both scenarios may share the same Hubble expansion, we find that matter creation cosmologies predict stronger small scale dynamics which implies a faster growth rate of perturbations with respect to the usual Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. Such results point to the possibility of a crucial observational test confronting CCDM with Λ\LambdaCDM scenarios trough a more detailed analysis involving CMB, weak lensing, as well as the large scale structure.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication by Physical Rev.

    Bulk Scale Factor at Very Early Universe

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    In this paper we propose a higher dimensional Cosmology based on FRW model and brane-world scenario. We consider the warp factor in the brane-world scenario as a scale factor in 5-dimensional generalized FRW metric, which is called as bulk scale factor, and obtain the evolution of it with space-like and time-like extra dimensions. It is then showed that, additional space-like dimensions can produce exponentially bulk scale factor under repulsive strong gravitational force in the empty universe at a very early stage.Comment: 7 pages, October 201

    Chiral bosons and improper constraints

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    We argue that a consistent quantization of the Floreanini-Jackiw model, as a constrained system, should start by recognizing the improper nature of the constraints. Then each boundary conditon defines a problem which must be treated sparately. The model is settled on a compact domain which allows for a discrete formulation of the dynamics; thus, avoiding the mixing of local with collective coordinates. For periodic boundary conditions the model turns out to be a gauge theory whose gauge invariant sector contains only chiral excitations. For antiperiodoc boundary conditions, the mode is a second-class theory where the excitations are also chiral. In both cases, the equal-time algebra of the quantum energy-momentum densities is a Virasoro algebra. The Poincar\'e symmetry holds for the finite as well as for the infinite domain.Comment: 13 pages, Revtex file, IF.UFRGS Preprin