1,421 research outputs found

    Optical alignment and polarization conversion of neutral exciton spin in individual InAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    We investigate exciton spin memory in individual InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots via optical alignment and conversion of exciton polarization in a magnetic field. Quasiresonant phonon-assisted excitation is successfully employed to define the initial spin polarization of neutral excitons. The conservation of the linear polarization generated along the bright exciton eigenaxes of up to 90% and the conversion from circular- to linear polarization of up to 47% both demonstrate a very long spin relaxation time with respect to the radiative lifetime. Results are quantitatively compared with a model of pseudo-spin 1/2 including heavy-to-light hole mixing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    How schlieren affects beam transmissometers and LISST-Deep: an example from the stratified Danube River delta, NW Black Sea

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    The term ‘schlieren’ describes angular deflection of a light ray when it passes through a fluid region characterized by refractive index inhomogeneities. These inhomogeneities in the marine environment are generally caused by density variations, i.e. salinity and temperature anomalies. The influence of schlieren on transmissometers and the in situ particle sizer LISST-Deep of Sequoia Scientific are examined in the Danube delta during October 2007. A seasonal pycnocline driven mainly by an intense temperature gradient was identified as a major hydrological feature. It was associated with high buoyancy frequency values and minor changes of the refractive index of seawater. Measurements of two 25-cm path-length transmissometers (660 nm and 470 nm) showed distinguishable peaks at the pycnocline. LISST also uses a 5-cm transmissometer (670 nm), which proved to be very sensitive in both cases. This is mainly due to its very small acceptance angle, which enables enhanced light scattering outside the lens, thus increasing beam attenuation. Subsequently, LISST falsely predicts abundance of large particles within the pycnoclines. A buoyancy frequency N of 0.01 s-1 is the new proposed threshold for schlieren occurrence

    SleepTransformer: Automatic Sleep Staging with Interpretability and Uncertainty Quantification.

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    BACKGROUND: Black-box skepticism is one of the main hindrances impeding deep-learning-based automatic sleep scoring from being used in clinical environments. METHODS: Towards interpretability, this work proposes a sequence-to-sequence sleep staging model, namely SleepTransformer. It is based on the transformer backbone and offers interpretability of the models decisions at both the epoch and sequence level. We further propose a simple yet efficient method to quantify uncertainty in the models decisions. The method, which is based on entropy, can serve as a metric for deferring low-confidence epochs to a human expert for further inspection. RESULTS: Making sense of the transformers self-attention scores for interpretability, at the epoch level, the attention scores are encoded as a heat map to highlight sleep-relevant features captured from the input EEG signal. At the sequence level, the attention scores are visualized as the influence of different neighboring epochs in an input sequence (i.e. the context) to recognition of a target epoch, mimicking the way manual scoring is done by human experts. CONCLUSION: Additionally, we demonstrate that SleepTransformer performs on par with existing methods on two databases of different sizes. SIGNIFICANCE: Equipped with interpretability and the ability of uncertainty quantification, SleepTransformer holds promise for being integrated into clinical settings

    Formation and Structure of Graphene Waves on Fe(110)

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    A very rich Fe-C phase diagram makes the formation of graphene on iron surfaces a challenging task. Here we demonstrate that the growth of graphene on epitaxial iron films can be realized by chemical vapor deposition at relatively low temperatures, and that the formation of carbides can be avoided in excess of the carbon-containing precursors. The resulting graphene monolayer creates a novel periodically corrugated pattern on Fe(110). Using low-energy electron microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy, we show that it is modulated in one dimension forming long waves with a period of similar to 4 nm parallel to the [001] direction of the substrate, with an additional height modulation along the wave crests. The observed topography of the graphene/Fe superstructure is well reproduced by density functional theory calculations, and found to result from a unique combination of the lattice mismatch and strong interfacial interaction, as probed by core-level photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy

    Channeling of Positrons through Periodically Bent Crystals: on Feasibility of Crystalline Undulator and Gamma-Laser

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    The electromagnetic radiation generated by ultra-relativistic positrons channelling in a crystalline undulator is discussed. The crystalline undulator is a crystal whose planes are bent periodically with the amplitude much larger than the interplanar spacing. Various conditions and criteria to be fulfilled for the crystalline undulator operation are established. Different methods of the crystal bending are described. We present the results of numeric calculations of spectral distributions of the spontaneous radiation emitted in the crystalline undulator and discuss the possibility to create the stimulated emission in such a system in analogy with the free electron laser. A careful literature survey covering the formulation of all essential ideas in this field is given. Our investigation shows that the proposed mechanism provides an efficient source for high energy photons, which is worth to study experimentally.Comment: 52 pages, MikTeX, 14 figure

    National critical incident reporting systems relevant to anaesthesia: a European survey

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    Background Critical incident reporting is a key tool in the promotion of patient safety in anaesthesia. Methods We surveyed representatives of national incident reporting systems in six European countries, inviting information on scope and organization, and intelligence on factors determining success and failure. Results Some systems are government-run and nationally conceived; others started out as small, specialty-focused initiatives, which have since acquired a national reach. However, both national co-ordination and specialty enthusiasts seem to be necessary for an optimally functioning system. The role of reporting culture, definitional issues, and dissemination is discussed. Conclusions We make recommendations for others intending to start new systems and speculate on the prospects for sharing patient safety lessons relevant to anaesthesia at European leve

    VLT/X-shooter spectroscopy of the afterglow of the Swift GRB 130606A: Chemical abundances and reionisation at z6z\sim6

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    The reionisation of the Universe is thought to have ended around z~6, as inferred from spectroscopy of distant bright background sources, such as quasars (QSO) and gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows. Furthermore, spectroscopy of a GRB afterglow provides insight in its host galaxy, which is often too dim and distant to study otherwise. We present the high S/N VLT/X-shooter spectrum of GRB130606A at z=5.913. We aim to measure the degree of ionisation of the IGM between 5.02<z<5.84 and to study the chemical abundance pattern and dust content of its host galaxy. We measured the flux decrement due to absorption at Lyα\alpha, β\beta and γ\gamma wavelength regions. The hydrogen and metal absorption lines formed in the host galaxy were fitted with Voigt profiles to obtain column densities. Our measurements of the Lyα\alpha-forest optical depth are consistent with previous measurements of QSOs, but have a much smaller uncertainty. The analysis of the red damping wing yields a neutral fraction xHI<0.05x_{HI}<0.05 (3σ\sigma). We obtain column density measurements of several elements. The ionisation corrections due to the GRB is estimated to be negligible (<0.03 dex), but larger corrections may apply due to the pre-existing radiation field (up to 0.4 dex based on sub-DLA studies). Our measurements confirm that the Universe is already predominantly ionised over the redshift range probed in this work, but was slightly more neutral at z>5.6. GRBs are useful probes of the ionisation state of the IGM in the early Universe, but because of internal scatter we need a larger statistical sample to draw robust conclusions. The high [Si/Fe] in the host can be due to dust depletion, alpha-element enhancement, or a combination of both. The very high value of [Al/Fe]=2.40+/-0.78 might connected to the stellar population history. We estimate the host metallicity to be -1.7<[M/H]<-0.9 (2%-13% of solar). (trunc.)Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure