3,968 research outputs found

    Adversarial attacks hidden in plain sight

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    Convolutional neural networks have been used to achieve a string of successes during recent years, but their lack of interpretability remains a serious issue. Adversarial examples are designed to deliberately fool neural networks into making any desired incorrect classification, potentially with very high certainty. Several defensive approaches increase robustness against adversarial attacks, demanding attacks of greater magnitude, which lead to visible artifacts. By considering human visual perception, we compose a technique that allows to hide such adversarial attacks in regions of high complexity, such that they are imperceptible even to an astute observer. We carry out a user study on classifying adversarially modified images to validate the perceptual quality of our approach and find significant evidence for its concealment with regards to human visual perception

    The Radio Jet Associated with the Multiple V380 Ori System

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    The giant Herbig-Haro object 222 extends over \sim6' in the plane of the sky, with a bow shock morphology. The identification of its exciting source has remained uncertain over the years. A non-thermal radio source located at the core of the shock structure was proposed to be the exciting source. However, Very Large Array studies showed that the radio source has a clear morphology of radio galaxy and a lack of flux variations or proper motions, favoring an extragalactic origin. Recently, an optical-IR study proposed that this giant HH object is driven by the multiple stellar system V380 Ori, located about 23' to the SE of HH 222. The exciting sources of HH systems are usually detected as weak free-free emitters at centimeter wavelengths. Here we report the detection of an elongated radio source associated with the Herbig Be star or with its close infrared companion in the multiple V380 Ori system. This radio source has the characteristics of a thermal radio jet and is aligned with the direction of the giant outflow defined by HH~222 and its suggested counterpart to the SE, HH~1041. We propose that this radio jet traces the origin of the large scale HH outflow. Assuming that the jet arises from the Herbig Be star, the radio luminosity is a few times smaller than the value expected from the radio-bolometric correlation for radio jets, confirming that this is a more evolved object than those used to establish the correlation.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Momentum-driven outflow emission from an O-type YSO: Comparing the radio jet with the molecular outflow

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    Aims: We want to study the physical properties of the ionized jet emission in the vicinity of an O-type young stellar object (YSO), and estimate how efficient is the transfer of energy and momentum from small- to large-scale outflows. Methods: We conducted Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations, at both 22 and 45 GHz, of the compact and faint radio continuum emission in the high-mass star-forming region G023.01-00.41, with an angular resolution between 0.3" and 0.1", and a thermal rms of the order of 10 uJy/beam. Results: We discovered a collimated thermal (bremsstrahlung) jet emission, with a radio luminosity (L_rad) of 24 mJy kpc^2 at 45 GHz, in the inner 1000 AU from an O-type YSO. The radio thermal jet has an opening angle of 44 degrees and brings a momentum rate of 8 10^-3 M_sun yr^-1 km/s. By combining the new data with previous observations of the molecular outflow and water maser shocks, we can trace the outflow emission from its driving source through the molecular clump, across more than two order of magnitude in length (500 AU-0.2 pc). We find that the momentum-transfer efficiency, between the inner jet emission and the extended outflow of entrained ambient gas, is near unity. This result suggests that the large-scale flow is swept-up by the mechanical force of the radio jet emission, which originates in the inner 1000 AU from the high-mass YSO.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Magnetospheres of black hole-neutron star binaries

