586 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Value Parameters Of Acute Phase Reactances Of Infectious-inflammatory Process In Diagnostics Of Early Neonatal Sepsis

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    An advanced progress of clinical neonatology in recent years has enabled to achieve considerable success in newborn management with due respect to both medical treatment and general care, especially in the group of neonates with low body weight at birth. At the same time, neonatal sepsis in the early period still predetermine sickness and mortality of newborns.Material and methods. Clinical-paraclinical indices with detection of diagnostic value of C-reactive protein and interleukins-6 and 8 were evaluated in 100 neonates with available susceptibility factors to early neonatal infection from mother\u27s side and clinical signs of organ dysfunction in neonates with precautions of generalized infectious-inflammatory process at the end of their first day of life.Results. The data obtained substantiate that low concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8 prevail, and therefore the mentioned mediators hardly can be used to verify early neonatal infection. In the majority of children C-reactive protein elevated the concentration of 10.0 mg/L which is traditionally considered to be a discriminant as to the verification of an infectious process in newborns.Conclusions. None of the clinical signs associated with infectious-inflammatory process in newborns in the first two days of their life enabled to verify reliably availability of systemic bacterial infection

    Uniqueness of the gauge invariant action for cosmological perturbations

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    In second order perturbation theory different definitions are known of gauge invariant perturbations in single field inflationary models. Consequently the corresponding gauge invariant cubic actions do not have the same form. Here we show that the cubic action for one choice of gauge invariant variables is unique in the following sense: the action for any other, non-linearly related variable can be brought to the same bulk action, plus additional boundary terms. These boundary terms correspond to the choice of hypersurface and generate extra, disconnected contributions to the bispectrum. We also discuss uniqueness of the action with respect to conformal frames. When expressed in terms of the gauge invariant curvature perturbation on uniform field hypersurfaces the action for cosmological perturbations has a unique form, independent of the original Einstein or Jordan frame. Crucial is that the gauge invariant comoving curvature perturbation is frame independent, which makes it extremely helpful in showing the quantum equivalence of the two frames, and therefore in calculating quantum effects in nonminimally coupled theories such as Higss inflation.Comment: 27 page


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    In terms of clinical- epidemiologic evaluation of effectiveness of monotherapy of childhood bronchial asthma by inhalation corticosteroids, their greater effect has been determined under eosinophilic type of bronchial inflammation, but insufficiency of asthma control in presents of neutrophilic inflammatory process of airways.На основании проведенной клинико-эпидемиологической оценки эффективности монотерапии бронхиальной астмы у детей ингаляционными глюкокортикостероидами отмечено более выраженное их действие при эозинофильном типе воспаления дыхательных путей, но недостаточный уровень контролированности заболевания при нейтрофильном воспалительном ответе бронхов.На підставі проведено клініко-епідеміологічно оцінки результатів монотерапі бронхіально астми у дітей інгаляційними глюкокортикостеро дами відмічено х виразнішу клінічну ефективність при еозинофільному типі запалення дихальних шляхів, проте недостатній рівень контрольованості захворювання при нейтрофільній запальній відповіді бронхів

    Tunneling cosmological state revisited: Origin of inflation with a non-minimally coupled Standard Model Higgs inflaton

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    We suggest a path integral formulation for the tunneling cosmological state, which admits a consistent renormalization and renormalization group (RG) improvement in particle physics applications of quantum cosmology. We apply this formulation to the inflationary cosmology driven by the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson playing the role of an inflaton with a strong non-minimal coupling to gravity. In this way a complete cosmological scenario is obtained, which embraces the formation of initial conditions for the inflationary background in the form of a sharp probability peak in the distribution of the inflaton field and the ongoing generation of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) spectrum on this background. Formation of this probability peak is based on the same RG mechanism which underlies the generation of the CMB spectrum which was recently shown to be compatible with the WMAP data in the Higgs mass range 135.6GeVMH184.5GeV135.6 {\rm GeV} \lesssim M_H\lesssim 184.5 {\rm GeV}. This brings to life a convincing unification of quantum cosmology with the particle phenomenology of the SM, inflation theory, and CMB observations.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, LaTe


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    A complex clinic and spirographic investigation of schoolchildren suffering from exercise-induced bronchial asthma was held depending upon the presence or the absence of genes polymorphism of the enzymes of glutation-S-transferase T1M1 and gene mutation eNOS. The study showed that bronchial asthma physical effort associated with the polymorphism gene glutathione-S-transferase T1 and M1 (GSTT1del/GSTM1del). It is noted that the maximum bronchospasm on physical stress tests occur in children with genotype GSTT1del/GSTM1+, minimum bronhodylation influenced by the inhalation of 200 mcg salbutamol genotype GSTT1+/GSTM1+ and eNOS/GT, which necessitates a relatively active desobstructive therapy during exacerbations, although genotype GSTT1+/GSTM1del associated with the need for the minimum amount of this medication.Проведено комплексное клинико-спирографическое обследование школьников, страдающих бронхиальной астмой физического напряжения, в зависимости от наличия либо отсутствия полиморфизма генов ферментов глутатион S-трансферазы и мутации гена eNOS. Показано, что бронхиальная астма физического напряжения ассоциирует с полиморфизмом генов глутатион-S-трансферазы Т1 и М1 (GSTT1del/GSTM1del). Отмечено, что максимальный бронхоспазм в пробе с физической нагрузкой возникает у детей с генотипом GSTT1del/GSTM1+, минимальная бронходиляция под влиянием ингаляции 200 мкг сальбутамола – при генотипе GSTT1+/GSTM1+ или eNOS/GT, что диктует необходимость относительно активной дезобструктивной терапии во время обострений, хотя генотип GSTT1+/GSTM1del ассоциирует с необходимостью минимального объема этой терапии.Проведено комплексне клінічно-спірографічне обстеження школярів, які хворіють на бронхіальну астму фізичної напруги, залежно від наявності чи відсутності поліморфізму генів ферментів глутатіон-S-трансферази та мутації гена eNOS. Показано, що бронхіальна астма фізичної напруги асоціює з делеціями глутатіон-S-трансферази (GSTT1del/GSTM1del). Виявлено, що максимальний бронхоспазм у пробі з фізичним навантаженням виникає у хворих із генотипом GSTT1del/GSTM1+, мінімальна бронходиляція під впливом інгаляції 200 мкг сальбутамолу – при генотипі GSTT1+/GSTM1+ або eNOS/GT, що зумовлює необхідність відносно активної дезобструктивної терапії під час загострень. Натомість генотип GSTT1+/GSTM1del асоціює з необхідністю мінімального обсягу швидкодопоміжної терапії

    Конституционно-правовой статус Государственного Совета Российской Федерации в зеркале современных конституционных преобразований

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    The subject of research is social relations concerning the constitutional transformation of the State Council of the Russian Federation into the format of a constitutional state body, it’s tasks and functions in the unified system of public power. The aim of the research is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that the Russian State Council is a constitutional state body that ensures the coordinated functioning and interaction of authorities in the unified system of public power.The methodological basis of the research includes historical, comparative legal, formal legal methods, legal modeling and forecasting. The research is based on existing and historical legal acts, materials of judicial practice, as well as on the works of leading national lawyers.The main results, scope of application. The authors substantiate concept of the constitutional status of the Russian State Council as a completely new constitutional state body, formed on the basis of modern national principles of state building, taking into account the existing constitutional practice. Main task of the State Council is exercising the constitutional powers of the Russian President to ensure the coordinated functioning and interaction of public authorities, the definition of the main directions of national and foreign policy of the state. The article provides a critical analysis of the goals, tasks, functions of the Russian State Council, the decisions it makes, as a result of which a number of conflicts in the regulation of its constitutional-legal status are revealed. Some proposals to improve legislation and law enforcement practice aimed at solving of the discovered contradictions are made. Current constitutional of the State Council is a result of the constitutional amendments of 2020 in the Russian Constitution and innovations in the Federal Law on the State Council of the Russian Federation. The authors substantiate the idea that the consolidation of a new constitutional position of the State Council can be considered as a process of forming a completely new state body, designed to ensure the coordinated functioning and interaction of bodies included in the unified public system. A comparative legal analysis of the constitutional legislation on State Councils in foreign countries showed that despite the same name the status and functions of these state institutions differ greatly in different countries, therefore any comparative study of them will be unreliable.Conclusions. The Russian State Council has competence, functions of a state power character, take decisions signed by the President of the Russian Federation and therefore have a generally binding character. So it has the characteristics of a public authority. The Russian State Council is a new constitutional and legal structure - a constitutional state body created in order to implement the constitutional powers of the Russian President to ensure the coordinated functioning and interaction of other bodies (that are part of the unified system of public authority) and to determine the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the state.Cформулирована авторская концепция конституционно-правового статуса Государственного Совета РФ как совершенно нового конституционного государственного органа, образованного на основе современных отечественных принципов государственного строительства с учетом сложившейся конституционной практики и в целях реализации конституционных полномочий Президента РФ по обеспечению согласованного функционирования и взаимодействия органов, входящих в единую систему публичной власти, определению основных направлений внутренней и внешней политики государства. Проведен критический анализ целей, задач, функций Государственного Совета РФ, принимаемых им решений, в результате которого выявлен ряд коллизий в регулировании его конституционно-правового статуса, высказаны предложения по совершенствованию законодательства и правоприменительной практики, направленные на устранение выявленных противоречий