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    We perform force-free simulations for a neutron star orbiting a black hole, aiming at clarifying the main magnetosphere properties of such binaries towards their innermost stable circular orbits. Several configurations are explored, varying the orbital separation, the individual spins and misalignment angle among the magnetic and orbital axes. We find significant electromagnetic luminosities, L104246[Bpole/1012G]2erg/sL\sim 10^{42-46} \, [B_{\rm pole}/ 10^{12}{\rm G}]^2 \, {\rm erg/s} (depending on the specific setting), primarily powered by the orbital kinetic energy, being about one order of magnitude higher than those expected from unipolar induction. The systems typically develop current sheets that extend to long distances following a spiral arm structure. The intense curvature of the black hole produces extreme bending on a particular set of magnetic field lines as it moves along the orbit, leading to magnetic reconnections in the vicinity of the horizon. For the most symmetric scenario (aligned cases), these reconnection events can release large-scale plasmoids that carry the majority of the Poynting fluxes. On the other hand, for misaligned cases, a larger fraction of the luminosity is instead carried outwards by large-amplitude Alfv{\'e}n waves disturbances. We estimate possible precursor electromagnetic emissions based on our numerical solutions, finding radio signals as the most promising candidates to be detectable within distances of 200\lesssim 200\,Mpc by forthcoming facilities like the Square Kilometer Array

    MPI Collective Operations over IP Multicast

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    Many common implementations of Message Passing Inter- face (MPI) implement collective operations over point-to-point operations. This work examines IP multicast as a framework for collective operations. IP multicast is not reliable. If a receiver is not ready when a message is sent via IP multicast, the message is lost. Two techniques for ensuring that a message is not lost due to a slow receiving process are examined. The techniques are implemented and compared experimentally over both a shared and a switched Fast Ethernet. The average performance of collective operations is improved as a function of the number of participating processes and message size for both networks

    Skylight: a new code for general-relativistic ray-tracing and radiative transfer in arbitrary spacetimes

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    To reproduce the observed spectra and light curves originated in the neighborhood of compact objects requires accurate relativistic ray-tracing codes. In this work, we present Skylight, a new numerical code for general-relativistic ray tracing and radiative transfer in arbitrary space-time geometries and coordinate systems. The code is capable of producing images, spectra, and light curves from astrophysical models of compact objects as seen by distant observers. We incorporate two different schemes, namely Monte Carlo radiative transfer, integrating geodesics from the astrophysical region to distant observers, and camera techniques with backwards integration from the observer to the emission region. The code is validated by successfully passing several test cases, among them: thin accretion disks and neutron star hot spot emission

    Magnetism of NaFePO4 and related polyanionic compounds

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    Magnetic properties of maricite (m) and triphlyte (t) polymorphs of NaFePO4 are investigated by combining ab initio density functional theory with a model Hamiltonian approach, where a realistic Hubbard-type model for magnetic Fe 3d states in NaFePO4 is constructed entirely from first-principles calculations. For these purposes, we perform a comparative study based on the pseudopotential and linear muffin-tin orbital methods while tackling the problem of parasitic non-sphericity of the exchange-correlation potential. Upon calculating the model parameters, magnetic properties are studied by applying the mean-field Hartree-Fock approximation and the theory of superexchange interactions to extract the corresponding interatomic exchange parameters. Despite some differences, the two methods provide a consistent description of the magnetic properties of NaFePO4. On the one hand, our calculations reproduce the correct magnetic ordering for t-NaFePO4 allowing for magnetoelectric effect, and the theoretical values of Néel and Curie-Weiss temperatures are in fair agreement with reported experimental data. Furthermore, we investigate the effect of chemical pressure on magnetic properties by substituting Na with Li and, in turn, we explain how a noncollinear magnetic alignment induced by an external magnetic field leads to magnetoelectric effect in NaFePO4 and other transition-metal phosphates. However, the origin of a magnetic superstructure with q = (1/2, 0, 1/2) observed experimentally in m-NaFePO4 remains puzzling. Instead, we predict that competing exchange interactions can lead to the formation of magnetic superstructures along the shortest orthorhombic c axis of m-NaFePO4, similar to multiferroic manganites. © 2018 the Owner Societies.Oier Arcelus and Javier Carrasco acknowledge the financial support of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain through the project ENE2016-81020-R. The SGI/IZO-SGIker UPV/EHU (Arina cluster), the i2BASQUE academic network, and the Barcelona Supercomputer Center are acknowledged for computational resources. Oier Arcelus acknowledges support by the Basque Government through a PhD grant (Reference No. PRE-2016-1-0044)