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    At the background of the katamnestic observation the main factors of bronchial asthma forming in children were investigated. It was shown that the risk of the recurrent episodes of the bronchial obstruction doesn’t depend on tactics of the used drugs and the duration of treatment of the first episode of the bronchoabstruction syndrome.На основании проведенного катамнестического исследования изучены основные причины формирования бронхиальной астмы у детей. Показано, что риск повторных эпизодов бронхиальной обструкции не зависит от тактики назначения лечебных препаратов и продолжительности лечения первого эпизода бронхообструктивного синдрома.На підставі проведеного катамнестичного спостереження вивчені основні чинники формування бронхіально астми у дітей. Показано, що ризик повторних епізодів бронхіально обструкці не залежить від тактики призначення лікарських засобів та тривалості лікування першого епізоду бронхообструктивного синдрому

    Inflation and dark matter in two Higgs doublet models

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    We consider the Higgs inflation in the extension of the Standard Model with two Higgs doublets coupled to gravity non-minimally. In the presence of an approximate global U(1) symmetry in the Higgs sector, both radial and angular modes of neutral Higgs bosons drive inflation where large non-Gaussianity is possible from appropriate initial conditions on the angular mode. We also discuss the case with single-field inflation for which the U(1) symmetry is broken to a Z_2 subgroup. We show that inflationary constraints, perturbativity and stability conditions restrict the parameter space of the Higgs quartic couplings at low energy in both multi- and single-field cases. Focusing on the inert doublet models where Z_2 symmetry remains unbroken at low energy, we show that the extra neutral Higgs boson can be a dark matter candidate consistent with the inflationary constraints. The doublet dark matter is always heavy in multi-field inflation while it can be light due to the suppression of the co-annihilation in single-field inflation. The implication of the extra quartic couplings on the vacuum stability bound is also discussed in the light of the recent LHC limits on the Higgs mass.Comment: (v1) 28 pages, 8 figures; (v2) 29 pages, a new subsection 3.3 added, references added and typos corrected, to appear in Journal of High Energy Physic

    Three-loop \beta-functions for top-Yukawa and the Higgs self-interaction in the Standard Model

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    We analytically compute the dominant contributions to the \beta-functions for the top-Yukawa coupling, the strong coupling and the Higgs self-coupling as well as the anomalous dimensions of the scalar, gluon and quark fields in the unbroken phase of the Standard Model at three-loop level. These are mainly the QCD and top-Yukawa corrections. The contributions from the Higgs self-interaction which are negligible for the running of the top-Yukawa and the strong coupling but important for the running of the Higgs self-coupling are also evaluated.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. Few extra citations are added; the plots are improved. Results in computer readable form can be retrieved from http://www-ttp.particle.uni-karlsruhe.de/Progdata/ttp12/ttp12-012